The page lists 240 projects related to the topic "operated".
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1 | I2MPECT | Integrated, Intelligent modular power electronic converter | 2015 |
2 | SteamBio | Flexible Superheated Steam Torrefaction and Grinding of Indigenous Biomass from Remote Rural Sources to Produce Stable Densified Feedstocks for Chemical and Energy Applications | 2015 |
3 | EGSIEM | European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management | 2015 |
4 | TIME SCALE | Technology and Innovation for Development of Modular Equipment in Scalable Advanced Life Support Systems for Space Exploration | 2015 |
5 | Photofuel | Biocatalytic solar fuels for sustainable mobility in Europe | 2015 |
6 | FAME | Flexible and Mobile Economic Processing Technologies | 2015 |
7 | EmERGE | Evaluating mHealth technology in HIV to improve Empowerment and healthcare utilisation: Research and innovation to Generate Evidence for personalised care | 2015 |
8 | SC0806 | Regenerative treatment of complete Traumatic Spinal Cord injury with a surgical implantation of a biodegradable device with FGF1 and nerve grafts | 2015 |
9 | SNIFFPHONE | Smart Phone for Disease Detection from Exhaled Breath | 2015 |
10 | SAFEcrypto | Secure Architectures of Future Emerging Cryptography | 2015 |
11 | TILOS | Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage | 2015 |
12 | Save at Work | save@work - The Energy Saving Contest for Public Authorities | 2015 |
13 | TherVIS | A Thermal-Visual Integrated System Mounted on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for 3D energy performance mapping and forecasting and damage evaluation | 2014 |
14 | CP2 | CP2 is a project to develop a new wrist placement technology that can detect anomalies with both the Cardio and Vascular systems simultaneously. | 2014 |
15 | AERFOR | Proactive Passenger Flow Management for Airports with an Advanced Forecasting System | 2014 |
16 | Phil-Threats | The Representation of External Threats in the Configuration of Spanish Power in the Philippines (1600-1800) | 2016 |
17 | LoCO2Fe | Development of a Low CO2 Iron and Steelmaking Integrated Process Route for a Sustainable European Steel Industry | 2015 |
18 | InterAcTEV | Genome-wide analysis of RNA and protein interacting profiles during a plant virus infection | 2015 |
19 | WFL | Morphology beyond inflection. Building a wordformation based dictionary for Latin | 2015 |
20 | SeisMo | SEismology of the MOon | 2016 |
21 | MARSS-5G | Modeling and Analysis of Random Spatial Systems for 5G Networks | 2015 |
22 | Irish Merchants and Bordeaux | Irish Merchants and Bordeaux: The Irish Role in the Invention of Grands Crus Wines | 2015 |
23 | Cardiacom IMPLANT | Intelligent human diagnostic and therapy platform | 2014 |
24 | SiMAX | SiMAX – translation machine for sign language | 2015 |
25 | ACOFORS | Launching Acoustic Force Spectroscopy - unlocking the potential of biomolecular bungee jumping | 2015 |
26 | DEVULC | Novel Devulcanization Machine for Industrial and Tyre Rubber Recycling | 2015 |
27 | e2CORK | Efficient and Eco-friendly Construction Of Revolutionary surfboard blanKs | 2015 |
28 | DAO-BACKEND | Validating technical assumptions for a multi-tenant mobile multiplayer game backend platform. | 2015 |
29 | ZEBCOM | Zero Emission Robot-Boat for Coastal and Inland Water Monitoring | 2015 |
30 | HyPoGA | Feasibility study of a superefficient hybrid power train as a replacement unit for existing engines - Hybrid Power for General Aviation (HyPoGA) | 2015 |
31 | PASS | Paleozoic Seafloor Spreading | 2015 |
32 | nuClock | Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 | 2015 |
33 | HYPAS | Next Generation Energy Efficient, Inexpensive Hydropneumatic Hybrid Actuation System | 2015 |
34 | COFUND-FP-CERN-2014 | COFUNDing of the CERN Fellowship Programme 2014 | 2015 |
35 | WAYTOGO FAST | Which Architecture Yields Two Other Generations Of Fully depleted Advanced Substrate and Technologies | 2015 |
36 | EUNCL | European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory | 2015 |
37 | AEROGLASS | Augmented reality aerial navigation for a safer and more effective aviation | 2015 |
38 | EUCALL | European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources | 2015 |
39 | KAMWAL 2.1 | EEN Advanced Support Services for Walloon SMEs 2015-2016 | 2015 |
40 | MEMERE | MEthane activation via integrated MEmbrane REactors | 2015 |
41 | WELL | Wind, Efficient, Light, Lifter | 2015 |
42 | SCALE | Scalable Quantum Photonic Networks | 2015 |
43 | CHPM2030 | Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies | 2016 |
44 | DIMENSION | Directly Modulated Lasers on Silicon | 2016 |
45 | GREAT | heteroGeneous integRated magnetic tEchnology using multifunctional standardized sTack (MSS) | 2016 |
46 | iSIM | Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites | 2015 |
47 | ACMC | Advanced Contactless Multifunction Control unit with gesture detection | 2015 |
48 | WISER | WISER – the energy saving and burglar proof window that breathes for enhanced indoor comfort | 2015 |
49 | DOPING-ON-DEMAND | Doping on Demand: precise and permanent control of the Fermi level in nanocrystal assemblies | 2016 |
50 | DevTMF | Development of Experimental Techniques and Predictive Tools to Characterise Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behaviour and Damage Mechanisms | 2016 |
51 | MIGRATE | Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices | 2016 |
