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H2020 projects about "finance"

The page lists 252 projects related to the topic "finance".

# achronym  title  year 
1 InfoInt An Information Theory of Simple Interaction 2015
2 Disasters Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters 2015
3 IODISPlay IOD service mISsions PortfoLio 2015
4 DOLFINS Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society 2015
5 POSITION POlish Support to Innovation and Technology IncubatiON 2015
6 WAKEUPCALL Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis 2015
7 EIIRCBG_H2020 Establishing services Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in Bulgaria 2014
8 PROGRESS-TT PROs GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer 2015
9 TWIST DIGITAL Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving Digital and Mobile Entrepreneurship 2015
10 ePlus Ecosystem Fostering Web Entrepreneurship in Europe: e-talent, e-mentoring, e-services and e-capital for e-entrepreneurs 2015
11 ACE Creative ACE Creative: Harnessing the strengths of innovation multipliers to accelerate creative industry growth through an integrated ecosystem of supports in finance, market access and technology exploitation. 2015
12 SUNFISH SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds 2015
13 INCAS Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe 2015
14 YDS Your Data Stories 2015
15 M-Future2015 Strategic investments in European manufacturing to win global challenges 2014
16 FIRES Financial and Institutional Reforms for the Entrepreneurial Society 2015
17 RESFARM Developing and implementing financial instruments for the mobilisation of investments in renewable energy in the agrarian sector 2015
18 CITYnvest Increasing Capacities in Cities for Innovative Financing in Energy Efficiency 2015
19 ICPEU Developing Protocols to standardize the development and documentation of energy efficiency projects in the built environment and accelerate their financing. 2015
20 FosterREG Fostering public capacity to plan, finance and manage integrated urban REGeneration for sustainable energy uptake 2015
21 GreenS GreenS – Green public procurement supporters for innovative and sustainable institutional change 2015
22 SEI Metrics Developing Sustainable Energy Investment (SEI) metrics, benchmarks, and assessment tools for the financial sector 2015
23 bettervest Crowdfunding for a low carbon energy system: addressing major challenges for EU-wide public and private investments in energy and carbon saving measures 2014
24 DOGANA aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework 2015
25 FUTURES Energy Futures of the High North: Assessing Intermediary Expertise and New Valuation Practices that Guide Arctic Hydrocarbon Development 2016
26 OHPF Optimizing for Happiness in Personal Finance 2015
27 SPAFIL Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers 2015
28 REINVEST Financing Affordable Housing Under Localism 2015
29 Greenrail Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow 2015
30 Spoilage Down Increasing the efficiency of European food supply chain through in-memory supply chain planning 2015
31 SPARK Smart PArallel Robotic Kinematics 2015
32 GroupEstate GroupEstate Feasibility Study 2015
33 Ph1ProHap2 hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society 2015
34 NUVEA The premium green multi-cloud management and optimization tool 2015
35 EcoVel Commercialization of the most sustainable laundry detergent 2015
36 EBBR Commercialisation of expanded bed biofilm reactor technology for the treatment of waste-, used- or contaminated-water and for improved protection of the aquatic environment and atmosphere. 2015
37 A2F Conference Presidency Conference on Access to Finance for Research, Innovation and Growth 2014
38 SEDEUF Sedicii Innovative Authentication 2014
39 GREEN-WIN Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action 2015
40 BioLinX Creating links to speed-up innovation in the bio economy 2015
41 First InnovativeWeek This 3 day conference will be focused to the financial instruments, facilities and measures launched under Horizon 2020 to enhance access to finance for research, innovation and SMEs. 2015
42 INDIMACRO Individual decisions and macroeconomic robustness 2015
43 ENIW Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales 2015 -2016 2015
44 BigDataFinance Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management 2015
45 DIA-VIT DIA-VIT, a non-invasive glucose self-monitoring device for diabetes patients 2015
