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H2020 projects about "promotes"

The page lists 194 projects related to the topic "promotes".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ADVOCATE Added Value for Oral Care 2015
2 CrIC Molecular basis of the cross-talk between chronic inflammation and cancer 2015
3 COMPUTED Computational User Interface Design 2015
4 VEGFDANI Novel enhancers of functional recovery after stroke 2015
5 Real-Time-Mining Real-time optimization of extraction and the logistic process in highly complex geological and selective mining settings 2015
6 proDataMarket Enabling the property Data Marketplace for Novel Data-driven Business Models 2015
7 PRISMACLOUD PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD 2015
8 INCAS Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe 2015
9 BioRES Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy 2015
10 MATCH The Alliance for Materials way to the creation of the MATerials Common House - MATCH 2015
11 SECURECHAIN Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains 2015
12 TRILLION TRusted, CItizen - LEA coILaboratIon over sOcial Networks 2015
13 INSPEC2T Inspiring CitizeNS Participation for Enhanced Community PoliCing AcTions 2015
14 ENVRI PLUS Environmental Research Infrastructures Providing Shared Solutions for Science and Society 2015
15 MITONUC The evolutionary and ecological implications of mito-nuclear epistasis 2015
16 BRANECOSMOLOGY Quantum and String Cosmology with Branes and Fluxes 2015
17 Molmechindividuality Molecular mechanisms of neuronal connectivity - the synaptic code for variability and stereotypy 2016
18 FORGE From new Objects to new woRds through GEstures: how sensory-motor experiences of objects and tools influence word acquisition in children 2016
19 PIOMES Pbx proteins as pioneer factors promoting signal specificity in mesodermal differentiation 2015
20 IDEA Investigating Dishonesty with Experimental Applications: Evidence from the Lab and the Field 2015
21 AstroFIt2 Astronomy Fellowships in Italy 2 2015
22 ETA4B Energy Trusted Advisor for Buildings 2015
23 MICROMIX-ECO-2015 Innovative active-uptake foliar nutrition technology capable of significantly reducing pesticide rates 2015
24 INTERACT INTerEthnic Relationships in contemporAry CommuniTies: How does ethnoracial diversity affect in- and out-group trust, solidarity, and cooperation 2015
25 DEMOSOFC DEMOnstration of large SOFC system fed with biogas from WWTP 2015
26 ART Feasibility assessment on Alarm Resolution Technology, using X-Ray Echo Methodology 2015
27 MovAiD Movement Assisting Devices: Manufacturing of personalized Kineto-Dynamics parts and products for workers, elderly and children 2015
28 IL7sigNETure IL-7/IL-7R signaling networks in health and malignancy 2015
29 MASCP Mechanisms of alternative pre-mRNA splicing regulation in cancer and pluripotent cells 2015
30 PLANTIBIOTICS Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry 2015
31 FET2RIN Supporting FET projects to reach out investors 2015
32 Industrial FW 4.0 Internet 4.0 based Manufacturing Execution System for the SME sector 2015
33 MAIN Molecular Adhesion and Interactions in the Nervous system 2016
34 MIREL MIREL - MIning and REasoning with Legal texts 2016
35 C-LEAK Rivers as leak in the terrestrial C sink 2016
36 REACH2020 Responsive Engagement of the Elderly promoting Activity and Customized Healthcare 2016
37 microMAGNETOFLUIDICS 3D-printed magnetic microfluidics for applications in life sciences 2016
38 Gut-InflammAge Age-associated signatures in the composition and pro-inflammatory status of the gut microbiome in humans and mice, and the impact of a periodic fasting intervention to promote healthy aging 2016
39 EC GNG metabolism Endothelial Gluconeogenesis: a novel target for tumor anti-angiogenesis? 2017
40 SHIELD Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment 2016
41 GENETONE Genetic dissection of a tonically active neural circuit 2017
42 Career-FIT Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme 2017
43 CELLFUSION Molecular dissection of the mechanisms of cell-cell fusion in the fission yeast 2016
44 SafeWaterAfrica Self-Sustaining Cleaning Technology for Safe Water Supply and Management in Rural African Areas 2016
45 CYPRESS CYprus Promotes RESearch and Science 2016
46 StemProteostasis Mediation of stem cell identity and aging by proteostasis 2016
47 POnTE Pest Organisms Threatening Europe 2015
48 PLEIO-RANK Pleiotropic treatment of cancer: RANK inhibitors targeting cancer stem cells and immunity 2016
49 PROVASC Cell-specific vascular protection by CXCL12/CXCR4 2016
