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H2020 projects about "accelerating"

The page lists 202 projects related to the topic "accelerating".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MESOPROBIO Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology 2015
2 VPH-CaSE VPH-Cardiovascular Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Medical Devices 2015
3 INNCAT Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2014
4 INNOVSUPPWALES Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” 2014
5 ePlus Ecosystem Fostering Web Entrepreneurship in Europe: e-talent, e-mentoring, e-services and e-capital for e-entrepreneurs 2015
6 CPSELabs CPS Engineering Labs - expediting and accelerating the realization of cyber-physical systems 2015
7 ESCUDO-CLOUD Enforceable Security in the Cloud to Uphold Data Ownership 2015
8 EU-XCEL Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning across European Regions 2015
9 AXIOM Agile, eXtensible, fast I/O Module for the cyber-physical era 2015
10 CosTesGrav Cosmological Tests of Gravity 2015
11 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices 2014
12 APTOS APTOS: industrial scale–up of an Advanced tube forming -Process through Thermal Optimization, enabling energy and manufacturing costs Savings 2014
13 DIGIPHASE Development of Maximum Efficiency Phase Contrast Electron Microscopy 2015
14 Quokka Maturation A mature Quokka for everyone – advancing the capabilities and accessibility of numerical solar cell simulations 2016
15 BRANECOSMOLOGY Quantum and String Cosmology with Branes and Fluxes 2015
16 FOREST 3D - ECOCARB Integration of innovative remote sensing techniques for optimum modelling of tropical forest primate habitat and carbon storage 2015
17 VETBIOMAT Advanced material for the regeneration of joints in veterinary medicine 2015
18 WISE WISE – Wide Instantaneous Support Equipment 2015
19 ProBIO Professional support to the uptake of bioeconomy RD results towards market, further research and policy for a more competitive European bioeconomy 2015
20 InterAct INTerdisciplinary ACTion for accelerating RD on and implementation of solid sorption heat pumps 2015
21 VISUM An IR-spectroscopy-based platform for the rapid integration and customisation of affordable, real-time monitoring solutions for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2015
22 eCAP Easy Connections Assessment Portal 2015
23 EUNCL European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory 2015
24 INNCAT1516 Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2015-2016 2015
25 GO4APP Graphene Oxide for advanced polymers APPlication 2015
26 ESTUARIES Estuaries shaped by biomorphodynamics, inherited landscape conditions and human interference 2015
27 NEGEVBYZ Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert 2015
28 BioExcel Centre of Excellence for Biomolecular Research 2015
29 GEO Green Efficient Outboards 2015
30 Peer-BIT Peer learning in business innovation tools for SMEs 2015
31 DemoWind 2 DemoWind 2 ERA-NET Cofund action - delivering cost reduction in offshore wind 2016
32 ACT Accellerating CCS technologies as a new low-carbon energy vector 2016
33 VINEYARD Versatile Integrated Accelerator-based Heterogeneous Data Centres 2016
34 ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC 2015
35 EHVA European HIV Vaccine Alliance (EHVA): a EU platform for the discovery and evaluation of novel prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine candidates 2016
36 mHealth4Afrika Community-based ICT for Maternal Healthcare in Africa 2015
37 NetMoDEzyme Network models for the computational design of proficient enzymes 2016
38 ROBOTT-NET ROBOTT-NET - A shared infrastructure to sustainably optimise technology transfer throughout Europe 2016
39 MAGPLANT Localized Corrosion Studies for Magnesium Implant Devices 2016
40 GENDER-CF Gender-related differences in expression of microRNAs in cystic fibrosis 2017
41 CHIROXCAT Biologically inspired chiral oxidation catalysts for commercial applications of fine chemistry 2016
42 FTI Cocoon Optimization of the production line of an innovative biodegradable water reservoir to be applied in efficient landscape-scale ecosystem restoration plans 2016
43 NMDARETT Cell-type Specific Mechanisms and Functional Consequences of Altered NMDA Receptor Development and Mecp2 Deficiency on Developing Cortical Circuits 2016
44 CatalApp Copper Catalysis Applications 2016
45 HOW2WALKAGAIN Mechanisms of recovery after severe spinal cord injury 2016
46 SET Plan 2016-CEEC X Strategic Energy Technology Plan 2016 – Central European Energy Conference X 2016
