The page lists 185 projects related to the topic "notion".
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1 | CoqHoTT | Coq for Homotopy Type Theory | 2015 |
2 | RGGC | Random Graph Geometry and Convergence | 2015 |
3 | preQFT | Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories | 2015 |
4 | Objectivity | Making Scientific Inferences More Objective | 2015 |
5 | ACANTO | ACANTO: A CyberphysicAl social NeTwOrk using robot friends | 2015 |
6 | InvGroGra | Asymptotic invariants of discrete groups, sparse graphs and locally symmetric spaces | 2015 |
7 | PEDIGREE | Pluralistic Economics for Development in Green Economic Enhancement | 2016 |
8 | MODFIN | Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures | 2016 |
9 | BETAPEV | Beyond Empathy: Toward a phenomenological Ethics of Vulnerability | 2015 |
10 | Pathologies | Pathologies of temporality. Abnormal experiences of time in mental disorders | 2016 |
11 | CL-3DE | Choice and learning in a 3-dimensional environment: an investigation of brain and behaviour | 2015 |
12 | ReaDoubt | Reasonable Doubt: An epistemological and psychological approach | 2015 |
13 | ACM | Cholesterol metabolism as a driver of prostate cancer aggressiveness | 2015 |
14 | ROSNPD | Selective vulnerability of neuronal degeneration in Parkinson’s disease: the load of routine behaviour | 2016 |
15 | Athero MPh proliferation | Macrophage proliferation and ontogeny in murine models of atherosclerosis | 2016 |
16 | IMAGUS | Styles of Objectivity: Agency, Alignment, and Automation in Image-Guided Surgery | 2015 |
17 | FAnFArE | Fourier Analysis For/And Partial Differential Equations | 2015 |
18 | PROVIDE | PROVIding smart DElivery of public goods by EU agriculture and forestry | 2015 |
19 | NACCA | New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art | 2015 |
20 | BCorp | Between Social Values and Profitable Performance: The Case of B-Corporations | 2016 |
21 | ArtifiCell | Synthetic Cell Biology: Designing organelle transport mechanisms | 2015 |
22 | CONNECTINGEUROPE | Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging | 2016 |
23 | QUEST | Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models | 2015 |
24 | PROTEOMICS4D | Proteomics 4D: The proteome in context | 2015 |
25 | DOQS | Many-Body Physics with Driven Open Quantum Systems of Atoms, Light and Solids | 2016 |
26 | GTCMR | Global Terrorism and Collective Moral Responsibility: Redesigning Military, Police and Intelligence Institutions in Liberal Democracies | 2016 |
27 | SYSMICS | Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. | 2016 |
28 | Frobenius | Frobenius related invariants and singularities | 2017 |
29 | REFLEX | Studying the role of the retrosplenial cortex in flexible learning | 2016 |
30 | HOLDING-HANDS | Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy | 2016 |
31 | QuModQu | Quantification and modality in the realm of questions | 2016 |
32 | M6Abolic-RNA-duplex | Metabolic control of RNA-protein and RNA-RNA interactions in cellular transformation. | 2016 |
33 | BRIDGE | Bridging the gap: The Lost Centuries of Cypriot Archaeology between Rome and the Crusaders | 2016 |
34 | HEGNAT | Naturalism in German Classical Philosophy: Nature, Recognition and Freedom in the Hegelian Theory of Social Interaction and Cooperation | 2016 |
35 | GROUPNIP | Model theory of groups in NIP theories | 2017 |
36 | WORKRETHINK | Rethinking Work: Intellectual Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis in French Film and Media | 2016 |
37 | SRR | Sovereignty and the Right to Regulate | 2017 |
38 | INDSOC | Individualising Socialism. Individual Agency and Social Change in Socialist Yugoslavia's Periphery, 1950s-1970s | 2017 |
39 | CADENT | Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven ENTerprise | 2016 |
40 | LIPA | A unified theory of finite-state recognisability | 2016 |
41 | BAYNET | Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations | 2016 |
42 | C-SENSE | Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing | 2016 |
43 | PERCEPT | The mind's eye: How expectation and attention shape perception | 2016 |
44 | PolEc | The Political Economy of Power Relations | 2016 |
45 | TREPISTEME | Formal Truth in Epistemology | 2016 |
46 | PaPaAlg | Pareto-Optimal Parameterized Algorithms | 2017 |
47 | CERBERO | Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments | 2017 |
