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H2020 projects about "centuries"

The page lists 184 projects related to the topic "centuries".

# achronym  title  year 
1 GEO-C Joint Doctorate in Geoinformatics - Enabling Open Cities 2015
2 ICTIP ICT Inducement Prizes Design for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2015
3 ChronHib Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature 2015
4 CLEANLIB Cleansing the Library: the Expurgatory Censorship of Books in Europe (Science and Humanities, 16th-18th cent.) 2016
5 CERAM First ceramics of Atlantic Europe: manufacture and function 2015
6 ALHIS Archaeology, Landscapes and Heritage in the Iberian Southeast 2015
7 Polyphemus Towards a new framework for reception: Gongora’s poetics, ‘new’ readers and the material world 2015
8 WetCarb Wetland Emissions of Carbon (CO2 and CH4) in China under Climate Change: Analysis, Development and Implementation 2015
9 MONASPOWER Monasteries as Institutional Powers in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Evidence from Neglected Coptic Sources 2016
10 ViGOTHIC Towards a typology of Visigothic script: the Beatus British Library Add. 11695 and its potential for dating and localising Visigothic script manuscripts 2015
11 VEiL Visualising Engineered Landscapes: an archaeological approach to unlock environmental resilience and sustainability in antiquity 2015
12 THISTLE Transformation and the management of HIStorical foresT. Landscapes of the Eugaean Hill (Padua, Italy). Fresh perspectives through spatial analyses and dendro-anthracology 2016
13 EARMEDCASTILE The formation of the state in Early Medieval Castile: craft production and social complexity 2015
14 PERMTHAW Permafrost thaw – decadal responses to climate change 2016
15 HumanitarianPassions Humanitarian Passions. The Survival of Christian Iconography in Contemporary Representations of Pain: a Visual Studies Approach 2015
17 Old and New How Old and New Media Influenced Each Other and Society in Iceland during the 16th and 17th Centuries 2015
18 EMPIREHURIGHTS Empire and Human Rights: Colonization and Sovereignty in a global Iberian Empire (1580-1640) 2016
19 Adapting Dickens Dickens, Adaptation, and the Nineteenth-Century European Theatre 2016
20 CONTESTEDWATERS Contested Waters: Rio de Janeiro’s Public Water Supply and the Social Structuring of the City 2015
21 Consciousness online A real-time, online study of the functions of consciousness 2015
22 Irish Merchants and Bordeaux Irish Merchants and Bordeaux: The Irish Role in the Invention of Grands Crus Wines 2015
23 OTTOCONFESSION The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries 2015
24 AI4REASON Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Computer-Assisted Reasoning 2015
25 SaveEUSaffron Sales and production acceleration of EU saffron through an innovative cultivation and crop system that allows European producers to increase eco-efficiency, production and processing 2015
26 nEU-Med Origins of a new Economic Union (7th to 12th centuries): resources, landscapes and political strategies in a Mediterranean region 2015
27 ABANDONMENT People under Pressure: Settlement Abandonment and Human Responses to Environmental and Socio-Economic Stress during the Medieval and Post-Medieval Periods 2016
28 MADE Migration as Development 2015
29 ArtEmpire An ARTery of EMPIRE. Conquest, Commerce, Crisis, Culture and the Panamanian Junction (1513-1671) 2016
30 GlassRoutes Mapping the First Millennium Glass Economy 2015
31 HYP The Hatha Yoga Project: Mapping Indian and Transnational Traditions of Physical Yoga through Philology and Ethnography 2015
32 ROMAINE Ovid as Historian. The reception of classical mythology in medieval France and Spain 2017
33 TIMBER Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation 2016
34 DigitalDoctors Making Clinical Sense: A comparative study of how doctors learn in digital times 2016
