Progetti FP7 coordinati da "London school of economics and political science"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
2 SELUSI "Social Entrepreneurs as ""Lead Users"" for Service Innovation" 2008 3˙050˙966.00 1˙446˙878.00
3 INEST Intuitive Ethics and Sensitive Technologies 2008 170˙142.00 170˙142.00
4 RELIGION A Theory of Religious Organizations 2008 550˙000.00 550˙000.00
5 CONCIRCLAW Constitutional Law in the Age of Circulation of Factors of Production 2009 161˙225.00 161˙225.00
6 URKEW Useful and Reliable Knowledge in Global Histories of Material Progress in the East and the West 2009 1˙497˙473.00 1˙497˙473.00
7 FLUCTUATIONS Research on Economic Fluctuations and Globalization 2009 544˙581.00 544˙581.00
8 POLECONINVESTREGIME The Political Economy of the International Investment Regime 2009 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
9 GLOGENDER Global Governance and Gender Disparities. Explaining Developments in Key Labor related Human Rights Indicators 2009 1˙090˙409.00 1˙090˙409.00
10 EATP Evolutionary Approaches Towards Preferences 2010 600˙000.00 600˙000.00
11 SEQUOIA Socio-Economic Impact Assessment for Research Projects 2010 590˙710.00 502˙001.00
12 EUCBCC EUropean Cross Border Care Collaborations Short Title: CrossEurope 2010 5˙766˙893.00 4˙499˙437.00
13 KEEENZ Knowledge and Expertise Exchange Europe - New Zealand 2010 366˙128.00 176˙400.00
14 SPATIAL Using Natural Experiments to Understand the Spatial Economy 2011 988˙116.00 988˙116.00
15 SPIKES "Spatial spikes: bridging geography and economics to study distance, agglomeration, and policy" 2011 1˙918˙104.00 1˙918˙104.00
16 ECOSTPOLITIK "Explaining EU's External Relations. Origins and consolidation of EU's policy towards Eastern Europe and Russia, 1969-1985" 2011 193˙349.00 193˙349.00
17 HEALTH INC. Socially inclusive health care financing in West Africa and India Short title: Financing health care for inclusion 2011 3˙446˙246.00 2˙764˙046.00
18 SIT-SG Security in transition: An Interdisciplinary Investigation into the Security gap 2011 2˙391˙669.00 2˙391˙669.00
19 QUANTESS Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data for Social Sciences 2011 1˙357˙919.00 1˙357˙919.00
20 GOVERN Local Governance and Dynamic Conflict in Developing Countries 2012 805˙089.00 805˙089.00
21 CRISISEUROPE Nation-States and Economic Europeanisation: The transformative effects of the 1970s crisis (1973-1984) 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
22 ADVANCE_HTA Advancing and strengthening the methodological tools and practices relating to the application and implementation of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) 2013 4˙035˙099.00 2˙999˙805.00
23 EMOCITI Europe for the Hearts and Minds: The Role of the News Media and Emotions in Creating European Citizens 2013 110˙803.00 110˙803.00
24 UNDERINDIA The Underbelly of the Indian Boom: Adivasis and Dalits 2013 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
25 FAMHEALTH "Family life courses, intergenerational exchanges and later life health" 2013 1˙423˙110.00 1˙423˙110.00
26 PROCONFIN Topics on probability and convexity in finance 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
27 CHINFISI China's Economic Relations with Western Europe during Cold War (1952-66) 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
28 UPLOAD Upload. Urban Politics of London Youngsters Analyzed Digitally 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
29 RETHINKING Rethinking uncertainty: A problem-based approach 2013 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
30 REGIO_SPIN "REGional Innovation pOlicy, knowledge Spillovers, Productivity, and INstitutions" 2013 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
31 FRICTIONS Frictions in the Financial System 2013 1˙122˙883.00 1˙122˙883.00
32 MAPPING_NCD Mapping Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases Research Activities and their Impact 2014 2˙238˙887.00 1˙997˙210.00
33 APPLAUSE Adolescent Precursors to Psychiatric Disorders – Learing from Analysis of User-Service Engagement 2014 1˙499˙948.00 1˙499˙948.00
34 COSTPOST "Costs and Gains to Postponement: How Changes in the Age of Parenthood Influence the Health and Well-being of Children, the Parents, and Populations" 2014 1˙305˙599.00 1˙305˙599.00
35 RDM Risky Decision-Making: Opening the Human Black Box to Document Decision-Making 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
36 SNP Inference for Semi-Nonparametric Econometric Models 2014 866˙454.00 866˙454.00
37 SYSTEMICRISK Systemic Risk and Feedback to the Real Economy 2014 698˙938.00 698˙938.00
38 FORESTA FORest conservation and EcoSysTem Accounting. Towards the integration of private and public values into land use decisions modeling at farm scale. An application to Andalusia montes 2014 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
39 IIDEV The Dynamics of Independence and Interdependence in Chinese Children's Development 2014 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
40 GRHR 'The Greek case' in the 'age of human rights': Reciprocal challenges and mutual effects of the Greek Colonels' dictatorship and the evolution of the international human rights regime 2014 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
41 AIDA Assessments of InDividual behaviour Analysed critically 2015 221˙606.00 221˙606.00

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