# | ||||
1 | PTRELSS Phase transitions in random evolutions of large-scale structures | 2009 | 1˙248˙067.00 | 1˙248˙067.00 |
2 | YOUNG PEOPLE COMM Communication strategies in groups of young people and their interaction with schools | 2009 | 114˙054.00 | 114˙054.00 |
3 | COMBOS Collective phenomena in quantum and classical many body systems | 2010 | 650˙000.00 | 650˙000.00 |
4 | TOPOMOD Sculpting the Earth’s topography: insights from modelling deep–surface processes | 2011 | 3˙790˙070.00 | 3˙790˙070.00 |
5 | SOCIALBRAIN The young social brain at work: from neurobiology to innovative pharmacotherapies for autism spectrum disorders | 2011 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
6 | SHUMED Sustainable Human Development for MED Countries | 2012 | 224˙200.00 | 224˙200.00 |
7 | MORPHOSIS Morphing Locally and Globally Structures with Multiscale Intelligence by Mimicking Nature | 2013 | 1˙664˙600.00 | 1˙664˙600.00 |
8 | SASDAPPIA "Settlement and spatial dynamics along the Appian way, between the Suburbium and the city of Rome" | 2013 | 193˙726.00 | 193˙726.00 |
9 | AGUASOCIAL Social Innovation in the Water Treatment Sector in the Amazon | 2013 | 315˙000.00 | 315˙000.00 |
10 | ISTRESS Pre-standardisation of incremental FIB micro-milling for intrinsic stress evaluation at the sub-micron scale | 2014 | 8˙615˙106.00 | 6˙135˙868.00 |
11 | SPEDIS "Symmetry preserving discretization of integrable, superintegrable and nonintegrable systems" | 2014 | 145˙391.00 | 145˙391.00 |
12 | PAST-PEOPLE-NETS Connected Pasts and People: Identities and Complex Polities in Middle Tyrrhenian Italy | 2014 | 241˙567.00 | 241˙567.00 |
13 | DMCP "Dimers, Markov chains and Critical Phenomena" | 2014 | 124˙621.00 | 124˙621.00 |
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