35 THALES Mass-production, landscape transformation and the birth of science in the land of Thales (8th-6th centuries BCE) 2016
36 Smart Colour Remotely Adjustable Structural Plasmonic Colour 2016
37 IGATO The introduction of the glaze in al-Andalus: technological waves and Oriental influences 2016
38 COEED The Court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama 2016
39 ACQUIRE The mechanism of acquired thermotolerance in potato 2016
40 BRIDGE Bridging the gap: The Lost Centuries of Cypriot Archaeology between Rome and the Crusaders 2016
41 ChroMoLEME The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe 2016
42 BAYESLAND Community Assembly on Islands: A phylogenetic Bayesian approach 2016
43 CLIMCONFLICT Historical Dynamics of Violence, Conflict and Extreme Weather in Medieval Ireland 2016
44 Forgery Forging Ahead: Faking Sagas and Developing Concepts of Cultural Authenticity and National Identity in 17th- and 18th-Century Scandinavia 2017
45 TibArmy The Tibetan Army of the Dalai Lamas (1642-1959) 2016
46 HAZE Reducing the Burden of Smouldering Megafires: an Earth-Scale Challenge 2016
47 CHISEL Church Building as Industry in Early Medieval Western Europe 2016
48 PAThs Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context: Production, Copying, Usage, Dissemination and Storage 2016
49 ACTECH Ancient ConstructionTECHniques between East and West. Building traditions, technological innovations and workmanship circulation: from Roman Arabia to Medieval Europe. 2017
50 EMBEDDING CONQUEST Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (600-1000) 2017
51 PERFORMART Promoting, Patronising and Practising the Arts in Roman Aristocratic Families (1644-1740). The Contribution of Roman Family Archives to the History of Performing Arts 2016
52 CLASP A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry 2016
53 PETRIFYING WEALTH Petrifying Wealth. The Southern European Shift to Masonry as Collective Investment in Identity, c.1050-1300 2017
54 NARRATIVENSCIENCE Narrative Ordering and Explanation in the Sciences: Historical Investigations and Perspectives 2016
55 VINCAT A Unified Approach to Redox-Neutral C-C Couplings: Exploiting Vinyl Cation Rearrangements 2017
56 reLIVE Unraveling complex organ regeneration through live imaging and molecular profiling approaches 2017
57 BoundSci Boundaries of Science: Medieval Condemnations of Philosophy as Heresy 2016
58 LISTLIT Lists in Literature and Culture: Towards a Listology 2017
59 Intranetum Disrupting the Way We Store and Search for Files, Replacing The Folder-Based With a Context-Based Filing Paradigm. 2017
60 COMPUS Civic community and public space in the ancient Near East. The case of Hittite Anatolia at the end of the Late Bronze Age (14th-13th centuries BCE). 2017
61 StruViMan Structural Visualization of Medieval Manuscripts 2017
62 COMPLEX The Degradation of Complex Modern Polymeric Objects in Heritage Collections: A System Dynamics Approach 2017
63 VehmeLit Legal Cultures and Literary Trials in the Age of Goethe. The Vehmic Court Motif in Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspective 2018
64 MedRoute On the route of multiculturalism(s). Marking and hybridizing identities in the late 17th and early 18th centuries Mediterranean port cities 2017
65 InSpeCo Inside Speakers' Corner. Late Medieval Italian Anchoresses in European Context. 2017
66 Sounds Delicious Sounds Delicious: A historical anthropology of listening and sound in Danish and French cooking 2018
67 MYRiCE The church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople: the MYth and its Reception across the CEnturies 2017
68 Christianus Arabicus Ramon Llull (1232-1316): A Vernacular Writer Between Christianity and Islam 2017
69 IPACE Iceland: Physical Anthropology of Colonization and Evolution 2017
70 GLAZE The use of glazing traditions to examine the dynamics of interaction between cultures in contact: A case study of Cypriot glazed wares from the 11th to 17th centuries AD 2017
