# | ||||
1 | AFDMATS Anton Francesco Doni – Multimedia Archive Texts and Sources | 2008 | 559˙200.00 | 559˙200.00 |
2 | MCMCLYMAN Markov Chain Monte Carlo reconstruction of the large-scale structure with the Lyman alpha forest | 2008 | 153˙120.00 | 153˙120.00 |
3 | RESMON Resurgent and monogenic functions in dynamical systems and number theory | 2009 | 226˙974.00 | 226˙974.00 |
4 | GEMETHNES Geometric Measure Theory in non-Euclidean spaces | 2010 | 749˙800.00 | 749˙800.00 |
5 | EUROCORR The European correspondence to Jacob Burckhardt | 2010 | 1˙215˙600.00 | 1˙215˙600.00 |
6 | G2 GEOMETRY Aspects of G2 Geometry | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
7 | DIOPHANTINE PROBLEMS "Integral and Algebraic Points on Varieties, Diophantine Problems on Number Fields and Function Fields" | 2011 | 928˙500.00 | 928˙500.00 |
8 | NEMO Nanowire electro-mechanical-optical systems | 2012 | 178˙760.00 | 178˙760.00 |
9 | LOOKINGATWORDS Looking at Words Through Images. Some Case Studies for a Visual History of Italian Literature | 2012 | 1˙376˙200.00 | 1˙376˙200.00 |
10 | DREAMS Development of a Research Environment for Advanced Modelling of Soft matter | 2013 | 2˙152˙600.00 | 2˙152˙600.00 |
11 | PHIBOR Philosophy on the Border of Civilizations and Intellectual Endeavours: Towards a Critical Edition of the Metaphysics (Ilahiyyat of Kitab al-Shifa’) of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) | 2014 | 1˙140˙800.00 | 1˙140˙800.00 |
12 | NEQUFLUX Nonequilibrium quantum fluctuations in superconducting devices | 2014 | 249˙242.00 | 249˙242.00 |
13 | PAINCAGE "The NGF system and its interplay with endocannabinoid signalling, from peripheral sensory terminals to the brain: new targets for the development of next generation drugs for neuropathic pain" | 2014 | 7˙878˙342.00 | 5˙860˙831.00 |
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