Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Swerea ivf ab"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 NOTEREFIGA Novel Temperature Regulating Fibres and Garments 2009 3˙883˙338.00 2˙893˙390.00
2 POLYTUBES A Process Chain and Equipment for Volume Production of Polymeric Microtubular Components for Medical Device Applications 2009 5˙032˙808.00 3˙800˙000.00
3 ENABLE Environmentally Acceptable Pretreatment System for Painting Multi Metals 2010 1˙064˙080.00 786˙500.00
4 ENBUS Energising the Building Sector! 2012 1˙269˙343.00 879˙984.00
5 COSIVU Compact, Smart and Reliable Drive Unit for Fully Electric Vehicles 2012 5˙186˙130.00 3˙350˙000.00

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