The page lists 206 projects related to the topic "assumptions".
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1 | lightMaterInt | Exploiting light and material interaction | 2015 |
2 | PrimeFish | Developing Innovative Market Orientated Prediction Toolbox to Strengthen the Economic Sustainability and Competitiveness of European Seafood on Local and Global markets | 2015 |
3 | AEROGUST | Aeroelastic Gust Modelling | 2015 |
4 | RiP | Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550 | 2015 |
5 | FOC | Foundations of Cryptographic Hardness | 2015 |
6 | C4T | Climate change across Cenozoic cooling steps reconstructed with clumped isotope thermometry | 2015 |
7 | COSMOS | Complex Oscillatory Systems: Modeling and Analysis | 2015 |
8 | WAKEUPCALL | Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis | 2015 |
9 | UMOBILE | Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture | 2015 |
10 | SPOOC | Automated Security Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols: Privacy, Untrusted Platforms and Applications to E-voting Protocols | 2015 |
11 | SEMICOMPLEX | Divide and conquer ab initio semiclassical molecular dynamics for spectroscopic calculations of complex systems | 2015 |
12 | 3DSPIN | 3-Dimensional Maps of the Spinning Nucleon | 2015 |
13 | OTR | Off The Rails | 2014 |
14 | OntoPerson | The Ontology of Personal Identity | 2015 |
15 | MOLECOPS | International mobility, local economics and European cooperation policies in the central Sahara | 2015 |
16 | ITNUN | Family, Power, Memory: Female Monasticism in Italy from 700 to 1100 | 2015 |
17 | Polyphemus | Towards a new framework for reception: Gongora’s poetics, ‘new’ readers and the material world | 2015 |
19 | AROSYN | Reflexive Clitics in Aromanian | 2015 |
20 | CRISIS | Coastal flood risk in Europe and the socio-economic impacts in a changing climate | 2016 |
21 | Savage Warfare | Savage Warfare: A Cultural History of British and American Colonial Campaigns 1885-1914 | 2015 |
22 | Forests and CO | Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests | 2015 |
23 | BIMEDA | Big Medical Data Use in Primary Care: an ethnographic, socio-technical, investigation of challenges and opportunities | 2015 |
24 | GroupEstate | GroupEstate Feasibility Study | 2015 |
25 | DAO-BACKEND | Validating technical assumptions for a multi-tenant mobile multiplayer game backend platform. | 2015 |
26 | FACTS4WORKERS | Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories | 2014 |
27 | DOS | Domestic Servants in Colonial South Asia | 2015 |
28 | HInDI | The historical dynamics of industrialization in Northwestern Europe and China ca. 1800-2010: A regional interpretation | 2015 |
29 | CAFES | Causal Analysis of Feedback Systems | 2015 |
30 | IVMR | In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs | 2015 |
31 | GSTT | GMSPAZIO Satellite Tracking Toolkit | 2015 |
32 | MARKETING EXPENDITUR | Marketing Expenditure Budgeting: from the Upper Echelon to the Lower Echelon | 2015 |
33 | WEIGHTANDVALUE | Weight metrology and its economic and social impact on Bronze Age Europe, West and South Asia | 2015 |
34 | Macro Identification | New Approaches to the Identification of Macroeconomic Models | 2015 |
35 | COMPEN | Penal Policymaking and the prisoner experience: a comparative analysis | 2015 |
36 | IntercommunalSpace | Intercommunal Space in Late Antiquity | 2016 |
37 | TOPIC2INNO | TOPIC2INNO : Implementation of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network TOPIC | 2015 |
38 | ROMIA | Research on Microeconometrics: Identification, Inference, and Applications | 2016 |
39 | FET2RIN | Supporting FET projects to reach out investors | 2015 |
40 | AlmaCrypt | Algorithmic and Mathematical Cryptology | 2016 |
41 | COAT | Collapse Of Atmospheric Turbulence | 2016 |
42 | NormativeEconomics | Reconstructing normative economics on a foundation of mutual advantage | 2016 |
43 | EL-CSID | European Leadership in Cultural, Science and Innovation Diplomacy | 2016 |
