The page lists 170 projects related to the topic "adaptable".
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1 | SUSTAIN | Sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe | 2015 |
2 | DIVERSITY | Cloud Manufacturing and Social Software Based Context Sensitive Product-Service Engineering Environment for Globally Distributed Enterprise | 2015 |
3 | RECOBA | Cross-sectorial real-time sensing, advanced control and optimisation of batch processes saving energy and raw materials | 2015 |
4 | BRESAER | Breakthrough solutions for adaptable envelopes for building refurbishment | 2015 |
5 | E2VENT | Energy Efficient Ventilated Façades for Optimal Adaptability and Heat Exchange enabling low energy architectural concepts for the refurbishment of existing buildings | 2015 |
6 | PEDAL | Plasmonic Enhancement and Directionality of Emission for Advanced Luminescent Solar Devices | 2015 |
7 | EDSA | European Data Science Academy | 2015 |
8 | Flourish | Aerial Data Collection and Analysis, and Automated Ground Intervention for Precision Farming | 2015 |
9 | BigDataEurope | Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges | 2015 |
10 | BISON | BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres | 2015 |
11 | PROPHETIC | PROPHETIC:An innovating Personal Healthcare Service for a holistic remote management and treatment of Parkinson patients. | 2015 |
12 | NanoPilot | A Pilot Plant for the Production of Polymer based Nanopharmaceuticals in Compliance with GMP | 2015 |
13 | AnyPLACE | Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange | 2015 |
14 | Learn | Learning From Failing and Passing Executions At the Speed of Internet | 2015 |
15 | ELOXIRAS | Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry | 2014 |
16 | WEEVIL | Ultralight and ultrasafe adaptable 3-wheeler | 2015 |
17 | EPIMAIZE | Understading the Maize Epigenome and its Role in Development | 2015 |
18 | NEW ARYEL | Advanced Solution for Smart Telemetry Machine-To-Machine applications | 2015 |
19 | GEM E-drive | In-wheel electric drive for E-commercial vehicles | 2015 |
20 | FlowcusinUp | Scale Up of Microencapsulation Systems by using Flow Focusing Technology | 2015 |
21 | XMED | Medical Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging with Laser Plasma Accelerator | 2015 |
22 | Enabling Excellence | Graphene-based nanomaterials for touchscreen technologies: Comprehension, Commerce and Communication | 2015 |
23 | Ig-QPD | Ion-gated Interfaces for Quantum Phase Devices | 2015 |
25 | Spectra | Spectra- A novel diagnostic device to improve retinal imaging | 2015 |
26 | openMOS | Open dynamic Manufacturing Operating System for Smart Plug-and-Produce Automation Components | 2015 |
27 | Indus3Es | Industrial Energy and Environment Efficiency | 2015 |
28 | ADREM | Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane Valorisation | 2015 |
29 | PLOTINA | Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training | 2016 |
30 | SUNLIGHTING | Harvesting the Sun | 2015 |
31 | HEAT-R | Modular thermoelectric system for industrial waste HEAT Recovery (HEAT-R) | 2015 |
32 | TOPO-TB | TOPO-TB | 2015 |
33 | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 2015 |
34 | DE-ENIGMA | DE-ENIGMA: Multi-Modal Human-Robot Interaction for Teaching and Expanding Social Imagination in Autistic Children | 2016 |
35 | JOS | JOS, the first electrified Energy Surface with high efficiency, high power and high energy savings for the wireless charging of all low voltage devices. | 2015 |
36 | ACMC | Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection | 2015 |
37 | STREAMS | Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems | 2016 |
38 | MULTIPLY | MULTIscale SENTINEL land surface information retrieval PLatform | 2016 |
39 | AGILE | Adoptive Gateways for dIverse muLtiple Environments | 2016 |
40 | SmartEnCity | Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe | 2016 |
41 | ERXOS | ElectroRheological fluid based eXOSkeleton devices for physical upper limb rehabilitation | 2016 |
42 | FermiTrap | Atom-by-Atom Quantum Control of Fermions in Arbitrary Potentials | 2016 |
43 | Fluid Foil | A groundbreaking no contact, roll to roll, modular transportation and fluid delivery technology that enables faster and more uniform chemical reaction of any feature size without risk of damage. | 2016 |
