Implications of the Dynamic Nature of Portfolio Delegation


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 Nazionalità Coordinatore Israel [IL]
 Totale costo 728˙436 €
 EC contributo 728˙436 €
 Programma FP7-IDEAS-ERC
Specific programme: "Ideas" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
 Code Call ERC-2012-StG_20111124
 Funding Scheme ERC-SG
 Anno di inizio 2013
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2013-01-01   -   2017-12-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Kanfei Nesharim
postcode: 46150

contact info
Nome: Eric
Cognome: Zimmerman
Email: send email
Telefono: 97299527676

IL (HERZLIYA) hostInstitution 728˙436.00

 Organization address address: Kanfei Nesharim
postcode: 46150

contact info
Titolo: Prof.
Nome: Ron
Cognome: Kaniel
Email: send email
Telefono: +1 919 2795768

IL (HERZLIYA) hostInstitution 728˙436.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

managers    crisis    equilibrium    funds    contracting    financial    pricing    markets    industry    time    contracts    distortions    nature    implications    asset    flows    relationship    dynamic    intermediaries    multiple    portfolio    investors    dynamics    incentives    assets    delegation   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'The asset management industry is a 60 trillion euros industry world wide, with a ratio of assets under management by asset managers to GDP around 100 percent. Despite the prominence of financial intermediaries in financial markets, our understanding of the portfolio delegation relationship, and its equilibrium asset pricing and contracting implications is at its infancy. The recent financial crisis has further underscored the importance of better understanding the incentives of financial intermediaries, the distortions induced by these incentives, the contracts that can help mitigate these distortions, and the impact of their trading on asset pricing dynamics.

One key feature that is at the core of the asset management relationship is its dynamic nature: investors can, and do, periodically re-allocate funds between managers and between funds and other investment vehicles. The magnitude of fund flows, both over time and accross funds at a given point in time, have been shown to be quantitatively large relative to assets under management. The ability of investors to quickly pull money out of funds at a time of crisis can have significant ramifications for the stability of the financial system.

Understanding implications of the dynamic nature of the delegation relationship is imperative in order to understand multiple aspects related to delegation and financial markets at large, including: risk taking behavior by funds; welfare implications for investors who invest in funds; what regulatory restrictions should be imposed on contracts; the evolution, past and future, of the asset management industry; securities return dynamics.

The objective is to develope models that will incorporate dynamic flows in settings that will allow studying implications and deriving empirical predictions on multiple dimensions: portfolio choice; optimal contracting; distribution of assets across funds; equilibrium asset pricing dynamics.'

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