The page lists 94 projects related to the topic "happen".
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1 | InDeV | InDeV: In-Depth understanding of accident causation for Vulnerable road users | 2015 |
2 | LITHIUM | From planetary birth with aperture masking interferometry to nulling with Lithium Niobate technology | 2015 |
3 | NEAT | A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet | 2015 |
4 | FNPMLS | Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy | 2015 |
5 | EUth | EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe | 2015 |
6 | EPC_PLUS | Energy Performance Contracting Plus | 2015 |
7 | DISAGROUP | The Role of Groups in Complex Disagreement | 2016 |
8 | SAFE LIB | Electro-thermal modelling of lithium-ion battery packs from the safety perspective | 2015 |
9 | DC cancer | Development and immunological control of dendritic cell cancer | 2015 |
10 | FastTh | Fast Thermalization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma | 2015 |
11 | climote | climote Advanced Demand Management of Heating and Cooling | 2015 |
12 | Heat2Energy | Demonstrating a highly-efficient and cost-effective energy conversion technology for waste heat recovery | 2015 |
13 | 5GEx | 5G Exchange | 2015 |
14 | AFEL | AFEL - Analytics For Everyday Learning | 2015 |
15 | WORKSHOP4.0 | Automated real-time production forecasting for industry | 2016 |
16 | I3 | I3 Impact Innovate Invest | 2016 |
17 | ARCA | Analysis and Representation of Complex Activities in Videos | 2016 |
18 | Extinction Genomics | Exploring and exploiting the potential of extinct genome sequencing | 2016 |
19 | ACCOMPLISSH | Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities | 2016 |
20 | Observable Stability | Evolutionary stability, observability, and efficiency | 2016 |
21 | LoC | The Logic of Conceivability: Modelling Rational Imagination with Non-Normal Modal Logics | 2017 |
22 | NIMBLE | Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe | 2016 |
23 | OBSTETRICVIOLENCE | Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth | 2016 |
24 | MIMODETECT | Improved detection of underground pipes by Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar for The Radar Networks | 2016 |
25 | PJ18 4DTM | 4D Trajectory Management | 2016 |
26 | CKI | Counterfactual Knowledge from the Imagination | 2018 |
27 | TeloChromatin | Dissecting the chromatin dynamics at telomeres during mouse pre-implantation development. | 2017 |
28 | MOOAC | Multi-compartmental Organ-on-a-Chip | 2018 |
29 | UNCERTAINPOWER | Uncertain Power: Representing the king in the Portuguese empire (1640-1750) | 2017 |
30 | SPARK | Supporting Pioneer doctoral Researchers through 3i Knowledge partnerships | 2017 |
31 | LIB STRESS | In situ stress analysis of lithium-ion battery cell | 2018 |
32 | | Abiota, Biota, Constraints in Macroevolutionary Processes | 2018 |
33 | TrustVehicle | Improved trustworthiness and weather-independence of conditional automated vehicles in mixed traffic scenarios | 2017 |
34 | ONE5G | E2E-aware Optimizations and advancements for the Network Edge of 5G New Radio | 2017 |
35 | iReact-NG | iReact-NG | 2017 |
36 | ATMO | Atmospheres across the Universe | 2018 |
37 | TheyBuyForYou | Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence | 2018 |
38 | Startup Lighthouse | Lighthouse: Lighting the way for European scale-ups | 2018 |
39 | MyLeg | Smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prostheses embodying advanced dynamic behaviors | 2018 |
40 | I-Cuvette | Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk | 2017 |
42 | HAPPEN | Holistic AProach and Platform for the deep renovation of the med residential built ENvironment | 2018 |
43 | Pavnext | NextGen Road Safety for smarter cities | 2018 |
44 | TiMMi Transport | Making CO2-free city logistics a reality | 2018 |
45 | Insulog | The Smart snap-on insulin tracker able to manage the insulin intake activity data of diabetes patients | 2018 |
46 | GaiaSpectroSynergy | Exploiting the synergies between Gaia and spectroscopic stellar surveys to constrain next-generation Milky-Way models | 2019 |
47 | PI2FA | Partial Ionisation: Two-Fluid Approach | 2018 |
48 | DFitHH | Digital Forensics in the Historical Humanities: Hanif Kureishi, The Mass Observation Archive, Glyn Moody | 2018 |
49 | EUVSBSMP | Early Universe Vacuum Stability and Beyond the Standard Model Physics | 2019 |
