# | ||||
1 | DAMOKLUS Dynamics And Mechanism Of KLU-Signalling In The Control Of Plant Organ Size | 2008 | 169˙957.00 | 169˙957.00 |
2 | VERNNATVAR_AT Molecular analysis of the natural variation in vernalization response of Arabidopsis accessions | 2008 | 168˙256.00 | 168˙256.00 |
3 | SYMBIOSIS Mechanisms of specificity during symbiosis signalling | 2008 | 1˙992˙272.00 | 1˙992˙272.00 |
4 | PHYTOMER "FT, a global regulator of plant flowering and architecture" | 2008 | 169˙390.00 | 169˙390.00 |
5 | BRACHYTEM Identification of molecular mechanisms involved in temperature perception and signalling in Brachypodium | 2008 | 177˙740.00 | 177˙740.00 |
6 | PIRT The molecular basis of post-initiation regulation of RNA transcription | 2008 | 178˙874.00 | 178˙874.00 |
7 | APHID SALIVA Role of aphid salivary gland proteins in plant infestation | 2008 | 50˙000.00 | 50˙000.00 |
8 | PLAPROVA Plant Production of Vaccines | 2009 | 2˙597˙007.00 | 1˙998˙354.00 |
9 | ENVGENE Dissection of environmentally-mediated epigenetic silencing | 2009 | 2˙450˙000.00 | 2˙450˙000.00 |
10 | VRNEPIGEN Maintenance of cellular memory by the Arabidopsis VRN1 protein | 2009 | 0.00 | 179˙649.00 |
11 | NATGRAIN Grain development in Brachypodium distachyon | 2009 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
12 | CELLWALLSIGN Genetic analysis of mechanisms linking cell wall integrity with growth control in Arabidopsis | 2009 | 170˙733.00 | 170˙733.00 |
13 | DEHICIS Dynamic and evolution of cis-regulatory elements involved in fruit development in Arabidopsis and Brassica | 2009 | 0.00 | 170˙733.00 |
14 | MAGNAFACT Fungal dimorphism and plant infection during Magnaporthe grisea – rice interaction | 2009 | 0.00 | 181˙350.00 |
15 | GRAS NOD SIGNALLING NSP1 and NSP2: two GRAS proteins at the interplay of Nod Factor and Cytokinin signalling during symbiosis in Medicago truncatula | 2010 | 171˙740.00 | 171˙740.00 |
16 | ATHENA AnThocyanin and polyphenol bioactives for Health Enhancement through Nutritional Advancement | 2010 | 4˙292˙680.00 | 2˙996˙226.00 |
17 | BIONUT BIOchemical and genetic dissection of control of plant mineral NUTrition | 2011 | 2˙422˙034.00 | 2˙422˙034.00 |
18 | PRP8CHROMATIN Molecular analysis of the mechanisms linking co-transcriptional splicing with chromatin | 2011 | 281˙680.00 | 281˙680.00 |
19 | AY-WB EFFECTORS A characterization of the effectors of a plant pathogen | 2011 | 201˙049.00 | 201˙049.00 |
20 | TRICYCLE Quantitative exploration of catalytic landscapes underlying the functional divergence of triterpene synthases | 2011 | 201˙049.00 | 201˙049.00 |
21 | ADAPTAWHEAT Genetics and physiology of wheat development to flowering: tools to breed for improved adaptation and yield potential | 2012 | 4˙894˙960.00 | 3˙000˙000.00 |
22 | RUST-SAFE "Effector discovery and validation of Puccinia striiformis sp. f. tritici, a wheat pathogen" | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
23 | SYNPLANTMET Synthetic Metabolism in Plants: Elucidating Vinblastine Biosynthesis and Implementing Strategies to Overproduce Complex Plant Metabolites | 2013 | 1˙497˙920.00 | 1˙497˙920.00 |
24 | HEMOTIONAL HEteroblasty MOdelling: the TImetable of ONtogeny in Arabidopsis Leaves | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
25 | FTPUQ Flowering Time Pathways Underlying Quantitative variation in heading date of wheat | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
26 | METDEF Metabolic engineering of triterpenoid pathways involved in plant defense in Arabidopsis and rice | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
27 | NITROSIGN The molecular network linking nitrogen assimilation to growth | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
28 | CARNOMORPH The Evolution and Development of Complex Morphologies | 2013 | 2˙499˙997.00 | 2˙499˙997.00 |
29 | MEXTIM Measurement of temperature exposure and integration over time | 2014 | 2˙499˙997.00 | 2˙499˙997.00 |
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