46 MOMENTUM MOMENTUM - virtual, mobile CFO for small and medium enterprises 2015
47 XS2I4MS Access to I4MS 2015
48 DREEAM Demonstration of an integrated Renovation approach for Energy Efficiency At the Multi building scale 2015
49 EU ESA Enterprising Students Accreditation Platform for Europe 2015
51 PresConfLuxDec Innovative Enterprise Conference on Circular Economy and Access to Risk Finance 2015
52 p-DRIVE Pyrolysis of Derived Residues of waste, providing Improved gas for Vehicle Engines 2015
53 DEMOSTAF Emerging population issues in sub-Saharan Africa: Cross-checking and promoting demographic data for better action 2016
54 ENERINVEST ENERINVEST Spanish Sustainable Energy financing Platform 2016
55 SIMPLA SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning 2016
56 SEAF Standardisation and Communication of Sustainable Energy Asset Evaluation Framework 2016
57 SEFIPA Sustainable Energy Financing Plattform in Austria 2016
58 EDI-Net EDI-NET – The Energy Data Innovation Network; using smart meter data, campaigns and networking to increase the capacity of public authorities to implement sustainable energy policy 2016
59 TRANSITION ZERO Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality 2016
60 SDDM-TEA Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications 2016
61 Home of Cool A novel environment-friendly limited space cooler for high volume food and beverage vending industries. 2016
62 INTEL-1 Intelligent investment analysis of early-stage companies 2016
63 PROFIT Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability 2016
64 Fundsphere Terms FST Reshaping the Asset Management Industry by commercialising the first digital solution to automate preparation of legal agreements that will increase the growth of registered funds on global markets. 2016
65 COMPLEXITY Understanding the Complexity of Modern Financial Systems 2016
66 GlobalPolicyUncertainty Global Policy Uncertainty and International Asset Markets 2016
67 FINESSS Financing Energy Saving Solutions for SMEs 2016
68 uCube2 Development of a complete low cost Card Payment Acceptance Infrastructure 2016
69 LiveIT x66 optimized APIs real-time transformation in just 4 hours 2016
70 CANVAS Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity 2016
71 PhiSi The Role of Philanthropy and Social Investments in Fostering Research and Innovation. New financing forms and partnerships. 2016
72 Endogenous_Info Financial Decision Making with Endogenous Information Acquisition 2016
73 GPSART Geometric aspects in pathwise stochastic analysis and related topics 2016
75 CityNet Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Developmentin the 21st Century 2016
76 RAGTIME Risk based approaches for Asset inteGrity multimodal Transport Infrastructure ManagEment 2016
77 Polaris Easy open access dissemination for research institutions 2016
78 GEOFIN Western banks in Eastern Europe: New geographies of financialisation 2016
79 ENF2017 EuroNanoForum 2017 2016
80 ACCESS4SMES Access to Risk Finance and SMEs NCP cooperation network 2016
81 eHealth Hub eHealth Hub, The European Hub for eHealth Business Support 2016
82 SecTrap Critical urban infrastructure and soft target cyber attack protection. Users and application Behavioural Analysis supported by artificial intelligence to preempt security cyber attacks. 2016
83 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2016
84 Fundsphere Terms Disruptive Regulatory Technology for Asset Management Industry. FinTech company changes the global Asset Industry forever 2016
85 TAOIDE Technology Advancement of Ocean energy devices through Innovative Development of Electrical systems to increase performance and reliability 2016
86 urban-rev politics The Urban Revolution and the Political 2016
87 eCraft2Learn Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch 2017
88 NATURVATION Nature Based Urban Innovation 2016
89 TBTF Addressing Too Big to Fail: Resolution, Organizational Structure, and Funding of Global Banks 2016
90 DASHIN Data Should Inspire – Development of a Disruptive Big Data Analysing Solution for Marketing Agencies 2016
91 BIOSEC Biodiversity and Security: understanding environmental crime, illegal wildlife trade and threat finance. 2016
92 RoSTBiDFramework Optimised Framework based on Rough Set Theory for Big Data Pre-processing in Certain and Imprecise Contexts 2017
93 LiveJourney LiveJourney 2017
94 EDST Economic Development and Structural Transformation 2017
95 TEA Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry 2017