48 BreedIT-FIELD Professional tool to facilitate data collection and digitalization in field trials for plant breeding and seed commercialisation 2016
49 SILCI Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations 2016
50 MOLEQULE Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms 2016
51 FunCapSys Functional Systems of Capsules 2017
52 SMILE Slimming and Memory-Booster MIcroaLgae Extract 2016
53 QCALL Quantum Communications for ALL 2016
54 ASPAir Accelerated Synthesis of Nanoporous Photocatalysts for Indoor Air Purification 2016
55 ENABLE European Academy for Biomedical Science 2016
56 CHEETAH Changing Energy Efficiency Technology Adoption in Households 2016
57 CLUSTERNANOROAD Driving Europe’s NMBP economy - Cross-cluster innovation and value creation through validated NMBP collaborative strategies and roadmap 2016
58 eHealth Hub eHealth Hub, The European Hub for eHealth Business Support 2016
59 SCR Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers 2016
60 BRAIN REPEATS Repeat polymorphisms as genetic modifiers of brain function in healthy subjects and Huntington disease mutation carriers 2016
61 CARTRE Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe 2016
62 GaNOMIC GaN in One Module Integrated Converter for EP systems 2016
63 CM Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App 2016
64 EURE-CART EURopean Endeavour for Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapies 2017
65 time-data Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems 2017
66 NanoToX Does climate change enhance the nanoparticle toxicity of freshwater biofilms? 2017
67 CortIMod Implementation and Preliminary Validation of a Novel Noninvasive Neuromodulation Technique to Restore Hand Movement and Promote Recovery after Stroke 2016
68 ADAPTATION Predicting adaptive responses of protected species to environmental changes to optimise conservation management frameworks in Europe 2016
69 IoTEE Internet of Things Everywhere on Earth: a satellite based M2M solution 2017
70 NEOFIBRIN Advanced material for the regeneration of oral mucosa injuries 2017
71 LentiFactory MAGIC (MAnufacturing of Gene delivery tools for Industrial and Clinical applications) 2017
72 INNCAT1718 Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2017-2018 2017
74 single-C Automatized Catalysis and Single-Carbon Insertion 2017
76 AqPDRA Industrial research into the properties of molecular capsules in commercially relevant media 2017
77 DIGITALIA 2 Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs 2017
78 SecIoT Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices 2017
79 EBOMAN Manufacturing and Development for Rapid Access Ebola Vaccine (EBOMAN) – Sofia ref.: 115850 2014
80 GrIS-Melt Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet melt on primary productivity and carbon cycling in Greenland coastal ecosystems 2017
81 SMuPhoS Solid-State Multi-Photon Sources for Larger-Scale Quantum Optics and Photonics 2017
82 MO.RE. More: motion recognition to enable human muscles, the ultimate tom-tom of muscles for a new era of motor and sport rehabilitation. 2017
83 Soil Resetting Innovative biobased Soil Resetting system for European Horticulture 2017
84 C-MobILE Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe 2017
85 5GTANGO 5G Development and validation platform for global industry-specific network services and Apps 2017
86 CHEMREACTIONSCAN Scanner for novel chemical reactions 2017
87 PUZZLE_DIE PUZZLE_DIE: an innovative solution for a faster and cheaper car weight reduction to help carmakers to meet European limits to CO2 emissions. 2017
88 serverChill Server liquid cooling for Data Centres... done right! 2017
89 UDO The ultimate commuting solution for a car-free city 2017
90 B-Q MINDED Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance ImagiNg for improved DEtection of brain Diseases 2018
91 L4MS Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs 2017
92 PureBlade PureBlade - Clean Sheet Compressor Design, Low Energy Air Supply for Food Drinks Production 2017
93 ADVANCEFUEL Facilitating market roll-out of RESfuels in the transport sector to 2030 and beyond 2017
94 CONNECTIVE Connecting and Analysing the Digital Transport Ecosystem 2017
95 LITMUS Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis 2017
96 OK-Net EcoFeed Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed 2018
97 IRIS Integrated and Replicable Solutions for Co-Creation in Sustainable Cities 2017
98 OACTIVE Advanced personalised, multi-scale computer models preventing OsteoArthritis 2017
99 ACTPHAST 4.0 ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator 2017
100 SciRoc European Robotics League plus Smart Cities Robot Competitions 2018
