Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Athena research and innovation center in information communication & knowledge technologies"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 BIG SODDA moving BIG data in the SOftware-Defined DAtacenter 0 75˙000.00 75˙000.00
2 POETICON The "Poetics" of Everyday Life: Grounding Resources and Mechanisms for Artificial Agents 2008 4˙273˙545.00 3˙250˙000.00
3 LEMPEM Web Graph: Learning Models for Prediction and Evolution Monitoring 2008 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
4 Dicta-Sign Sign Language Recognition, Generation and Modelling n with application in Deaf Communication 2009 3˙923˙566.00 3˙010˙879.00
5 BIOSEC BIOSEC: Security and Privacy in Life Sciences Data 2009 214˙655.00 214˙655.00
6 PRESEMT Pattern REcognition-based Statistically Enhanced MT 2010 3˙275˙493.00 2˙500˙000.00
7 LANGTERRA Enhancing the Research Potential of ILSP/”Athena” R.C. in Language Technology in the European Research ERA 2012 1˙876˙560.00 1˙689˙320.00
8 CELAR CELAR: Automatic, multi-grained elasticity-provisioning for the Cloud 2012 3˙466˙678.00 2˙613˙995.00
9 GEOSTREAM Exploiting User-Generated Geospatial Content Streams 2013 1˙251˙580.00 911˙000.00
10 ICRI2014 International Conference on Research Infrastructures 2014 2013 526˙702.00 250˙000.00
11 SOLDER Spectrum OverLay through aggregation of heterogeneous DispERsed Bands 2013 3˙275˙296.00 2˙336˙000.00
12 PublicaMundi Scalable and Reusable Open Geospatial Data 2013 1˙808˙360.00 1˙372˙960.00
13 SpeDial Spoken Dialogue Analytics 2013 1˙958˙400.00 1˙495˙000.00
14 DAIAD Open Water Management - from droplets of participation to streams of knowledge 2014 4˙365˙290.00 3˙202˙288.00

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L'Ente athena research and innovation center in information communication & knowledge technologies partecipato anche in questi progetti.