Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Eidgenoessische anstalt fur wasserversorgung abwasserreinigung und gewaesserschutz"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 BRYOZOA Ecological genetics of Bryozoa-Myxozoa host-parasite interactions 2010 109˙290.00 109˙290.00
2 CONTAMINANTID Integrated Computational Techniques for Non-Target Screening of Environmental Contaminants using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry 2012 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
3 NANOTRAFFIC Do small things lead to big problems? Mechanism of uptake and toxicity of metal nanoparticles in intestinal cells 2012 186˙528.00 186˙528.00
4 BIOSIGHET Exploring the biological significance of phenotypic heterogeneity in Pseudomonas 2013 192˙622.00 192˙622.00
5 AQUABIOTOX "Bioanalytical evaluation, identification, and characterisation of disinfection by-products formed during drinking water treatment" 2013 261˙401.00 261˙401.00
6 NOGOS Noble gases in ocean sediments as proxies for fluid transport at subduction zones and past climate conditions 2014 225˙352.00 225˙352.00
7 PRODUCTS Predicting environment-specific biotransformation of chemical contaminants 2014 1˙996˙352.00 1˙996˙352.00

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