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H2020 projects about "structured"

The page lists 583 projects related to the topic "structured".

# achronym  title  year 
1 AtlantOS Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System 2015
2 ULTIMATE Ultra Low emission Technology Innovations for Mid-century Aircraft Turbine Engines 2015
3 EUCLID EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration 2015
4 OPERAM OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly 2015
5 SCOPE Screening for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) among Older People across Europe (SCOPE) 2015
6 SILNE-R Enhancing the effectiveness of programs and strategies to prevent youth smoking: a comparative realist evaluation of 7 European cities 2015
7 CoachCom2020 CoachCom2020 – a coaching community enhancing impact of the H2020 SME Instrument 2014
8 EmPowerPutida Exploiting native endowments by re-factoring, re-programming and implementing novel control loops in Pseudomonas putida for bespoke biocatalysis 2015
9 LeanShips Low Energy And Near to zero emissions Ships 2015
10 LOWBRASYS a LOW environmental impact BRAke SYStem 2015
11 realFlow Virtualization of Real Flows for Animation and Simulation 2015
12 SWIMing Semantic Web for Information Management in Energy Efficient Buildings 2015
13 FLEXILOG Formal lexically informed logics for searching the web 2015
14 ERC-EuropePMC-2-2014 Extracting funding statements from full text research articles in the life sciences 2014
15 COMPUTED Computational User Interface Design 2015
16 NewAve New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle 2015
17 Spray-Imaging Detailed Characterization of Spray Systems using Novel Laser Imaging Techniques 2015
18 ExtreFlow Extreme deformation of structured fluids and interfaces. Exploiting ultrafast collapse and yielding phenomena for new processes and formulated products 2015
19 MESOPROBIO Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology 2015
20 PLUGIN Payload Universal Geostationary Interface 2015
21 RYSQ Rydberg Quantum Simulators 2015
22 VEST Virtual Environments for Social Training 2015
24 CREEP Complex RhEologies in Earth dynamics and industrial Processes 2015
25 SAF21 Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century 2015
26 ResMoSys Multi-Stimuli Responsive Molecular Systems and Materials 2015
27 INSPIRATION INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research ActTION 2015
28 I2BENE Innovation and Internationalisation services by BENE – I²BENE 2014
29 PPI4Waste Promotion of Public Procurement of Innovation for Resource Efficiency and Waste Treatment 2015
30 TRUSS Training in Reducing Uncertainty in Structural Safety 2015
31 InnoChain Building Innovation in the Extended Digital Chain 2015
32 INCAME INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises 2014
33 TheLink European Training Network to Accelerate the Development Chain of Nanostructured Polymers 2014
34 ACT5G Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond 2015
35 Remediate Improved decision-making in contaminated land site investigation and risk assessment 2015
36 SYNCHRONICS SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and photONICS: a multi-site initial training action 2015
37 EURACTE INNOV Advanced support services to enhance the innovation management capacity and SME Instrument projects of northern France SMEs 2014
38 HNN 2.0 Improving and professionalizing the Health NCP service across Europe. 2014
39 EDSA European Data Science Academy 2015
40 ALIGNED Aligned, Quality-centric Software and Data Engineering 2015
41 MixedEmotions Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets 2015
42 RAIS Scalable, point-of-care and label free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis 2015
43 LIGHT2015 The International Year of Light in Europe 2015 2015
44 BASMATI Bringing innovAtion by Scaling up nanoMATerials and Inks for printing 2015
45 M-Future2015 Strategic investments in European manufacturing to win global challenges 2014
46 CrowdFundRES Unleashing the potential of Crowdfunding for Financing Renewable Energy Projects 2015
47 ENSCC ERA-NET Smart Cities and Communities 2014
48 SOLACYLIN A preparative approach to geometric effects in innovative solar cell types based on a nanocylindrical structure 2015
49 SYMBIOSYS Symbolic Analysis of Temporal and Functional Behavior of Networked Systems 2015
50 EMU Choices (former EMU_SCEUS) The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration 2015
51 RESFARM Developing and implementing financial instruments for the mobilisation of investments in renewable energy in the agrarian sector 2015
52 REFURB REgional process innovations FOR Building renovation packages opening markets to zero energy renovations 2015
53 EURECA Datacenter EURECA Project 2015
54 TAIPI Tools and Actions for Impact Assessment and Policy makers Information 2015
55 ThinkEHR Platform Think!EHR Platform as vendor-neutral, open health data platform, designed for real-time, transactional health data storage enabling to go from idea to application in one hour. 2014
56 EuroStemCell European Consortium for Communicating Stem Cell Research 2015
57 CONFAM Confronting sexual pluralism: the regulatory dilemmas and policy challenges of non-monogamous family formations 0
58 OpenMinTeD Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data 2015
59 TANDEM TransAfrican Network Development 2015
60 Sci-GaIA Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa 2015
61 KinCoop Do plants cooperate in reproduction? The effect of sharing pollination services on plant reproductive strategies 2015
62 Pro-Membrane Amphiphilic Peptoids as General Tool for Membrane Proteins Stabilization and Crystallization 2015
63 GATEWAY Developing a Pilot Case aimed at establishing a European infrastructure project for CO2 transport 2015
64 FertilityPolicies Fertility, Public Policies, and Women in Turkey in Comparative Perspective 2016
65 MorpheuS Hybrid Machine Learning – Optimization techniques To Generate Structured Music Through Morphing And Fusion 2015
67 RE-DEV Assessing the transition to renewable energy in Rapidly Developing Countries 2015
68 CAMP-BIVALENCE Roma, Gypsies and Travellers' social in/exclusion in European urban camps 2016
69 REINVEST Financing Affordable Housing Under Localism 2015
70 DEW Detachment of water: Light triggered water droplet release from biomimetic honeycomb-structured polymer surfaces 2016
71 Platon software PLATform fOr iNteroperable multiphysics digital mock-up 2015
72 ECOFLEX Feasibility study of a Eco-friendly, Compact and Flexible System for Post Digital Printing Treatment of Textiles 2015