44 | NanoCap | Sustainable Polypeptide Nanoparticle Platform for Drug Delivery | 2016 |
45 | MINIMA | MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation | 2016 |
46 | RANGER | RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations | 2016 |
47 | SmARTS | Smart technology for analysis and monitoring of Cultural Heritage materials | 2016 |
48 | iProcell | Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice | 2016 |
49 | Human City Platform | A Human City Platform for town and city councils to foster citizen engagement | 2016 |
50 | CoolFarm | CoolFarm – The intelligent and flexible system that provides to plants what they need, when they need it! | 2016 |
51 | Self-Control | Take control!Towards novel training regimes enhancing inhibition and impulse control in health and psychiatric disease | 2016 |
52 | HUMAN | HUman MANufacturing | 2016 |
53 | SMARTI ETN | European Training Network on Sustainable Multi-functional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructures. | 2017 |
54 | BASMATI | Cloud Brokerage Across Borders for Mobile Users and Applications | 2016 |
55 | P2Endure | Plug-and-Play product and process innovation for Energy-efficient building deep renovation | 2016 |
56 | Smartrec | Developing a standard modularised solution for flexible and adaptive integration of heat recovery and thermal storage capable of recovery and management of waste heat | 2016 |
57 | MMP | Multiparametric probe for monitoring in real time environmental variables in drilling boreholes | 2017 |
58 | ELECTRON4WATER | Three-dimensional nanoelectrochemical systems based on low-cost reduced graphene oxide: the next generation of water treatment systems | 2017 |
60 | PJ08 AAM | Advanced Airspace Management | 2016 |
61 | MoveCare | Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder | 2017 |
62 | GlucoTab | A Novel ICT Assistant Solution for de-Risked Management of Insulin Dosing and Blood Glucose Levels in Hospitalized Patients with Type 2 Diabetes | 2016 |
63 | Smartaxi | Innovative customer forecasting system with 32% savings in Taxi operational costs | 2016 |
64 | ScalABLE4.0 | Scalable automation for flexible production systems | 2017 |
65 | SME 4.0 | Industry 4.0 for SMEs - Smart Manufacturing and Logistics for SMEs in an X-to-order and Mass Customization Environment | 2017 |
66 | BIOSENSIZE | SIZE selective optical SENsing of BIOmolecules with functionalized porous photonic structures | 2016 |
67 | HYDRUS | high-pressure HYdrogen booster for DistRibUted small-medium refuelling Stations | 2017 |
68 | DroneHopper | DroneHopper: an innovative solution for firefighting through remote-controlled aircrafts. | 2017 |
69 | AgentSeal | Movement of Harbour seals: an individual-based modelling framework as a reliable management tool | 2018 |
70 | SIGNSPACE | Multilingual work spaces for sign language users – An online portal driving social innovation | 2017 |
71 | AvAUNT | AdaptiVe Area nozzle for Ultra high bypass Nacelle Technology | 2017 |
72 | FreezeAlz | Theoretical prediction of spectral biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease enabled by highly efficient and adaptable mutli-level response methods | 2017 |
73 | TRANSRISK | Vulnerability and risk assessment of transportation systems of assets (SoA) exposed to geo-hazards | 2017 |
74 | EsterPep | Polyester/Polypeptide hybrid biomaterials for biomedical scaffolds | 2017 |
75 | ROBORDER | autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance | 2017 |
77 | VICTORIA | Video analysis for Investigation of Criminal and TerrORIst Activities | 2017 |
78 | DEFENDER | Defending the European Energy Infrastructures | 2017 |
79 | WEYCAP | Low Energy WEt and DrY CAPsule Filling Machine | 2017 |
80 | Falcon | Fully automated, controlled and versatile system for low cost, high rate and energy efficient production of highly loaded aeronautical structural parts | 2017 |
81 | iPROCELL | Commercial validation of iPROCELL: a novel modular assembly practice | 2017 |
82 | 5G-MoNArch | 5G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond | 2017 |
83 | STUNNING | SusTainable bUsiNess models for the deep reNovation of buIldiNGs | 2017 |
