Progetti FP7 coordinati da "University of york"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 ECLAT "Europeanisation, Classicism and Local Tradition: A Material Culture Perspective on People and Built Environments in a Post-Medieval Northern World" 0 278˙807.00 278˙807.00
2 PROTEIN SORTING Vesicular protein sorting in the Golgi apparatus 2007 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
3 ARISE Agricultural Revolution in Southern Europe? 2007 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
4 ETSF European theoretical spectroscopy facility I3 2008 4˙374˙911.00 3˙800˙000.00
5 REMEDIE Regenerative medicine in Europe: emerging needs and challenges in a global context 2008 1˙772˙692.00 1˙305˙878.00
6 SUSTOIL Developing advanced Biorefinery schemes for integration into existing oil production/transesterification plants 2008 1˙178˙873.00 992˙197.00
7 ADVOLUTA "Characterisation and cloning of ADVOLUTA, a putative novel element in auxin signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana." 2008 169˙390.00 169˙390.00
8 RENEWALL Improving Plant Cell Walls for Use as a Renewable Industrial Feedstock 2008 7˙662˙908.00 5˙744˙122.00
9 BIOIONS Biological ions in the gas-phase: New techniques for structural characterization of isolated biomolecular ions 2008 1˙250˙000.00 1˙250˙000.00
10 NITFOR The impact of nitrogen on the fate of recently assimilated carbon in forest soils 2008 232˙084.00 232˙084.00
11 CLIMBIOHOTSPOTS Climate Change and Areas with High Species Diversity at Global Scale 2008 169˙575.00 169˙575.00
12 CASCADES Versatile and Environmentally Friendly New Reaction Methodologies for Synthetic Organic Chemistry with Application to Natural Product Synthesis 2009 172˙488.00 172˙488.00
13 INTERARCHIVE Interred with their bones - linking soil micromorphology and chemistry to unlock the hidden archive of archaeological human burials 2009 2˙481˙920.00 2˙481˙920.00
14 ECO-DYNAMIC-AFRICA Tropical forests in East Africa - Relationships between ecosystem diversity / ecosystem function and environmental gradients 2009 0.00 180˙216.00
15 THREADS Textile and Hair proteomics: Reexamination of European wool from Archaeological Deposits 2009 0.00 231˙054.00
16 SAVBIRD Climate Change and BIRDs in the African SAVannah 2009 231˙461.00 231˙461.00
17 ECOLIVA Sustainable ecosystem services and livelihoods through aquaculture development 2010 0.00 238˙818.00
18 BRANCHING PLASTICITY Plasticity in the Shoot Branching Regulatory Network 2010 172˙240.00 172˙240.00
19 MATVIR Mathematical Virology: A classification of virus architecture and the structural transitions important for maturation and infection 2010 166˙040.00 166˙040.00
20 IFIOP Inequalities on Function Spaces and Properties of Integral Operators with Applications 2010 233˙089.00 233˙089.00
21 MAARITIME Marine Amino Acid Racemisation Investigation of the Mediterranean 2010 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
22 SUNLIBB Sustainable Liquid Biofuels from Biomass Biorefining 2010 4˙660˙288.00 3˙415˙396.00
23 DISPERSE "Dynamic Landscapes, Coastal Environments and Human Dispersals" 2011 2˙550˙000.00 2˙550˙000.00
24 MENCOFINAS Magnetic Energy Conversion in Fine Nanoparticle Systems 2011 209˙592.00 209˙592.00
25 CERES From CERamic RESidues to the economic and social context of early pottery use in North Eastern North America 2011 201˙049.00 201˙049.00
27 P4FIFTY Development of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes for the Chemical Manufacturing Industries 2012 4˙165˙298.00 4˙165˙298.00
28 POSTGLACIAL After the Ice: Postglacial hunter-gatherer lifeways 2012 1˙497˙780.00 1˙497˙780.00
29 SEMBIND Wedding bells or bedding wells? Lexical and semantic influences on phoneme binding 2012 691˙284.00 691˙284.00
30 HVGC Imaging neural gain control in the human visual system 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
