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H2020 projects about "religious"

The page lists 196 projects related to the topic "religious".

# achronym  title  year 
1 STIGMATICS Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.1800-1950 2015
2 COBHUNI Contemporary Bioethics and the History of the Unborn in Islam 2015
3 ARD-West Ancient Religious Dedications in the Western Mediterranean Basin 2015
4 ITNUN Family, Power, Memory: Female Monasticism in Italy from 700 to 1100 2015
5 HISTHEOL History and Theology 2015
6 BIBLACE The Bible and the Law in Carolingian Europe: Scriptural Exegesis and Royal Legislation from Charlemagne to Charles the Bald (ca. AD 780-880) 2016
7 BeSec Beyond the Secular: Narrativizing religious change in contemporary German novels 2016
8 MONASPOWER Monasteries as Institutional Powers in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Evidence from Neglected Coptic Sources 2016
9 DISAGROUP The Role of Groups in Complex Disagreement 2016
10 TEACHPOL Freedom of Teaching and Political Control: The Case of Thomas Aquinas’ Assimilation in William of Peter Godin’s Lectura Thomasina (14th C.) 2015
11 ICONOPHILIA Religion, Politics and the Arts in Early Medieval Italy Against the Background of the ‘Image Struggle’ (680-850) 2015
12 CHRISLAS Christian Diversity in Late Antique Sirmium (ca 350 – ca 450): A Historical, Literary and Theological Study 2016
13 THESUNKIN Thessaly under the Kings: Religion, Society and the Politics of Multiculturalism in Mainland Greece 2015
14 EMPIREHURIGHTS Empire and Human Rights: Colonization and Sovereignty in a global Iberian Empire (1580-1640) 2016
15 IRC Imagination and Religious Credence 2015
16 BBP Bridging Belief and Practice 2015
17 MWK-Fellows Fellowships in Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the Max-Weber-Kolleg 2015
18 BIFLOW Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 - ca. 1416) 2015
19 9 SALT Reassessing Ninth Century Philosophy. A Synchronic Approach to the Logical Traditions 2015
20 ELEPHANTINE Localizing 4000 Years of Cultural History. Texts and Scripts from Elephantine Island in Egypt 2015
21 IntercommunalSpace Intercommunal Space in Late Antiquity 2016
22 HHFDWC The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization 2016
23 MALMECC Music and Late Medieval European Court Cultures: Towards a Trans-Disciplinary and Post-National Cultural Poetics of the Performative Arts 2016
24 HYP The Hatha Yoga Project: Mapping Indian and Transnational Traditions of Physical Yoga through Philology and Ethnography 2015
25 MARKLIM Markets and their limits 2016
26 GTCMR Global Terrorism and Collective Moral Responsibility: Redesigning Military, Police and Intelligence Institutions in Liberal Democracies 2016
27 War and Supernature War and the Supernatural in Early Modern Europe 2016
28 Hidden Galleries Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: ‘hidden galleries’ in the secret police archives in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe 2016
29 Token Communities Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean 2016
30 IGATO The introduction of the glaze in al-Andalus: technological waves and Oriental influences 2016
31 FRANCOBRIT The Outbreak of the Wars of Religion: a Franco-British History (1547-1572) 2016
32 AGENTSEGET Itinerant Cultural Agents in Early Modern Europe and the Scotsman Thomas Seget: A Case-Study 2016
33 MUSLIM-NLNO Muslims condemning violent extremism - An interdisciplinary analysis of public initiatives in the Netherlands and Norway 2001-2015 2016
34 Labour and Migration British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870 2016
35 TibArmy The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas (1642-1959) 2016
36 CHISEL Church Building as Industry in Early Medieval Western Europe 2016
37 SAMA Spaces of Anti-Muslim Acts in the Greater Paris and Greater London regions 2016
38 POSEC Postsecular Conflicts and the role of Russian Orthodoxy in the transnational alliances of moral conservative traditionalists 2016
39 TRACER Tree Roots: an analytical ‘culture’ of economy and religion – case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC. 2016
