Value4Nano: Industrial valorization of strategic value chains for nano-enabled products

 Coordinatore D'APPOLONIA SPA 

 Organization address address: Via San Nazaro 19
city: GENOVA
postcode: 16145

contact info
Titolo: Mrs.
Nome: Sara
Cognome: Parodi
Email: send email
Telefono: 390104000000
Fax: 390104000000

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Italy [IT]
 Totale costo 1˙028˙865 €
 EC contributo 837˙000 €
 Programma FP7-NMP
Specific Programme "Cooperation": Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
 Code Call FP7-NMP-2013-CSA-7
 Funding Scheme CSA-CA
 Anno di inizio 2013
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2013-09-01   -   2015-08-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Via San Nazaro 19
city: GENOVA
postcode: 16145

contact info
Titolo: Mrs.
Nome: Sara
Cognome: Parodi
Email: send email
Telefono: 390104000000
Fax: 390104000000

IT (GENOVA) coordinator 214˙267.50

 Organization address address: Rue de la Presse 4
city: Brussels
postcode: 1000

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Thomas
Cognome: Zadrozny
Email: send email
Telefono: +32 472532588
Fax: +32 23451866

BE (Brussels) participant 389˙480.00

 Organization address address: Avenida Jardin Botanico - Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico Zona Intra 1345
city: Gijon
postcode: 33203

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Paula
Cognome: Queipo Rodríguez
Email: send email
Telefono: +34 984390060
Fax: +34 984390061

ES (Gijon) participant 233˙252.50


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

vcs    nano    http    pilot    groups    global    strategic    cleaning    nanofutures    chains    chain    actions    meet    roadmap    technical    nanotechnology    manufacturing    innovation    multifunctional    business    lines    enabled    gap    medium    nanotechnologies    industry    regional    planning    plan    group    self    economic    industrial    value    expert    powders    stakeholders    strategy    national    market    selected    network    related    quickly   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'The VALUE4NANO project aims at developing an Implementation Roadmap of 4 value chains and their target products. The Roadmap will include business modelling and planning for a set of pilot lines and it will involve strategic industry and other stakeholders. The selected value chains are: (1) Nano and micro printing for industrial manufacturing; (2) Nano-enabled, depollutant and self-cleaning surfaces; (3) Manufacturing of powders made of functional alloys, ceramics and intermetallics; (4) Lightweight multifunctional materials and composites for transportation. Project specific objectives are: (a) Formation and activation of 4 value chain expert groups, fostering industry alliances and involving key research and innovation actors coming from clustering of European, national and regional projects on the selected value chains; (b) Development and completion of the 4 value chains (VCs) leading to a gap analysis, identifying the needed technical and not technical actions to implement the VCs; (c) Release of a short-medium term Implementation Plan for the selected value chains, including a feasibility study, business modelling and planning on a possible set of pilot lines; (d) Performing roadmapping, networking and exploitation activities in a wide application-oriented network with nano relevance, linking together industry, research institutions, regional, national and international entities, investors, society, ETPs and initiatives on nano and other KETs. The work-programme has been structured to limit the number of deliverables and milestones to key and visible results as well as pragmatic checking points. The Consortium is composed by D’Appolonia (Coordinator), PRODINTEC and NANOfutures Association, which includes several Third Parties from different organizations around Europe (FIAT Research Centre, Fraunhofer-IPA, CEA, microTEC, MBN, Institute of Occupational Medicine, TNO, TU-Dresden and Spinverse) as well as Bayer and Steptoe and Johnson as voluntary group'

Introduzione (Teaser)

An open team of researchers, industry representatives and other stakeholders is focusing on four nanotechnology value chains to develop a clear plan for their implementation. Success will have far-reaching impact on European and global challenges.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

Europe is facing a severe economic crisis reflected in low growth, limited innovation and unemployment. At the same time, the world is facing critical challenges related to environmental pressures, increasing energy demand and global climate change. While many of the goods and services that will help fulfil the European economic growth strategy are unknown, certain key enabling technologies have been identified and one broad group falls under the umbrella of nanotechnologies.

The (NANOfutures) (A cross-ETP Coordination Initiative on nanotechnology) initiative links more than 1 000 nano-related stakeholders and came up with 27 market-driven value chains of strategic importance. In order to speed up innovation and meet goals, the EU is funding the project (VALUE4NANO) (Value4Nano: Industrial valorization of strategic value chains for nano-enabled products). The nanotechnologies of interest support production of displays, self-cleaning paints and coatings, powders for machine tools and multifunctional composite sheets for the transport sector.

During the first project period, VALUE4NANO conducted market and gap analyses. These highlighted the potential economic and social impacts of the selected value chains and the necessary technical and non-technical actions required to implement them. High-level groups of experts in each value chain were formed to guide the process and reach project targets. The expert groups include companies of all sizes as well as key research centres and universities with projects and activities in the selected value chains. This well-balanced group should be instrumental in bringing innovation to market quickly.

Information from the analyses and expert groups supported the creation of a short- to medium-term (up to 2022) implementation roadmap for each value chain and a list of potential pilot lines. The implementation actions have been evaluated by the expert groups and the NANOfutures network, and detailed business modelling and planning have been developed for the selected pilot lines.

The project website hosts a wealth of information about the project and a multi-channel dissemination plan has now been created. In the meantime, dedicated outreach has nearly doubled membership of the NANOfutures network since the project began.

VALUE4NANO is creating the roadmap needed to quickly exploit four selected nanotechnology value chains to meet the European economic growth strategy with benefits for the entire planet and its citizens.

Altri progetti dello stesso programma (FP7-NMP)

NANOSIM (2014)

A Multiscale Simulation-Based Design Platform for Cost-Effective CO2 Capture Processes using Nano-Structured Materials (NanoSim)

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BISNES (2008)

Bio-Inspired Self-assembled Nano-Enabled Surfaces

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IN-SIGHT (2011)

In-line characterisation of nanoparticles using a combination of analytical techniques in real time

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