73 WEL-FIT Feasibility Study of the induction WELding, FIbre placement and shaping of Thermoplastic composites 2015
74 Vaprosep Validation of Progranulin as Biomarker in Diagnostics and Prognosis of Sepsis 2015
75 CAIN Analysis of multimedia contents published on social networks, using a community of people willing to perform micro-tasks on their mobile devices. Application to marketing and branding 2015
76 InLineNano In-Line Areal Surface Measurement for Micro and Nano Production 2015
77 Enabling Excellence Graphene-based nanomaterials for touchscreen technologies: Comprehension, Commerce and Communication 2015
78 ISO-COLD Integrated SOlution to enhance COLD chain and logistic tracking 2015
80 QuantumMagnonics Interfacing spin waves with superconducting quantum circuits for single magnon creation and detection 2015
81 HoNESt History of Nuclear Energy and Society 2015
82 IBSEN Bridging the gap: from Individual Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical MaN 2015
83 IC-3i-PhD Institut Curie 3-i PhD Program 2016
84 OBSERVE Observing Emergence 2015
85 TCBL TCBL – Textile and Clothing Business Labs Transformative Business Models for the Textile Clothing Sector 2015
86 ScalinGreen Innovative solutions to scale-up urban green surfaces across Europe 2015
87 TUCLA Towards a deepened understanding of combustion processes using advanced laser diagnostics 2016
88 DISCO Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation 2015
89 ACCORD Algorithms for Complex Collective Decisions on Structured Domains 2015
90 Psychosystems Psychosystems:Consolidating Network Approaches to Psychopathology 2015
91 ADVANTAGE ADvanced Validation of A Novel TB Active disease diagnostic to address Global unmet needs: a European consortium approach 2015
92 RSM Rich, Structured Models for Scene Recovery, Understanding and Interaction 2015
93 ExaHyPE An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine 2015
94 I-KAM2EU enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU 2015
95 SENEX Table Top Device based on Nanostructured Sensors for the continuous ENvironmental monitoring of EXplosive substances in sensitive areas 2015
96 INCAME-2 INnovation CApacities of Mediterranean Enterprises 2015
97 INNOWAVE Maximising the technical and economic performance of real wave energy devices 2016
98 I2 BENE 2015-2016 Innovation Internationalisation services by BENE 2015-2016 – I²BENE 2015-2016 2015
99 SUBITOP Understanding subduction zone topography through modelling of coupled shallow and deep processes 2016
100 EUCALL European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources 2015
101 NoNoMeCat Non-Noble Metal Catalysis - NoNoMeCat 2016
102 BE-OPTICAL Advanced BiomEdical OPTICAL Imaging and Data Analysis 2015
103 TERRE Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future 2015
104 DCOMM Deictic Communication - A Multidisciplinary Training 2016
105 ArchSci2020 Archaeology on the Edge: Northern Europe and the Circumpolar World 2016
106 BIGCHEM Big Data in Chemistry 2016
107 MaX Materials design at the eXascale 2015
108 EoCoE Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications 2015
109 Symbionica SYMBIONICA - Reconfigurable Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing of next generation fully personalized bionics and smart prosthetics 2015
110 ZERO-PLUS Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology 2015
111 PRINTCR3DIT Process Intensification through Adaptable Catalytic Reactors made by 3D Printing 2015
112 IbD Intensified by Design® for the intensification of processes involving solids handling 2015
113 MAESTRI Energy and resource management systems for improved efficiency in the process industries. 2015
114 RoVi Robotic manipulator with visuo-haptic sensing 2015
115 SEDAL Statistical Learning for Earth Observation Data Analysis. 2015
116 CyberCare Integrated Sensing Architectures and Tools for Health Care 2016
117 TRANSINNOV Peer learning on ways to improve knowledge/technology transfer to SMEs in a structured innovation ecosystem 2015
118 AEGIS Accelerated Early staGe drug diScovery 2016
119 DOQS Many-Body Physics with Driven Open Quantum Systems of Atoms, Light and Solids 2016
120 INNOVIST INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul 2015
121 BigData4Cat Big Data for Catalysis 2015
122 EU-ToxRisk An Integrated European ‘Flagship’ Program Driving Mechanism-based Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment for the 21st Century 2016
123 EUBrasilCloudFORUM EUBrasilCloudFORUM: Fostering an International dialogue between Europe and Brazil 2016
124 Foodakai-1 Foodakai-1: Feasibility Assessment of an Intelligent Consumer App for Early Warning on Food Threats 2015
125 ELITRANS ELITRANS-Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC. 2015
126 NoNaCat Development of Molecular-defined Non-noble Metal Complexes and Nano-structured Materials for Sustainable Redox ReactionsDevelopment of Molecular-defined Non-noble Metal Complexes and Nano-structured 2015
127 PHANTOM Cross-Layer and Multi-Objective Programming Approach for Next Generation Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Systems 2015
128 SUPERMAT The VIRTUAL Centre for Integration of INNOVATIVE synthesis and Processing methods for SUSTAINABLE advanced Materials operating under Extreme Conditions 2016
130 HoloVision Advanced holographic optical neural stimulation for vision restoration and basic research 2016
131 PROSO Promoting societal engagement under the terms of RRI 2016
132 SlideWiki Large-scale pilots for collaborative OpenCourseWare authoring, multiplatform delivery and Learning Analytics 2016
133 RurInno Social Innovations in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: How Social Entrepreneurs Foster Innovative Solutions to Social Problems 2016
134 StarFormMapper A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters 2016
135 FLOWTONICS Solid-state flow as a novel approach for the fabrication of photonic devices 2016
136 INCASI Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty 2016
137 smarticipate smart services for calculated impact assessment in open governance 2016
138 SEFIPA Sustainable Energy Financing Plattform in Austria 2016
139 SEAQUEL Structured Ensembles of Atoms for Quantum Engineering of Light 2016
140 SALSA Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security 2016
141 FourCmodelling Conflict, Competition, Cooperation and Complexity: Using Evolutionary Game Theory to model realistic populations 2016
142 TetraFOOD Marine microalgae-based functional foods and food supplements for the prevention of chronic diseases 2016
143 INTEL-1 Intelligent investment analysis of early-stage companies 2016
