Progetti FP7 coordinati da "London school of hygiene and tropical medicine"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 LEISHDNAVAX Development of a DNA vaccine for visceral leishmaniasis 2009 4˙096˙654.00 2˙989˙200.00
2 CHAGASEPINET Comparative epidemiology of genetic lineages of Trypanosoma cruzi 2009 3˙754˙260.00 2˙876˙507.00
3 ORBIVAC "Development of Vaccines for bTV, EHDV and AHSV" 2010 4˙152˙050.00 2˙999˙729.00
4 HARP Evaluation and impact of screening and treatment approaches for the prevention of cervical neoplasia in HIV-positive women in Burkina Faso and South Africa: HPV in Africa Research Partnership 2010 3˙919˙769.00 3˙000˙000.00
5 CDI Genetic and phenotipic characterization of emerging hypervirulent Clostridium difficile: role and regulation of virulence factors 2010 172˙740.00 172˙740.00
6 UNITAS Universal coverage in Tanzania and South Africa: Monitoring and evaluating progress 2011 3˙935˙289.00 3˙000˙000.00
7 PURGE Public health impacts in URban environments of Greenhouse gas Emissions reduction strategies 2011 4˙553˙831.00 3˙416˙332.00
8 CHEPSAA Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in Africa 2011 2˙237˙212.00 1˙999˙956.00
9 FAMMAT Family Matters: Intergenerational Influences on Fertility 2011 799˙998.00 799˙998.00
10 GENDIS Genetic Determinants of Disability in Older Women: British Women’s Heart & Health Study 2011 145˙387.00 145˙387.00
11 GRIP-HEALTH Getting Research Into Policy in Public Health : transforming the evidence-to-policy response through utilisation of political insights 2012 1˙496˙403.00 1˙496˙403.00
12 GENINVADE Parasite population genomics and functional studies towards development of a blood stage malaria vaccine 2012 2˙948˙083.00 2˙948˙083.00
13 TANDEM "Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus; unraveling the causal link, and improving care" 2013 7˙872˙461.00 5˙998˙496.00
14 DOVE Exploring the ethical and social aspects of using mHealth technology in urban and rural home visitation programmes for women affected by domestic violence 2013 265˙035.00 265˙035.00
15 GUTTRYP The role of the gut in experimental visceral leishmaniasis and Chagas disease 2014 294˙219.00 294˙219.00

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