Opendata, web and dolomites


Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 Piko project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the Piko project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "Piko" about.

exist    obstacle    dynamics    resolved    strategy    responds    super       dynamic    appear    capturing    resistance    survive    physical    illumination    observe    fluctuations    throughput    signatures    glass    survival    length    limit    mitochondria    starvation    energy    membrane    mitochondrial    quantify    granules    bacterial    fitness    below    transition    transport    thousands    fluorescence    cells    experiment    behavior    displays    harsh    lack    structured    virulence    applicable    tens    little    entering    rely    microns    size    slow    proliferating    bacteria    quiescent    cytoplasm    measured    promotes    nanometers    overcome    poorly    micron    storage    quantitative    proteins    contain    environment    antibiotic    heterogeneous    elucidate    tracking    intracellular    scales    molecular    microscopes    single    lie    motor    diffraction    endosymbionts    broadly    organization    of    quiescence    ancient    organelles    adaptive    colloidal    resolution    microscopy    matrix    translate    diffusion    originated    hundreds    subcellular    nature    interior   

Project "Piko" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: BATIMENT CE 3316 STATION 1
postcode: 1015

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Switzerland [CH]
 Total cost 2˙366˙835 €
 EC max contribution 2˙366˙835 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.1. (EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC))
 Code Call ERC-2018-COG
 Funding Scheme ERC-COG
 Starting year 2019
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2019-10-01   to  2024-09-30


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 


 Project objective

Bacteria cells appear to be less complex than our own cells -- yet they are better able to survive harsh conditions. Typically ~1 micron in size, they lack motor proteins; thus, they rely on fluctuations for intracellular transport. Bacteria in the environment often face starvation and exist in a non-proliferating quiescent state, which promotes antibiotic resistance and virulence. Entering quiescence, the bacterial cytoplasm displays signatures of the colloidal glass transition, with increasingly slow and heterogeneous diffusion. Also important for fitness during starvation is the formation of storage granules up to hundreds of nanometers in size. The complex state behavior of the bacterial cytoplasm is therefore important for their survival, but the physical nature of each of these processes is poorly understood. Our own cells are typically tens of microns in size and contain organelles including mitochondria, which originated from ancient bacterial endosymbionts. But little is known about the transport properties of the mitochondrial matrix, or how it responds to changes in mitochondrial membrane potential or energy production. The goal of this project is to elucidate the organization and dynamics of the bacterial cytoplasm and the mitochondrial matrix. A major obstacle to studying the interior of bacteria and mitochondria is the relevant length scales, which lie below the diffraction limit. Furthermore, to observe and quantify their adaptive response, many cells must be measured. Our strategy to overcome both of these technical challenges is to use high-throughput super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. We have developed new microscopes, capable of capturing thousands of super-resolved cells in each experiment. We propose to translate these developments to dynamic structured illumination and long-term molecular tracking. Broadly applicable, this will also enable the quantitative study of the subcellular properties of single bacteria cells or mitochondria.

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The information about "PIKO" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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