144 AIRMES Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers 2015
145 ReProCounters ‘Reciprocal Encounters’ - Young Adults Leaving Care 2016
146 Fundsphere Terms FST Reshaping the Asset Management Industry by commercialising the first digital solution to automate preparation of legal agreements that will increase the growth of registered funds on global markets. 2016
147 PEP-PRO-RNA Peptide-derived bioavailable macrocycles as inhibitors of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions 2016
148 HYMNS High-sensitivitY Measurements of key stellar Nucleo-Synthesis reactions 2016
149 MOIPB Multi-modal optical imaging platform for Biology 2017
150 RE-FRUIT “Rehabilitation: Family Role within the UK in comparison to Turkey” 2016
151 SCALABLE DEMOCRACY Can Direct Democracy Be Scaled? The Promise of Networked Democracy and the Affordances of Decision-Making Software 2016
152 TransNic Enantioselective Nickel-Catalyzed trans-Carbometallative Couplings and Cyclizations 2016
153 NextGEnergy Next Generation Power Sources for Self-sustainable Devices – Integrated Multi-source Energy Harvesters 2016
154 cOMPoSe Optical Metamaterials by Polymer Self-assembly 2016
155 ARGUE_WEB Probabilistic Argumentation on the Web 2016
156 SPicEs Smart Pickering Emulsions 2016
157 SPARk Adding Pieces to the Puzzle of Sexual Differentiation In P. falciparum: A Systematic Analysis of RNA Processing 2016
158 BIGSSS-departs Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships 2016
159 BioMEP Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics 2016
160 TibArmy The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas (1642-1959) 2016
161 SEEWHI Solar Energy Enabled for the World by High-resolution Imaging 2016
162 IdrSeq Discovery and characterization of functional disordered regions and the genes involved in their regulation through next generation sequencing 2016
163 SmartGraphene Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave 2016
164 SOLMAG Solar magnetic field and its influence on solar variability and activity 2016
165 RAMSES Internet Forensic platform for tracking the money flow of financially-motivated malware 2016
166 GenderJust Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern 2017
167 artes EUmanities a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities - European Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne 2017
168 Career-FIT Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme 2017
169 TWINN-LC-SMEs Towards Innovative Low Carbon SMEs 2016
170 POSTDATA Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data 2016
171 NETS Networks in Time and Space 2016
172 I-REACT Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies 2016
173 WIRE2016 WIRE2016 - The Power of Ecosystems 2016
174 MobileKids Children in multi-local post-separation families 2016
175 PHOSPhOR Photonics of Spin–Orbit Optical Phenomena 2016
176 MinimalSelf Embodiment, Intersubjectivity, and the Minimal Self 2016
177 cryo-bacteria-reactor Development of the flow through bioreactor of 3D-structured bacteria for biodegradation of aromatic chloroderivatives from contaminated water 2016
178 LIMAStruct Light-matter interaction with structured light 2016
179 TransPhorm Single molecule imaging of transmembrane protein structure and function in their native state 2016
180 GraphInt Principles of Graph Data Integration 2016
181 DISCO Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation 2016
182 SCILIFE Science in everyday life 2016
183 DOMINOS A disruptive information system for SMEs’ business consulting using problem solving techniques, semantic technologies and social media 2016
184 CIVITAS SATELLITE Support Action Towards Evaluation, Learning, Local Innovation, Transfer and Excellence 2016
185 SOCIETY in Search Of Certainty - Interactive Event To inspire Young people 2016
186 EURACTE-INNOV II Establishment, promotion and implementation of new support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Nord – Pas de Calais region 2015
187 ICARUS Towards Innovative cost-effective astronomical instrumentation 2016
188 SILCI Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations 2016
189 SEXHUM Sexual Humanitarianism: understanding agency and exploitation in the global sex industry 2016
190 GlobalBioIm Global integrative framework for Computational Bio-Imaging 2016
191 HITSUPERJU Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multiterminal superconducting junctions 2016
192 PROWAT Proton conduction in structured water 2016
194 INTENT Structured Reactors with INTensified ENergy Transfer for Breakthrough Catalytic Technologies 2016
195 PrintPack Arranging the Particles: Step Changing Chemical Measurement Technology 2016
196 DigiSCAN DigiSCAN 2016
197 QCALL Quantum Communications for ALL 2016
198 ChiC Creating high impact for CAPS 2016
199 SYNTRAIN Targeting SYNthetic lethal interactions for new cancer treatments TRAINing network 2016
200 COSMIC European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors 2016
201 ELENA Low energy ELEctron driven chemistry for the advantage of emerging NAno-fabrication methods 2016
202 MEMO2 MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling 2017
203 ICONIC Improving the crashworthiness of composite transportation structures 2016
204 ExSIDE Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics 2017
205 PRINT-AID Multidisciplinary European training network for development of personalized anti-infective medical devices combining printing technologies and antimicrobial functionality 2017
206 GEM-STONES Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism - Sophistication of the Transnational Order, Networks and European Strategies 2016
207 PARADDISE A Productive, Affordable and Reliable solution for large scale manufacturing of metallic components by combining laser-based ADDItive and Subtractive processes with high Efficiency 2016
209 MMBio Molecular Tools for Nucleic Acid Manipulation for Biological Intervention 2017
210 SMARTI ETN European Training Network on Sustainable Multi-functional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructures. 2017
211 ExcEED ExcEED – European Energy Efficient buildingdistrict Database: from data to information to knowledge 2016
212 4PRIMA Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area 2016
213 ConnectedFactories Industrial scenarios for connected factories 2016
214 xMEMSDBS Dried Blood Spot sampling at home in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2016
215 NuWaSim On a Nuclear Waste Deep Repository Simulator 2016
216 Fundsphere Terms Disruptive Regulatory Technology for Asset Management Industry. FinTech company changes the global Asset Industry forever 2016