50 ZMOD Blood Vessel Development and Homeostasis: Identification and Functional Analysis of Genetic Modifiers 2016
52 ISOBAR Cost Effective Personalised Compression Therapy for Chronic Venous Insufficiency with Accurate Pressure Delivery for Comfort and Efficacy of Treatment 2016
55 HRMECH Nucleases in homologous recombination: from basic principles to genome editing 2016
56 NOMBIS Nano-OptoMechanical Systems for Biological Sensors 2016
57 RITMOCORE Arrhythmias monitoring and comprehensive care 2016
58 IMPaCT Integrated Modular Plant and Containerised Tools for Selective, Low-impact Mining of Small High-grade Deposits 2016
59 MoveCare Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder 2017
60 Diet-namic From fast food to healthy diet: Addressing the dynamic molecular mechanism of sequential diet switch-induced T cell plasticity for the purpose of developing new treatments for immuno-mediated diseases 2016
61 CoBeN Novel Network-Based Approaches for Studying Cognitive Dysfunction in Behavioral Neurology 2017
62 FLEXPOL Antimicrobial FLEXible POLymers for its use in hospital environments 2017
63 Homer HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system 2016
64 ESIL Early Stage Investing Launchpad - Unleashing the potential of early stage investing in Europe 2017
65 certMILS Compositional security certification for medium- to high-assurance COTS-based systems in environments with emerging threats 2017
66 CRYOMATH Cryo-electron microscopy: mathematical foundations and algorithms 2017
67 MetResistance The role of tumour microenvironment in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer 2017
68 VIVAVE Viral Vaccine Vectors in Personalized Medicine 2017
69 InnoRenew CoE Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence 2017
70 Solar-Store Solar Powered Thermochemical Heat Storage System 2017
71 SIGNSPACE Multilingual work spaces for sign language users – An online portal driving social innovation 2017
72 DNAmethAML Investigation of aberrant DNA methylation in malignant haematopoiesis 2018
73 AGenDA Civil society organizations and the politics of long-term care reform: coalitions and multiple inequalities 2018
74 MOBER Maternal Obesity and Epigenetic Reprogramming: from Gametogenesis to Early Embryonic Development 2017
75 CHI-ZEF Cdon-Hh Interaction: functional in vivo analysis in zebrafish 2017
76 EpiRetention Mechanisms of selective transmission of epigenetic marks through the male germ line 2017
77 NERO Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero-Energy Wooden buildings in the Northern Climatic Conditions 2017
78 ChemPET Industrial scale PET chemical recycling plant based on innovative glycolysis process 2017
79 LeydenJar Boosting Battery Energy Density in Electric Vehicles 2017
80 TransfoPneumo Structure and Function of the Bacterial Transformasome 2017
81 NEWS NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration 2017
82 IoRL Internet of Radio Light 2017
83 SCALER Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis 2017
84 i-vSAVE Intelligent Vessels using space technology for Safety on board. 2017
85 ImPRESS Imaging Perfusion Restrictions from Extracellular Solid Stress 2018
86 FreeWheel Lifecycle-reconfigurable Smart Mobility Platform to enable autonomous and cost-effective personalized solutions for social inclusion of disabled and elderly while leveraging AM technologies 2017
87 ELECTROU MW Fuel Cell micro grid and district heating at King’s Cross 2018
88 ReSEED Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century 2018
89 VIMMP Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP) 2018
90 BigDataStack High-performance data-centric stack for big data applications and operations 2018
91 Easy Reading Easy Reading: A Framework for Personalised Cognitive Accessibility when using Original Digital Content 2018
92 Charity 24-7 A social based online survey platform 2017
93 KeepWarm Improving the performance of district heating systems in Central and East Europe 2018
94 InnovOleum An innovative business model: turning domestic used cooking oil into renewable “fuel” for education and entrepreneurship 2018
95 InflamCellDeath Mechanism and function of gasdermin-induced inflammatory cell death 2018
96 PublicApp Revolutionise and enhance citizen engagement through a unique dedicated public platform 2018
97 CAD4FACE Computational modelling for personalised treatment of congenital craniofacial abnormalities 2018
98 AutoClean Cell-free reconstitution of autophagy to dissect molecular mechanisms 2018
99 Biased AI Biased Artificial Intelligence: Openness, innovation and the remaking of mental health 2018
100 BRAIN CAMO Camouflaging electronics in the brain with immobilized liquid coatings 2018