40 SACRIMA The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe 2016
41 PAThs Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context: Production, Copying, Usage, Dissemination and Storage 2016
42 IsImAg Isis, Images and Agency. The Creation, Use and Perception of Religious Iconography Concerning the Egyptian Gods in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds 2017
43 EMoBookTrade The Early Modern Book Trade: An Evidence-based Reconstruction of the Economic and Juridical Framework of the European Book Market 2016
44 PERFORMART Promoting, Patronising and Practising the Arts in Roman Aristocratic Families (1644-1740). The Contribution of Roman Family Archives to the History of Performing Arts 2016
45 CROSSLOCATIONS Crosslocations in the Mediterranean: rethinking the socio-cultural dynamics of relative positioning 2016
46 MWDIR Media Warfare and the Discourse of Islamic Revival: The Case of the Islamic State (IS) 2017
47 BeyondtheElite Beyond the Elite: Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Europe 2016
48 MEDIATE Middlebrow Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors, and Texts in 18th-century Europe 2016
49 PrivatePieties Private Pieties, Mundane Islam and New Forms of Muslim Religiosity: Impact on Contemporary Social and Political Dynamics 2016
50 SK PRES SSH Social Sciences and Humanities: a New Agenda for Europe's Challenges 2016
51 EURO-EXPERT Cultural Expertise in Europe: What is it useful for? 2016
52 Habit Roman Catholic laywomen’s “turn to habit” as a strategy of developing modern pious womanhood: Catholic female social reformers in France, Germany and Partitioned Poland between 1878-1914. 2016
53 TRANSNATIONALaw Transnationalism and Unofficial Law: The Case of Kurds in Turkey and Germany 2017
54 MASHQI Making Books Talk: The Material Evidence of Manuscripts of the Kitab al-Shifa by Qadi Iyad (d.1149) for the Reception of an Andalusian Biography of the Prophet between 1100 and 1900 2017
55 ONLINERPOL Faith Online: Transnational Religious Politics on New Media in India and Europe 2017
56 INNOVATION Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought (c. 1220-56) 2017
57 MEXRES Restoration and Faith: practicing religion and conservation in Mexico's historic churches 2016
58 SSIIE Sanskrit Åšaiva Intellectuals in the Empire: Innovations, Textual Practices and Religious Interactions in the Late Vijayanagara Period 2017
59 COMPUS Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). 2017
60 MORA Muslim Antisemitism in Colonial Morocco 2017
61 ConflictNET The Politics and Practice of Social Media in Conflict 2017
62 DARE Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality 2017
63 DerRadIslam Qur’an and Qital. The violence against the Other in a historical critical deradicalizing perspective. 2017
64 LandsOfMeaning Lands of Meaning. A Geographical Information System Study of Space and Social Praxis in Ancient Attika, Greece, from the Mycenaean Age to the birth of Democracy (1200-480 BC) 2017
65 AJAPP Writing Jewish History: Ancient Judaism as a Political Problem in Central Europe at the Rise of the Nation State 2017
66 SufisEthicsDemocracy Sufis Ethics and Democracy 2017
67 T.A.MA 'Sharing without Solidarity: Politics, Heritage and Pilgrimage in a Divided European Society' 2017
68 IMEX Images in Exile:Gender and representations among Syrian Kurdish women in Norway 2017
69 MAP Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC) 2017
70 MedRoute On the route of multiculturalism(s). Marking and hybridizing identities in the late 17th and early 18th centuries Mediterranean port cities 2017
71 GeoMOP Modern Geospatial Practices for Ancient Movement Praxis 2018
72 netdis Medicine, Heresy and Freedom of Thought in sixteenth-century Italy: a Network of Dissident Physicians in the Confessional Age 2017
73 SYMBODIN The Symbolism of the Body in Northern Europe. Cognitive Metaphors and Old Norse Myth from the Viking Age to Late Medieval Times 2018
74 InSpeCo Inside Speakers' Corner. Late Medieval Italian Anchoresses in European Context. 2017