96 WhiteRabbit WhiteRabbit: easily revealing and managing personal information. 2017
97 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
98 Q-ANNTENNA Quantum Artificial Neural Networks with Tensor Network Algorithmus 2017
99 FIT-UTI Fully Integrated Technology based on quantitative polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of Urinal Tract Infection 2017
100 Manufuture2017 The Manufuture 2017 Conference 2016
101 Accelerate SUNShINE Save your bUildiNg by SavINg Energy. Begin to move more quickly 2017
102 AlgoFinance Algorithmic Finance: Inquiring into the Reshaping of Financial Markets 2017
103 FOROIL Objective-based forecast evaluations for crude oil volatility. 2017
104 FUSION The effects of financial capital accumulation on employment and wealth distribution 2017
105 PROSPECT Peer Powered Cities and Regions 2017
106 GLOBALFIRMS Global Firms and Global Value Chains: Measurement and Mechanisms 2018
107 WATERPROTECT Innovative tools enabling drinking WATER PROTECTion in rural and urban environments 2017
108 ENERGY ETHICS The Ethics of Oil: Finance Moralities and Environmental Politics in the Global Oil Economy 2017
109 ENIW Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales 2017
110 AccesSME Peer Learning of Innovation Agencies for Services of Access to Finance for Innovative SMEs 2017
111 SmartEEs SMART Emerging Electronics Servicing DIH 2017
112 BMX-11 Providing Antifouling Additives for Marine Paints Inspired by Nature and Engineered for Industries 2017
113 EEN InnoSupp BG EEN InnoSupp BG 2017
114 Evolchip EVOLchip - predicting antibiotic resistance for sustainable antibiotic stewardship 2017
115 L4MS Logistics for Manufacturing SMEs 2017
116 MAESTRO MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable 2017
117 MIDIH Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs 2017
118 PASTRES Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins 2017
119 IneqPol Inequality - Public Policy and Political Economy 2018
120 INSIGHTS International Training Network for Statistics in High Energy Physics and Society 2017
121 CCLAD The Politics of Climate Change Loss and Damage 2018
122 SWFsEUROPE Legitimacy, Financialization, and Varieties of Capitalism: Understanding Sovereign Wealth Funds in Europe 2018
123 COMBINEPIC Elliptic Combinatorics: Solving famous models from combinatorics, probability and statistical mechanics, via a transversal approach of special functions 2018
124 NADiRA Nurturing Africa Digital Revolution for Agriculture 2017
125 AniStyle Artistic Animation Rendering with Stylization 2018
126 P2PMODELS Decentralized Blockchain-based Organizations for Bootstrapping the Collaborative Economy 2018
127 EDI European Data Incubator 2018
128 E2DATA European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks 2018
129 SEP 2.0 Startup Europe Partnership 2.0 2018
130 Track and Know Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas 2018
131 C-Track 50 Putting regions on track for carbon neutrality by 2050 2018
132 EeDaPP Energy efficiency Data Protocol and Portal 2018
133 easyCOPRO Open book EPC for Brussels’ condominiums 2018
134 E-FIX Developing and transferring an innovative Energy FInancing miX in order to activate private sector finance for increased investments in sustainable energy projects 2018
135 InvECAT Investor Energy-Climate Action Toolkit - Developing the framework and platform for non state actors' contribution to the Paris Agreement 2018
136 mPOWER Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition 2018
137 Skypull Harnessing the power of high altitude winds - the biggest energy resource yet unexploited by humankind 2017
138 CARBOMART Trading Platform for Sustainable Carbon Credits 2018
139 INCREdible Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin 2017
140 PublicApp Revolutionise and enhance citizen engagement through a unique dedicated public platform 2018
141 RD-ADVANCE Advancing Econometric Methods for Analyzing Data from Regression Discontinuity Designs 2018
142 SoRoHuMI Soft Robotic Human-Machine Interfaces for Rehabilitation 2019
143 MY-GATEWAY Boosting the growth potential of CEE start-ups on a pan-Europen level by creating new opportunities, synergies and opening the GATE of Startup Europe to the Balkans 2018
144 FINSEC Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures 2018
145 COBOM Convective Boundary Mixing in Stars 2018
146 STALDYS Statistical Learning for Dynamical Systems 2019
147 MultiNetMetrics Multiplex Network Econometrics 2018