101 SPEEDER Supercapacitive Polymer Electrodes for Directing Epithelial Repair 2018
102 SENSE Accelerating the Path Towards Physical Internet 2017
103 ID-FAST Investigations on degradation mechanisms and Definition of protocols for PEM Fuel cells Accelerated Stress Testing 2018
105 neuronSW Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis 2018
106 XLS CompactLight 2018
107 POWERSWAP Fully robotic system for swapping electric car batteries within 3 minutes. 2018
108 ImageToSim Multiscale Imaging-through-analysis Methods for Autonomous Patient-specific Simulation Workflows 2019
109 COSMICLENS Cosmology with Strong Gravitational Lensing 2018
110 Mo-IoNT Molecular Communications for Internet of Nano-Things 2018
111 TransparencyMeters Transparency instruments to quantify the method transparency, analytic robustness, and replicability of empirical research 2018
112 EXTINCT The interaction of environmental conditions and species traits as drivers of species extinctions and community homogenisation 2019
113 SECCON Security controversies: exploring the governance of knowledge, innovation and techno-scientific risks 2018
114 ESCAPE-2 Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather and climate Prediction at Exascale 2018
115 EMERALD ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices 2018
116 GreenCharge GreenCharge 2018
117 GLOPACK Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging 2018
118 BIO4A Advanced sustainable BIOfuels for Aviation 2018
119 NUMERICS International PhD programme in NUMERICal Simulation 2018
120 Pirocrack Integrated pyrolisis and thermal cracking technology to revolutionise the MSW treatment market 2018
121 MyKeople Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies and employees embracing the digital transformation 2018
122 SIESTA-PRO Advance atomic-scale simulation solutions 2018
123 ExitAplasia Reg-X310: new disruptive medicine for faster exit from aplasia afetr agressive chemotherapy of hematologic malignancies 2018
124 Rosalind Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis 2018
125 IRISTICK Enabling supply chain 4.0: Iristick smart safety eyewear 2018
126 G4SEMI Graphene for Semiconductor Industry 2018
127 WOUNDCOM Interactive biomembranes for wound management – exploiting the unique wound healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI 2018
128 ADDITAC Innovative virtual Real-Time Quality Control System to create a new line of business, accelerating and broadening growth of the market for the additive manufacturing of metals. 2018
129 UniEqTURB Universal Equilibrium and Beyond - Challenging the Richardson-Kolmogorov Paradigm 2019
130 FASTFACEREC FAST track 2 FACE REcognition Camera dominance 2018
131 PRESEISMIC Exploring the nucleation of large earthquakes: cascading and unpredictable or slowly driven and forecastable 2019
132 GenRes Bridge Joining forces for genetic resources and biodiversity management 2019
133 G-IMAGER New Graphene Imager based on Graphene-on-wafer 2018
134 BlueBio ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy - Unlocking the potential of aquatic bioresources 2018
135 EBRA European Brain Research Area 2018
136 SETcon 2018 SET-Plan Conference 2018 2018
137 RIMA Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and MAintenance 2019
138 SAPHIRE Securing Adoption of Personalised Health in REgions 2018
139 LEDGER decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet 2018
140 BioExcel-2 BioExcel-2 Centre of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research 2019
141 CityxChange Positive City ExChange 2018
142 INTERSECT Interoperable Material-to-Device simulation box for disruptive electronics 2019
143 UNICORE A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments 2019
144 SPECTRACON Materials Engineering of Integrated Hybrid Spectral Converters for Next Generation Luminescent Solar Devices 2019
145 Algo-Grid Platform for Operations and Maintenance Management of Power Smart Grids based on advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence 2019
146 FLEXDYM FLEXDYM, the material revolution for microfluidics 2019
147 INNCAT19 Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2019 2019
148 CINECA Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa 2019
149 VILB Very high temperature HVDC busbar (180 - 240°) with reliable and cost effective technology 2018
150 AD ASTRA HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms 2019
151 ReMyelin The Cell Biology of Remyelination 2019
152 FORCE Molecular basis underlying the QTL responsible for the genetic control of flowering time in chickpea: an integrative approach 2019
