Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Istituto di studi per l'integrazione dei sistemi sc"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 MOVE TOGETHER Raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment 2008 1˙014˙941.00 815˙384.00
2 EFONET Energy Foresight Network 2008 1˙334˙405.00 1˙334˙405.00
3 STADIUM Smart Transport Applications Designed for large events with Impacts on Urban Mobility 2009 5˙742˙833.00 3˙599˙964.00
4 PASSO Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Development indicators on good governance from the Civil Society perspective 2009 676˙365.00 597˙360.00
5 CONDUITS Coordination Of Network Descriptors for Urban Intelligent Transportation Systems 2009 1˙018˙512.00 947˙915.00
6 AWARE "How to achieve sustainable water ecosystems management connecting research, people and policy makers in Europe" 2009 1˙807˙709.00 1˙497˙356.00
7 PASHMINA PAradigm SHifts Modelling and INnovative Approaches 2009 3˙323˙673.00 2˙607˙193.00
8 FLAGSHIP Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies 2013 3˙242˙723.00 2˙496˙656.00

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