44 | InstaGreen | Bringing Local and Sustainable Produce Back to the City | 2016 |
45 | FEMSAG | Feminist theory after sex and gender: The nature-nurture complex in contemporary feminism reconsidered in light of the Developmental Systems Theory approach to the philosophy of biology | 2017 |
46 | BioCircuit | Programmable BioMolecular Circuits: Emulating Regulatory Functions in Living Cells Using a Bottom-Up Approach | 2016 |
47 | CIRCUS | An end-to-end verification architecture for building Certified Implementations of Robust, Cryptographically Secure web applications | 2016 |
48 | SET-Nav | Navigating the Roadmap for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy Innovation | 2016 |
49 | SF-QFT | Fundamental physics with intense laser fields | 2016 |
50 | N-MuQuaS | Non-locality in Multipartite Quantum Systems | 2016 |
51 | MYCLIMATE | Methodologies Yielding CLimate IMpact Assessments Through Economics | 2017 |
52 | SFM4VOT | Building a computational basis for the brain response in the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex: Understanding the Sparse Familiarity Model of visual word recognition | 2016 |
53 | NedraEV | A lightweight, fast charging, EV platform to be utilised on Car Share and Urban Mobility Systems | 2016 |
54 | Panatomy | Panatomy | 2016 |
55 | MID | Molecular Information Dynamics | 2016 |
56 | TraCTUs | Tracing European Copper Age Social Dynamics through Pottery Technology and Use | 2016 |
57 | EUROSTUDENTS | Constructing the Higher Education Student: a comparative study of six European countries | 2016 |
58 | EUROSTUDENTS | Constructing the Higher Education Student: a comparative study of six European countries | 2016 |
59 | ASAGIP | Ancient scholarship on archaic Greek iambic poetry | 2016 |
60 | AGORAs | AGeing effects on human aORta: from shApe to flowS | 2016 |
61 | Frontiers in Design | Frontiers in Mechanism Design: Methodology and Applications | 2016 |
62 | AMBER | Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers | 2016 |
63 | GlobalMass | Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends | 2016 |
64 | APACHE | Assessment of Performance in current ATM operations and of new Concepts of operations for its Holistic Enhancement | 2016 |
65 | LAWALISI | Law, Authority and Learning in Imami Shi'ite Islam | 2016 |
66 | MemoSleep | Longing for a good night's sleep: A memory-based mechanism to improve sleep and cognitive functioning. | 2016 |
67 | Outgroup | Consequences of out-group conflict | 2016 |
68 | dSense | dSense – Self adapting, cost efficient method for detecting context of a mobile device and a mobile device with a context detection module | 2016 |
69 | IDENTITY | Usable Digital Signature | 2016 |
70 | EDWEL | Empirical Demand and Welfare Analysis | 2016 |
71 | APOLOGY | Political Apologies across Cultures | 2016 |
72 | PETRIFYING WEALTH | Petrifying Wealth. The Southern European Shift to Masonry as Collective Investment in Identity, c.1050-1300 | 2017 |
73 | DAWNDINOS | Testing the locomotor superiority hypothesis for early dinosaurs | 2016 |
74 | MoGEs | Modelling of Generic Extreme mass-ratio inspirals | 2017 |
75 | PABIR | Policy analysis with beliefs about identifying restrictions | 2016 |
76 | DALI | Disagreements and Language Interpretation | 2016 |
77 | PLATO | The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union European Training Network | 2017 |
78 | NuWaSim | On a Nuclear Waste Deep Repository Simulator | 2016 |
79 | REELER | Responsible Ethical Learning with Robotics | 2017 |
80 | VIRT-EU | Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope | 2017 |
82 | 4SBLOCK | Pavement Building System based on Detachable and Embedded Blocks | 2016 |
83 | PJ18 4DTM | 4D Trajectory Management | 2016 |
84 | RICA | Reputation Matters in the Regulatory State: Re-thinking the Fundamentals of Regulatory Independence, Credibility and Accountability | 2017 |
85 | ROBUST | Robust Mechanism Design and Robust Prediction in Games | 2016 |