101 CBC-ETHOS Does Cross-border Cooperation relate to a Humanist-ETHical cOde of valueS? Theorizing the institutionalization of a cross-border governance humanist ethical code. 2018
102 EmoPun How the expression of moral emotions affects third party punishment 2018
103 MyelinPlasticity Neuronal regulation of CNS myelin plasticity 2018
104 PSR Photometabolic Self-Replication 2019
105 FIAGES Feminist Institutionalist Approach to Gender Equality in STEMM 2019
106 TRANS-END Transgender and Intersex protection from gender-based violence: exploring new directions 2018
107 MELANCHOR Understanding the Role of Motors in Subcellular Mechanics of Organelles by Controlling Myo6-Cargo Interactions in situ 2018
108 INFLA-AID The role of NLRC4 inflammasome in autoinflammatory diseases 2018
109 PreSTO Pilot scale hybrid Photocatalytic Processes for the simultaneous removal of Pathogens and Pharmaceuticals from wastewaters 2018
110 SKin SCiENCE Skin Keratinocyte Stem CEll proliferatioN in field CancErisation 2018
111 FUCTURE Fucosylated Clusterin: a novel mechanism of tumor escape from immune response 2018
112 QuanTII Quantitative T cell Immunology and Immunotherapy 2018
113 PERICLES PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS 2018
114 SPACE-UP Assisting European SPACE Start-ups in scaling UP 2018
115 EURAXESS TOP IV Open EURAXESS – To strengthen the effectiveness and optimize the services of all partners in an innovative and open EURAXESS network 2018
116 AUTO NERVE Tracers for targeting nerves in the autonomic nervous system 2018
117 Hi-FrED High-Frequency Spin Entanglement Generation in Diamond 2018
118 AQUA4D AQUA4D - For an efficient use of irrigation water 2018
119 OPERANDUM OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks 2018
120 BRiDGE BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe 2018
121 D-NOSES Distributed Network for Odour Sensing, Empowerment and Sustainability 2018
122 ATTRACT breAkThrough innovaTion pRogrAmme for a pan-European Detection and Imaging eCosysTem 2018
123 DYMOCHRO Dynamics of modified chromatin domains 2019
124 GECO Geothermal Emission Gas Control 2018
125 ENCOUNTER Demography, Cultural change, and the Diffusion of Rice and Millet during the Jomon-Yayoi transition in prehistoric Japan 2019
126 ScienceWars ScienceWars - May Science be with you! 2018
127 Snowless Real-time reaction, autonomous and energy-efficient snowmelt technology for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. 2018
128 FIBROHALT Advancing a novel peptide-based therapeutic for pancreatic cancer 2018
129 ABRSEIST Antibiotic Resistance: Socio-Economic Determinants and the Role of Information and Salience in Treatment Choice 2019
130 DDRMac DNA Damage Response-instructed Macrophage Differentiation in Granulomatous Diseases 2019
131 INTENSE INTENSE: particle physics experiments at the high intensity frontier, from new physics to spin-offs. A cooperative Europe - United States - Japan effort. 2019
132 P2L Innovative Acrylic(PMMA- Polymethyl methacrylate) Recycling Technology Complying with Regulations 2019
133 CoPathoPhage Pathogen-phage cooperation during mammalian infection 2019
134 TotipotentZygotChrom Mechanisms of chromatin organization and reprogramming in totipotent mammalian zygotes 2020
135 Piko Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria 2019
136 FEALFI Fun, Healthy and Safe Finger Food for Babies and Children 2019
137 MEMBOOST Memory Enhancing and Learning System 2019
138 CULTSONG Culture as an evolutionary force: Does song learning accelerate speciation in a bat ring species? 2019
140 IMaP Imaging tumor vessels as a marker for p53 mutation status in cancer 2020
141 IMPACT Immune Mechanisms of Necrotic DNA Phagocytosis by Neutrophils: A Role for Integrins 2020
142 GRINP Action-based routes for numbers: unveiling the core networks of reaching, grasping and number processing in brain damaged and healthy individuals. 2019
143 EndoPos Endosome positioning in tumour-stroma interactions 2019
144 Inflapoptosis Gasdermin D is a novel effector in the extrinsic apoptosis pathway 2019
145 CentrosoTME The role of extra centrosomes on the tumour microenvironment 2019
146 MImETIC INDiRECT MIcrovascularizED Tumour-on-chip for Cellular ImagiNg of Drug Response and Cell moTility 2019
147 FED Feeding, Educating, Dieting: a Transnational Approach to Nutrition Discourses in Children’s Narratives (Britain and Italy, 1850-1900) 2019
148 Thin-CATALYzER Nanostructured anode catalyst layer for oxygen evolution reaction based on a novel thin-film architecture 2020
