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H2020 projects about "oxides"

The page lists 108 projects related to the topic "oxides".

# achronym  title  year 
1 HEROIC High-frequency printed and direct-written Organic-hybrid Integrated Circuits 2015
2 SENSQUID Scanning SQUID view of emergent states at interfaces 2015
3 INREP Towards Indium free TCOs 2015
4 SOLACYLIN A preparative approach to geometric effects in innovative solar cell types based on a nanocylindrical structure 2015
5 UFOX Unveiling complexity in Functional hybrid OXides 2015
7 2DInterFOX Integration of two-dimensional nanomaterials with functional oxide nanostructures 2015
8 IRON_DEPOSITS The role of volatiles in the formation of magmatic iron oxide deposits 2015
9 LANDS Large Area Nanoparticle Deposition System 2015
10 Pro-Oxides Properties of metal oxides for electronic and optoelectronic devices 2015
11 PRe-FActo Periodontal Regeneration through Femtosecond laser Action 2016
12 UNRAVELS UNderstanding, descRibing And Visualizing Electronic charge in noveL oxide heteroStructures 2015
13 DENE Dynamical effects on neutral excitations 2015
14 2D-Ink Ink-Jet printed supercapacitors based on 2D nanomaterials. 2015
15 DEFLUG Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution 2015
16 Ultroslag A new integrated sustainable processing system for ‘metal from slag’ recovery with higher technical, economic, energy and environmental performance than existing recovery processes. 2014
17 e-Furnace Intelligent Hot Dip Galvanizing furnace for better energy use, low environmental impact and extended kettle lifespan 2015
18 DAFNEOX Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films 2015
19 CapTherPV Integration of Capacitor, Thermoelectric and PhotoVoltaic thin films for efficient energy conversion and storage 2015
20 SMART-POM Artificial-Intelligence Driven Discovery and Synthesis of Polyoxometalate Clusters 2015
21 ARPEMA Anionic redox processes: A transformational approach for advanced energy materials 2015
22 PLANETDIVE Planetary diversity: the experimental terapascal perspective 2016
23 FANOEC Fundamentals and Applications of Inorganic Oxygen Evolution Catalysts 2016
24 NPTC New Perspectives in Tropospheric Chemistry 2016
25 ZeoSynMech Spatiotemporal and In-situ Spectroscopic Crystallization Studies of Microporous Materials 2016
27 NOSTA Nanostructured Oxide and Silicide Materials for Thermoelectric Device Applications 2017
28 MatchForSolar Mechanochemical Approach to Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells 2016
29 EFOX The formation and evolution of monomineralic oxide layers in mafic intrusions 2016
30 DYNAMOX Charge carrier dynamics in metal oxides 2016
31 INSEETO In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides 2017
32 CHEPHYTSSU Structural Engineering of 2D Atomic Planes towards Task-Specific, Freestanding Superstructures through Combined Physical-Chemical Pathway 2016
33 QUESTDO Quantum electronic states in delafossite oxides 2017
34 SCALE Production of Scandium compounds and Scandium Aluminum alloys from European metallurgical by- products 2016
35 Chi2-Nano-Oxides Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics 2017
36 CREATE Critical Raw materials Elimination by a top-down Approach To hydrogen and Electricity generation 2017
37 SONAR Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals 2017
38 AMADEUS Next GenerAtion MateriAls and Solid State DevicEs for Ultra High Temperature Energy Storage and Conversion 2017
39 PerovSAMs Molecular glues for perovskite materials 2018
40 GOSSAN GOethite in Supergene Systems: ANalysing trace element substitution goethite and related iron oxides and oxyhydroxides. 2017
41 3D-POWER Three-Dimensional Perovskite Oxides as Working ElectRochemical devices 2017
42 MAESDOSO Maximize Energy Saving and Deliver Comfort by Innovative Switchable Light Transmittance Technology 2017
43 MODCOMS Modulated Composite Structures: A 3D Bulk Approach to Incoherent Hetero-Structure Interface Engineering in Oxides for Future Low Temperature Energy Applications 2018
44 NanoAID Advanced In-situ Techniques for the Development of Metal Oxide Nanostructures. 2017
45 PhARRAO Photo- And Radical induced Reactivity of Atmospheric Oxidants 2017
46 PerovSiC Synergistic Resistive Switching of Perovskite and Silicon Carbide materials for Advanced ReRAM micro Devices 2017
47 NewCat4Bio Innovative sol-gel strategies for the production of homogeneous, hydrothermally stable, and porous mixed metal oxide catalysts for biomass conversion applications 2017
48 EXPHON Exciton-Phonon Coupling from First Principles 2017
49 FluMToGaC Florinated MOF for toxic gas capture 2018
50 CLUNATRA Discovering new Catalysts in the Cluster-Nanoparticle Transition Regime 2017
51 EMPhAsIS Electrochemical Testing Platform for Advanced Energy Materials 2017
52 SIDERWIN Development of new methodologies for industrial CO2-free steel production by electrowinning 2017
53 OOID The Ocean's Oxygen Isotopes Deciphered: Combining Observations, Experiments and Models 2018
54 NanoFLP Nanoparticles as Partners in Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Boosting the Surface Reactivity of Inorganic Nanoparticles 2018
