# | ||||
1 | SCARLETT SCAlable & ReconfigurabLe Electronics plaTforms and Tools | 2008 | 39˙879˙271.00 | 22˙999˙657.00 |
2 | DANIELA Demonstration of ANemometry InstrumEnt based on LAser | 2008 | 6˙337˙011.00 | 4˙140˙000.00 |
3 | GAGARIN GAlileo-Glonass Advanced Receiver INtegration | 2009 | 1˙255˙575.00 | 698˙006.00 |
4 | DELICAT DEmonstration of LIdar based Clear Air Turbulence detection | 2009 | 5˙602˙110.00 | 3˙811˙000.00 |
5 | ODICIS ODICIS - One DIsplay for a Cockpit Interactive Solution | 2009 | 5˙610˙179.00 | 3˙595˙087.00 |
6 | PRIMAE Packaging of futuRe Integrated ModulAr Electronics | 2010 | 6˙338˙307.00 | 3˙766˙448.00 |
7 | ACROSS Advanced Cockpit for Reduction Of StreSs and workload | 2013 | 30˙499˙179.00 | 19˙482˙059.00 |
8 | ASHLEY Avionics Systems Hosted on a distributed modular electronics Large scale dEmonstrator for multiple tYpe of aircraft | 2013 | 39˙834˙293.00 | 22˙903˙474.00 |
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