217 CORREL-CT Correlative tomography 2016
218 KNOWMAK Knowledge in the making in the European society 2017
219 BigDataOcean BigDataOcean - Exploiting Ocean's of Data for Maritime Applications 2017
220 PJ22 SEabird PJ22:Validation and Demonstration Engineering 2016
221 CIFRA Challenging the ICT Patent Framework for Responsible Innovation 2016
222 CA-RES3 Concerted Action supporting the transposition and implementation of Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RES Directive) 2016
223 AEGIS Advanced Big Data Value Chain for Public Safety and Personal Security 2017
224 mySMARTLife Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy 2016
225 VERSATILE Innovative robotic applications for highly reconfigurable production lines - VERSATILE 2017
226 SYRIANBORDERS The Fall of a Colonial Legacy: A Modern History of Syrian Borders (1920-2015) 2016
227 HIRMEOS High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure 2017
228 K-PLEX Knowledge Complexity 2017
229 PrEstoCloud PrEstoCloud - Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing 2017
230 PJ05 Remote Tower Remote Tower for Multiple Airports 2016
231 AGATM A Global Anthropology of Transforming Marriage 2017
232 CombiTop New Interactions of Combinatorics through Topological Expansions, at the crossroads of Probability, Graph theory, and Mathematical Physics 2017
233 PROMECA PROcess intensification through the development of innovative MEmbranes and CAtalysts 2017
234 COMPOSELECTOR Multi-scale Composite Material Selection Platform with a Seamless Integration of Material Models and Multidisciplinary Design Framework. 2017
235 TEACHERSCAREERS Cultural roots and institutional transformations of teachers’ careers and the teaching profession in Europe 2017
236 SACCRED Structured ACCREtion Disks: initial conditions for planet formation in the time domain 2017
237 FORCE Formulations and Computational Engineering 2017
238 SOLARIS Large-Scale Learning with Deep Kernel Machines 2017
239 VISIRday VISible to far-IR optical tuning: passive DAYtime cooling by hierarchical structures and hybrid materials 2017
240 SIMULTAN Aging-related changes in brain activation and deactivation during cognition: novel insights into the physiology of the human mind from simultaneous PET-fMRI imaging 2017
241 FLAG-ERA II The Flagship ERA-NET 2016
242 TESTBED Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling a smartEr griD 2017
244 ACCRA Agile Co-Creation of Robots for Ageing 2016
245 QRD A uniQue platform enabling faster development of treatments for Rare Diseases 2017
246 QuantERA QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies 2016
247 KidsAP The artificial pancreas in children aged 1 to 7 years with type 1 diabetes 2017
248 REASSURE Robust and Efficient Approaches to Evaluating Side Channel and Fault Attack Resilience 2017
249 RandMat Spectral Statistics of Structured Random Matrices 2017
250 ATOM Advanced Holographic Tomographies for Nanoscale Materials: Revealing Electromagnetic and Deformation Fields, Chemical Composition and Quantum States at Atomic Resolution. 2017
251 TALK International impact of TALK©: a simple and practical approach to multi-professional structured feedback and debriefing, to be used after unplanned learning events in clinical environments. 2017
252 CO-CREATION The Cohesive City: Addressing Stigmatisation in Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods 2017
253 M-CUBE MetaMaterials antenna for ultra-high field MRI 2017
254 BIOROBURplus Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogen production 2017
255 EvoluTEM Illuminating Atomic Scale Processes in Liquids and Gases 2017
256 ERICENA European Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence in ChiNA 2017
257 ARAB PARLIAMENTS The role of national parliaments in the Arab transformation processes 2017
258 Spontaneous ZeBrain Whole-brain dynamics underlying self-generated behaviour 2017
259 EURACTE-INNOV III Deployment of support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Hauts de France region 2017
260 single-C Automatized Catalysis and Single-Carbon Insertion 2017
261 MOUSSE Multilingual, Open-text Unified Syntax-independent SEmantics 2017
262 FishMan Unwanted catches of trawl fisheries: ecosystem effects and advances to an integratedmanagement approach in the Mediterranean 2017
263 LACRYMOSA Designing Multifunctional Self-Limiting Assembled Nanocrystal Superstructures and Monitoring their Self-Assembly at High Spatiotemporal Resolution 2017
264 MSIOAM Multifocal structured illumination optoacoustic microscopy 2018
265 NANO-DIELECTRICS Nanostructured dielectric platforms for electric and magnetic field-enhanced spectroscopies and nonlinear photonics with low-loss characteristics 2017
266 MATESI Multi-modal Approaches for Treatment and Evaluation of Swallowing Insufficiencies 2018
267 FASTR 3D SIM Focus on Advancing Spatial and Temporal Resolution of 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy 2017
268 T.A.MA 'Sharing without Solidarity: Politics, Heritage and Pilgrimage in a Divided European Society' 2017
269 SloMo Slow motion: Transformations of musical time in perception and performance 2017
270 Apricale The impact of literary translation funding on the transnational mobility of minor European literatures. 2017
271 SINMOF Synthesis of Spirooxindoles and INdoles pharmaceuticals using Metal-Organic Frameworks 2017
273 NanoAID Advanced In-situ Techniques for the Development of Metal Oxide Nanostructures. 2017
274 VIVIR VIsual representations of VIew Relations to support effective data analysis on large and high-resolution displays 2017
275 RAMP RAtionalising Membrane Protein crystallisation 2017
276 COEXIST Coexistence on the boundary of chaos 2017
277 ARTENGINE Artificial Life TodayAnthropological and Sociological Analysis of Life Engineering 2017
278 RE-mapping Tackling early school leaving and low school performance through working with students’ representational spaces. The case of 15 years old students in France, Italy and Greece. 2017
279 GaTHeR GaTHeR, Gender and Transfer of Knowledge in Hunter Gatherer Research 2017
280 UCOC Understanding the Commitment in Organized Crime 2018
281 SUPER-Lion Surface Promoted Enhanced Transport of Li-ions 2017
282 TransQST Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines - Sofia: 116030 2017
283 SmartCells Smart Lab-On-Chips for the Real -Time Control of Cells 2017
284 TIMING Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging 2017
285 CONPLEX The Constitutional Place of Expertise 2018
286 PROXNET Modelling Complex Networks Through Graph Editing Problems 2018