71 SENSIS The Senses of Islam: A Cultural History of Perception in the Muslim World 2017
72 CALOSEMA Central Authority and Local Strenght in Early Middle Ages: Comparing social complexity in Northern Iberia and Central Italy (8th – 10th centuries) 2017
73 VRAASP using Virtual Reality and Archaeoacoustic Analysis to Study and exhibit Presence 2017
74 EUROLITHIC The Linguistic Roots of Europe's Agricultural Transition 2017
75 ACFD Acoustical and Canonical Fluid Dynamics in numerical general relativity 2017
76 NePLeP Netherlandish Paintings in Ledreborg Palace: A Multi-Disciplinary Research of circa 600 Paintings 2017
77 BuddhistRoad Dynamics in Buddhist Networks in Eastern Central Asia, 6th-14th Centuries 2017
78 WACSWAIN WArm Climate Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in the last INterglacial (WACSWAIN) 2017
79 BaSaR Beyond the Silk Road: Economic Development, Frontier Zones and Inter-Imperiality in the Afro-Eurasian World Region, 300 BCE to 300 CE 2017
80 MedFly Mediterranean fruit fly as a food ingredient and protein powder for human consumption, sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional sources of nutrition 2017
81 NOSCEMUS Nova Scientia. Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin 2017
82 EcoLeather Durable, Environmentally Friendly and High-quality Leather Alternative 2017
83 AnchorBuddy AnchorBuddy™ is an intelligent and reliable anchor monitoring safety device that gives you a peace of mind while anchoring. It is a plug and play solution mounted directly on the anchor itself. 2017
84 MataMoss Development of a growing and delivery process for mass producing sphagnum moss for peatland restoration and cultivation as an economical and sustainable growing media 2017
85 PhilAnd The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission. 2017
86 EUROPOPULISM European Integration, Populism and European Cities 2017
87 FLOS Florilegia Syriaca. The Intercultural Dissemination of Greek Christian Thought in Syriac and Arabic in the First Millennium CE 2018
88 STRONG Strong Coupling Between Molecules and Vacuum Fields: New Molecular Properties 2018
89 LANGARCHIV Hausa and Kanuri languages as archive for the history of Sahara and Sahel in 18th and 19th century 2018
90 RESISTANCE Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries 2018
91 MeMAD Methods for Managing Audiovisual Data: Combining Automatic Efficiency with Human Accuracy 2018
92 PATHOLYTIX-GI PATHOLYTIX: Using Artificial Intelligence to Transform Clinical Diagnostic Pathology 2017
93 SeleCHEM Overcoming the Selectivity Challenge in Chemistry and Chemical Biology via Innovative Tethering Strategies 2019
94 NUCLEARWATERS Putting Water at the Centre of Nuclear Energy History 2018
95 SPotEU Sugar Pot manufacture in western Europe in the medieval and post-medieval period (11th-16th centuries AD) 2018
96 SPACES Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS 2018
97 CATENA Commentary Manuscripts in the History and Transmission of the Greek New Testament 2018
98 CLAIMS CLAIMing land in early medieval localitieS: an interdisciplinary study of land claims and property regimes in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula (9th-11th) 2019
99 CoMoRoC Comic Motifs in Romances of Chivalry of Spanish Golden Age 2018
100 ECHOE An Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English 2018
101 NeoplAT Neoplatonism and Abrahamic Traditions. A Comparative Analysis of the Middle East, Byzantium and the Latin West (9th-16th Centuries) 2018
102 WAEE Women at the Edge of Empire: Female Social Identity in the Lower Danube in 4th-6th Centuries AD 2018
103 GENTES Genesis of Ethnicities and Nations in Textual Evidence for Scandinavia, c. 750-c. 1000 2018
104 GAP Global dynamics of mountain diversification and persistence 2019
105 Men of Value How much is a man worth. Slavery and market of individual identities in early modern Naples andValencia 2018
106 PEAI Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (third-first centuries BCE) 2018