84 | PLUG-N-HARVEST | PLUG-N-play passive and active multi-modal energy HARVESTing systems, circular economy by design, with high replicability for Self-sufficient Districts Near-Zero Buildings | 2017 |
85 | Railscope | Improving Railway Safety Through Innovative Sensor System | 2017 |
86 | SAFETY 4.0 | Launching working environment safety systems based on UWB connectivity aimed at the 4.0 INDUSTRY | 2017 |
87 | SENSY | Restoring complete motor and sensory ability for natural walking of amputees | 2017 |
88 | Himalaia | High-Impact Injection Moulding Platform for mass-production of 3D and/or large micro-structured surfaces with Antimicrobial, Self-cleaning, Anti-scratch, Anti-squeak and Aesthetic functionalities | 2017 |
89 | EnergyMatching | Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching | 2017 |
90 | CATALYST | Converting DCs in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems (CATALYST) | 2017 |
92 | MAESTRO | MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable | 2017 |
93 | HybridHeart | Development of the first fully biocompatible, soft actuated heart: combining in situ tissue engineering and soft robotics | 2017 |
94 | AEROFLEX | Aerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport | 2017 |
95 | STEVE | Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases | 2017 |
96 | Spine | Open source toolbox for modelling integrated energy systems | 2017 |
97 | SoftBeam | Modular Platform for Controlled Ion Beam Generation | 2018 |
98 | DecodingInfection | Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level | 2017 |
99 | RECONFMATTER | From colloidal joints to reconfigurable matter | 2017 |
100 | SWAMP | Smart Water Management Platform | 2017 |
102 | SUPPLEPRINT | Super Productive Line Printing Inkjet | 2018 |
103 | ESBO DS | European Stratospheric Balloon Observatory Design Study | 2018 |
104 | CATALOG | Computational catalog of multiscale materials: a plugin library for industrial finite element codes | 2018 |
105 | BigDataStack | High-performance data-centric stack for big data applications and operations | 2018 |
106 | INSENSION | Personalized intelligent platform enabling interaction with digital services to individuals with profound and multiple learning disabilities | 2018 |
107 | SHN | Universal Smart Hypodermic Needle for preventing reuse and accidental pricks | 2017 |
108 | D-SynMA | Distributed Synthesis: from Single to Multiple Agents | 2018 |
109 | FLEXICAT | Upgrading waste glycerol to essential chemicals | 2018 |
110 | HIGDARS | High Bandwidth Flexible Satellite communicationSystem for 1 Gigabit/sec communications | 2018 |
111 | Reficient | Innovative upright Refrigerator with Improved Efficiency Fully Aligned With The Eu Legislation ToControl The F-GASES” | 2018 |
112 | EASY-RES | Enable Ancillary Services bY Renewable Energy Sources | 2018 |
113 | Joysteer 3.0 | A New Drive-by-Wire Technology for People with Disabilities and Industrial Applications | 2018 |
114 | UPWARDS | Understanding of the Physics of Wind Turbine and Rotor Dynamics through an Integrated Simulation Framework | 2018 |
115 | SomaGrapeGenome | Fast-forward genomics of somatic variants adaptable to climate change for cultivar innovation in grapevine | 2018 |
116 | ReSuNiCo | Inverted Reactive Spray Processes for Sulphide/Nitride High Surface Area Electrode Coatings | 2019 |
117 | EU-SENSE | European Sensor System for CBRN Applications | 2018 |
118 | REDESIGN | distRibutED, sElf-adaptable, and Scalable wIreless foG Networks | 2019 |
119 | MOrPhEM | Mechanics of Programmable Matter | 2019 |
120 | RENATURE | promoting Research Excellence in NAture-based soluTions for innovation, sUstainable economic GRowth and human wEll-being in Malta | 2018 |
121 | PROTECTA | Pathogen-informed Resistance to Oomycete diseases in Ecosystems, Agriculture and Aquaculture | 2018 |
122 | WeShare | Innovative Platform for horizontal collaboration in Road freight transportation | 2018 |
123 | APRICOT | Artificial PeRceptIon Chip for the Intelligence Of Things | 2018 |
124 | ChemLife | Artificial micro-vehicles with life-like behaviour | 2018 |
125 | REACT | Renewable Energy for self-sustAinable island CommuniTies | 2019 |
126 | LUVMI-X | LUVMI-Extended | 2019 |
127 | PVadapt | Prefabrication, Recyclability and Modularity for cost reductions in Smart BIPV systems | 2018 |