287 CPR A cross-country comparison of Communications designed to Prevent Radicalisation 2017
288 NEUROABSTRACTION Abstraction and Generalisation in Human Decision-Making 2017
289 NEUROINTELLIGENCE The Brain Dynamics of Human Fluid Intelligence 2018
290 Lawforms Forms of Law in the Early Modern Persianate World, 17th-19th centuries 2017
291 USLAMISM USLAMISM:The United States and Political Islam: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective. 2017
292 MIGRANT LAW RUSSIA Migration, Shadow Economy and Parallel Legal Orders in Russia 2018
293 COGTOM Cognitive tomography of mental representations 2017
294 CREAM4 Chemical Reaction Engineering by Additive Manufacturing of Mesoscale MetaMaterials 2017
295 EvoCellFate Evolution of cell fate decision during development 2017
296 SUNRISE Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods - Research and Implementation Support in Europe 2017
297 MedAID Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development 2017
298 BRISK II Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II 2017
299 INCAME_2 INnovation CApacity of Mediterranean Enterpises 2017
300 RED-Alert Real-time Early Detection and Alert System for Online Terrorist Content based on Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Event Processing 2017
301 CYBECO Supporting Cyberinsurance from a Behavioural Choice Perspective 2017
302 CRAVEzero Cost Reduction and market Acceleration for Viable nearly zero-Energy buildings 2017
303 I-KAM2EU enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU 2017
304 BECOOL Brazil-EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels 2017
305 ROMEO Reliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind 2017
306 CAT-FFLAP Catastrophic Failure in Flexural Lattice Problems 2017
307 CA-EED 2 Concerted Action EED - Support to Member States and participating countries for the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive 2017
308 ALEXANDRIA Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician 2017
309 VULCAN.ears Volcano-seismic Unsupervised Labelling and ClAssificatioN Embedded in A Real-time Scenario 2017
310 DNLIBiomed Biomedical Information Synthesis with Deep Natural Language Inference 2017
311 EuroTechPostdoc International Network of Excellence in Science Technology 2017
312 MICROPRINCE Pilot line for micro-transfer-printing of functional components on wafer level 2017
313 CORTEX Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration 2017
314 ADVISE ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs 2017
315 FastBio A genomics and systems biology approach to explore the molecular signature and functional consequences of long-term, structured fasting in humans 2017
316 EnergySequence Building data scientist to help us dive deep into the very large amount structured time series data pertaining to building energy use 2017
317 PRACTICIES Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities 2017
318 NOSCEMUS Nova Scientia. Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin 2017
319 Hi-OMICS High Performance Genomics for Software Defined Infrastructures 2017
320 Repro-light Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED-based lighting systems 2017
321 ShipShape Bottom-up Energy Efficient Emulsification and Structured Materials 2017
322 Cross4Health Collaboration among Aerospace, Biotechnology, ICT, Energy and Medical Devices sectors in generating innovative solutions, business models and work-flows that enhance patient-centered care 2017
324 DroC2om Drone Critical Communications 2017
325 ENSEMBLE3 Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs 2017
326 Himalaia High-Impact Injection Moulding Platform for mass-production of 3D and/or large micro-structured surfaces with Antimicrobial, Self-cleaning, Anti-scratch, Anti-squeak and Aesthetic functionalities 2017
327 AMable AdditiveManufacturABLE 2017
328 ANNULIGhT Annular Instabilities and Transient Phenomena in Gas Turbine Combustors 2017
329 AQUAlity Interdisciplinar cross-sectoral approach to effectively address the removal of contaminants of emerging concern from water 2017
330 CLOUD-MOTION CLOUD-MObility, Training and InnOvation Network 2017
331 FlowCamp European Training Network to improve materials for high-performance, low-cost next- generation redox-flow batteries 2017
332 HEART Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit 2017
333 MIP-Frontiers New Frontiers in Music Information Processing 2018
334 INCLUSION Towards more accessIble and iNCLUSIve mObility solutions for EuropeaN prioritised areas 2017
335 Group-Dynamics-TCB Effects of group dynamics on selection, development and demography in cooperative vertebrates 2018
336 CM3 Controlled Mechanical Manipulation of Molecules 2018
337 EXPROTEA Exploring Relations in Structured Data with Functional Maps 2018
338 SONGBIRD SOphisticated 3D cell culture scaffolds for Next Generation Barrier-on-chip In vitro moDels 2018
339 RESPECT Realizing Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade 2018
340 CIRCASA Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture 2017
341 EDIReX EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts 2018
342 CLIMB Development of a Cavity Supported Lipid Membranes Biomimetic drug permeability models (CLIMB) 2018
343 UPRIGHT Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers 2018
344 THEMPO The missing link between Perception and Cognition: The case of multiple-person scenarios 2018
345 ProSurf High Precision Process Chains for the Mass Production of Functional Structured Surfaces 2018
346 ViDaR ViDaR: R-enabled large-scale data analytics in ViDa 2018
347 GRIMASSE General aviation Rescue capacity IMprovement for the worldwide Adoption of a Safe Solution based on European GNSS 2017
348 NoMADS Nonlocal Methods for Arbitrary Data Sources 2018
349 ENGIMA Engineering of Nanostructures with Giant Magneto-Piezoelectric and Multicaloric Functionalities 2017
350 RE-DEFINE Refugee Emergency: DEFining and Implementing Novel Evidence-based psychosocial interventions 2018
351 IMPULSE Implementation of an effective and cost-effective intervention for patients with psychotic disorders in low and middle income countries in South Eastern Europe 2018
352 PICKPLACE Flexible, safe and dependable robotic part handling in industrial environments 2018
353 Track and Know Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas 2018
354 DeepSPIN Deep Learning for Structured Prediction in Natural Language Processing 2018
355 LSO Liver Spatial Omics 2018
356 NUCLEARWATERS Putting Water at the Centre of Nuclear Energy History 2018
357 CohesinLooping Cohesin-mediated chromosomal looping: From linear paths to 3D effects 2018
