# | ||||
1 | ROLEEXOSPORIUM The contribution of the exosporium of Bacillus anthracis to survival | 2007 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
2 | SOCIALNETS Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation | 2008 | 2˙821˙230.00 | 2˙149˙999.00 |
3 | EBV HORIZONS "Heterologous immunity to Epstein-Barr virus: dissecting the role of cross-reactive CD8 T cells in mediating disease outcome in children, young adults and the elderly." | 2008 | 240˙373.00 | 240˙373.00 |
4 | FWMIMAGING Study of coherent non-linear optical response of nanoparticles and application to multiphoton imaging in cell biology | 2008 | 178˙874.00 | 178˙874.00 |
5 | BECOMING IC Becoming Intercultural - the Diversification of the Political Subject in Multicultural Societies A Theoretical and Practical Approach | 2008 | 171˙843.00 | 171˙843.00 |
6 | GATEDPUG The Challenge of Private Urban Governance and the Rise of Gated Communities in Europe | 2008 | 170˙709.00 | 170˙709.00 |
7 | MOLPARK Molecular mechanisms of neuronal restoration: novel approaches for Parkinson's Disease | 2009 | 4˙590˙740.00 | 3˙472˙653.00 |
8 | NETSSEPSIS Defining the mechanisms by which platelets regulate neutrophil extracellular traps in sepsis | 2009 | 153˙396.00 | 153˙396.00 |
9 | EIGIS The Ecology and Immunogenetics of Parasites in Invasive Species | 2009 | 0.00 | 174˙702.00 |
10 | SCINSCEF Repair Spinal Cord Injury by Controlling Migration of Neural Stem Cells - multidiciplinary approaches of electric stimulation and nanotechnology | 2010 | 1˙759˙613.00 | 1˙759˙613.00 |
11 | SRS Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living | 2010 | 5˙136˙039.00 | 3˙650˙000.00 |
12 | CELLULAR INFORMATICS Enabling the interoperability of cytometric data – a novel bioinformatics approach for revealing systems level understanding of cell cycle dynamics | 2010 | 279˙783.00 | 279˙783.00 |
13 | CONGRESS Conservation Genetic Resources for Effective Species Survival | 2010 | 1˙140˙421.00 | 991˙810.00 |
14 | NOSCAT Novel Organoselenium Catalysts for Green Chemistry | 2010 | 181˙103.00 | 181˙103.00 |
15 | LOXEPI "Characterisation, synthesis and functional investigation of epidermal lipoxygenase products in inflammation" | 2010 | 250˙351.00 | 250˙351.00 |
16 | TRANSVERSAL POLITICS "Ethnic Conflict, Cross-Community Practices & Transversal Assemblages" | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
17 | ROUTES TO AROUSAL Routes to arousal: a simultaneous EEG-FMRI investigation of pharmacological sedation in humans | 2010 | 181˙103.00 | 181˙103.00 |
18 | FLEXITOOL Flexible Tooling for the manufacture of free-form architectural cladding and façades | 2010 | 1˙498˙074.00 | 1˙146˙707.00 |
19 | EDUCATIONIMMIGRATION Enlightened or just less threatened: Education and anti-immigrant attitudes | 2010 | 172˙240.00 | 172˙240.00 |
20 | RECOGNITION Relevance and cognition for self-awareness in a content-centric Internet | 2010 | 3˙149˙909.00 | 2˙400˙000.00 |
21 | CARSFORSTEM Probing the Fate of Stem Cells through the Development of a Multiplex Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Imaging Technique | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
22 | IMGAME A new method for cross-cultural and cross-temporal comparison of societies | 2011 | 2˙260˙082.00 | 2˙260˙082.00 |
23 | ROAMINPD The role of altered monocyte activity in the long-term potential of peritoneal dialysis as a therapy | 2011 | 210˙092.00 | 210˙092.00 |
24 | BioVeL BioVeL - Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory | 2011 | 6˙005˙635.00 | 5˙000˙000.00 |
25 | PARA-PEST The role of host personality and stress responses in parasite dynamics | 2011 | 201˙049.00 | 201˙049.00 |
26 | GRAPH-COUPL Spectral analysis of graph-coupled systems | 2012 | 132˙968.00 | 132˙968.00 |
27 | AFTERTHEGOLDRUSH Addressing global sustainability challenges by changing perceptions in catalyst design | 2012 | 2˙279˙785.00 | 2˙279˙785.00 |
28 | DIAMEMS Microelectromechanical Systems from Nanocrystalline Diamond | 2012 | 270˙145.00 | 270˙145.00 |
