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H2020 projects about "genotypes"

The page lists 53 projects related to the topic "genotypes".

# achronym  title  year 
1 PROCROP Harnessing Plant Reproduction for Crop Improvement 2015
2 MICEXPRESS Understanding how selection for body weight in mouse operates at the RNA level 2015
3 RAVE Rotifers as Vehicles for Epibiotic Bacteria 2015
4 PHYSIO-POP Physiological and environmental controls of water and ozone fluxes in a short rotation poplar plantation: from leaf to tree to ecosystem scale. 2015
5 PEARS Predicting the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
6 Cyanolichens Genetic diversity of cyanobacterial symbionts of lichens and of free-living populations of Nostoc in biological soil crust communities of threatened alvar grasslands 2015
7 ParaplegiaERDros Roles of spastic paraplegia proteins in organisation of axonal endoplasmic reticulum 2016
8 CONSTRAINTS Ecophysiological and biophysical constraints on domestication in crop plants 2015
9 GV-FLU A Genetic View of Influenza Infection 2015
10 TomGEM A holistic multi-actor approach towards the design of new tomato varieties and management practices to improve yield and quality in the face of climate change 2016
11 ACQUIRE The mechanism of acquired thermotolerance in potato 2016
12 PINBAC Characterising plant interactions with bacteria that promote the uptake of nitrogen and sulphur from organic sources 2016
13 HairGen Genetics of human hair form diversity 2016
14 GENEVA Unravelling how GENEtic VAriation in attentional control contributes to working memory capacity 2016
15 ParaplegiaAxonsER Functional interactions between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in Drosophila axons 2017
16 ICPerMed Secretariat Secretariat for the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (IC PerMed) 2016
17 CAPICE Childhood and Adolescence Psychopathology: unravelling the complex etiology by a large Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Europe 2017
18 XYL-EID Determinants of Xylella fastidiosa host specificity 2016
19 ADAPTED Alzheimers Disease Apolipoprotein Pathology for Treatment Elucidation and Development - Sofia ref.: 115975 2016
20 IndiviStat Individualizing statin therapy by using a systems pharmacology decision support algorithm 2017
21 SolACE Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use 2017
23 GenTORE Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency 2017
24 BREEDCAFS BREEDing Coffee for AgroForestry Systems 2017
25 PIGSs Program for Innovative Global Prevention of Streptococcus suis. 2017
26 GRACE GRowing Advanced industrial Crops on marginal lands for biorEfineries 2017
27 EPPN2020 European Plant Phenotyping Network 2020 2017
28 ORGANOMICS Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics 2018
29 SusCrop ERA-NET Cofund on Sustainable Crop Production 2018
30 B4EST Adaptive BREEDING for productive, sustainable and resilient FORESTs under climate change 2018
31 MICROBE Metagenomic Investigation of Cow Reproductive Biology and Ecology 2018
32 NLR_NLR-ID power NLR-ID diversity, mechanism and functionality upon transfer between species 2018
33 MiniBRAIN Investigating the pathogenic mechanisms underlying TUBB2B-related brain malformations using induced pluripotent stem cells and cerebral organoids. 2019
34 CharFL Characterizing the fitness landscape on population and global scales 2019
35 HyArchi Targeting Root Hydraulic Architecture to improve Crops under Drought 2018
36 HPV OncoPredict A Groundbreaking Stand-Alone Diagnostic Kit to Predict Human Papilloma Virus Infections Evolving into Cervical Cancer 2018
37 GRASP Overcoming plant graft incompatibility by modifying signalling and perception 2019
38 FIT2GO A toolbox for fitness landscapes in evolution 2019
39 NemHatch Unlocking mechanisms of cyst Nematode Hatching for sustainable cyst nematode control 2019
40 DAIRYCULTURES Cultures of dairying: gene-culture-microbiome evolution and the ancient invention of dairy foods 2018
41 ARISE African Research and Innovative Initiative for Sickle cell Education: Improving Research Capacity for Service Improvement 2019
42 INTERACT Phylogenetic association mapping and its application to secondary metabolite variation in Brassicaceae species 2019
43 Plant Phenome Plant Phenome 2019
44 NEUROFLIES Drosophila sechellia: a novel model to investigate nervous system and behavioral evolution 2019
45 SocBehGenoPheno Genetic basis of emergent social behaviour from genotype-phenotype mapping 2019
46 ESCAPE Abandoning ship – sex and dormancy strategies in Daphnia 2019
47 PolyPath Insights from within-host dynamics on the coexistence of antibiotic resistant and sensitive pathogens 2019
48 GRANROSE Using a blood cell-based approach to determine gluten responsiveness and to bring a novel, less invasive assay on the market to diagnose celiac disease. 2019
49 QSPainRelief Effective combinational treatment of chronic pain in individual patients, by an innovative quantitative systems pharmacology pain relief approach. 2020
50 MAD Mechanisms of Apomictic Developments 2020
51 ChaConGen Exploring the role of host-parasite genotypes in the congenital transmission of Chagas disease: an emergent infectious disease in Europe 2021
52 RCC_Evo Modelling the Predictability and Repeatability of Tumour Evolution in Clear Cell Renal Cell Cancer 2020
53 UTPE PEB Ultrahigh-throughput protein evolution for polyethylene biodegradation 2020