358 PEGASUS PEMFC based on platinum Group metAl free StrUctured cathodeS 2018
359 BADASS Barrel Array Diagnostics And SenSing 2018
360 ShellJeTTPlus Automated System for Total Fouling Removal of Heat Exchangers 2018
361 ASTRO Assembly Tooling for the Fast Rotorcraft Project 2018
362 DOVER Methodology Development and Validation of WEight Optimized Stiffeners Run-Out Design for Future Composite Wings 2018
363 BIOPLAS-PRO high-performance BIOPLAStic PROducts for new markets and applications 2017
364 CHILECTO Measuring Convergence and Divergence in Varieties of Chinese: A Lectometric Approach 2018
365 ReCitYu Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space 2018
366 ZEOCO2 ZEOlites for the conversion of CO2 to fuels and chemicals 2018
367 NEUROGUIDE Study of neuronal sensing and migration/guidance dynamics in neurodevelopmental disorders by nano-engineered chips 2018
368 CAPPUCCINO Characterising anthropogenic particulate properties in the ultraviolet by chamber and coordinated in situ observations 2019
369 CBC-ETHOS Does Cross-border Cooperation relate to a Humanist-ETHical cOde of valueS? Theorizing the institutionalization of a cross-border governance humanist ethical code. 2018
370 COMPRESS NETS Compressed Sensing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks 2018
371 covtrans Functional/Harmonic Analysis of Covariant Transforms 2019
372 EcoLabSS Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change 2018
373 EMOMETER EMOMETER: Developing an Integrated Toolbox for the Assessment of Emotional Functioning in Dogs 2018
374 Healing Encounters Healing Encounters: Reinventing an indigenous medicine in the clinic and beyond 2018
375 LUDEME The Digital Ludeme Project: Modelling the Evolution of Traditional Games 2018
376 HANDMADE Handmade: Understanding Creative Gesture in Pottery Making 2018
377 STOP Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy 2018
378 CARE4C Carbon smart forestry under climate change 2018
379 DAWN4IoE Data Aware Wireless Networks for Internet of Everything 2017
380 DTOceanPlus Advanced Design Tools for Ocean Energy Systems Innovation, Development and Deployment 2018
381 PROTAX New Methods to PRevent, Investigate and Mitigate COrruption and TAX Crimes in the EU 2018
382 IMMIGINTEGR The Role of the Welfare State in the Integration of Immigrants: Comparative Analysis of Latino Communities in Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States 2018
383 PORTWINGS Decoding the Nature of Flapping Flight by port-Hamiltonian System Theory 2018
384 R-I PEERS Pilot experiences for improving gender equality in research organisations 2018
385 iCOMM New Frontiers in Nanophotonics: Integrating Complex Beams and Active Metasurface Devices 2018
386 FHNR Charting the process of getting forgotten within the humanities, 18th – 20th centuries: a historical network research analysis 2018
387 NeuPES Inducing Neural Plasticity Using Electrical Stimulation Delivered by Nano-Structured Electrodes: A Critical Step Toward Post-Stroke Recovery 2018
388 Queer Muslim Spaces Queer Muslim Asylum Spaces: Between Righfulness and Rightlessness within Germany's Hetero- and Homonormative Asylum System 2018
389 NERUDA Numerical and ERT stUdies for Diffusive and Advective high-enthalpy systems 2018
390 Small-scale CSP Numerical and experimental analysis of a novel thermal energy storage for a small-scale concentrated solar power plant 2018
391 evoDISFOLD Decoding Coupled Folding and Binding via Single-Molecule characterization of Ancient IDP protein-protein Interactions 2019
392 RNAfate RNAfate- revealing regulation of cellular “noise”. 2019
393 LasInPOP Direct Laser Interference Patterning of Ophthalmic Polymers 2019
394 HeLLo Heritage energy Living Lab onsite 2018
395 NEMoCuRe Role of S-Nitrosylation of epigenetic modifiers in vascular regeneration 2018
396 STRUDEL Information Theory beyond Communications: Distributed Representations and Deep Learning 2018
397 EUSKOR Europe, the United States and the Crisis on the KORean Peninsula: Between a Rock and a Hard Place 2018
398 HI-PHRET High-resolution Imaging with Phase Retrieved Tomography 2019
399 LISTEN Lost In translation: Strengthening communication skills between real world and climaTe modEls for seasonal to decadal predictioN 2019
400 GlobalP3HS SSPH+ Global PhD Programme in Public Health Sciences 2018
401 LaBionicS Laser Bionic Surfaces 2018
402 XCell A reliable, effective ballast water management system through unique in situ biocide production 2018
403 COASTAL Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform 2018
404 Minland Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning 2017
405 PRECISE4Q Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modeling in Stroke for better Quality of Life 2018
406 PARADIGM Patients Active in Research and Dialogues for an Improved Generation of Medicines: Advancing meaningful patient engagement in the life cycle of medicines for better health outcomes. 2018
407 COCAN Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics 2019
408 COMPETE Chair Of Micro Process Engineering and TEchnology 2019
409 ELHO The Age of Hostility: Understanding the Nature, Dynamics, Determinants, and Consequences of Citizens' Electoral Hostility in 27 Democracies 2019
410 QSA Quantum Coordination and Support Action 2017
411 Graphext A REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM IN THE EMERGING MARKET OF ADVANCED ANALYTICS. Graphext bridges the gap between Data Science and Business Intelligence, democratising Advanced Analytics. 2018
413 FASTER Farmers’ Adaptation Sustainability in Tunisia through Excellence in Research: FASTER 2018
414 HuMaInn DataMall DataMall (Behavee) is an open ecosystem for the eCommerce cyberspace 2018
415 TIMB3 Twin to Illuminate Metals in Biology and Biocatalysis through Biospectroscopy 2018
416 PlantEmulGel Emulsions in Plant-based Edible Cellulose Microfibril Gels: Structure, Texture and Stability 2018
417 Governmigration Governing irregular immigration through detention: discourses and practices from an interdisciplinary approach 2018
418 DEEPEN Deciphering deep architectures underlying structured perception in auditory networks 2018
419 AIRCOAT Air Induced friction Reducing ship COATing 2018
420 Microguard A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products 2018
421 ChemLife Artificial micro-vehicles with life-like behaviour 2018
422 DOC-3D-CERAM Development Of Ceramics 3D-Printing, Additive Manufacturing 2018
423 IROCSIM Integrated high-resolution on-chip structured illumination microscopy 2019
424 ETIP OCEAN 2 European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy 2019