48 | PJ15 COSER | Common Services | 2016 |
49 | SONNET | Self-OrganizatioN towards reduced cost and eNergy per bit for future Emerging radio Technologies | 2017 |
50 | INFO-LEG | Understanding information for legal protection of people against information-induced harms | 2017 |
51 | TILC | Targeting Innate Lymphoid Cells | 2017 |
52 | DiGGeS | Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures | 2017 |
53 | REMIND | The use of computational techniques to Improve compliance to reminders within smart environments | 2017 |
54 | CoSaQ | Cognitive Semantics and Quantities | 2017 |
55 | MPM | Modern Pattern Matching | 2017 |
56 | MUSDEWAR | Music in Detention during the (Post) Civil-War Era in Greece (1947-1957) | 2017 |
57 | GART-PSYSPAC | Psychiatric spaces in transition: discourse, dwelling, doing | 2017 |
58 | PredAMEG | Identifying Oscillatory Signatures of Predictive Coding in Hierarchical Auditory Networks with MEG | 2017 |
59 | GALOP | Galois theory of periods and applications. | 2017 |
60 | DART | Feasibility study for market introduction of the T-Minus DART research rocket system | 2017 |
61 | UMAQ | Understanding Media Accessibility Quality | 2017 |
62 | TIM-Adrastea | “Thinking in Images. Herder’s Adrastea from 1801-03 up to nowadays” | 2017 |
63 | PROGLUTASIS | Protection of cardiometabolic inflammation by modulation of myeloid glutamine homeostasis | 2017 |
64 | ExItALS | RNA-mediated intercellular miscommunication: role of extracellular vesicle cargos in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2017 |
65 | COEXIST | Coexistence on the boundary of chaos | 2017 |
66 | CSPIWB | Learning under Conflict: Effects of political violence on the educational attainment of Palestinian students in the West Bank | 2017 |
67 | UCOC | Understanding the Commitment in Organized Crime | 2018 |
68 | ACTrans | Accelerating Clinical Translation. Charting the Politics of Translation in the European Union | 2018 |
69 | SENSIS | The Senses of Islam: A Cultural History of Perception in the Muslim World | 2017 |
70 | NonnegativeRank | Geometry of Nonnegative Rank | 2017 |
71 | OMICRON | Optical transmission based on integrability and nonlinear Fourier transform | 2018 |
72 | BVCGA | The BV Construction: a Geometric Approach | 2017 |
73 | GLARE | Exploring Gender in Children's Literature from Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective | 2017 |
74 | DUBs26S | Role of a novel proteasome-associated DUB – A boon for therapeutics | 2017 |
75 | GLUCOTANYCYTES | Glucotanycytes: a role for hypothalamic barriers in the control of metabolism by peripheral glucose | 2017 |
76 | GENERALIZED | Generalized geometry: 3-manifolds and applications | 2018 |
77 | HCG | Honour in classical Greece: esteem, status, identity, and society in ancient Greek literature, life, and thought | 2018 |
78 | ACTICELL | Precision confiner for mechanical cell activation | 2017 |
79 | EcoImmuneCosts | Immunity in Ecology and Evolution: 'Hidden' costs of disease, immune function and their consequences for Darwinian fitness | 2017 |
80 | TERRANOVA | Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G | 2017 |
81 | AGNOSTIC | Actively Enhanced Cognition based Framework for Design of Complex Systems | 2017 |
82 | ECOLE | Experience-based Computation: Learning to Optimise | 2018 |
83 | PARATOP | New paradigms for correlated quantum matter:Hierarchical topology, Kondo topological metals, and deep learning | 2018 |
84 | SUBLINEAR | Sublinear Algorithms for Modern Data Analysis | 2018 |
85 | RetinalRepurposing | Deciphering the computations underlying visual processing: Repurposing of retinal cells and how they are decoded by the visual thalamus | 2017 |
86 | MESG | Past and Present Musical Encounters across the Strait of Gibraltar | 2018 |
87 | ASYMMEM | Lipid asymmetry: a cellular battery? | 2018 |
88 | TarMyc | Targeting the Oncogenic Function of Myc in vivo | 2018 |
89 | AfricanWomen | Women in Africa | 2018 |
90 | REF-MIG | Refugees are Migrants: Refugee Mobility, Recognition and Rights | 2018 |
91 | FraMEPhys | A Framework for Metaphysical Explanation in Physics | 2018 |
92 | EXPRESS | From the Expression of Disagreeement to New Foundations for Expressivist Semantics | 2018 |
93 | UMMA | Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city | 2018 |