29 | THETIMESOFTHEIRLIVES The times of their lives: towards precise narratives of change in the European Neolithic through formal chronological modelling | 2012 | 2˙540˙638.00 | 2˙540˙638.00 |
30 | DIALMEC Diaminations of Alkenes using Metal-free Chemistry | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
31 | IMCOM IMGAME Commercial | 2012 | 151˙932.00 | 150˙000.00 |
32 | STEROLOSOME Targeting common mechanisms of pathogenesis in diseases of sterol homeostasis associated with lysosome dysfunction; development of novel and rapidly translatable clinical therapies | 2012 | 200˙371.00 | 200˙371.00 |
33 | EE-ASI Beta cell preservation via antigen-specific immunotherapy in Type 1 Diabetes: Enhanced Epidermal Antigen Delivery Systems | 2012 | 7˙809˙429.00 | 5˙983˙871.00 |
34 | NOMGCNP Mesoporous Graphitic Carbon Nitrides Supported Noble Metal Nanoparticles for Green Catalysis under Visible Light | 2012 | 209˙033.00 | 209˙033.00 |
35 | CARHAY2011 "Design, Manufacturing and Impact Testing of Advanced Composite Materials" | 2012 | 149˙995.00 | 110˙591.00 |
36 | LASI "Law, science and interests in European policy-making" | 2013 | 1˙453˙748.00 | 1˙453˙748.00 |
37 | SPACEKIDS Kinetic Inductance Detectors – a New Imaging Technology for Observations In and From Space | 2013 | 2˙639˙533.00 | 1˙995˙286.00 |
38 | PCATDES Photocatalytic Materials for the Destruction of Recalcitrant Organic Industrial Waste | 2013 | 5˙148˙336.00 | 3˙954˙395.00 |
39 | EMUVE Euro-Mediterranean Urban Voids Ecology | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
40 | LOWCOSTPEROXIDE Novel low cost catalyst for direct hydrogen peroxide synthesis | 2013 | 166˙372.00 | 149˙506.00 |
41 | MEDOW Multi-terminal DC grid for offshore wind | 2013 | 3˙925˙537.00 | 3˙925˙537.00 |
42 | PARA-TOX Assessing the Toxicity of nitrates in a host-Parasite system | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
43 | TAQUS Tailored Quantum Structures | 2013 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
44 | INTERIM Integrating Economic Regional Impact Models | 2013 | 294˙693.00 | 294˙693.00 |
45 | SMARTSPEC Smart Specialisation For Regional Innovation | 2013 | 2˙749˙851.00 | 2˙344˙222.00 |
46 | EPIWORM Finding the Ghost in the Genome: Assessing the contribution of epigenetics to environmental plasticity in the soil sentinel Lumbricus rubellus | 2013 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
47 | REPAIR-HD "Human pluripotent stem cell differentiation, safety and preparation for therapeutic transplantation in Huntington’s disease" | 2013 | 7˙820˙107.00 | 6˙000˙000.00 |
48 | AEDNET Anthrax Environmental Decontamination Network | 2014 | 228˙000.00 | 228˙000.00 |
49 | LIPIDARRAY Development and application of global lipidomic arrays to inflammatory vascular disease | 2014 | 2˙969˙345.00 | 2˙969˙345.00 |
50 | CASPI Low-carbon Lifestyles and Behavioural Spillover | 2014 | 1˙486˙562.00 | 1˙486˙562.00 |
51 | INDIGO Investigation of Novel biomarkers and Definition of the role of the microbiome In Graves’ Orbitopathy (INDIGO) | 2014 | 1˙192˙798.00 | 1˙192˙798.00 |
52 | BIRDSCENTS Role and function of olfaction in Seabirds | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
53 | SUSCIR Sustainable Chemistry with Iodine Reagents | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
54 | DUSTPEDIA A Definitive Study of Dust in the Local Universe (DustPedia) | 2014 | 2˙748˙558.00 | 2˙093˙068.00 |
55 | POSTPARTUM BID Improving prediction of the triggering of bipolar disorder episodes by childbirth | 2014 | 282˙109.00 | 282˙109.00 |
56 | ZETA-STIM The molecular basis for the ability of PLC zeta to stimulate mammalian embryo development | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
57 | NEWS FLOW From Credit Crunch to Austerity Europe: how news narratives on the financial crisis are continually shifting and what this means for democracy | 2014 | 221˙606.00 | 221˙606.00 |
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