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H2020 projects about "contributed"

The page lists 149 projects related to the topic "contributed".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ENHANCEDQMMR Enhanced Qualitative and Multi-Method Research in Political Science 2015
2 NEOShield-2 Science and Technology for Near-Earth Object Impact Prevention 2015
3 ACT5G Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond 2015
4 TRANSCAN-2 ERA-NET: Aligning national/regional translational cancer research programmes and activities 2015
5 HEAT Homomorphic Encryption Applications and Technology 2015
6 GROWMOF Modelling of MOF self-assembly, crystal growth and thin film formation 2015
7 ISIGrowth Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth 2015
8 SOLIDUS SOLIDUS: “Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship” 2015
9 EU-PolarNet Connecting Science with Society 2015
10 Phil-Threats The Representation of External Threats in the Configuration of Spanish Power in the Philippines (1600-1800) 2016
11 WITHDRAWAL AFTERMATH The Aftermath of a Drug Withdrawal: Modeling Spillover Effects Across Countries and Across Categories 2015
12 NeoGenHeritage Neotithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: reviewing an old question from new technological and computational genome wide approaches 2015
13 LOVe Linking Objects to Vectors in distributional semantics: A framework to anchor corpus-based meaning representations to the external world 2015
14 ULISSES Transported cultural landscapes: the role of colonization processes in cultural landscape shaping 2015
15 MIP4CELL Molecular Imprinting mediated regulation of cell behavior and related biomedical applications 2016
16 Transnational Localism Transnational Localism and Music after the two World Wars: the case of Francis Poulenc 2015
17 PARADOXGREATLAKES Security Paradoxes in the Great Lakes: Between the Military-Capable and the Good-Governed State 2015
18 PlotLab PlotLab - Plot combines with integrated lab equipment for lean breading 2015
19 CREATE Congestion Reduction in Europe : Advancing Transport Efficiency (CREATE) 2015
20 FAtoUnFRAGILITY Fanconi anemia : a disease model to understand causes and consequences of common fragile site instability. 2015
21 HOMOVIS High-level Prior Models for Computer Vision 2015
22 ECOFISH Researches on the potential conversion of conventional fish farms into organic by establishing a model and good practice guide 2015
23 SETinSTONE Set in Stone - A retrospective impact assessment of human and environmental resource usage in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Monumental Architecture, Greece 2015
24 TFL Transnational Force of Law 2015
25 NEW_FUN New era of printed paper electronics based on advanced functional cellulose 2015
26 EXODUS Light induced spatially EXact and genetically encoded labeling of immune cells for monitoring of lOng Distance and Ultra-compartment Shuttling during autoimmunity and chronic inflammation 2015
27 nEU-Med Origins of a new Economic Union (7th to 12th centuries): resources, landscapes and political strategies in a Mediterranean region 2015
28 MITIGATE Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic, collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs 2015
29 INSPIRATION Managing soil and groundwater impacts from agriculture for sustainable intensification 2016
30 ModCompShock Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces 2015
31 DEPICODE Decoding the epigenetic signature of memory function in health and disease 2015
33 NorFish North Atlantic Fisheries: An Environmental History, 1400-1700 2016
34 I4MS-Growth Support and stimulation of dynamic and organic growth of pan European ICT for Manufacturing SME Innovation Ecosystems 2015
35 AlmaCrypt Algorithmic and Mathematical Cryptology 2016
36 SWEETOOLS Smart Biologics: Developing New Tools in Glycobiology 2016
37 DROSADAPTATION New approaches to long-standing questions: adaptation in Drosophila 2016
38 HUMO What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. 2016
39 Token Communities Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean 2016
40 MISWORD Misshaping by Words. Literary Caricature between Texts, Images, and Mental Models 2017
41 BUSWEL Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? 2016
42 SAMSON SAMSON: Integrating computational nanoscience 2016
43 BioSeedMat A labour-efficient, organic herbicide-free and micronutrient infused seed tape and delivery mechanism aiding the growth and harvest of agri-products 2016
44 CreativeNet Enhancement of an advanced media sharing and networking platform to ensure connectivity among world’s creatives 2016
45 STATE Lordship and the Rise of States in Western Europe, 1300-1600 2016
46 REPLICONSTRAINTS Dissecting the constraints that define the eukaryotic DNA replication program 2016
47 Microbes4U Study of the therapeutic potential of an Akkermansia muciniphila-based products in subjects with an increased cardio-metabolic risk. 2016
48 100 Archaic Genomes Genome sequences from extinct hominins 2016
