Massive Digital sequencing by binary DNA


 Organization address address: Valhallavaegen 79
postcode: 10044

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: åke
Cognome: Eriksson
Email: send email
Telefono: 46855378288
Fax: 46855378056

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Sweden [SE]
 Totale costo 5˙169˙871 €
 EC contributo 3˙000˙000 €
 Programma FP7-HEALTH
Specific Programme "Cooperation": Health
 Code Call FP7-HEALTH-2007-B
 Funding Scheme CP-TP
 Anno di inizio 2009
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2009-12-01   -   2014-05-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Valhallavaegen 79
postcode: 10044

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: åke
Cognome: Eriksson
Email: send email
Telefono: 46855378288
Fax: 46855378056

SE (STOCKHOLM) coordinator 1˙087˙682.50

 Organization address address: DRAMMENSVEIEN 165
city: OSLO
postcode: 277

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Preben
Cognome: Lexow
Email: send email
Telefono: -21379200
Fax: -21379208

NO (OSLO) participant 1˙049˙720.20
3    Plarion Ltd

 Organization address address: "Beech House, Melbourn Science Park, Cambridge Road Unit B3"
city: Melbourn
postcode: SG8 6HB

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Robert James
Cognome: Longman
Email: send email
Telefono: 447769000000
Fax: 441763000000

UK (Melbourn) participant 368˙707.62

 Organization address address: Nobels Vag 5
postcode: 17177

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Thomas
Cognome: Walstam
Email: send email
Telefono: 46851773487
Fax: 46851771774

SE (STOCKHOLM) participant 320˙243.66

 Organization address address: "TECHNOPOLE DE BREST IROISE, RUE RIVOALON, 220"
city: BREST
postcode: 29200

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Dominique
Cognome: Thierry
Email: send email
Telefono: 33298051552
Fax: 33298050894

FR (BREST) participant 173˙646.03


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

performance    disk    genome    sequence    generation    sequencer    expensive    throughput    binary    optical    dna    platforms    rd    nd    instrument    sequencing    digital    technologies    reader    transfer    preparation    technique    human    price    size    read   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'DNA sequencing costs have fallen more than 50-fold over the past decade, driven part by tools, technology and process improvements made during the Human Genome Project. However, it still costs around $10 million to sequence 3 billion base pairs - the amount of DNA found in the genomes of humans and other mammals. 1st generation sequencing platforms, which are based upon capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence detection, have been around since 1992. Due to poor price/performance parameters several initiatives have been launched to facilitate a replacement of this sequencing technology. Most notably is the US National Institute of Health with the goal of developing 2nd and 3rd generation technologies that can read a human genome for $100.000 and $1.000 respectively. To date four vendors have introduced 2nd generation platforms to the market and they have the capacities of sequencing between 0,5 to 2 Gb per 24 hours. The main limitation for improved price/performance of 2nd generation platforms is that they are based on an expensive CCD-camera set up. As a consequence new and radical approaches are required to meet the $1.000 genome goal. This proposal aims to develop a high-throughput low cost 3rd generation DNA sequencing instrument, by deploying novel DNA preparation methods and read-out technologies. The potential instrument output is 200-300Gbp raw sequence per run, which allows for whole genome sequencing on a mass scale. A consortium of five European partners with multidisciplinary expertise has been established to reach the overall objective of this ambitious project.'

Introduzione (Teaser)

Making DNA sequencing part of everyday, routine clinical practices is the primary objective of the Digital Sequencing initiative. Partners are working to develop novel 'digital' DNA sequencing technology that would speed up the process at only a fraction of the cost.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

After completion of the Human Genome project, where the entire human genome was sequenced, technical advancements significantly reduced the cost and time of DNA sequencing. Nonetheless, it remains an extremely expensive technique due to the instrument setup.

The principle aim of the EU-funded 'Massive digital sequencing by binary DNA' (Digital Sequencing) project is to develop a technological platform capable of high-throughput sequencing. The consortium is basing their idea on the optical disk technology used in DVDs and PCs to generate the first 'Digital Sequencer'.

A novel technology has been developed for sample preparation that converts DNA into enlarged synthetic molecules with digital features (0, 1) called 'binary tags'. These are then further formulated into long virtual DNA reads to match the bit size required for reading them on an optical disk reader.

By developing a nanoprinting-based technique, laser induced transfer (LIT), the consortium has managed to transfer the DNA onto spots of nanometre size. An early laboratory prototype reader is subsequently used to obtain the binary format of the DNA sequences.

Although DNA analysis is primarily used in research for drug development companies and diagnostics, this is expected to change once the cost comes down. Project partners believe that implementation of the 'Digital Sequencer' will extend the applications of DNA sequencing to healthcare, agriculture and forensic medicine.

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