75 ReMix Christian-Muslim families dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family lifeReligious reconstruction in religiously mixed marriages 2018
76 ROJAVA The Kurds in Syria: A complex interplay between local, regional and transnational 2017
77 RoyalCities The King’s City: A Comparative Study of Royal Patronage in Assur, Nineveh, and Babylon in the First Millennium BCE 2018
78 WORK-CHRIST The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) 2017
79 SDD Spirits of Displacement and Diaspora 2017
80 MoroccoMasculinities Masculinities, Youth and Violence in the Moroccan Underclass: Young Men and Their Future Selves. 2017
81 GINGER Perception of Eastern Religions in Europe 2017
82 SENSIS The Senses of Islam: A Cultural History of Perception in the Muslim World 2017
83 SAREE The Social Anthropology of Rabies Epidemiology and Elimination 2018
84 SKILLNET Sharing Knowledge In Learned and Literary Networks. The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society 2017
85 Pericles Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation 2017
86 MAP Mapping Ancient Polytheisms Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency 2017
87 BuddhistRoad Dynamics in Buddhist Networks in Eastern Central Asia, 6th-14th Centuries 2017
88 Locus Ludi Locus Ludi: The Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity 2017
89 EarlyModernCosmology Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe 2017
90 PhilAnd The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission. 2017
91 NeMoSanctI New Models of Sanctity in Italy (1960s-2010s).A Semiotic Analysis of Norms, Causes of Saints, Hagiography, and Narratives 2018
92 FLOS Florilegia Syriaca. The Intercultural Dissemination of Greek Christian Thought in Syriac and Arabic in the First Millennium CE 2018
93 HealthScaping Healthscaping Urban Europe: Bio-Power, Space and Society, 1200-1500 2017
94 UMMA Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city 2018
95 FRONTIERPEACE On the Frontiers of Peace. Cross-cultural Peacebuilding on the Global Frontiers of the Iberian Empires (1500-1580) 2018
96 RESISTANCE Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries 2018
97 ReIReS Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies 2018
98 FULFIL Fulfilling the Law: Medieval Intellectuals and the Christian Making of Jewish Identity 2018
99 US-E AntiRacism Catholicism and the “Negro Question”: Religion, Racism, and Antiracism in a Transnational Perspective (United States and Europe, 1934-1968) 2019
100 SPACES Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS 2018
101 BIVIUM Standing at the Crossroads: Doubt in Early Modern Italy (1500-1560) 2018
102 BUDDHISMAFRICA East-Asian Buddhism in Post-Apartheid South Africa 2018
103 WaSH-UPP Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding Policy and Practice 2018
104 TAXT Seals and Sealing Practices in Sasanian Iran: New Evidence from Taxt-e Solaymān 2019
105 MARIA Marian Apocryphal Representations in Art: From Hagiographic Collections to Church Space and Liturgy in Fourteenth-to-Sixteenth-Century France 2018
106 SeReNa-SEA The Divine Tragedy of Securing the Sacred: Religion, Security and Nationalism in Southeast Asia 2019
107 ALATA The Making of Angels in Late Antiquity: Theology and Aesthetics 2018
108 IAL Imagination As A Lens 2018
110 MEDLAND_HORN.AFRICA Medieval landscapes in the Horn of Africa. State, territory and materiality of the Adal Sultanate (15th-16th centuries AD). 2018
111 INTIMIZ Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar 2018
112 Gender identity Alone against Secularisation? Gender identity in Anglican and Catholic women (England-Spain, 1960-2015) 2019
113 TRANSIMAMS Spreading Whose Word? Transnational Imams, Religion and Politics in Turkey’s Mosques Abroad (France, UK, USA) 2018
114 IslamExpertEducation Educating Islamic experts in Western Europe: Between traditional and academized forms of knowledge formation and authority 2019
115 SHIPWORM 'A transregional and interdisciplinary study of the societal impact of the shipworm epidemic in the North Sea region in the eighteenth century' 2018