50 | ORANG | ORogenic cycle revised: Post-subduction tectonics at A contineNtal marGin | 2019 |
51 | VESTEC | Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing | 2018 |
52 | Handshake | Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications | 2018 |
53 | RUMBLE | RegUlation and norM for low sonic Boom LEvels | 2017 |
54 | TROMPA | Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives | 2018 |
55 | EdiCitNet | Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities | 2018 |
56 | ULTRACEPT | Ultra-layered perception with brain-inspired information processing for vehicle collision avoidance | 2018 |
57 | QSA | Quantum Coordination and Support Action | 2017 |
58 | HeartWatch | HeartWatch - contactless patient vital signs monitoring | 2018 |
59 | InCaseIT in EU | Emergency response made easy. Expansion to EU. | 2018 |
60 | SenolT | Fast and effective diagnostic test for the early detection of residual tumours to prevent cancer recurrence | 2018 |
61 | StarLink | StarLink: The World's First Intelligent Vacuum Pump System | 2018 |
62 | Motorlisten | AI-based acoustic condition monitoring of industrial machinery | 2018 |
63 | BrainNanoFlow | Nanoscale dynamics in the extracellular space of the brain in vivo | 2018 |
64 | NGI4ALL | Next Generation Internet for All - Promoting Global Visibility on the Human-Centric Internet | 2019 |
65 | SMARTSPEND | More and better designed national public support for energy technology Research and Innovation | 2018 |
66 | Smart2Go | Smart and Flexible Energy Supply Platform for Wearable Electronics | 2019 |
67 | Mantis | Mantis is a cloud-based Intelligent Traffic Solution built around a unique algorithm which forecasts traffic evolution saving costs and reducing emissions | 2018 |
68 | PerformB | Innovative digital platform based on machine learning to analyze large databases, aggregate them and provide results to questions made in natural language. | 2018 |
69 | System EYE | System EYE - Ñutting-edge innovation to make your drive safer, collect and monetize automotive data | 2018 |
70 | ProDAP | Protein Dynamics in Antiviral Processes | 2019 |
71 | OpticalSpaceLink | Optical link for free space laser communication to satellites. | 2019 |
72 | BI-SDMoF | Bit-interleaved sigma-delta modulation over fiber | 2019 |
73 | HELIAUS | tHErmaL vIsion AUgmented awarenesS | 2019 |
74 | FEASIBLE | Fostering Sustainable Living cities | 2019 |
75 | Foresight | Foresight: Autonomous machine monitoring and prognostics system for the Oil and Gas and Maritime sectors | 2019 |
76 | MicroCoating | Boosting the Performances of Wind Turbines thanks to Microstructure Coating | 2019 |
77 | ZENEO | ZENEO® Adrenaline Needle-free adrenaline pre-filled autoinjector rescues you from an anaphylactic shock | 2019 |
78 | VIEW | World first self-responsive emergency call system | 2019 |
79 | QI | AI-powered image forgery detection | 2019 |
80 | FoodE | Food Systems in European Cities | 2020 |
82 | TanazaOS | Tanaza OS: the operating system for open Wi-Fi networking devices | 2019 |
83 | FlexPlan | Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning | 2019 |
84 | MATPASE | Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation | 2019 |
85 | FOCALSPEC | Solving the Root Cause of Battery Short Circuits:FocalSpec high-speed 3D imaging sensors revolutionise industrial quality control | 2019 |
86 | keyper | Captive Customer Connection: Easy and Secure Sharing and Selling of Tickets - and Other Personal Rights | 2019 |
87 | FACTLOG | Energy-aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries | 2019 |
88 | AARN | Ascend Avian Radar Network | 2020 |
89 | Evolift | Evolift - Getting people out of harms way | 2019 |
90 | ObjectBox IoT-1 | Empowering the Edge With the World’s Fastest Database and Sychronization Service for Mobile and IoT | 2019 |
91 | MICROWATER | Anaerobic methane oxidation processes in wastewater management, as sustainable applications against climate change | 2021 |
92 | RAIKA | A.I. enabled knowledge analysis automation to increase resilience, security and performance of Enterprise ICT systems. | 2019 |
93 | STOPATT | Stochastic pattern formation in biochemical systems | 2020 |
94 | FAIR | Forest transitions in the Anthropocene and their Implications for Restoration values – a global assessment based on remote sensing | 2020 |