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H2020 projects about "recruit"

The page lists 109 projects related to the topic "recruit".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EyeRegen Engineering a scaffold based therapy for corneal regeneration 2015
2 5G Wireless Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks 2015
3 RESCUE THE HEART Understanding nervous mechanisms of cardioprotection to save the ischaemic and failing hearts 2016
4 Subpopulations Investigating Fibrotic and Regenerative Fibroblast Populations in Muscular Dystrophy 2016
5 VascColl Temporally controlled delivery of vascular therapeutics from a regenerative template for diabetic wound healing 2015
6 SOMA Analytics Chronic Stress Biomarkers for Early Detection and Prevention of Burnout 2014
7 INCIPIT INnovative Life sCIence Phd Programme in South ITaly 2016
8 PreLog Precursors of logical reasoning in human infants 2015
9 INSPIRE INterdiSciPlinarity and excellence for doctoral training of International REsearchers in Paris 2015
10 MELGEN MELanoma GENetics - understanding and biomarking the genetic and immunological determinants of melanoma survival 2015
11 REACH REACH: Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health 2015
12 SynBioTEC Establishing ERA Chair position in Synthetic Biology at University of Tartu Institute of Technology 2015
13 Fishtimator Continual Acoustic Based Multifunctional Cage Mounted Fish estimator Deigned To Reduce Feed Waste, Fish Mortality, and Predator and Fish Escape Control 2015
14 EXCILIGHT Donor-Acceptor light emitting exciplexes as materials for easily to tailor ultra-efficient OLED lighting 2015
15 GRACE GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe 2015
16 EuBI PPII Euro-BioImaging Preparatory Phase II - Project 2016
17 XPRESS XPRESS ENGINE - The Future of Affective Market Research 2015
18 PerMarDrive Integrated PERmanent Magnet Motor-Clutch Drive for Parallel Hybrid Power MARINE Propulsion Systems 2015
19 StemBAT New players in human BAT differentiation and activation: a human PSC-derived BAT approach combined with state of the art genome engineering and –omics based methodologies 2016
20 CHEMCOMRHIZO Chemical communication in the rhizosphere of plants 2015
21 PolyDomFormFuncReg Discovering how polycomb domains form and function in gene regulation 2016
22 CaLiAT A novel pathway for generation of building blocks for antibiotic biosynthesis 2016
23 PRONKJEWAIL Protecting patients with enhanced susceptibility to infections 2016
24 TransposonsReprogram How retrotransposons remodel the genome during early development and reprogramming 2016
25 EDGE Cutting Edge Training - Cutting Edge Technology 2016
26 InjectCHA Local delivery of PTH(1-34) from an injectable collagen-hydroxyapatite scaffold for non-invasive treatment of bisphosphonate associated atypical femoral fractures 2016
27 INPhINIT Innovative doctoral programme for talented early-stage researchers in Spanish host organisations excellent in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). 2016
28 Gen-Epix Genetic Determinants of the Epigenome 2016
29 CliniTrial Enhancement of an advanced clinical trial recruitment platform for Europe to ensure maximum intake of eligible consenting patients for participation 2016
30 Adaptive Simulations Bringing to market an open source CFD framework as a fully automated simulation service with high performance computing cloud-based access 2016
31 PolySolv Polymer Solvation with COSMO-RS 2017
32 HarshEnergy Perpetual Sensing in Harsh Environments: Self-powered sensors for the Oil Gas industry 2017
33 BRINE MINING Applying circular economy solutions in industrial wastewater management: request of SME Associate to develop the necessary energy simulation tools for recovery of waste heat from industrial operations 2017
34 CoALIVE Coenzyme A – Launch of In Vivo Experiments 2017
35 MILAS MIcro-pulsed, diode-based LASer 2017
36 AqPDRA Industrial research into the properties of molecular capsules in commercially relevant media 2017
37 NET Nanoreactivity at drastically Extended Timescales 2017
38 INNO-CYANO INNOvative mapping, reporting and forecasting of CYANObacteria blooms applying the synergistic use of advanced in situ optical data, satellite imagery and statistical modelling 2017
39 OF vacancy Expert in selective/genetic breeding 2017
40 ROCHI ROCHI - RObotics Coverage Hiring Innovation 2017
41 MUSA Monitoring built-Up area from SAtellite 2017
42 IMMUNO_CRC Microbiota-immune interaction in colorectal cancer 2017
43 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
44 SecIoT Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices 2017
45 FEMTOCOLORS Femtosecond Temporally Coherent Supercontinuum Fiber Laser for Multi-Photon Microscopy 2017
46 DEMETS Impact of Environmental Tobacco Smoke on Incidence and Outcomes of Dementia. 2018
47 IPISA Inkjet Printed Sensor Arrays for high efficient, low cost, environmental monitoring 2017
48 TF-bind Determinants Genomic binding of transcription factors as a function of DNA affinity and chromatin. 2017
49 INNODIA Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 2015
50 MyTherapyTools SME Innovation Associate: matching MyTherapyTools up with a talented researcher 2018
51 PlaSSteel Plasma Nitriding and Nitrocarburising for high wear resistance and high corrosion stability Stainless Steel 2017
52 KupfferCellNiche Determining the instructive tissue signals and the master transcription factors driving Kupffer cell differentiation 2017
53 ASGARD Automatic SaaS Governing of Hybrid Networks for Growing Infrastructure Demands 2017
