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H2020 projects about "packaged"

The page lists 62 projects related to the topic "packaged".

# achronym  title  year 
1 NeTIRail-INFRA Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway 2015
2 PAMPA Plastic Components for Advanced Microwave Equipment of New Generation SatCom PAyloads 2015
3 MIKELANGELO MIcro KErneL virtualizAtioN for hiGh pErfOrmance cLOud and hpc systems 2015
4 UbiProPox Modulation of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System During Multiple Stages of the Poxvirus Lifecycle 2015
5 BEVSTREAM High Pressure Processing (HPP) equipment for large beverage productions 2014
6 WISER Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework 2015
7 SFSASP Structural and Functional Studies of ATRX- Syndrome Protein 2015
8 FreshInk Colour-code labelling for continuous monitoring of quality and safety of packed chicken meat 2015
9 PlotLab PlotLab - Plot combines with integrated lab equipment for lean breading 2015
10 WETPaC Water – Electricity – Telecommunication Package 2015
11 CaNE-HiP-LA Carbon Nano Materials Enabling High-Performance Lead Acid Batteries 2015
13 NLAFET Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra for Future Extreme-Scale Systems 2015
14 miRNA in Immunity Testing the role of miRNA-mediated non-cell autonomous gene regulation in type-2 immunity 2015
15 HEAT-R Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) 2015
16 EO-SLR Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System 2015
17 MIRPHAB MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications 2016
18 COSMICC CmOs Solutions for Mid-board Integrated transceivers with breakthrough Connectivity at ultra-low Cost 2015
19 REGENETHER Modeling and treating retinal degenerative disease 2015
20 MultiSens A revolutionary quality indicator platform for the food industry 2017
21 CSA-EU Highly Disruptive and Compact Antenna Systems for Small Satellites with Application to Surveillance, Environmental and Crop-Growth Analysis, Enabling European Union Dominance in the Space Industry 2017
22 CHROMTOPOLOGY Understanding and manipulating the dynamics of chromosome topologies in transcriptional control 2016
23 TRANSAFELOAD TRANSAFELOAD: Testing the real behaviour of packaged loads during transport 2016
24 HydroNanoCoating Hydrophobic Nano Coating for Cardboard Food Packaging with a 40% increased resistance to water and 3x times longer durability 2016
25 STIMUNITY Preclinical validation of a novel immunogenic composition to stimulate innate immunity 2017
26 GeneVision Developing a cure for retinitis pigmentosa due to Usher syndrome 2017
27 FORTIKA FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems 2017
28 QStamp Introducing Smart Wireless Monitoring Stickers Adaptable to Any Surface And Bending Angle for Food Tracking 2017
30 5GTANGO 5G Development and validation platform for global industry-specific network services and Apps 2017
31 ECOLACTIFILM A Water-Soluble Packaging to Unlock New Markets 2017
32 EMOT Electromagnetic to Optics Transducer 2018
33 CleanPack UltraCLEAN thermoforming equipment for food PACKaging, a cost-effective alternative to clean rooms 2017
34 ARIA Advanced ultra-wideband Radar for Integrated Applications 2017
35 mRNP-PackArt Nuclear mRNA Packaging and mRNP Architecture 2018
36 PICTURE High Performance and High Yield Heterogeneous III-V/Si Photonic Integrated Circuits using a Thin and Uniform Bonding Layer 2018
37 BADGER CalScreener® – an innovative device for Bacterial Analysis and Diagnostics through Growth and Energy-release in Real-time 2017
38 MaGMa Applying Metabolomics to Unveil follow-up treatment biomarkers and Identify Novel TherapeuticTargets in Glioblastoma 2018
39 RUBIZMO Replicable business models for modern rural economies 2018
40 BioMusic BioMusical Instrument 2018
41 PARSe Program Analysis and Reorganization, as a Service 2018
42 OPTIMISM Optical Microresonator Stabilization Module – Creating Frequency Stabilized Lasers 2018
43 PathEVome Do Pathogen Extracellular Vesicles Deliver Crop Disease? 2018
44 M-H70 M-H70 2.0 Hydrogen pressure gas regulators specifically designed for Fuel Cell Vehicles 2018
45 OpenSuperQ An Open Superconducting Quantum Computer 2018
46 QMiCS Quantum Microwave Communcation and Sensing 2018
47 ColorSensing A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste 2018
48 ReachOut The Beta Testing Campaign Platform for Research Projects 2019
49 Caladan Micro assembled Terabit/s capable optical transceivers for Datacom applications 2019
50 SM-Epigen Revealing the Epigenetic Regulatory Network with Single-Molecule Precision 2018
51 NanoSolveIT Innovative Nanoinformatics models and tools: towards a Solid, verified and Integrated Approach to Predictive (eco)Toxicology (NanoSolveIT) 2019
53 ReSpire Respirable Advanced Therapeutics for Cystic Fibrosis & other Lung Diseases 2019
54 Cryo-H-Rec Cryo-EM Imaging of Histone Recycling at the Replication Fork 2019
55 PhoMEC Photonic Integrated Microcombs as Multi-wavelength Sources for Edge Data Centers 2019
56 NEBULA Neuro-augmented 112Gbaud CMOS plasmonic transceiver platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI applications 2020
57 TWILIGHT Towards the neW era of 1.6 Tb/s System-In-Package transceivers for datacenter appLIcations exploiting wafer-scale co-inteGration of InP membranes and InP-HBT elecTronics 2019
58 SPACEBEAM SPACE SAR system with integrated photonic BEAMforming 2020
59 BioMainca Innovative and cost-effective 100% natural sausage/burger/processed meat producing machine 2019
60 CHUbVi Ubiquitin Chains in Viral Infections 2020
61 GutBrainGABA Mapping the impact of gut microbiota on brain and behaviour through the lens of GABA 2020
62 POTION Photodiode integration on silicon nitride 2020