116 SOLMUS Social Landscapes as Multicultural Spaces: Stećci in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018
117 GIRLPOS A Genealogy of Islamic Religious Leadership in Post-Ottoman States 2018
118 NeOtStraTurkBalk Neo-Ottomanism? New Strategies of Turkey and the Impact of Foreign Aid to Post-War Cultural Reconstruction in the Balkans 2018
119 IslamAnimals Animals in the Philosophy of the Islamic World 2018
120 HisTochText History of the Tocharian Texts of the Pelliot Collection 2018
121 MiMus Ioculator seu mimus. Performing Music and Poetry in medieval Iberia 2018
122 Global Horizons Global Horizons in Pre-Modern Art 2018
123 GREASE Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives 2018
124 ArsNova European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages 2019
125 WINK Women's Invisible Ink: Trans-Genre Writing and the Gendering of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity 2019
126 RETOPEA Religious Toleration and Peace 2018
127 SHIVADHARMA Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia 2018
128 MIDA Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions 2019
129 PASSIM Patristic sermons in the Middle Ages. The dissemination, manipulation and interpretation of late-antique sermons in the medieval Latin West 2019
130 BRaVE Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism and Polarisation 2019
131 MEUS Multi-Religious Encounters in Urban Settings 2019
132 FOODCULT Food, Culture and Identity in Ireland, 1550-1650 2019
133 DHARMA The Domestication of ‘Hindu’ Asceticism and the Religious Making of South and Southeast Asia 2019
134 EuQu The European Qur'an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 2019
135 iLIVE Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end 2019
136 ReligSpace The Effect of Manifestations of Religion in the Public Space on Sociopolitical Integration of Minority-Religion Immigrants 2019
137 MAYURB Understanding ancient urbanism: site planning and unintended consequences of the Classic Maya city as a model 2020
138 TRANSCAMUS NGOs, Transnational Networks and the Transformation of Muslim Communities in Cambodia 2020
139 MeMuRu Places of Remembrance in Muslim Russia: Islamic Heritage and Moral Landscapes 2019
140 REL-NET Entangled Interfaith Identities and Relations from the Mediterranean to the United States: The St James Association and Its Transnational Christian-Jewish Network in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2019
141 RICONTRANS Visual Culture, Piety and Propaganda: Transfer and Reception of Russian Religious Art in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean (16th to early 20th Century) 2019
142 DIVLAW How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History 2020
143 ROMETRANS Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary analysis of political, military and religious regenerations of the city's forgotten quarter C1-C8 CE 2019
144 EMESAS Early Modern Exchanges in Sanskrit Astral Sciences 2019
145 TOK The Creation of Tokens in Late Antiquity. Religious 'tolerance' and 'intolerance' in Fourth and Fifth Centuries AD 2019
146 WomenWritingSaints Women Writing Saints: Proto-feminist Discourses in Religious texts written by Women in Counter-Reformation Italy 2019
147 MINSOC Minority civil society, inter-ethnic peace and sustainable democracy 2019
148 RES Rights for Ecosystem Services (RES): a framework to protect the environment and sustainable local communities in the EU. 2020
149 WIRED Wired: The Role of Infrastructure in the Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Contemporary China 2019
150 ROBERT (Inter-)nationalism and the new Turkey: the rise and fall of international education at Istanbul's Robert College, c. 1913-1933 2019
151 WIMPACT Late medieval visionary Women's IMPact in early modern Castilian spiritual Tradition 2019
152 IaM NUBIAN Identity and Memory in Christian Nubia: A study on strategies of (self-)presentation and preservation of the past in medieval African society 2019
153 MYTH Making national identity. The construction of Germanic Mythology in 19th century. 2020