86 | IE2advisor | Intelligent Energy Efficiency Advisor | 2016 |
87 | FAFC | Foundations and Applications of Functional Cryptography | 2017 |
88 | Large enHANCEMENT | Large Surface Heating and Cooling Element | 2017 |
89 | HPHS | The History and Politics of Human Shields | 2018 |
90 | Bioisotopes | Biological Effects on Isotopically Evaluated Systems | 2017 |
91 | BabyLux | Launching the First Non-Invasive Brain-Monitoring System for the Early Detection and Management of Encephalopathy In Preterm Babies | 2017 |
92 | RELEASE | Nanofiber based drug delivery for surgical therapy of adult and paediatric solid tumours | 2017 |
93 | BACCO | Bias and Clustering Calculations Optimised: Maximising discovery with galaxy surveys | 2017 |
94 | SWORD | Security Without Obscurity for Reliable Devices | 2017 |
95 | HANNOVER | Hannover – automatic monitoring of horses | 2017 |
96 | PEPCo | Problems in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics | 2017 |
97 | Alexander Krauss | The limits of the sciences in identifying causes and scientific laws | 2017 |
98 | BRISRES | The Basal Roughness of Ice Sheets from Radio-Echo Sounding | 2017 |
99 | ROSETTA | Robust self-testing with applications to device-independent cryptography | 2017 |
100 | AJAPP | Writing Jewish History: Ancient Judaism as a Political Problem in Central Europe at the Rise of the Nation State | 2017 |
101 | DICTUM | Divide and Collect: Understanding Method in Plato | 2017 |
102 | Renaissance Idiocy | Representing Idiocy and Intellectual Disability in Early Modern English Literature, 1500-1640 | 2017 |
103 | MedRoute | On the route of multiculturalism(s). Marking and hybridizing identities in the late 17th and early 18th centuries Mediterranean port cities | 2017 |
104 | SEQUOIA | Robust algorithms for learning from modern data | 2017 |
105 | ReMix | Christian-Muslim families dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family lifeReligious reconstruction in religiously mixed marriages | 2018 |
106 | ModelingCommonGround | Modeling Common Ground | 2017 |
107 | GaTHeR | GaTHeR, Gender and Transfer of Knowledge in Hunter Gatherer Research | 2017 |
108 | Demeco | Default meanings in compound interpretation | 2017 |
109 | CMRPredict | Patient specific magnetic resonance image guided biomechanical modelling of the heart – Anovel tool towards personalized medicine in heart failure | 2017 |
110 | MMoBEER | Mathematical models of bone externally excited remodelling | 2017 |
111 | GLARE | Exploring Gender in Children's Literature from Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective | 2017 |
112 | VIRTUE | Wealth, Virtue and Social Justice in Contemporary Tibet | 2017 |
113 | GEOSTICK | Morphodynamic Stickiness: the influence of physical and biological cohesion in sedimentary systems | 2017 |
114 | FAIR LIMITS | Can Limitarianism Be Justified? A Philosophical Analysis of Limits on the Distribution of Economic and Ecological Resources | 2017 |
115 | WoRD-DoME | Women's Economic Rights and Cultural Difference: Defining Development for the Middle East | 2017 |
116 | BaSaR | Beyond the Silk Road: Economic Development, Frontier Zones and Inter-Imperiality in the Afro-Eurasian World Region, 300 BCE to 300 CE | 2017 |
117 | Hubble | Hubble – smart workplace allocation platform | 2017 |
118 | ITUL | Information Theory with Uncertain Laws | 2017 |
119 | EVOCLIM | Behavioral-evolutionary analysis of climate policy: Bounded rationality, markets and social interactions | 2018 |
120 | GEM | Generalised Entropy Models for Spatial Choices | 2017 |
121 | REACT | Realizable Advanced Cryptography | 2017 |
122 | Babbler | Babbler feasibility study in adjacent market segments. | 2017 |
123 | CFT-MAP | Charting the space of Conformal Field Theories: a combined nuMerical and Analytical aPproach | 2018 |
124 | BANDWIDTH | The cost of limited communication bandwidth in distributed computing | 2018 |