49 REGPROP Regularity properties, definability and combinatorics on the real line. 2017
50 EYEGET Gene therapy of inherited retinal diseases 2017
51 ISOMET Atmospheric content of the most abundant of 12CH4 isotopologues from ground-based and satellite infrared solar observations and development of a methane isotopic GEOS-Chem module. 2016
52 UrbanHist History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century 2016
53 ShaleSafe Development of a monitoring system for inspection of soil and aquifer contamination by shalegas and fracking chemicals 2016
54 Intersex Genealogy Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century 2016
55 CENSUS Cell-Based Models for Neurodegeneration Study and Use in Screening 2016
56 SCRREEN Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network 2016
57 OPTIMA Towards Demonstration of Photonic Payload For Telecom Satellites 2016
58 AMORE A distributional MOdel of Reference to Entities 2017
59 ALS-Networks Defining functional networks of genetic causes for ALS and related neurodegenerative disorders 2017
60 OCEAN_2G Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy 2017
61 BRECASTEM Functional and Molecular Characterisation of Breast Cancer Stem Cells 2017
62 QSB Quantum Sensing for Biology 2017
63 GeoMOP Modern Geospatial Practices for Ancient Movement Praxis 2018
64 InPhoTime Insect Photoperiodic Timer 2017
65 TeloChromatin Dissecting the chromatin dynamics at telomeres during mouse pre-implantation development. 2017
66 INTERSPINE From Neurons to Robots: Non-Invasive, General-Purpose Interfacing With Human Spinal Motor Neurons 2017
67 PLANAFFHO PLANAFFHO - PLANning for AFFordable HOusing 2018
68 GLEC-LAW Global Ecological Custodianship: Innovative International Environmental Law for theAnthropocene 2018
69 SMITE Social Mobility and Inequality across Italy and Europe: 1300-1800 2017
70 HEGEMONIC HEpatocellular carcinoma GErmline MutatiONs ImpaCt (HEGEMONIC) 2017
71 juliaeconometrics Developing a Financial Econometrics Package for the Julia Programming Language 2018
72 URBIOFIN Demonstration of an integrated innovative biorefinery for the transformation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into new BioBased products (URBIOFIN) 2017
73 MCIATTP Molecular to Continuum Investigation of Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Polymers 2017
74 EPiR The Chemical Basis of RNA Epigenetics 2017
75 WACSWAIN WArm Climate Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in the last INterglacial (WACSWAIN) 2017
76 Wimper Windshield with improved bird-strike, erosion, de-fogging, de-icing and IR performance 2017
77 IMPROVE Innovative Methods for Psychology: Reproducible, Open, Valid, and Efficient 2017
78 EUROPOPULISM European Integration, Populism and European Cities 2017
79 LIGHTOPLEX Light triggered non-invasive gene delivery through lipopolyplexes 2018
80 Multicellularity The genetic basis of the convergent evolution of fungal multicellularity 2018
81 CUTLER Coastal Urban developmenT through the LEnses of Resiliency 2018
82 IDPfun Driving the functional characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins 2018
83 TERRESTREVOL Exploring terra incognita: terrestrialization of arthropods in the era of genomics 2018
84 HEFT Hidden Emissions of Forest Transitions: GHG effects of socio-metabolic processes reducingpressures on forests 2018
85 SINCERE Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch 2018
86 BJW When saying the world is just backfires: elites' expression of the belief in a just world, perceived immorality, moral outrage and punishment wishes 2018
87 GOKNOT Modelling the formation of a gordian knot in Human Ubiquitin Hydrolase 2018
88 Crater Chron Understanding the role of impact cratering in Earth's evolution through state-of-the-art geochronology 2018
89 ASIAPAST From herds to empire: Biomolecular and zooarchaeological investigations of mobile pastoralism in the ancient Eurasian steppe 2018
90 STOP Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy 2018
91 UltraPal Ultimate Paleo-Ocean Records from Biogenic Calcites 2019
92 EuroCrisisMove Fiscal Consolidation, Unemployment and Labour Mobility in the Euro Area 2018
93 VISSATO Visual Search and Cognitive Control of the Speed-Accuracy Trade-off 2018
94 MessCa The Messina Case: Mafia-type Organised Crime in the Province of Messina 2018
95 PORTAL Personalized oncology for refractory and relapsed lymphoma using humanized patient derived othotopic xenografts (ImmunePDOX) 2018
96 VEILA Identifying the source of unknown volcanic eruptions in Late Antiquity 2019
97 TROMPA Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives 2018
98 MeSoMat Metabolic soft matter with life-like properties 2018
99 AGRISCENTS Scents and sensibility in agriculture: exploiting specificity in herbivore- and pathogen-induced plant volatiles for real-time crop monitoring 2018
100 CIRGEN Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies 2019
101 LiveCODIM New Super Resolution microscopy solution for living cell imaging 2018
102 POMOC Charles IV and the power of marvellous objects 2019
