Progetti FP7 coordinati da "The royal veterinary college"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 PILGRIM Preventing community and nosocomial spread and infection with MRSA ST 398 - instruments for accelerated control and integrated risk management of antimicrobial resistance 2009 3˙727˙953.00 2˙993˙824.00
2 MACACA Determinants of mandibular form during intra-oral food processing 2010 30˙000.00 30˙000.00
3 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MHYO Advanced epidemiological analysis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in pigs 2011 192˙849.00 192˙849.00
4 TRACKEVOL Reconstructing dinosaur/bird locomotor evolution: 3-D track simulation and X-ray validation 2012 239˙221.00 239˙221.00
5 RISKSUR "Providing a new generation of methodologies and tools for cost-effective risk-based animal health surveillance systems for the benefit of livestock producers, decision makers and consumers" 2012 3˙968˙566.00 2˙998˙854.00
6 LOCATE "Locomotion, hunting and habitat utilisation among large African carnivores and their prey" 2013 3˙079˙643.00 3˙079˙643.00
7 INNATELYBETTERCOWS A genomics approach to increasing disease resistance in dairy cows through improvements in innate immunity 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
8 GAIT-2-OA Can biomechanical measurements of joints predict severity of osteoarthritis? 2013 154˙617.00 154˙617.00
9 PIPA Paleo-robotics and the Innovations of Propulsion in Amphibians 2014 1˙494˙998.00 1˙494˙998.00

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