125 | FUN-NOTCH | Fundamentals of the Nonlinear Optical Channel | 2018 |
126 | PROMETHEUS | PRivacy preserving pOst-quantuM systEms from advanced crypTograpHic mEchanisms Using latticeS | 2018 |
127 | PestiSi | Cost effective solution against insects in long-term grain storage by natural diatomaceous earth | 2017 |
128 | Avionero | Avionero – a new standard in flight search | 2017 |
129 | PolSymAGA | Polarity and Central-Symmetry in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis | 2018 |
130 | OROARAB | The Orosius Arabicus and the Arab Vision of the Graeco-Roman World: Researches on theMediterranean Responsiveness | 2018 |
131 | DESIGN | Design Thinking in Defence Organisations: The Promises and Dangers of Intellectual Emancipation in the Management of Violence | 2019 |
132 | ESEARCH | Direct Empirical Evidence on Labor Market Search Theories | 2018 |
133 | SEA | The Social Epistemology of Argumentation | 2018 |
134 | SpaceLaw | Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition | 2018 |
135 | GuEst | New Directions in Guaranteed Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Their Applications toChemical Engineering Problems | 2018 |
136 | AnticipatoryLedgers | Anticipatory design and ethical framework for Distributed Ledger Technologies (blockchain or DAG) and applications (smart contracts, IoTs and supply chain) | 2018 |
137 | SCOUT | Supporting Causal Conclusions from Observational Survival Studies | 2018 |
138 | NonlinearEBM | Nonlinearity of Key Economic and Environmental Variables in Coastal/Marine Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) | 2018 |
139 | ReMorphOPV | Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics: Impact of Morphology and Long-Range Non-Equilibrium Transport | 2019 |
140 | PaDC | Property and Democratic Citizenship: The Impact of Moral Assumptions, Policy Regulations, and Market Mechanisms on Experiences of Eviction | 2018 |
141 | The Blue Growth Farm | Development and demonstration of an automated, modular and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry | 2018 |
142 | IslamAnimals | Animals in the Philosophy of the Islamic World | 2018 |
143 | CoHuBiCoL | Counting as a Human Being in the Era of Computational Law | 2019 |
144 | See-ACC | Cracking the Anterior Cingulate Code: Toward a Unified Theory of ACC Function | 2019 |
145 | Topics in Behavioral | Topics in Behavioral-Economics Theory | 2018 |
146 | S2S | Signals to Solutions: a change of paradigm in predictive maintenance market | 2018 |
147 | TUgbOAT | Towards Unification of Algorithmic Tools | 2018 |
148 | INSPiRE | The Influence of Information Search on Preference Formation and Choice | 2018 |
149 | EVOCLOCK | From Evolution to Clockworks:Unravelling the molecular basis of circalunar clocks | 2019 |
150 | TOROS | A Theory-Oriented Real-Time Operating System for Temporally Sound Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
151 | UncertainENV | The Power of Randomization in Uncertain Environments | 2019 |
152 | SPEC | Secure, Private, Efficient Multiparty Computation | 2019 |
153 | QRANGE | Quantum Random Number Generators: cheaper, faster and more secure | 2018 |
154 | CiViQ | Continuous Variable Quantum Communications | 2018 |
155 | CoSP | Combinatorial Structures and Processes | 2019 |
156 | EvoLucin | 400 Million Years of Symbiosis: Host-microbe interactions in marine lucinid clams from past to present | 2019 |
158 | RADDICS | Reliable Data-Driven Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
159 | Polygreen | The acrylamide free Superabsorbent Polymer for agriculture water footprint reduction | 2018 |
160 | Smart-tyre | "Real time measurement of wear and damage in tyres to reduce accidents and enable the ""tyre as a service"" model" | 2019 |
161 | iLifebuoy | iLifebuoy - saving human lives without endangering the lives of savers | 2019 |
162 | VibSEA | SEA Applied to the Prediction of High Frequency Vibrations in Aircraft Engines | 2019 |
