# | ||||
1 | EUROSOI+ European platform for low-power applications on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology | 2008 | 870˙602.00 | 800˙000.00 |
2 | NUTRIMENTHE “Effect of diet on the mental performance of children” | 2008 | 7˙991˙918.00 | 5˙902˙570.00 |
3 | SMF-PIE "Single-Molecule Fluorescence Pulsed Interleaved Excitation, a novel tool to study biomolecular interactions" | 2008 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
4 | COQMITMEL Mouse Model of CoQ deficiency: pathogenesis and treatment | 2009 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
5 | PH-1 NEW DRUGS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PRIMARY HIPEROXALURIA | 2009 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
6 | COLLODI Colloidal aspects of lipid digestion: the physics behind healthier food | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
7 | HER-SFR "Star, gas and dust in star forming regions: studying Star Formation Rate tracers at small galactic scales" | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
8 | FUNDNAMAT Functional DNA-based nanomaterials using metal-mediated self-assembly processes | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
9 | RSM-MICROSPHERE-IPSC Novel Strategies for Microsphere-Mediated Cellular Control - A Technology to generate induced pluripotent stem cells for Regenerative Medicine | 2011 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
10 | TRAPSENSOR High-Performance Mass Spectrometry Using a Quantum Sensor | 2011 | 1˙499˙280.00 | 1˙499˙280.00 |
11 | HPFPLATTICEQCD High precision flavour physics using lattice QCD | 2012 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
12 | NFLIQUID Dynamics and Structure in a Network-Forming Liquid | 2012 | 177˙380.00 | 177˙380.00 |
13 | FASTDEFORM Real-time understanding of dexterous deformable object manipulation with bio-inspired hybrid hardware architectures | 2012 | 168˙896.00 | 168˙896.00 |
14 | TEE-OFF The Evolutionary Ecology OF underground Fruits | 2012 | 233˙705.00 | 233˙705.00 |
15 | CHEMIRNA CHEMiRNA: Chemical-based Platforms for micro-RNA Detection. Towards Novel OncomiR Assays | 2012 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
16 | MISWI Gene Expression Regulation and Cancer | 2012 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
17 | NUTRIOMICS Effects of early programming on child's neurodevelopmental outcomes | 2013 | 230˙036.00 | 230˙036.00 |
18 | REAL-TIME ASOC Real-time understanding of dexterous deformable object manipulation with bio-inspired hybrid hardware architectures | 2013 | 254˙925.00 | 254˙925.00 |
19 | MOLLUSC EVOLUTION Changes in mollusc shell microstructure through time | 2013 | 233˙705.00 | 233˙705.00 |
20 | AUGER2FUTURE Towards a New Giant Detector for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays | 2013 | 166˙336.00 | 166˙336.00 |
21 | MEMOLA MEditerranean MOntainous LAndscapes: an historical approach to cultural heritage based on traditional agrosystems | 2014 | 2˙940˙722.00 | 2˙499˙773.00 |
22 | DUSTBINMOF Robust N-donor ligand based Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for capture and degradation of harmful gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) | 2014 | 230˙036.00 | 230˙036.00 |
23 | QCDENSE Precision tools for high-energy QCD scattering at the LHC and Auger | 2014 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
24 | DIESEL Developing Improved Estimations of Soil CO2 Effluxes at ecosystem Level | 2015 | 254˙474.00 | 254˙474.00 |
L'Ente universidad de granada partecipato anche in questi progetti.