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H2020 projects about "utilisation"

The page lists 144 projects related to the topic "utilisation".

# achronym  title  year 
1 OPERAM OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly 2015
2 NeTIRail-INFRA Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway 2015
3 SYNCHRO-NET Synchro-modal Supply Chain Eco-Net 2015
4 RECOBA Cross-sectorial real-time sensing, advanced control and optimisation of batch processes saving energy and raw materials 2015
5 GQCOP Genuine Quantumness in Cooperative Phenomena 2015
6 POSITION POlish Support to Innovation and Technology IncubatiON 2015
7 ALFF The Algal Microbiome: Friends and Foes 2015
8 Wi-5 What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West 2015
9 iCIRRUS intelligent Converged network consolIdating Radio and optical access aRound USer equipment. 2015
10 SUNFISH SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds 2015
11 Triangulum Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate. 2015
12 MathModExp The Evolution of Competition and Cooperation: how polymorphisms in microbial populations optimise virulence and mediate drug resistance 2015
13 Old and New How Old and New Media Influenced Each Other and Society in Iceland during the 16th and 17th Centuries 2015
14 3D-GATED Three-Dimensional Graphene Architectures as Templates for Electrochemical Devices 2015
15 DEFLUG Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution 2015
16 AgriCloud Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe 2015
17 ADD-ON A demonstration plant of enhanced biogas production with Add-On technology 2015
18 HELIS High energy lithium sulphur cells and batteries 2015
19 LignoSilva Centre of Excellence of Forest-based Industry 2015
20 DEPURGAN Swine-farm revolution 2015
21 SyDAD Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease 2015
22 OPTIMISED Operational Planning Tool Interfacing Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data 2015
23 Record Biomap Research Coordination for a Low-Cost Biomethane Production at Small and Medium Scale Applications 2016
24 INSERTRONIC Development of highly-efficient low-emission log wood-fired closed fireplace INSERts thanks to an automated elecTRONIC control system 2016
25 H2AD-aFDPI H2AD - Innovative and scalable biotechnology using Microbial Fuel Cell and Anaerobic Digestion for the treatment of micro-scale industrial and agriculture effluents to recover energy from waste 2015
26 SHEFAE 2 Surface Heat Exchangers For Aero Engines 2 2016
27 FlexiFuel-CHX Development of a fuel flexible and highly efficient ultra low emission residential-scale boiler with coupled heat recuperation based on flue gas condensation 2016
28 uP_running Take-off for sustainable supply of woody biomass from agrarian pruning and plantation removal 2016
29 Evopark A disruptive software solution guiding users to available parking spots and making interactionwith the parking infrastructure quick and easy 2016
30 AIRMES Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers 2015
31 ERIFORE Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy 2016
32 CONTREX Controlling Triplet Excitons in Organic Semiconductors 2016
33 EQUIANFUN Equidae Hindgut Anaerobic Fungi: A key unexplored taxa of central importance to dietary fibre degradation 2016
34 AgriCloud P2 Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe - Phase II 2016
35 AgroCycle Sustainable techno-economic solutions for the agricultural value chain 2016
36 SYBAWHEY Industrial symbiosis for valorising whey and banana wastes and by-products for the production of novel foods 2016
37 HPEM2GAS High Performance PEM Electrolyzer for Cost-effective Grid Balancing Applications 2016
38 LIGNOFLAG Commercial flagship plant for bioethanol production involving a bio-based value chain built on lignocellulosic feedstock 2017
39 BIG HIT Building Innovative Green Hydrogen systems in an Isolated Territory: a pilot for Europe 2016
40 INDUCE The Innovation, Dispersal and Use of Ceramics in NW Eurasia 2016
41 optiTruck optimal fuel consumption with Predictive PowerTrain control and calibration for intelligent Truck 2016
42 FAST-BM FAST-BM: FibroSelect: delivering A Step-change in Biotherapeutic Manufacturing 2016
43 H2ME 2 Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 2016
44 SAFIRE Cloud-based Situational Analysis for Factories providing Real-time Reconfiguration Services 2016
45 SUSTICOAT Sustainable Organic Coatings for Corrosion Protection 2016
46 DIGICOR Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains 2016
47 ModuLase Development and Pilot Line Validation of a Modular re-configurable Laser Process Head 2016
48 AceForm4.0 Activating Value Chains for EU leadership in FORMulation Manufacturing 4.0 2016
49 CarbonNext The Next Generation of Carbon for the Process Industry 2016