94 | CEASEVAL | Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development | 2017 |
95 | NoTape | Measuring with no tape | 2017 |
96 | PROTEUS | Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) | 2018 |
97 | EpComp | Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond | 2018 |
98 | PIVOTAL | Predictive Memory Systems Across the Human Lifespan | 2018 |
99 | DATAJUSTICE | Data Justice: Understanding datafication in relation to social justice | 2018 |
100 | NOISE | Noise-Sensitivity Everywhere | 2018 |
101 | SIRI | Serendipity in Research and Innovation | 2018 |
102 | DerSympApp | Derived Symplectic Geometry and Applications | 2018 |
103 | StabCondEn | Stability Conditions, Moduli Spaces and Enhancements | 2018 |
104 | PCPHDX | Probabilistically Checkable Proofs, Agreement Tests, and High Dimensional Expanders | 2018 |
105 | EMERGE | Epigenetic and metabolic regulation of endothelial heterogeneity | 2018 |
106 | CogLit | Literature as a Cognitive Object; Cognitive infrastructure and human cultural transmission | 2018 |
107 | WAVREP | WAVe Resource for Electrical Production | 2018 |
108 | MISFIRES | Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets | 2018 |
109 | PICS | Prediction in Complex Systems | 2018 |
110 | The Human Imprint | The Human Imprint: Western and Chinese Anthropocene Fictions | 2018 |
111 | PartAct | Partial actions of monoids and partial reflections | 2019 |
112 | BIVIUM | Standing at the Crossroads: Doubt in Early Modern Italy (1500-1560) | 2018 |
113 | ChiralComm | Chiral Communications at the Nanoscale | 2018 |
114 | covtrans | Functional/Harmonic Analysis of Covariant Transforms | 2019 |
115 | DeeViSe | Deep Learning for Dynamic 3D Visual Scene Understanding | 2018 |
116 | JUSTEMOTIONS | The construction of objectivity - An international perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decision-making | 2018 |
117 | NUCLEAR | Nuclear Weapons ChoicesGoverning vulnerabilities between past and future | 2018 |
118 | LOFUPRO | The Logical Function of Property Talk | 2018 |
119 | HybridImmunogenetics | Effects of major histocompatibility complex immunogenetic profiles of wild hybrid and non-hybrid marmosets on their susceptibility to arbovirus infections | 2019 |
120 | RCADE | Reversible causally-consistent debugging of concurrent programs | 2018 |
121 | Readers as Observers | The construction of readers as (co-)observers in multimodal novels. Radical reader engagement in the visual age | 2018 |
122 | FriendCoop | The role of friendship in cooperation: a comparative and cross-cultural developmental approach | 2019 |
123 | Metabeyond | Beyond metamaterials: Designing novel optical materials from Angstrom-scale interactions | 2019 |
124 | YAP MECHANO | Elucidating the mechanism of mechanotransduction through YAP and TAZ | 2019 |
125 | ESCSSE | Embedding Sparse Combinatorial Structures using Sublinear Expanders | 2019 |
126 | SATYRANDO | Insults in Italian City States.Criminal Literary History | 2019 |
127 | PAERADOX | Precursors to Modern Aerobic Ammonium Oxidation: Oxygenic and Electrogenic Anaerobic Pathways | 2018 |
128 | TheSocialBusiness | The advantages and pitfalls of elicitated online user engagement | 2018 |
129 | ValueChange | Design for changing values: a theory of value change in sociotechnical systems | 2018 |
130 | EPICLINES | Elucidating the causes and consequences of the global pattern of epigenetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana | 2018 |
131 | SIKB | The Development of Students' Identities as Knowledge Builders | 2018 |
132 | Airline Team NCM | Airspace User support to the development of Network Collaborative Management | 2018 |
133 | uEcologies | Urban Ecologies: governing nonhuman life in global cities | 2018 |
134 | LIFE LAB | LIFE LAB - Connecting Communities with the UK's leading Biotechnology and Life Science Hub | 2018 |
135 | TRUST | Truth and Semantics | 2018 |
136 | REVFAIL | FAILURE: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th centuries | 2019 |
137 | WARMCOASTS | Sea level and extreme waves in the Last Interglacial | 2019 |
138 | vmRail | The on-board railway track & vehicle monitoring system | 2018 |
139 | CoSP | Combinatorial Structures and Processes | 2019 |
140 | J-INNOVATECH | Beyond Eureka: The Foundations of Japan's Industrialization, 1800-1885 | 2020 |
141 | CLD | China, Law, and Development | 2019 |