425 BIOMASS-CCU Biomass gasification with negative carbon emission through innovative CO2 capture and utilisation and integration with energy storage 2019
426 ApPEARS Appearance Printing - European Advanced Research School 2019
427 SemanticCity Structuring Raw Scans 2018
428 GoodNews Fake news detection in social networks using geometric deep learning 2018
429 CAFE Climate Advanced Forecasting of sub-seasonal Extremes 2019
430 APPFlow Active Pharmaceutical Production in Flow 2019
431 infra4Dfuture Infrastructure for the Future 2018
432 MICROCOMB Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs 2019
433 CReaNet Chemical Reaction Networks: signal amplification, spatiotemporal control, and materials 2019
434 RedStroke Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke 2018
435 RE-CITY Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe 2018
436 ScaleML Elastic Coordination for Scalable Machine Learning 2019
437 NGI4ALL Next Generation Internet for All - Promoting Global Visibility on the Human-Centric Internet 2019
438 NETCHER NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding 2019
439 GLORIA Global Industrial Research & Innovation Analyses 2018
441 SPEAR Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research 2019
442 ELITR European Live Translator 2019
444 CityxChange Positive City ExChange 2018
445 PhilHumans Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging Human-Machine Natural Interactions 2019
446 AW-Drones Contributing to a well-reasoned set of Airworthiness Standards for mass-market drones 2019
447 COMPLEXDYNAMICS-PHIM On the Origin of Complex Dynamics in Multi-strain Models: Insights for Public Health Intervention Measures 2019
448 HERA Integrating Environment and Health Research: a Vision for the EU 2019
449 MIGHTY_RNA Repurposing small RNA from ciliates for genome editing: single-molecule study 2019
450 SomSOM Self-organisation of microbial soil organic matter turnover 2019
451 EHDEN European Health Data and Evidence Network 2018
452 EU3D EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy 2019
453 Super-Pixels Super-Pixels: Redefining the way we sense the world. 2019
454 HOLI Deep Learning for Holistic Inference 2019
455 PRO-ACT Planetary RObots Deployed for Assembly and Construction Tasks 2019
456 PATHOS Photonic and nAnomeTric High-sensitivity biO-Sensing 2019
457 DIFFOP Nonlinear Data and Signal Analysis with Diffusion Operators 2019
458 DIAPASoN Differential Program Semantics 2019
459 ACO AstroChemical Origins 2019
460 ULTIMATE Bottom-Up generation of atomicalLy precise syntheTIc 2D MATerials for high performance in energy and Electronic applications – A multi-site innovative training action 2019
461 ZEOCAT-3D Development of a bifunctional hierarchically structured zeolite based nano-catalyst using 3D-technology for direct conversion of methane into aromatic hydrocarbons via methane dehydroaromatization 2019
462 METAmorphoses Shapeshifting Metasurfaces for Chemically Selective Augmented Reality 2019
463 Piko Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria 2019
465 MINT.extract Truly refreshing document digitalisation Unlock the full potential of your documents using machine learning 2019
466 HomeSafe Non-Invasive, Private and Ultra-Low Cost 24/7 Health Care Monitoring for the Elderly Community 2019
467 Cinnamon From Essence to Cinnamon: Making our Proprietary CMS Open Source for Customizable Web- Platforms 2019
468 Gender-SMART Gender SMART Science Management of Agriculture and life sciences, including Research and Teachning 2019
469 I-KAM2EU enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU 2019
470 OceanSET Support to the Realisation of the Ocean Energy Implementation Plan of the SET-Plan 2019
471 inCREASE Coding for Security and DNA Storage 2019
472 FOXON Functionality of Oxide based devices under Electric-field: Towards Atomic-resolution Operando Nanoscopy 2018
473 FLAG-ERA III The Flagship ERA-NET — FLAG-ERA III 2018
474 4lessCH4 Rational Design of Ceria-Supported Non-Noble Metal Nanoalloys as Catalysts for the Selective Direct Conversion of Methane to Methanol 2019
475 SUBNETVIS Identifying subtype specific networks involved in sensory representation in mouse primary visual cortex 2020
476 EDAO Example-Driven Analytics of Open Knowledge Graphs 2019
477 MAP Music-assisted programmes: Developing communication in autism spectrum disorder through music making 2019
478 MATISSE Multifunctional Hierarchically-Structured Systems for Energy Storage Devices 2019
480 YOUTH-HOME Migrant male youth home-making in Ireland 2019
481 iNet Unraveling interaction networks of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms 2020
482 iEXTRACT Information Extraction for Everyone 2019
483 SLIPPED Maintenance and relapse in long-term desistance from crime and recovery from addiction 2019
484 EEPLIANT3 Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 3 2019
485 MiniEmbryoBlueprint The mammalian body plan blueprint, an in vitro approach 2019
486 MitoQuant Development of Deep-UV Quantitative Microscopy for the Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction 2019
487 ENSMOV Enhancing the Implementation and Monitoring and Verification practices of Energy Saving Policies under Article 7 of the EED 2019
488 MultiPan A Multi-omics Approach To Decode Epigenetic Lesions In Pancreatic Cancer Development 2019
489 MIMIC Mapping and modulating integrin mediated interactions 2020
490 FINGOV Financial Governance: Policy Implementation and Solidarity through EU funding 2019
491 ASSESSnet Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions 2019
492 VOLATILES_MERCURY The fate of volatiles in magma on Mercury 2019
493 ECO-DEKS External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria 2019
494 BioProMarL Bio-inspired Protection of Marble with Lasers 2019
495 SimplyData Unlocking unstructured data towards intelligent wotk automation for the banking industry 2019
497 DIGI-B-CUBE Digital Enterprise Innovations for Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking Industries 2019
498 SPRINT Speech Prosody in Interaction: The form and function of intonation in human communication 2019
499 Drought Drought coping strategies in southern Africa 1966-2016 2020
500 SO WHAT Supporting new Opportunities for Waste Heat And cold valorisation Towards EU decarbonization 2019
501 INNOVEAS INNOVativing the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs 2019
502 Career-FIT PLUS Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme 2019
503 VIP-2 Vienna International Postdoctoral Program 2020
504 DOCC Dynamics of Complex Continua 2019
505 EuReCa Institut Curie EuReCa PhD Programme 2020