31 PALIMPSEST Unlocking Historical and Molecular Archives 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
32 FEMTOSPIN Multiscale Modelling of Femtosecond Spin Dynamics 2012 5˙175˙547.00 3˙999˙600.00
33 XYLANASES Xylanases as models for understanding enzymatic catalysis 2012 176˙368.00 176˙368.00
34 PHARMASOILS Fate and effects of Pharmaceuticals in Soil-Plants System 2012 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
35 ANTHROSOIL Signatures in Anthropological SOILs: Developments for the identification of activities associated with daily life 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
36 ORCA Optimizing Research tools for Cetaceans in Archaeology 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
37 NARILOP Needs and requirements for independent living for older people 2012 278˙807.00 278˙807.00
38 LANGELIN Meeting Darwin's last challenge: toward a global tree of human languages and genes 2012 3˙483˙590.00 3˙483˙590.00
39 COEVOCON Coevolution of bacteria and conjugative plasmids 2013 1˙233˙610.00 1˙233˙610.00
40 ENVIRON "Impacts of metallurgy: iron production and the environment in the Pare Mountains, Tanzania" 2013 218˙151.00 218˙151.00
41 GLYCOPOISE "Glycosylation: Programmes for Observation, Inhibition and Structure-based Exploitation of key carbohydrate-active enzymes" 2013 2˙500˙000.00 2˙500˙000.00
42 GREENECONET GREENECONET: A best practice platform to support the transition towards a green economy 2013 1˙144˙189.00 999˙968.00
43 FACEVAR Face Recognition: Understanding the role of within-person variability 2013 1˙496˙263.00 1˙496˙263.00
44 CARAFAMCP The Origins of the Roman Inquisition Reconsidered: the Diplomatic Career of Gian Pietro Carafa in England and Spain (1513-19) 2013 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
45 ETHWAL Ethnoarchaeology of Western Alpine upland Landscapes: Italian and French case studies 2013 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
46 HARFIR Heusler Alloy Replacement for Iridium 2013 2˙312˙580.00 1˙781˙910.00
47 MULTIPOL Multifunctional Metallomesogenic Polymers 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
48 CAPACITIE Cutting-Edge Approaches for Pollution Assessment in Cities 2013 3˙523˙100.00 3˙523˙100.00
49 AAREA The Archaeology of Agricultural Resilience in Eastern Africa 2014 1˙196˙701.00 1˙196˙701.00
50 TOXKINBIO Toxicokinetics and biotransformation in aquatic invertebrates 2014 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
51 ROCKART "Indigenous Heritage, Rock Art, and Cultural Identity in Post-colonial Nations" 2014 392˙423.00 392˙423.00
52 TEMBO Tracking Elephants: Mapping pre-colonial African ivory trade networks using Bioarchaeological techniques 2014 202˙291.00 202˙291.00
53 PONTE Pottery Innovation and Transmission in East Asia: bridging expertise across continents 2014 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
54 ADS3DV ADS 3D Viewer: a 3D Real-Time System for the Management and Analysis of Archaeological Data 2014 231˙283.00 231˙283.00
55 SAMUL-NANO-HEP Self-Assembling Multivalent Biodegradable Ligands for Nanoscale Heparin Binding 2014 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
56 ASAP As simple as possible: a modelling approach to upscale the relevance of ecotoxicological studies 2014 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
57 INTERACT INTERACT: Integrating Archaeological and Climatological Datasets: Investigating Global Human-Environmental Interactions 2015 293˙115.00 293˙115.00
58 GIFTED-MRS Generic fault-detection for multirobot systems 2015 221˙606.00 221˙606.00
59 BIOMAN Bio-mechanical organisation of the modern human mandible in transition from foraging to agriculture 2015 309˙235.00 309˙235.00

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