142 | DIAPASoN | Differential Program Semantics | 2019 |
143 | Emergence | Emergence of wild differentiable dynamical systems | 2019 |
144 | GMM | Globalized Memorial Museums.Exhibiting Atrocities in the Era of Claims for Moral Universals | 2019 |
146 | IGOC | Interactions between Groups, Orbits, and Cartans | 2019 |
147 | ScarLessWorld | A WORLD WITHOUT SCARS: Regenerating wounded skin rather than patching with scars | 2019 |
148 | QuNeS | Quantum Networks in Space-Time | 2020 |
149 | SCAMPICITY | cAMP-dependend plasticity of striatal projection neurons in health and disease | 2019 |
150 | HOPE | Higher Order Polar calculus and Euclidean distance degree | 2020 |
151 | IASMOL | Imaging and Addressing of Single Molecules in Optical Lattices | 2019 |
152 | TOPOCIRCUS | Simulations of Topological Phases in Superconducting Circuits | 2019 |
153 | LIMEN | Legal Liminality: An Inquiry Into the Cognitive Foundations of the Law | 2019 |
154 | DIVLAW | How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History | 2020 |
155 | Makyaverri | Machiavelli and Machiavellism in Japan: 1868-1968. For an Intellectual History of Realism from its Outskirts | 2020 |
156 | EEURSOCFEM | The Intellectual Heritage of Feminist Political Thought during Early State Socialism. The Cases of the GDR, Hungary and Yugoslavia | 2019 |
157 | nalimdif | Non-Archimedean limits of differential forms, Gromov-Hausdorff limits and essential skeleta | 2019 |
158 | AMPLE | A Study of the Notion of Ampleness in Model Theory and Tits Buildings | 2019 |
159 | LIFEMODE | Possible Life: The Philosophical Significance of Extending Biology | 2019 |
160 | Theatre ReDefined | Redefining the Agency: Post-1989 Crises of Czech and Former East German Theatre | 2019 |
161 | EUSOCDIV | Public attitudes towards Social Europe: Diverging interpretations and support within and across EU member states? | 2019 |
162 | SPECMON | The spectrum of infinite monster groups | 2020 |
163 | secretPOL | The PIDE and Portuguese Society under the Salazar Dictatorship 1945-1974: Fear, Self-Policing, Accommodation. | 2019 |
164 | INdifference | The Interpretation of Differentia during Late Antique and Early Christian Thought | 2020 |
165 | Life-Inspired | Life-inspired complex molecular systems controlled by enzymatic reaction networks | 2019 |
166 | HubCities | Governing urban diversity through culture and higher education: Learning from Doha and Singapore. | 2019 |
167 | 5GhOSTS | 5th GeneratiOn Security for Telecom Services | 2019 |
168 | MODSTABVAR | Moduli spaces of stable varieties and applications | 2020 |
169 | NEWAVE | Next Water Governance | 2019 |
170 | SUBMODULAR | The Power of Randomness and Continuity in Submodular Optimization | 2019 |
171 | ySKILLS | Youth Skills | 2020 |
172 | VULNER | Vulnerabilities under the Global Protection Regime: how does the law assess, address, shape, and produce the vulnerabilities of protection seekers? | 2020 |
173 | ENDofLIFE | Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life | 2020 |
174 | KEYNESGROWTH | Economic Fluctuations, Productivity Growth and Stabilization Policies: A Keynesian Growth Perspective | 2020 |
175 | LITCOM | Literary Activism in sub-Saharan Africa: Commons, Publics and Networks of Practice | 2020 |
176 | SMIC | Formal Models of Social Meaning and Identity Construction through Language | 2020 |
177 | JustCity | The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of Justice and Its Reception in the Western Tradition | 2020 |
178 | KnowStudents | From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620) | 2020 |
179 | trans-argentina | Was Sex Inflexible? Practices, Knowledge, Techniques, and Technologies of “Sex Change” Embodiment in Argentina during the Twentieth Century | 2020 |
180 | SemanDiff | Semantically correct automatic differentiation | 2020 |
181 | PROPERTY[IN]JUSTICE | Land, Property and Spatial Justice in International Law | 2020 |
182 | ACU-AHvE | Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck. Rethinking universalist notions in architecture. | 2021 |
183 | NATIONAL-SUBJECTS | Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450) | 2020 |
184 | PhantomAiD | Phantom Possession. The New Authoritarian Personality and its Domains. | 2020 |
185 | AscNet | Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation | 2020 |