149 META2 METAbolism of bone METAstasis (META2): Metabolic interactions between disseminated breast cancer cells and osteoblast lineage cells drive bone metastases formation 2019
150 Rewarding Stereotype The reward value of stereotypes: Evaluating the contribution of the neural reward circuitry to the persistence of stereotypes 2019
151 Goc-MM Human gut microbiota on gut-on-a-chip 2019
152 ASSESSnet Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions 2019
153 REMAKIN REstoring myocardial repair capacity via the modulation of MAcrophage-mediated cytoKINe secretion. 2019
155 ABA-GrowthBalance Growth balance regulation by SnRK1 under ABA-stress conditions 2019
156 BRIGHT 40 Hz Masked Light: A new venture to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
157 atoGRAPH Near-Infrared Optoelectronic Devices with Atomically Controlled Graphene Nanostructures 2020
158 SUMO-PCDH10 Physiological consequences of Protocadherin-10 sumoylation on neuronal function. 2019
159 Coldab An innovative Pulsed Laser Deposition process for next generation of Li-ion batteries 2019
161 MemoryAggregates Mechanism of Whi3 Aggregation and its Age-dependent Malfunction 2020
162 EMPAtHy Endothelial Cell Molecular and Metabolic Heterogeneity in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 2019
163 CATCH-22 High temperature superconductivity and the Catch-22 conundrum 2019
164 OSHub Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling 2019
165 PHERECLOS Partnerships for pathways to Higher Education and science engagement in Regional Clusters of Open Schooling 2019
166 RICAIP Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production 2019
167 PlaMES Integrated Planning of Multi-Energy Systems 2019
168 AORTYX Revolutionary vascular repair patch to treat aortic dissections 2019
169 Mirnagreen First scalable food-grade technology for the direct extraction and purification of miRNAs-rich extracts from plants 2019
170 LIKE LIdar Knowledge Europe 2019
171 SALSETH Innovative bio-inspired sensors and microfluidic devices for saliva-based theranostics of oral and systemic diseases 2019
172 PARMESCAN Parmesan Cheese Quality Inspection via CAT Scanner and Robotic Arm 2019
173 MUSICOL The Sound of Empire in 20th-c. Colonial Cultures: Rethinking History through Music 2019
174 PROT-RESIST Toward the Commercialization of a Proteolytically Resistant APPI Variant for Inhibiting Metastasis in Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer 2019
175 MEMEX MEMEX: MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling 2019
176 CreaTures Creative Practices for Transformational Futures 2020
177 reCreating Europe Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe 2020
178 KiCloud Intelligent and serverless, cloud-based infrastructure for medical diagnostic devices 2019
179 iNavigate Brain-inspired technologies for intelligent navigation and mobility 2019
180 MindBot Mental Health promotion of cobot Workers in Industry 4.0 2020
181 EHRI-PP European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase 2019
182 PRODIGEES Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development 2020
183 QUALI-DEC Appropriate use of Caesarean section through QUALIty DECision-making by women and providers 2020
184 NEFERTITI A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs 2020
185 BlueDot A long-acting, constant release ocular implant for the sustained delivery of biologics and small molecules for the treatment of retinal diseases. 2019
186 LAF-GRAFT An Investigation into the viability of employing lipoaspirate fluid as a cellular source in the production of small diameter tissue engineered vascular grafts 2016
187 POST-IT Pathogen Oriented SNARE Trafficking for Immune Tailoring 2020
188 mARs mARs: Mobile DNA driven antibiotic resistance spreading: molecular strategies, control and evolution for broad distribution 2021
189 REpAIR Spatio-Temporal Regulation of Inflammation and Tissue Regeneration: Studying the immune system - tissue - microbiota communication to develop targeted therapies for immune-mediated diseases and cancer 2020
190 SleepEpisMemory Sleep and episodic memory consolidation: ‘No-report’ paradigms, brain mechanisms, and dementia 2020
191 URBS The Historic Urban Landscape of European Cathedral Cities: a transnational approach towards an understanding of a shared European heritage 2020
192 BraINstorm Engineered nanocarriers for simultaneous anticancer immune response and “switching” of tumor-associated macrophages for intranasal glioblastoma treatment 2020
193 NMPLED New emitting proteins and all-bio matrices for Bio-WLEDs. 2020
194 MRTFSen MRTF/SRF signalling in regulation of cell senescence and melanoma progression 2020