Progetti FP7 coordinati da "University of wolverhampton"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 FMMASI The effect of Fatigue on Muscle Movement Accuracy and Smoothness and exercise-induced injury 0 299˙558.00 299˙558.00
2 FIRST A Flexible Interactive Reading Support Tool 2011 2˙507˙218.00 2˙008˙754.00
3 HEPTAG EXCHANGE Targeted delivery for liver cancer treatment 2012 105˙001.00 105˙000.00
4 EXPERT EXPloiting Empirical appRoaches to Translation 2012 3˙935˙340.00 3˙935˙340.00
5 PROSEC Production of Sustainable Self-Compacting Concrete 2013 278˙807.00 278˙807.00
6 RIMACON Risk Management Software System for SMEs in the Construction Industry 2013 921˙317.00 921˙317.00
7 NANODISCAN Nano-technology enabled repositioning of Disulfiram as an anti-cancer stem cell agent 2014 299˙558.00 299˙558.00

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