128 | NADINE | digital iNtegrAteD system for the socIal support of migraNts and refugEes | 2018 |
129 | GIFT | Geographical Islands FlexibiliTy | 2019 |
130 | AMANDA | AutonoMous self powered miniAturized iNtelligent sensor for environmental sensing anD asset tracking in smArt IoT environments | 2019 |
131 | DURAFRESH | Advanced multi effect device to prevent fruit and vegetables ripening | 2019 |
132 | PUReSmart | PolyUrethane Recycling towards a Smart Circular Economy | 2019 |
133 | SPIRE | A Photovoltaic Plant with thermal co-generation | 2019 |
134 | EMP | Motion Planning Software for Autonomous Car Industry | 2018 |
135 | MorSR | Integrating morpho-phonology in speech recognition | 2019 |
136 | DIGESTAIR | A novel anaerobic DIGESTer solution in AIR transport for on-board safe and efficient waste management | 2019 |
137 | GoURMET | Global Under-Resourced MEedia Translation | 2019 |
138 | X2Rail-3 | Advanced Signalling, Automation and Communication System (IP2 and IP5) – Prototyping the future by means of capacity increase, autonomy and flexible communication | 2018 |
140 | VesselNet | Engineering Composite Tissues for Facial Reconstruction | 2019 |
141 | NSFTA | New Strategies For Therapeutic Antibodies – Synthetic bispecific antibodies & Antibody-Drug Conjugates with controlled drug loading. General methods for unexplored ADCs and personalised therapies. | 2020 |
142 | SNFWD | A pH-Responsive Bionanohybrid Nanofibrous Wound Dressing | 2019 |
143 | CatchGel | Catch Bond Cross-linked Hydrogels | 2020 |
144 | SubNano | Computational Photochemistry in the Long Timescale: Sub-ns Photoprocesses in DNA | 2019 |
145 | TRANSLATIO | 'Translatio.’ The art of (re)moving relics and reforming holiness in Europe’s borderlands. | 2020 |
146 | ELEMENT | Effective Lifetime Extension in the Marine Environment for Tidal Energy | 2019 |
147 | 3DAddChip | Additive manufacturing of 2D nanomaterials for on-chip technologies | 2019 |
148 | UniMind | SaaS platform applying Artificial Intelligence and collaborative learning to the automation of Machine Vision-based manufacturing processes | 2019 |
149 | RealHands | Revolutionize the way humans interact with technology | 2019 |
150 | InsoFeet | Cutting-edge insoles with advanced characteristics for medical and sports applications | 2019 |
151 | B-Lock | The first Physical Access Control that uses uncopiable keys based on butterfly scales | 2019 |
152 | ZIMASS | Smart Mobile awarenes and safety system for workzone invasion | 2019 |
153 | Biotrack-MED | Diagnostics device for rapid identification and antibiotics susceptibility testing of pathogens | 2019 |
154 | CRESCENT | CRESCENT: Adaptive hands-free controller for people with disabilities | 2019 |
155 | FLIX | FLow chemistry for Isotopic eXchange | 2020 |
156 | TubInTrain | Tuning Tubulin Dynamics and Interactions to Face Neurotoxicity: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Training and Research | 2019 |
157 | SysAgria | SysAgria – integrated solution for smart agriculture | 2019 |
158 | SmaCS | Smart Cabin System for cabin readiness | 2019 |
159 | OXIR | Vegetable Ozone Therapy Crops Sanitized Naturally from Seed to Feed | 2019 |
160 | EDDA | European Direct-Drive Architecture | 2019 |
161 | PROCareLife | PeRsOnalized Integrated CARE Solution for Elderly facing several short or long term conditions and enabling a better quality of LIFE | 2020 |
162 | UPLIFT | Urban PoLicy Innovation to address inequality with and for Future generaTions | 2020 |
163 | NORATEST | NORATEST: An e-Health solution for a better Alzheimer's diagnosis and management | 2019 |
164 | P-Gear | A revolutionary approach to mechanical transmission: the new gear-free, lubrication-free gearbox | 2019 |
165 | BugWright2 | Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks | 2020 |
166 | PhotoRedesign | Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions | 2020 |
168 | immunoassays | Development of new immunoassays for the diagnosis and prediction of drug-related complement pathology | 2020 |
169 | ALGWAS-BIOR | Sustainable Valorization Of The Algae Industry Waste-Stream Within An Advanced Clean Technologies-Based Integrated Biorefinery Concept | 2020 |
170 | BOAR | Veterinarization of Europe? Hunting for Wild Boar Futures in the Time of African Swine Fever | 2020 |