153 PANTERA Pan European Technology Energy Research Approach 2019
154 RuCat New Horizons in C–H Activation: the ‘Real-World Molecules’ Challenge 2019
155 CEED Circular Economy Entrepreneurship in Denmark 2019
156 SONNET SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector 2019
157 IELECTRIX Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition. 2019
158 U-CERT Towards a new generation of user-centred Energy Performance Assessment and Certification; facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center 2019
159 POLARISO A new isotope-enabled climate model dedicated to polar studies, to reconstruct Antarctic climate variability and improve sea level rise projections 2019
160 QualDeEPC High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation (QualDeEPC) 2019
161 Bone3Dmatch Patient specific biomimetic materials for bone regeneration 2019
162 POSPORI Polymer Optical Sensors for Prolonged Overseeing the Robustness of civil Infrastructures 2019
163 Triple-A Enhancing at an Early Stage the Investment Value Chain of Energy Efficiency Projects 2019
164 Power2Power The next-generation silicon-based power solutions in mobility, industry and grid for sustainable decarbonisation in the next decade. 2019
165 ProTeCT Proteasome as a target to combat trichomoniasis 2019
166 LAUNCH LAUNCH: sustainable energy assets as tradable securities 2019
167 Hybead Hybrid Bead Adsorbents 2019
168 Optium Smart charger device to increase smartphones’ battery lifetime, prevent fire accidents, and provide cross-brand flexibility 2019
169 TODO Twinning Open Data Operational 2019
170 MaaSive Enabling MaaS in the IP4 Ecosystem 2018
171 SELKOAI Feasibility of SELKO AI 2019
172 Sano Centre for New Methods in Computational Diagnostics and Personalised Therapy 2019
173 RWEal Real-World Evidence (RWE) analytics to increase efficiency of clinical product development 2019
174 INNOADDITIVE INNOADDITIVE: Innovation Challenges for Additive Manufacturing 2019
175 MAGELIA A disruptive Magnetically Enhanced Library preparation platform for Next Generation Sequencing 2019
176 INsTRuCT INnovative Training in Myeloid Regulatory Cell Therapy 2020
177 FLIX FLow chemistry for Isotopic eXchange 2020
178 AAT Appraising and accelerating theoretical progress in memory modification research with meta-science, Bayesian statistics, and an open-collaborative approach. 2020
179 ADDI-OPTIMISE ADDI-OPTIMISE - Process Efficiency & Quality Assurance in Metal Additive Manufacturing 2019
180 OPTIMISE Open data: improving transparency, reproducibility and collaboration in science 2020
181 SynaptoEnergy Molecular physiology of nerve terminal bioenergetics 2020
182 VARIXIO Medical Device for automatic preparation of high quality foam for sclerotherapy of varicose veins 2019
183 DEEP PURPLE DEEP PURPLE: darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet 2020
184 PolyCarbon Polycentric Carbon Pricing Governance: Cooperation, Contestation and Connectivity 2020
185 4 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS 2020
186 ATLANTIS The Atlantic Testing Platform for Maritime Robotics: New Frontiers for Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Energy Infrastructures. 2020
187 ARON Assay-Ready Organ Network 2020
188 MEEP The MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform 2020
189 EMPOCI Governing sustainable energy-mobility transitions: multi-level policy mixes, transformative capacities and low-carbon innovations 2020
190 PharmaLedger PharmaLedger 2020
191 SMEntorEGE SMEntorEGE 2020
192 NANOVR Nanoscale Design using Virtual Reality 2020
193 B-HUB FOR EUROPE Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth 2020
194 CYBER-PDR Disempowering Cyber-Attackers 2020
195 Cells in Matrix Cells in Matrix – an innovative 3D model for R&D of Diabetes 2020
196 Shades of Black The Darker Shades of Black. The Value of Skin Colour in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Slave and Labour Markets, 1750-1886 2021
197 Project Racoon Ultra-Fast Reliable Radio Control Systems for Avionics 2020
198 LACONIA Living Alone CONsumption ImpAct 2020
199 LiVE Living with Vultures in the Sixth Extinction: An Ethnographic Study of Avian Conservation in Changing European Landscapes 2020
200 Transparent3D Intuitive, rapid and efficient in-situ measurement of complex transparent 3D objects with a focus on cultural heritage artifacts 2021
201 SilentProp Development of computational and experimental noise assessment and suppression methodologies for the next generation of silent distributed propulsion configurations 2020
202 TARGETOF Mass cytometry nanotools for intracellular target engagement. Towards precision medicine. 2021