# | ||||
1 | ASPIS ASPIS - Autonomous Surveillance in Public transport Infrastructure Systems | 2008 | 4˙067˙345.00 | 2˙606˙499.00 |
2 | EULER EUropean software defined radio for WireLEss in joint secuRity operations | 2009 | 15˙471˙156.00 | 8˙720˙692.00 |
3 | CHOReOS Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet | 2010 | 8˙679˙857.00 | 6˙384˙089.00 |
4 | SECUR-ED Secured Urban Transportation - European Demonstration | 2011 | 39˙996˙659.00 | 25˙468˙072.00 |
5 | CALIPSO CALIPSO: Connect All IP-based Smart Objects! | 2011 | 3˙566˙319.00 | 2˙330˙000.00 |
6 | SARABAND Smart Antenna & Radio for Access and Backhaul for Advanced Network noDes | 2011 | 5˙072˙542.00 | 3˙111˙285.00 |
7 | CONCERTO Content and cOntext aware delivery for iNteraCtive nmultimEdia healthcaRe applicaTiOns | 2011 | 6˙038˙083.00 | 3˙855˙902.00 |
8 | HIT-GATE Heterogeneous Interoperable Transportable GATEway for First-Responders | 2012 | 5˙052˙636.00 | 3˙451˙257.00 |
9 | ABSOLUTE Aerial Base Stations with Opportunistic Links for Unexpected & Temporary Events | 2012 | 11˙443˙173.00 | 8˙016˙000.00 |
10 | MOTO Mobile OpportunisTic Traffic Offloading | 2012 | 4˙389˙609.00 | 2˙872˙000.00 |
11 | RESCUE Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments | 2013 | 4˙423˙939.00 | 3˙132˙000.00 |
12 | UNSETH Unique Smart anti-tampering and Enveloping TecHnologies | 2014 | 6˙615˙904.00 | 3˙874˙033.00 |
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