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H2020 projects about "exploratory"

The page lists 63 projects related to the topic "exploratory".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EXPLORATHON EXPLORATHON - European Researchers' Night Scotland 2014
2 WaterWorks2014 Water Works 2014-2019 in Support of the Water JPI 2015
3 EARLYSTART Short and long-term consequences of the early environment 2015
4 MultiNav Multisensory Navigation: Harnessing the Power of Multisensory Processing Optogenetic Stimulation to Aid The Blind 2015
5 BinCosmos The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times 2015
6 ServoTec Fast Data Acquisition and Servo Technologies 2015
7 RIPEB Rapid heat inactivation of pathogens to enable biomarker research 2015
8 FET_TRACES Tracing impacts of the FET programme 2015
9 DECRESIM A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets 2015
10 NSETHIO Nodding Syndrome: a trans-disciplinary approach to identify the cause and decrease the incidence of river epilepsy 2015
11 BEACONING Breaking Educational Barriers with Contextualised, Pervasive and Gameful Learning (BEACONING) 2016
12 SVDs-at-target Small vessel diseases in a mechanistic perspective: Targets for Intervention Affected pathways and mechanistic exploitation for prevention of stroke and dementia 2016
13 VISION DMD VISION-DMD - Phase 2 Clinical Trials of VBP15: An Innovative Steroid-like Intervention on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 2016
14 DESIREE Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer 2016
15 OptiFrame An Optimization Framework for Trajectory Based Operations 2016
17 DASCE Dissecting specific amygdala-striatal circuits for exploration 2017
18 ARCDIV Up-scaling Arctic diversity analysis to link community organisation and ecosystem functioning 2016
19 RollArray A disruptive mobile photovoltaic array that can pack up to 20kWp of generating power into a domestic trailer and 100kWp of generating power into an ISO 20-foot shipping container. 2016
20 TAROX Targeting oxidative repair proteins for treatment of cancer and inflammation 2016
21 RAPID Rapid Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and phylogenetic Identification 2016
22 B-SMART Brain-Specific, Modular and Active RNA Therapeutics 2017
23 PREMSOT Precision Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography for Discovery Diagnosis and Intervention 2017
24 TOOP The Once Only Principle Project 2017
25 ACTRIS PPP ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project 2017
26 CROSSROADS Human Evolution at the Crossroads 2017
27 DUALITY Theoretical Foundations of Memory Micro-Insertions in Wireless Communications 2017
28 PLOMAT Plotting the material flows of commonplace Late Bronze Age Seals in Western Eurasia 2018
29 ADOC Characterization and monitoring of vigilance fluctuation in disorders of consciousness 2017
30 NANO-MIR Novel 3D nano-antennas for optoelectronic applications in the mid-infrared 2018
31 SECOPS An Integrated Security Concept for Drone Operations 2017
32 PARATOP New paradigms for correlated quantum matter:Hierarchical topology, Kondo topological metals, and deep learning 2018
33 EURITO EU Relevant, Inclusive, Timely, Trusted, and Open Research Innovation Indicators 2018
34 EDIReX EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts 2018
35 R-LiNK Optimizing response to Li treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder: the R-LiNK initiative 2018
36 OligoGpivotalCF A pivotal phase IIb clinical trial of inhaled alginate oligosaccharide (OligoG) for cystic fibrosis 2018
37 AGEnTh Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories 2018
38 Engage Knowledge Transfer Network proposed in response to the SESAR-ER3-01-2016 Call 2018
39 NovoFold De novo protein discovery as a tool for understanding the folding conundrum 2019
40 TARGETMENISCUS Targeting Meniscus Degradation in Osteoarthritis 2018
41 CARE4C Carbon smart forestry under climate change 2018
42 Lingua The Early Romantic Theory of Language: Experimental linguistics around 1800 2019
43 FORMKIN The formal demography of kinship and family 2018
44 Pan3DP 3D bioprinting of pancreatic tissue for biomedical research 2018
45 SKYTOP Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology 2018
46 MiCREATE Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe 2019
47 SCALE-HALO Multiscale chemical engineering of functional metal halides 2019
48 TransBioLine Translational Safety Biomarker Pipeline (TransBioLine): Enabling development and implementation of novel safety biomarkers in clinical trials and diagnosis of disease 2019
49 EDAO Example-Driven Analytics of Open Knowledge Graphs 2019
50 GANDALF Gamification and Datafication towards Learning Forecasting 2019
51 ANAT-MEC Developing 2-photon optical imaging for neural-network studies in medial entorhinal cortex of freely moving mice 2019
52 VISUAL The Visual Politics of Recognition: Understanding the Role of Images in Recognition Encounters 2020
53 SCHEME Sewage chemical information mining – development of a novel concept for the assessment of human exposure to pollutants through wastewater analysis 2019
54 HELP Collaboration for innovation: Establishment of a pan-nematode drug development platform 2019
55 TEMPO Technology and hardware for neuromorphic computing 2019
56 ZES opportunity Zones for innovation EcosystemS governance 2019
57 ZARAH Women’s labour activism in Eastern Europe and transnationally, from the age of empires to the late 20th century 2020
58 PRE-ECO A new paradigm to re-engineering printed composites 2019
59 ACTRIS IMP Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure Implementation Project 2020
60 HEDIMED Human Exposomic Determinants of Immune Mediated Diseases 2020
61 ReKnow Research Knowledge Documentation, Analysis and Exploration in Empirical and Descriptive Sciences 2020
62 3D MAGiC Three-dimensional magnetization textures: Discovery and control on the nanoscale 2020
63 Genesis Geo-inspired pathways towards nanoparticle-based metastable solids 2020