148 PBDM Payoff-Based Decision-Making 2018
150 HYSCALA Hybrid SCAlable sparse matrix Linear Algebra for industrial applications 2018
151 SHOGANAI World´s first real-time solution for controlling airplane operating costs 2018
152 BANK-LASH Banks, Popular Backlash, and the Post-Crisis Politics of Financial Regulation 2018
153 OCIAN Ownership, competition, innovation, and antitrust 2018
154 CloudStorm Introducing Software Robots 2.0: CloudStorm Enterprise Software Integration and Automation Tool 2018
155 UCRxF A novel ulcerative colitis treatment - A phase III ready feasibility study 2018
156 Sonarc Speaker Sonarc - The world's first full audio frequency range, massless speaker technology platform, providing immersive and powerful sound from a smaller size. 2018
157 VIZLEGAL Building the world's largest Application Programming Interface (API) for law, Vizlegal will change how legal information is utilised and understood by the legal industry. 2018
158 DEMS Data Excellence Management System 2018
159 InCaseIT in EU Emergency response made easy. Expansion to EU. 2018
160 CoolHEMT Next Generation GaN Power Amplifiers 2018
161 POEMA Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra 2019
162 LINKS Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign 2019
163 ETIP OCEAN 2 European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy 2019
164 RODIN RObotics Digital Innovation Network 2018
165 TechCapMarkets TechCapMarkets: Improving access for innovative SMEs to Funding via EU Capital Markets 2018
166 SPARKs Static Analysis for the VErification of Spreadsheets 2019
167 IMPACT HAU The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability 2019
168 IEWSofia2018 Innovative Enterprise week SOFIA 2018 - Financial instruments fostering Research and Innovation 2018
169 BEAWARE Early warning system for enteropathies in intensive broiler farming. 2018
170 SMARTSPEND More and better designed national public support for energy technology Research and Innovation 2018
171 TRICARIX Minimally invasive transcatheter system for tricuspid heart valve replacement 2018
172 DIH² A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production 2019
173 DIH-HERO Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics 2019
174 LEDGER decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet 2018
175 IE-2018-Vienna Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018 2018
176 GLOBE Global Governance and the European Union: Future Trends and Scenarios 2019
177 MULTIPLY Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level 2018
178 QuidProQuo True digitalisation of all transactional administration in the trade value chain through smart legal contracts. 2018
179 EEN InnoSupp BG-3 EEN InnoSupp BG-3 2019
180 Neural Grader Neural Grader - Digitizing the Wood Industry 2019
181 AMR-G Smart your Water Meter 2019
182 BASKAM3 Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2019 2019
183 INNOVACCION Supporting Innovation actions in SMEs 2019
184 ENIW Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales 2019
185 USERBOT Artificial Intelligence for Customer Service 2019
186 ViR We are developing ground-breaking therapeutics to cure currently untreatable respiratory infections affecting children and the elderly 2019
187 MI_DICE Market Impact through Disruptive Innovation in Clean Energy Technologies 2019
188 FIN-TECH A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme 2019
189 CyberSec4Europe Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe 2019
190 Humane AI Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us 2019
191 SUFIN Sustainable Finance and the News Media 2019
192 SOTER cyberSecurity Optimization and Training for Enhanced Resilience in finance 2019
193 X-tendo eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach 2019
194 PARTOWNEU The dark side of partial ownership and financial investment in Europe: What price to pay for consumers and society? 2019
195 RenoBooster RenoBooster - the Smart Renovation Hub Vienna 2019
196 SMEmPower Efficiency A holistic framework for Empowering SME's capacity to increase their energy efficiency 2019
197 RAPID The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease 2019
198 SMARTER SMARTER Finance for Families–Improving Citizens’ Health, Comfort and Financial Well-Being by Supporting Banks, Residential Investors and Solution Providers with Green Homes and Green Mortgage programs 2019
199 CASCADES CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies 2019