55 FotoH2 Innovative Photoelectrochemical Cells for Solar Hydrogen Production 2018
56 NanoSurf Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing 2018
57 TransFerr Transition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way towards superior ferroic properties 2017
58 CanBioSe Novel 1D photonic metal oxide nanostructures for early stage cancer detection 2018
59 PROMOFS Nanoengineering and Processing of Metal-Organic Framework Composites for Photonic Sensors 2018
60 FLEXICAT Upgrading waste glycerol to essential chemicals 2018
61 Magnetic Fluids A Key Enabling Technology for metals recovery and water management based on functionalized magnetic particles for galvanic industry 2018
62 topDFT A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories 2018
63 DisorMetox Disorder and Order in the Conversion Mechanism of Metal Oxides in Lithium-ion Batteries 2018
64 CeramCom New Generation Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites for Aerospace Industry 2018
65 ReSuNiCo Inverted Reactive Spray Processes for Sulphide/Nitride High Surface Area Electrode Coatings 2019
66 ANTELOPE Non-trAditioNal sTable mEtaL isotOPE (Fe, Mg, Zn) fractionation: a case study from the Bushveld Complex, South Africa 2018
67 SEARCh SurfacE structure-Activity-Relationship in atomically-defined, ultrathin film perovskite Catalysts 2018
68 FERROENERGY Integrated ferroelectric oxides for energy conversion devices 2019
69 ANTHEM Advanced Hybrid Thermoelectric Materials through Vapor Phase Infiltration 2018
70 PLaTONE PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs 2018
71 SecREEts Secure European Critical Rare Earth Elements 2018
72 BioWings Bio-compatible electrostrictive smart materials for future generation of medical micro-electro- mechanical systems 2018
73 SECOONDO Second Order nano-Oxide Nonlinear Disordered phOtonics 2018
74 DIGISMART Multifunctional Digital Materials Platform for Smart Integrated Applications 2019
75 SENSiSOFT New sensor devices based on soft chemistry assisted nanostructured functional oxides on Si integrated systems 2019
76 ECOFER ECOFER: Next Generation Slag and Mineral Processing Technology 2018
77 HERO Hidden, entangled and resonating orders 2019
78 AMADEUS Advancing CO2 Capture Materials by Atomic Scale Design: the Quest for Understanding 2019
79 SYSTEM SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent 2018
80 NARCISO NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications 2019
81 OXiNEMS Oxide Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Ultrasensitive and Robust Sensing of Biomagnetic Fields 2019
82 SPIRE A Photovoltaic Plant with thermal co-generation 2019
83 ME4OER Mechanism Engineering of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction 2019
84 ZEOCAT-3D Development of a bifunctional hierarchically structured zeolite based nano-catalyst using 3D-technology for direct conversion of methane into aromatic hydrocarbons via methane dehydroaromatization 2019
85 PLASTICERA Plastic ceramic films to improve safety of modern nuclear energy 2019
86 MAGIMOX Nanometre scale imaging of magnetic perovskite oxide thin films using scanning transmission electron microscopy 2019
87 PerSiSTanCe Low-cost and Large-Area Perovskite-Silicon Solar Tandem Cells 2019
88 INSPIRE In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices 2019
89 JG-GH-UCLouvain A materials informatics approach to the Pauling’s rules and structure-property relationships in low thermal conductivity materials 2019
90 OXWALD 2D Oxide and van der Waals layered devices 2019
91 ProTOC Functional Electrical Contacts to Two-Dimensional Materials with Tunable Interfacial Oxides 2019
92 IDESoWa Increased drainage effects on soil properties and water quality 2019
93 TARANTULA Recovery of Tungsten, Niobium and Tantalum occurring as by-products in mining and processing waste streams 2019
94 FRESCO FeRroElectric control of Spin-charge interCOnversion 2020
95 ESMOS Efficient, Safe and Multi-Functional Operation of Solar-Roads 2019
96 NanoPhosTox Nanocomposite Engineered Particles for Phosphorus Recovery and Toxicological Risk Assessment for the Aquatic Environment 2020
97 UncorrelaTEd Solid-liquid thermoelectric systems with uncorrelated properties 2020
98 Light-DYNAMO Light driven hybrid nanocrystal TMDC capacitors 2020
99 GREAT Greener Air Traffic Operations 2020
101 PERCISTAND Development of all thin-film PERovskite on CIS TANDem photovoltaics 2020
102 NOTICE Novel Oxides and Topological Interfaces for quantum Computing Electronics 2020
103 HyperCube HyperCube: Gram scale production of ferrite nanocubes and thermo-responsive polymer coated nanocubes for medical applications and further exploitation in other hyperthermia fields 2020
104 SAPIENTIAM Secondary organic Aerosols Production in pre and post-Industrial-like ENvironments : The Impact of biogenic and Anthropogenic emissions on cliMate 2020
105 MARIX Methane and Ammonium Removal In redoX transition zones 2020
106 SulPure Exhaust Gas Purification System 2020
107 COUPC1 Coupling strategies for scavenging reactive C1 intermediates in hydrogen generation 2020
108 Genesis Geo-inspired pathways towards nanoparticle-based metastable solids 2020