154 DREGS Deciphering archaeological Residues to understand the history of European Grape cultivation and winemaking Societies 2019
155 FarGo 'Farming God's Way': Cultivation and religious practice in contemporary South Africa 2019
156 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
157 SACRASEC Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence and Authority in Mega-Cities of the Global South 2019
158 MUSLIMWOMENFILM Locating the Storyteller: Muslim Women’s Auto/Biographical Cinema from the Islamic World 2020
159 WoMent 'Mad for Him'. Women, Religion and Mental Illness in the Late Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Age 2019
160 FORPRAL Forbidden Prayers Library. Shaping Private Piety in Counter-Reformation Europe (16th-18th) 2020
161 TamCatHoly Becoming a Martyr in Early Modern South India: The Memory of Tēvacakāyam between Jesuit Mission and Tamil Popular Culture. 2020
162 REVERE Revisiting the Seventeenth-Century Republic of Letters 2019
163 TRANSLATIO 'Translatio.’ The art of (re)moving relics and reforming holiness in Europe’s borderlands. 2020
164 Water-Cultures The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 2019
165 NHNME Networked Holiness: New Media Entrepreneurship of Catholic Monastic Communities 2019
166 VIAMEDIAITALICA The Scholar, the Jurist, the Priest: Moderation on the Italian Peninsula, 1700-1750 2020
167 EDULIBERA Education as an instrument for liberation in Mozambique and Timor-Leste — histories of solidarity and contemporary reflections 2019
168 TRANSJIHAD Explaining Transnational Jihad - Patterns of Escalation and Containment 2019
169 MESSIAH Authoritarianism and Messianic Conceptions of Politics in Turkey 1850-2015 2019
170 GlobalOrthodoxy Rewriting Global Orthodoxy Oriental Christianity in Europe between 1970 and 2020 2019
172 Global-ANSWER Global social work and human mobility: comparative studies on local government and good social work practices in the euro-mediterranean region 2020
174 ROSA Religion and Its Others in South Asia and the World: Communities, Debates, Freedoms 2019
175 PAVE Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA 2020
176 EJCM Early Jewish and Christian Magical Traditions in Comparison and Contact 2020
177 NGTax Next Generation Taxonomy: Ciliophora and their bacterial symbionts as a proof of concept 2020
178 FFEs Frozen Fried Eggs: Industrial process for the manufacture of frozen fried eggs 2019
179 APCG Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah 2020
180 AtlanticExiles Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s-1820s 2020
181 GloQur The Global Qur’an. Shared Traditions, Imperial Languages and Transnational Actors 2020
182 KnowStudents From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620) 2020
183 FRRAnt Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians 2020
184 RESILIENCE REligious Studies Infrastructure: tooLs, Experts, conNections and CEnters 2019
185 LOSS Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas 2020
186 ISICD Exploring the identity construction of IS members through linguistic markers in online discourse 2020
187 PolyCRomA Polychromy: the meaning of Colour in Roman African statues 2020
188 URBS The Historic Urban Landscape of European Cathedral Cities: a transnational approach towards an understanding of a shared European heritage 2020
189 BV Building Vienna 2020
190 QaSLA The Qur’an as a Source for Late Antiquity 2020
191 BONEZ Baltic Paganism, Osteology, and New Examinations of Zooarchaeological Evidence 2021
192 WiseWomen Wise Women: Beliefs and Networks of Female Spiritual Figures in Central European Vernacular Religion 2020
193 APOCRYPHA Storyworlds in Transition: Coptic Apocrypha in Changing Contexts in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods 2020
194 SAVIJU Saharan Visions of Jesus. Poetics of Muslim-to-Christian religious conversions 2020
195 SECULAR The Secularization Theorem in the Long Nineteenth Century 2020
196 KBMSCACAR Pentecostalism and Social media in Brazil: Faith and the digital production of gendered, racialized and class-based Pentecostal bodies 2021