109 MEDLAND_HORN.AFRICA Medieval landscapes in the Horn of Africa. State, territory and materiality of the Adal Sultanate (15th-16th centuries AD). 2018
110 GARDENCITYIDEA Idea, Ideal, Idyll: Garden Cities in Central Europe 1890s-1930s 2018
111 NEEM The New Ecology of Expressive Modes in Early Modern South India 2018
112 BioMet Selective Functionalization of Saturated Hydrocarbons 2018
113 PALAEO-RA A Palaeoreanalysis To Understand Decadal Climate Variability 2018
114 Pirocrack Integrated pyrolisis and thermal cracking technology to revolutionise the MSW treatment market 2018
115 MOTIONMAPPER A real-time slope stability and subsidence monitoring service to improve productivity and to prevent catastrophic events in the mining industry 2018
116 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2018
117 SIMREC Simulating Roman Economies. Studying the Roman Economy through computational network modelling and archaeological big data 2019
118 LIFE LAB LIFE LAB - Connecting Communities with the UK's leading Biotechnology and Life Science Hub 2018
120 TheaTheor Theorizing the Production of 'Comedia Nueva': The Process of Play Configuration in Spanish Golden Age Theater 2018
121 BIOCARD Deep BIOmodeling of human CARDiogenesis 2018
122 piqlFilm-GO Scale-up and demonstrate the production of a novel High Resolution piqlFilm for Ultra-secure data storage and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data 2018
123 RISeR Rates of Interglacial Sea-level Change, and Responses 2019
124 RESOLUTION Radiocarbon, tree rings, and solar variability provide the accurate time scale for human evolution and geoscience 2019
125 HealthAge Joint Training and Research Program on Lifespan Regulation Mechanisms in Health and Disease 2019
126 MEGANTE MEasuring the Gravitational constant with Atom interferometry for Novel fundamental physics TEst 2019
127 DUNES Sea, Sand and People. An Environmental History of Coastal Dunes 2018
128 Cat-In-hAT Catastrophic Interactions of Binary Stars and the Associated Transients 2019
129 YMPACT The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe 2019
130 DHARMA The Domestication of ‘Hindu’ Asceticism and the Religious Making of South and Southeast Asia 2019
131 VINCULUM Entailing Perpetuity: Family, Power, Identity. The Social Agency of a Corporate Body(Southern Europe, 14th-17th Centuries) 2019
132 FIAT The Foundations of Institutional AuThority: a multi-dimensional model of the separation of powers 2020
133 FISHSkin Developing Fish Skin as a sustainable raw material for the fashion industry 2019
134 ArCarib Archaeology of Informal Maritime Commerce in the Colonial Caribbean 2019
135 WALCHEMY Early Modern Women and Alchemy, 1550-1700 2019
136 FR and ENG Petrarch Translational Traditions and Imaginaries: A Comparative History of Petrarch’s Canzoniere in French and English 2019
137 DEEPCAT Degradable Polyolefin Materials Enabled by Catalytic Methods 2019
138 SOUTHWEST The politeness system and the emergence of a Sprachbund 2020
139 ROMETRANS Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary analysis of political, military and religious regenerations of the city's forgotten quarter C1-C8 CE 2019
140 Transcendence The Nature of Transcendence 2019
141 ReFraMed Histories Rewriting and (Re-)Framing Memory in Late Medieval Historiography. The Case of Brabant (14th-15th c.) 2019
142 EarlyVertEvo Unravelling the scenario of early vertebrate evolution through computational analysis of the fossil record 2019
143 TEXDANCE TEXtiles in Etruscan DANCE (8th-5th centuries BC) 2019
144 TOK The Creation of Tokens in Late Antiquity. Religious 'tolerance' and 'intolerance' in Fourth and Fifth Centuries AD 2019
145 Ultra-LightCon-3D Ultra-Lightweight Concrete for 3D printing technologies 2019
146 ANTICE Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Past Warmer than Present climates 2019
147 MYTH Making national identity. The construction of Germanic Mythology in 19th century. 2020