54 POINTS Revealing the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the visual perception of social interactions 2017
55 DIFFUSE New Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors For Future IoT Society 2017
56 FormulaGP FormulaGP - Recruitment plan for a skilled associate to help developing the patent pending IRIS GreenPlasma device 2017
57 Ub-BAC Dissecting and targeting ubiquitin networks in the course of bacterial infections 2017
58 CLTRe The Cybersecurity Behavioural Toolkit 2017
59 ECBCBSFII Sustainable mass production of Hermetia illucens in controlled environments to produce protein feeds for aquaculture, poultry and livestock industries. 2017
60 METEOR Recruiting electronic researcher to develop a predictive sensor to prevent frost on sensitive equipment 2017
61 PhD4GlycoDrug Multidisciplinary European Joint Doctorate in the Design and Development of Glyco Drugs 2017
62 noRAG-TOR Rag-independent regulation of mTOR by Amino Acids 2018
63 PRESTIGE-AF PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE survivors with Atrial Fibrillation 2017
64 CENEVO A new paradigm for centromere biology:Evolution and mechanism of CenH3-independent chromosome segregation in holocentric insects 2018
65 IoT4Win Internet of Thing for Smart Water Innovative Networks 2018
66 DiSect The Tumour Stroma as a Driver of Clonal Selection 2018
67 Alpha-Synuclein Blocking the prion-like disease propagation in Parkinson’s disease and related disorders – model development and identification of cell-autonomous and cell non-autonomous factors. 2019
68 HiBriCarbon Mixed Biotic and abiotic functionalysed electrodes for Plant Microbial Fuel Cells applications 2018
69 DEMAIRPO Association of air pollution with dementia risk: is it confounded and mediated by environmental tobacco smoke and consumption of fish? 2018
70 4D STENT 4D shape memory polymers via microstereolithography for production of thermally responsive stents 2018
71 RNAfate Identifying RNA fate checkpoints by resolving the high-resolution spatiotemporal binding dynamics of CBC containing complexes 2019
72 GlobalP3HS SSPH+ Global PhD Programme in Public Health Sciences 2018
73 ESQ ESQ-FP: Erwin Schrödinger Quantum Science Programme 2018
74 MCEC The Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion 2018
75 iMED International Doctoral Programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2019
76 SYNMAT Synthesis of Functional Multi-Component Supramolecular Systems and Materials 2018
77 VALORTECH ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the Estonian University of Life Sciences 2018
78 TESLA Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications 2019
79 PROTECT Predictive mOdelling Tools to evaluate the Effects of Climate change on food safeTy and spoilage 2019
80 MUSIQ Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum 2019
82 NEUME Neuroplasticity and the Musical Experience 2018
83 GasFermTEC GasFermTEC: Gas Fermentation Technologies ERA Chair 2018
84 ActinSensor Identification and characterization of a novel damage sensor for cytoskeletal proteins in Drosophila 2019
85 ReachOut The Beta Testing Campaign Platform for Research Projects 2019
86 BRaVE Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism and Polarisation 2019
87 ViroPedTher Oncolytic viruses for the treatment of pediatric brain tumors: An integrated clinical and lab approach 2019
88 NeuroMath Acquisition of Mathematical Concepts in the Human Brain 2020
89 PARENT_EMPATHY Imaging circles of engagement: Neural correlates of parent empathic distress in the context of chronic pain 2020
90 Recruit Origin and Function of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in GBM Subtypes 2019
91 STRELECOID Stretchable mesh-electrodes interfacing human iPSC brain organoids 2019
92 InnovaXN Doctoral programme for innovators with X-rays and neutrons 2019
93 Breakborder Breaking borders, Functional genetic screens of structural regulatory DNA elements 2019
94 PRIUS-TE Printing Ultrasound Stimulated piezoelectric materials for Tissue Engineering 2020
95 6i-DIRS 6i-DIRS: A growing attractive collaborative ecosystem for boosting impact driven research careers 2019
97 Chaperon ERA Chair Position for Excellent Research in Oncology 2019
98 SMART-X Study of carrier transport in MAterials by time-Resolved specTroscopy with ultrashort soft X-ray light 2020
99 CCIMC Coordination chemistry inspires molecular catalysis 2020
100 TranSYS Translational SYStemics: Personalised Medicine at the Interface of Translational Research and Systems Medicine 2019
101 LISA Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements 2019
102 BIOREMIA BIOfilm-REsistant Materials for hard tissue Implant Applications 2020
103 STRICT SN: The first blood biomarker to accurately STratify mortality Risk In patients with Cardiac arrhyTmia 2019
104 MATPASE Developing new MATerial solutions for cardiac PAce lead and SEnsor encapsulation 2019
105 EPICA Improved Credentialess and Secure Cloud Access 2019
106 SynLink Molecular Structure and Engineering of Synaptic Organizer Proteins in Health and Disease 2020
107 4-IN THE LUNG RUN 4-IN THE LUNG RUN: towards INdividually tailored INvitations, screening INtervals, and INtegrated co-morbidity reducing strategies in lung cancer screening 2020
108 RADICALISATION ‘We’re not neo-Nazis anymore’: Radicalisation strategies in online far-right propaganda and disinformation campaigns 2020
109 MapInCSC Mapping the Interaction between Semantic Representation and Control Systems: The Controlled Semantic Cognition 2020