200 InnoRate Data-driven tools for supporting and improving the decision-making processes of investors for financing innovative SMEs 2019
201 Block.IS Blockchain Innovation Spaces 2019
202 CSP ERANET Joint programming actions to foster innovative CSP solutions 2019
203 QUEST Quality Management Investments for Energy Efficiency 2019
204 SPEEDIER SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and Implementation of EneRgy Audits 2019
205 AGREE Aggregation and improved Governance for untapping Residential Energy Efficiency potential in the Basque Country 2019
206 PadovaFIT Expanded Expanding PadovaFIT! Home Solutions 2019
207 RecycLoo The water recycling bio toilets 2019
208 dreaMS Digital biomarkers and treatment personalisation in multiple sclerosis 2019
209 RACOM Rome and the Coinages of the Mediterranean: 200 BCE to 64 CE 2019
210 APIIP API-Enabled Invoice Protection in Europe 2019
211 LAUNCH LAUNCH: sustainable energy assets as tradable securities 2019
212 CLIMEX Climate Exposure Tool for Financial Risk Analysis 2019
213 FibroFix FibroFix™Cartilage, an innovative implant for cartilage repair and regeneration, introducing a new paradigm in osteoarthritis (OA) treatment. 2019
214 Pexaconnect The First Global Renewable Trading Platform 2019
215 INFINITECH Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem 2019
216 STRINGHANDBIKE Innovative push-pull wheelchair accessory to provide mobility, rehabilitation and leisure activities for much more disabled people than today 2019
217 Zero1 A unique suite of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to battle cashflow problems in SMEs 2019
218 hSAI Predictive and adaptative algorithms for Smart cities, HR and Finance Industries 2019
219 TOM-E TOM-E is the first GPS navigation device that is the less expensive on the market and multimodal. With Tom-E, riding has never been easier. 2019
220 NoBIAS Artificial Intelligence without Bias 2020
221 EUCF European City Facility 2019
222 CoCi Co-Evolving City Life 2020
223 UNITED Multi-Use offshore platforms demoNstrators for boostIng cost-effecTive and Eco-friendly proDuction in sustainable marine activities 2020
224 NESOI New Energy Solutions Optimized for Islands 2019
225 Scale-up Champions Scale-up Champions: Scale up innovative businesses across the EU 2019
226 ISEProD Industrial Structure and the European Productivity Growth Divergence 2020
227 Go2Space-HUBs Generating new sOlutions 2 and from Space through effective local start-up HUBs 2019
228 ESCF European Social Catalyst Fund 2020
229 TiGRE Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe 2020
230 GRECA GRECA: Revolution in corporate transactions 2019
231 LT LaserTrain 2019
232 COOKIES Economic Consequences of Restrictions on the Usage of Cookies 2019
233 BATTERY PLUS High performing batteries for accelerated uptake of hybrid and electric vehicles 2019
234 PRODIGEES Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development 2020
235 SHOP4CF Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories 2020
236 Plural AI The knowledge engine for finance 2019
237 GAF The First non-cancerogenic Glyoxal Acid-Free fixative for a Formalin-free hospital 2020
238 COPI Carbon Offset Plug-in 2020
239 Reexen Ultra-low cost & ultra-high efficiency AI processor for enabling fast and cost-effective deployment of edge-computing applications 2020
240 SOLUTIONSplus Integrated Urban Electric Mobility Solutions in the Context of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda 2020
241 BASKAM4 Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2020-2021 2020
242 IBINNO Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services 2020
243 INNOVACTION 2020-21 Actions in support of innovation in SMES 2020
244 ENIW Services to enhance innovation management capacities of SMEs in England, Northern Ireland and Wales 2020
245 EEN InnoSupp BG-4 EEN InnoSupp BG-4 2020
246 TNT Truth-not-Trust 2020
247 EHSTACK Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell 2020
248 B-HUB FOR EUROPE Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth 2020
249 SoBigData-PlusPlus SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics 2020
250 EUROCBH Europe and Its Central Banks: Lessons from History 2021
251 SURGE Sinofinancialization and urban change in Addis Ababa and Nairobi: an ethnography of private Chinese capital in African cities. 2020
252 APOLITICAL The first global peer-to-peer platform for government, to help public servants find the ideas, experts and partners they need to solve today’s hardest challenges 2020