148 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
149 PALP Pathiana Archaeological Landscapes Project 2019
150 TUNICS The expression of cultural cross-fertilization in Egyptian clothing of the 7th-10th centuries AD. 2019
151 BELVAU Brick vaults and beyond: the transformation of a historical structural system (1830-1930) 2019
152 GenALMA Kinship, Alliance and Urban Space: the Genoese 'alberghi' in the Late Middle Ages (c. 1150 - c. 1450) 2019
153 FORPRAL Forbidden Prayers Library. Shaping Private Piety in Counter-Reformation Europe (16th-18th) 2020
154 VIR MAXIMUS Moral & Intellectual Qualities of the Political Man in the Translations of Gracián's Work (XVII-XXI cent.) 2019
155 POLARISO A new isotope-enabled climate model dedicated to polar studies, to reconstruct Antarctic climate variability and improve sea level rise projections 2019
156 MonasByz The Making of the Byzantine Ascetical Canon: Monastic Networks, Literacy and Religious Authority in Palestine and Sinai (7th-11th centuries) 2020
157 INdifference The Interpretation of Differentia during Late Antique and Early Christian Thought 2020
158 TVSM Teotihuacan Virtual Sound Map: Exploring the Sonic Sphere of the City of the Gods, Mexico 2019
159 MigrEnAb Encoding, Absorption and Abandonment of Cultural Material during Migration: : The Case of Judeo-Spanish Songbooks 2020
160 SPECIMEN Depicting Species: The Role of the Image in Modern Biology 1750-1950 2019
161 MAT-MED in Transit MAT-MED Materia Medica in Transit. The Transforming Knowledge of Healing Plants 2019
162 TRANSPACIFIC The Structure and Impact of Trans-Pacific Trade, 16th to 18th Centuries: The Manila Galleon Trade Beyond Silver and Silks 2020
163 MIBEst Molecular Infection Biology Estonia - Research capacity building 2019
164 Bluecode The Smartphone Payment Scheme for Europe 2019
165 V-Chiller Next Generation refrigeration Technology based on vacuum rapid cooling 2019
166 RUTTER Making the Earth Global: Early Modern Nautical Rutters and the Construction of a Global Concept of the Earth 2019
167 OLIGOARCHIVE Oligoarchive - Intelligent DNA Storage for Archival 2019
168 PeopleAndWriting The Secret Life of Writing: People, Script and Ideas in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 900-1200) 2020
169 TEXTCOURT Linking the Textual Worlds of Chinese Court Theater, ca. 1600-1800 2019
170 VIETNAMICA Historical Research and Data Processing on Ancient Vietnamese Inscriptions 2019
171 ATLOMY Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas 2020
172 ARM and AWC Disrupting Global Trade Risk Management & Working Capital Solutions 2019
173 PALAEOFARM Linking livestock genetic diversity with three thousand years of agricultural crises and resilience 2020
174 APCG Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah 2020
175 PEPTOX An innovative peptide system for novel drugs targeting microbial Repeats-In-Toxin adhesins 2020
176 CarbOcean An integrative approach to unravel the ocean's biological carbon pump 2020
177 HumanLand Human Landscapes: agricultural intensification and peasant resilience in medieval Southern Greater Syria. 2021
178 APOCRYPHA Storyworlds in Transition: Coptic Apocrypha in Changing Contexts in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods 2020
179 VIS-A-VIS How visual action shapes active vision 2020
180 Matthew Expanding the Gospel according to Matthew: Continuity and Change in Early Gospel Literature 2020
181 RAP Sub beati Petri et nostra protectione suscipimus: Re-framing the relations between Rome and the kingdoms of Portugal and Aragon (eleventh-thirteenth centuries) 2020
182 PiQ Poverty in the Qur’ān: Medieval Islamic Interpretations and Uses 2020
183 PRODIGI Digital Lemmatized Edition of Prose 2 (Franco-Italian prosification of Benoît de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie) 2020
184 THEIA Themistius, Heavens and Elements. Interpretations of Aristotle’s Cosmology Across the Ages 2020