50 ViMM Virtual Multimodal Museum 2016
51 Innova MicroSolar Innovative Micro Solar Heat and Power System for Domestic and Small Business Residential Buildings 2016
52 ITECCO Demo Demonstration and market replication of Innofreight’s innovative rail logistics equipment for the raw material supply of the steel industry 2016
53 BioMates Reliable Bio-based Refinery Intermediates 2016
54 RE-SERVE Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid 2016
55 MELODIC Multi-cloud Execution-ware for Large-scale Optimized Data-Intensive Computing 2016
56 AEGIS Advanced Big Data Value Chain for Public Safety and Personal Security 2017
57 Biofficiency Highly-efficient biomass CHP plants by handling ash-related problems 2016
58 GRIDABLE Plastic nanocomposite insulation material enabling reliable integration of renewables and DC storage technologies in the AC energy grid 2017
59 INTEGRID An INTEgral optimisation toolbox for smart GRID data communication network design and planning 2016
60 IntegraMouse3 Next-generation, modular computer mouse device for disabled people 2016
61 WINBOXTOOL High versatility and accurate tooling set produced in All-In-One machine for the cost efficiency Sub-Assembly, Functional Checks and Transport of the Morphing Winglet and Multifunctional Outer flaps. 2017
63 LIGNINFIRST The Lignin-First Approach for the Full Valorisation of Lignocellulosic Biomass 2017
64 SANSO V2.0 Innovative mobile “continuous food mixer” to improve the sustainable use of raw materials and the quality of the products 2017
65 AdD HyStor Demonstration of dynamic grid stabilisation with an Adaptive-flywheel/battery Hybrid energy Storage system in Ireland and UK 2017
66 MARS Can histone code-like switches govern the multifunctionality of RNA-binding proteins? 2017
67 DEEP-EST DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies 2017
68 altEJrepair Characterisation of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair by Alternative End-Joining: Potential Targets for Cancer Therapy 2017
69 SUNRISE Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods - Research and Implementation Support in Europe 2017
70 OxfordNano Implementing Special Nanomaterials in Ultra-performance Mobile Radomes 2017
71 Falcon Fully automated, controlled and versatile system for low cost, high rate and energy efficient production of highly loaded aeronautical structural parts 2017
73 THERAMIN Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and hazard reduction 2017
74 InnoSpaceComm EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions. 2017
75 LeMO Leveraging Big Data to Manage Transport Operations 2017
76 RECODE Recycling carbon dioxide in the cement industry to produce added-value additives: a step towards a CO2 circular economy 2017
77 HARMONI Harmonised assessment of regulatory bottlenecks and standardisation needs for the process industry 2017
78 FEEdBACk Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT 2017
79 TUCAS Tuneable Catalyst Surfaces for Heterogeneous Catalysis – Electrochemical Switching of Selectivity and Activity 2018
80 Big Policy Canvas Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector 2017
81 CARBAFIN Carbohydrate-based fine chemicals: Development of a glycosylation platform cell factory and optimization of downstream processing for the sustainable production of glycosides. 2018
82 OPTIYARD Optimised Real-time Yard and Network Management 2017
83 SmartCow SmartCow: an integrated infrastructure for increased research capability and innovation in the European cattle sector 2018
84 Oyster Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces 2017
85 MAMA-MEA Mass Manufacture of MEAs Using High Speed Deposition Processes 2018
87 ExoSonic A microfluidic chip for non-invasive, early detection of pancreatic cancer – liquid biopsy 2018
90 CRAFT To Craft an Authoritarian Regime: Politicisation of Civil Society and the Judiciary in Turkey 2019
91 ECOBREED Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding 2018
92 PotatoMASH Potato Multi-Allele Scanning Haplotags – a low cost, genome-scanning marker system for use in potato breeding 2018
93 VALORTECH ERA Chair for Food (By-) Products Valorisation Technologies of the Estonian University of Life Sciences 2018
94 PulSAR The incident management tool to use when everything goes wrong 2018
95 AORTA 2 Alginor's Ocean Refining Total utilisation Application 2018
96 AQUABIOPROFIT AQUAculture and Agriculture BIOmass side stream PROteins and bioactives for Feed, FITness and health promoting nutritional supplements 2018
97 EUROoC Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe 2018
98 DeCO-HVP Decouple Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to High Value Products 2018
99 AHEAD Advanced techniques for quantification and modelling of phase-change processes of renewable fuels and their blends 2019