506 CIFTRESS Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security 2019
507 OPEN DEI Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry 2019
508 STRONG-2020 The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications 2019
509 INSPECTr Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr) 2019
510 DEXSAGE Daily Experiences of Successful Ageing 2019
511 G20LAP G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking 2019
512 ROAR Role of endocycle in Acute Kidney Injury Response and Chronic Kidney Disease development 2019
513 coldbihot Cold Books in Hot Lands: Winning and Losing of Hearts and Minds in the Middle East 2019
514 STUDIOTEC Film Studios: Infrastructure, Culture, Innovation in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1930-60. 2019
515 INFINITECH Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem 2019
516 MIGREC Migration, Integration and Governance Research Centre 2019
517 TWIND Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership 2019
518 ESPS Epileptic Seizure Prediction System (ESPS) - Predicting and preventing epileptic seizures based on respiratory biofeedback & machine learning. 2019
519 RDNA Empowering New Venture Growth - RDNA 2019
520 DIHnamic Digital Innovation Hubs: dynamic facilitation and thrust from regional innovation agencies 2019
521 ENSEMBLE3 Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs 2019
522 SINERGIA advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse 2019
523 INODE INODE - Intelligent Open Data Exploration 2019
524 MyWave Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users 2019
525 INsTRuCT INnovative Training in Myeloid Regulatory Cell Therapy 2020
526 RCT4MANU Test an innovative support scheme for manufacturing SMEs and accelerate the use of RCTs in innovation agencies 2019
527 LISA Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements 2019
528 LEVEL-UP Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful Life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment 2019
529 ECRC Developing a diverse portfolio of vaccine candidates for Rift Valley Fever, Chikungunya and Ebola 2019
530 TACK Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing 2019
531 DoSSIER Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval 2019
532 SYGMA Synthetic photobiology for light controllable active matter 2019
533 NewTechAqua New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture 2020
534 DISTRACT The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark 2020
535 Light-DYNAMO Light driven hybrid nanocrystal TMDC capacitors 2020
536 SafeNcy SafeNcy - the safe emergency trajectory generator 2019
537 AlgoQIP Beyond Shannon: Algorithms for optimal information processing 2020
538 ConnectedFactories 2 Global-leading smart manufacturing through digital platforms, cross-cutting features and skilled workforce 2019
539 CoachingRituals Coaching as a social ritual: acting on people in a liberal-individualistic society (parenting, education, mental health care) 2020
540 EUROSHIP Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe 2020
541 NQTPS Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport, Probes and Simulations 2019
542 OptimHist Optimization and historical contingency in living systems: a biophysical approach 2020
543 GRECA GRECA: Revolution in corporate transactions 2019
544 REBOUND An algorithmic framework for reducing bias and polarization in online media 2020
545 IMSquared Immersive Metaphoric Experiences for Well-Being 2020
546 ATTOSTRUCTURA Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience 2020
547 REVERT taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients 2020
548 MindTrack Analysis of eye vergence responses for the early detection and monitoring of cognitive and mental disorders 2019
549 SOAR Solitude: Alone but Resilient 2020
550 IPN-Bio Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications 2020
551 RESBIOS RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies 2020
552 RECYCLE Removal and Mitigation of Pollution from the Use of Pesticides: Prevention, Recycling and Resource Management 2020
553 FALAH Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific 2020
554 PJ05-W2 DTT PJ05-W2 Digital Technologies for Tower 2019
555 StuDySARCOMERE Structure and Cellular Dynamics of the Sarcomere 2020
556 DIGNITY DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY 2020
557 Scaleup4Europe The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing. 2020
559 ELSE SIM 2020-21 Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe Smes Innovation Management 2020-21 2020
560 INCAME_2 INnovation CApacity of Mediterranean Enterpises 2020
561 WACONDY Waves and concentration dynamics in biology 2021
562 PACT Populism and Conspiracy Theory 2020
563 JERICO-S3 Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 2020
565 MelImmuneOrg Deciphering the tumor-immune-microenvironment profile and organization within the tumors of melanoma patients undergoing immunotherapy 2020
566 I-KAM2EU enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU 2020
567 NanoLight-QD Novel molecular spectroscopies by nanoconfined light shaping and ab initio quantum dynamics 2020
568 RENEW Renewable Energy through New Electrolysis catalysts for Water splitting 2020
569 PJ09-W2 DNMS Digital Network Management Services 2019
570 SPINONICS Integrated devices based on spin-orbit photonics. 2020
571 PlaGE Playing at the Gateways of Europe: theatrical languages and performatives practices in the Migrants' Reception Centres of the Mediterranean Area 2020
572 WeCanIt We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the two World Wars in an intersectional perspective 2020
573 FEAR Fault Activation and Earthquake Rupture 2020
574 TUECS The Uberization of Europol's Cybercrime Strategy: An Innovative Governance Model on Public-Private Partnership 2020
576 ReMiCom The Challenges of Return Migration in Africa in the Age of Complex Emergencies: Comparing Multilevel Governance Systems in Ethiopia and Nigeria 2020
577 FAST-SMART FAST and Nano-Enabled SMART Materials, Structures and Systems for Energy Harvesting 2020
578 PERCOSDECAM PERiscopic COnsumer Stereo DEpth CAMera (PERCOSDECAM) 2020
579 Transparent3D Intuitive, rapid and efficient in-situ measurement of complex transparent 3D objects with a focus on cultural heritage artifacts 2021
580 SM-SPAD Single-molecule imaging with SPAD array detection 2021
581 FUNMAT Functionally Metalized Nanocellulose For Future Smart Materials 2020
582 VUAD Video Understanding for Autonomous Driving 2020
583 STAR Sensing and Sensibility - Transcending Disciplines for a Responsible Future 2020