163 | FISHSkin | Developing Fish Skin as a sustainable raw material for the fashion industry | 2019 |
164 | FALCon | Formation flight for in-Air Launcher 1st stage Capturing demonstration | 2019 |
165 | E-Waste Challenge | Tackling the Electronic Waste Challenge in Emerging Economies | 2019 |
166 | HOPE | Higher Order Polar calculus and Euclidean distance degree | 2020 |
167 | HONORLOGIC | The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison | 2019 |
168 | QSHvar | Quantitative stochastic homogenization of variational problems | 2019 |
169 | EARTH@LTERNATIVES | Sustainability, efficiency, equity and resilience of land and water use for global food and energy security: synergies and fundamental trade-offs | 2019 |
170 | UQ4ORC | Uncertainty Quantification And Design Tools For Robust Organic Rankine Cycles | 2020 |
171 | Makyaverri | Machiavelli and Machiavellism in Japan: 1868-1968. For an Intellectual History of Realism from its Outskirts | 2020 |
172 | HARHCS | Harmonic Analysis on Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Space | 2019 |
173 | HomoJuridicus | Homo Juridicus: Correcting Law's Behavioural Illiteracy | 2019 |
174 | TREND | Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development | 2019 |
175 | ScalableControl | Scalable Control of Interconnected Systems | 2019 |
176 | BabyBayes | Bayesian Learning in the Infant Brain | 2019 |
177 | AFREELAMIDE | Safe and fast control system for acrylamide in food | 2019 |
178 | MathematicsAnalogies | Mathematics Analogies | 2019 |
179 | PARIS REINFORCE | Delivering on the Paris Agreement: A demand-driven, integrated assessment modelling approach | 2019 |
180 | HARP | Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning | 2019 |
182 | SEIS | Scaling Up Educational Innovations in Schools | 2020 |
183 | Fluidly | Intelligent cashflow management and forecasting platform providing insights for financial decision making of SMEs | 2019 |
184 | Ethno-ISS | ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extra-terrestrial Society: the International Space Station | 2019 |
185 | TRANSFORM | Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks | 2020 |
186 | NEMOCRYS | Next Generation Multiphysical Models for Crystal Growth Processes | 2020 |
187 | LINGUINDIC | Linguistics from India: new ideas for modern linguistics from ancient India | 2020 |
188 | OASyS | Overall Air Transport System Vehicle Scenarios | 2019 |
189 | HLFC 4.0 | Hybrid Laminar Fluid Control 4.0 | 2019 |
190 | STARFISH | Sociolinguistic typology and responsive features in syntactic history | 2020 |
191 | MEImpact | The Consequences of Mismeasuring Economic Activity | 2019 |
192 | E-DIRECT | Evolution of Direct Reciprocity in Complex Environments | 2020 |
193 | VIA LACTEA | Numerical Simulations of the Milky Way's Accretion History | 2020 |
194 | SMARTSLT | Smart speech and language tools for children's development. | 2019 |
195 | ROSA | Religion and Its Others in South Asia and the World: Communities, Debates, Freedoms | 2019 |
196 | INTERACT | Interactive Machine Learning for Compositional Models of Natural Language | 2020 |
197 | RAGT | Robust Algorithmic Game Theory | 2020 |
198 | LOCAL KNOWLEDGE | Local Ecologies of Knowledge: Towards a Philosophy of Ethnobiology | 2020 |
200 | BEHOMO | Cosmology Beyond Homogeneity and Isotropy | 2020 |
201 | JQ4LHC | Jet quenching for heavy-ion collisions at the LHC | 2021 |
202 | NATIONAL-SUBJECTS | Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450) | 2020 |
203 | MadByz | Being ‘Mad’ in Byzantium. Toward a History of Mental Disorders in Early and Middle Greek Middle Ages | 2020 |
204 | CICLE | Unveiling the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters through the intracluster light and multidisciplinar techniques of image processing and big data analysis | 2020 |
205 | SWEET | The sweetest gender: feminine subjectivities and the gendering of sweets in Barcelona (1650-1800) | 2020 |
206 | DeFacto | Design Automation for Smart Factories | 2020 |