100 GECO Geothermal Emission Gas Control 2018
101 ARBAHEAT Cost-effective transformation of a Highly-Efficient, Advanced, Thermal Ultra-SuperCritical coal-fired power plant into a CHP by retrofitting and integrating an ARBAFLAME biomass upgrading process. 2018
102 ENeRAG Excellency Network Building for Comprehensive Research and Assessment of Geofluids 2018
103 BIOMASS-CCU Biomass gasification with negative carbon emission through innovative CO2 capture and utilisation and integration with energy storage 2019
104 iFishIENCi Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle 2018
105 LUVMI-X LUVMI-Extended 2019
106 QualiChain Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation 2019
107 E-LAND Integrated multi-vector management system for Energy isLANDs 2018
108 SSFZEP Support stakeholders in zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industry 2018
109 Konetik eLCV Artificial Intelligence based Smart Charging Assistant for Electric Light Commercial Vehicle Fleets 2018
110 NG-WTEM Next-generation water testing for the European market (NG-WTEM) 2019
111 Carbon8 Capturing and adding value to CO2 & hazardous waste to produce valuable aggregates for construction 2019
112 BiocatSusChem Biocatalysis for Sustainable Chemistry – Understanding Oxidation/Reduction of Small Molecules by Redox Metalloenzymes via a Suite of Steady State and Transient Infrared Electrochemical Methods 2019
113 WoodCircus Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy 2018
114 Segmentum Imaging Discovery and expansion of new markets for mobile digital pathology & cell measurement tool 2019
115 WaysTUP! Value chains for disruptive transformation of urban biowaste into biobased products in the city context 2019
116 INGENIOUS The First Responder (FR) of the Future: a Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) for Collaborative Response, increasing protection and augmenting operational capacity 2019
117 VEHICLE Valorise Extensive quantities of HemIcellulosic and Cellulosic sugars from Lignocellulosic biomass into high-value End products 2019
118 PERFoRM Passive layER FailuRe Mechanisms for Steel Embedded in Alkali-Activated Slag Materials 2019
119 inTECH Eco-innovative technologies for sustainable exploitation of macromolecules from insects as alternative resource in bioeconomy 2019
120 MeNDD Metaphorical Narratives in Dementia Discourse 2019
121 SET PLAN ENVE 2019 SET Plan/ENVE Conference 2019 2019
122 gradar Job Evaluation made easy for European SMEs. Unique innovative solution to perform digital job evaluation, compensation analytics and management in an easy, transparent and cost-effective way. 2019
123 CGACE Development of a business model to commercialise GPU accelerated workstations for European hardware providers 2019
124 CO2Fokus CO2 utilisation focused on market relevant dimethyl ether production, via 3D printed reactor- and solid oxide cell based technologies 2019
125 Recover4Benefit Industrial scale recovery of high-grade proteins from food-processing by-products 2019
126 REWARDHeat Renewable and Waste Heat Recovery for Competitive District Heating and Cooling Networks 2019
127 NETLAS NExt generation of Tuneable LASers for optical coherence tomography 2020
128 ASCenSIon Advancing Space Access Capabilities - Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection 2020
129 THEIA Design and engineering of porous nitride-based materials as a platform for CO2 photoreduction 2020
130 EU-PEARL EU Patient- cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform 2019
131 Rising STARS RISE International Network for Solutions Technologies and Applications of Real-time Systems 2020
132 IMPACT DIABETES B2B Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes 2020
133 REFLECT Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction 2020
134 RibiTool Ribitol-phosphate: chemical tools to probe the biology of a unique mammalian carbohydrate 2020
135 EMPOWER European methanol powered fuel cell CHP 2020
137 NewSOC Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology 2020
138 NextMGT Next Generation of Micro Gas Turbines for High Efficiency, Low Emissions and Fuel Flexibility 2020
139 CREMLINplus Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures - plus 2020
140 MultiSeroSurv Algorithms and multiplex assays for integrated serological surveillance of malaria and neglected tropical diseases 2020
141 ECCSELERATE ECCSEL ERIC – accelerating user access, growing the membership and positioning internationally to ensure long-term sustainability 2020
142 ADBCRZB Atomically Dispersed Bifunctional Catalysts for Reversible Zn-CO2 Batteries 2020
143 CARBOFLOW Streamlined carbon dioxide conversion in ionic liquids – a platform strategy for modern carbonylation chemistry 2020
144 GrindCore Liquid-Assisted Grinding - from Fundaments to Applications 2021