103 MesoBrainMicr Novel high speed and high resolution microscopy setup for cytoarchitectonic studies of mesoscale sized human brain tissues, healthy and affected by Focal Cortical Dysplasia 2018
104 ArtHistCEE Art Historiographies in Central and Eastern EuropeAn Inquiry from the Perspective of Entangled Histories 2018
105 CoSP Combinatorial Structures and Processes 2019
106 ABRSEIST Antibiotic Resistance: Socio-Economic Determinants and the Role of Information and Salience in Treatment Choice 2019
107 NestIOr Who gets to live forever? Toward an Institutional Theory on the Decline and Death of International Organisations 2019
108 CO-ADAPT CO-ADAPT: Adaptive Environments and Conversational Agent Based approaches for Healthy Ageing and Work Ability 2018
109 SensAtouch Grasper Safe and Sensible Tissue Graspers for Pediatric and (Mini-)Laparoscopic Surgery 2019
110 DELPHIS Disrupting ELectrochemical Processes with HIgh-Performance Power Supplies 2018
111 LymphMap Navigating lymphatic formation and function in health and disease 2019
112 bECOMiNG spontaneous Evolution and Clonal heterOgeneity in MoNoclonal Gammopathies: from mechanisms of progression to clinical management 2019
113 FirmIneq Wage inequality within and across firms: The role of market forces, government and firm policies 2019
114 DAIRYCULTURES Cultures of dairying: gene-culture-microbiome evolution and the ancient invention of dairy foods 2018
115 ArCarib Archaeology of Informal Maritime Commerce in the Colonial Caribbean 2019
116 RACING Rapid access to functionalized cyclobutanes via ring expansion strategies 2019
117 REL-NET Entangled Interfaith Identities and Relations from the Mediterranean to the United States: The St James Association and Its Transnational Christian-Jewish Network in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 2019
118 CLEFNI The choral life in the cities of Bern and Fribourg in the long nineteenth century 2019
119 AR-DDR Co-targeting androgen receptor signalling and DNA damage repair for precision therapy in advanced prostate cancer 2019
120 Salmofish Tracing T3SS effectors in vivo during Salmonella infection in the zebrafish model 2019
121 CancerADAPT Targeting the adaptive capacity of prostate cancer through the manipulation of transcriptional and metabolic traits 2019
122 GAII Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services 2020
123 DIGDEEP Digging deeper into genes to track infectious disease outbreaks 2020
124 multiQCD time-like observables from multi-level lattice QCD 2019
125 CALCULATORES Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy 2019
126 COMLIB Communists into Liberals: The Transformation and Demise of the Left as Precursor to the Illiberal Turn in Poland 2019
127 HARMONIC Health effects of cArdiac fluoRoscopy and MOderN radIotherapy in paediatriCs 2019
128 TRASC Trade Agreements and Supply Chains 2019
129 NIRLAMS NIR Light Harvesting in Artificial Protein-Lipid-Chromophores Coassembled Molecular System 2020
130 UNITE Unification Through Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union as Cultural-Moral Agent 2019
131 SALT High-Flux Synchrotron Alternatives Driven by Powerful Long-Wavelength Fiber Lasers 2019
132 MicroRepro Medical microbots to support new assisted reproduction techniques 2019
133 LASTJOURNEY The End of the Journey: The Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Colonisation of South America 2019
134 T-CUBE Theoretical Chemistry of Unbound Electrons 2020
135 SmartMap Technology maturation of global first-movers in automated indoor map generation 2019
136 RUSINFORM The Consequences of the Internet for Russia's Informational Influence Abroad 2019
137 WelcomingSpaces Investing in 'Welcoming Spaces' in Europe: revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants 2020
138 ANTIGONE Archaeology of shariNg pracTIces: the material evidence of mountain marGinalisatiON in Europe (18th- 21st c. AD) 2020
139 DemDX Next generation clinical decision-support & education 2019
140 RUBY Robust and reliable general management tool for performance and dUraBility improvement of fuel cell stationarY units 2020
141 FEATHERS FEATHERS (FE / MALES AND THEIR SCRIBES): Authorship and the Mediation of Voices, c. 1558-1642 2020
142 LONintLAW The League of Nations and the development of international law: from promotion strategies to giving shape to international legal instruments 2021
143 DELIGHT DissEcting caLcium sIgnalinG in cHloroplasTs 2021
144 Micro-GIFT Microrobotic Gamete/Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer 2020
145 WAVES TRAVELING WAVES: Defining the mechanisms allowing attention to occur in space and in time 2020
146 UCARE Uncovering the epigenetic signature of female-specifiC biological networks and key driver genes of coronary ArteRy diseasE 2020
147 SHINE Chemical Approach to Scalable Fabrication of Hybrid Plasmonic Materials in the Strong-Coupling Regime 2020
149 RECOMBINE RE-assembly and COMpetition during Biotic INterchangEs: consequences of old invasions on the evolutionary and ecological history of biotas 2021