52 | QUANTUM | Quality management for building performance - improving energy performance by life cycle quality management | 2016 |
53 | IDENTITY | Computer Vision Enabled Multimedia Forensics and People Identification | 2016 |
54 | AQUISS | Air Quality Information Services | 2016 |
55 | LightPipe | Antiresonant Hollow Optical Fibres for a Quantum Leap in Data and Optical Power Transmission | 2016 |
56 | ENUBET | Enhanced NeUtrino BEams from kaon Tagging | 2016 |
57 | AGENTSEGET | Itinerant Cultural Agents in Early Modern Europe and the Scotsman Thomas Seget: A Case-Study | 2016 |
58 | PW | Your digital source for medication awareness : “Your health is a choice, choose to know” | 2015 |
59 | RESPIRE 3 | REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 3 | 2016 |
60 | METAL-AID | Metal oxide Aided Subsurface Remediation: From Invention to Injection | 2016 |
61 | INTEGROIL | Demonstration of a Decision Support System for a Novel Integrated Solution aimed at Water Reuse in the Oil & Gas Industry | 2016 |
62 | VicInAqua | Integrated aquaculture based on sustainable water recirculating system for the Victoria Lake Basin (VicInAqua) | 2016 |
63 | SISSDEN | Secure Information Sharing Sensor Delivery event Network | 2016 |
64 | SafeWaterAfrica | Self-Sustaining Cleaning Technology for Safe Water Supply and Management in Rural African Areas | 2016 |
65 | BreedIT-FIELD | Professional tool to facilitate data collection and digitalization in field trials for plant breeding and seed commercialisation | 2016 |
66 | pocL-CI | A lab-on-chip platform for blood cell counting and identification at the point-of-care | 2016 |
67 | iNTACT | Commercialisation of the world’s first iNTelligent Access Cover Technology for the protection of ALL underground infrastructure. | 2016 |
68 | GREENERNET | Advanced Flow Battery Energy Storage Systems in a Microgrid Network | 2016 |
69 | H2ME 2 | Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2 | 2016 |
70 | FIWARE Mexico | Enhancing FIWARE collaboration between Europe and Mexico | 2016 |
71 | PoLaRoll | Polygon scanner based ultra-short pulse laser processing in roll-to-roll manufacturing | 2016 |
72 | ROSSINI | Radial cOmpresSor Surge INception Investigation | 2016 |
73 | RePower | RePower: Maintenance-free and cost-efficient fuel for wireless sensors to energy- and resource-saving solutions | 2016 |
74 | PEGASUS | Renewable Power Generation by Solar Particle Receiver Driven Sulphur Storage Cycle | 2016 |
75 | SABANA | Sustainable Algae Biorefinery for Agriculture aNd Aquaculture | 2016 |
76 | LOLITA | Information Theory for Low-Latency Wireless Communications | 2017 |
77 | AGINFRA PLUS | Accelerating user-driven e-infrastructure innovation in Food Agriculture | 2017 |
78 | MassLOC | Massive MIMO Localization for 5G Networks | 2017 |
79 | AENEAS | Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA | 2017 |
80 | STRINGBIKE | Highly innovative push-pull handbike for boosting wheelchair mobility | 2016 |
82 | SoftHand Pro-H | A Soft Synergy-based Hand Prosthesis with Hybrid Control | 2017 |
83 | MARINET2 | Marine Renewable Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies 2 | 2017 |
84 | FLIpER | The first on-board automatic ship hull management cleaning system for hull fouling prevention towards maritime eco-efficiency | 2017 |
85 | X-Pulse | ZNMF Pulsed Jet-based Active Flow Control of the UHBR-induced Flow through High Fidelity CFD | 2017 |
86 | Ground Drone | Affordable Robots to Democratize Film and Video Motion Control | 2017 |
87 | DSR | Dissipative Self-Replication | 2017 |
88 | INWELCHAV | Intersectional Analyses of Welfare Chauvinism in Europe | 2017 |
89 | SnowRESolution | All-Weather Snow machine driven by Renewable Energy Sources | 2017 |
90 | Survive | Surviving metabolism: acid handling and signalling | 2017 |
91 | KAMWAL 2.2 | EEN Innovation services for Walloon SMEs 2017-2018 | 2017 |
92 | ULTIMATE | Towards the ultimate dark matter detector | 2017 |
93 | MAP | Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC) | 2017 |
94 | PLOMAT | Plotting the material flows of commonplace Late Bronze Age Seals in Western Eurasia | 2018 |
95 | ECO_REBUS | Profiting from ECO-innovation: the RolE of BUSiness model | 2017 |
96 | WASPSNEST | Wavelength tunable Advanced Single Photon Sources Non-laboratory Environment Specification and Testing | 2017 |
97 | BAoBaB | Blue Acid/Base Battery: Storage and recovery of renewable electrical energy by reversible salt water dissociation | 2017 |
98 | BESMART | scalaBle and grEen wireleSs coMmunications for a sustAinable netwoRked socieTy | 2017 |
99 | LigniOx | Lignin oxidation technology for versatile lignin dispersants | 2017 |
100 | Xenoscope | Towards a multi-ton xenon observatory for astroparticle physics | 2017 |
101 | SeaBubble | Fast-Forwarding to the Future of On-Demand Urban Water Transportation | 2017 |
102 | MEET-CINCH | A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and RadioCHemistry | 2017 |
103 | GEMINI Plus | Research and Development in support of the GEMINI Initiative | 2017 |
104 | BLOOMEN | Blockchains in the new era of participatory media experience | 2017 |
105 | RICAIP | Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production | 2017 |
106 | z-BURN | Zero-Emission Catalytic Burner for heating in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles | 2017 |
107 | ECCO | Energy Efficient Coil Coating Process | 2017 |
108 | ALADDIN | Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification Neutralization | 2017 |
109 | HiReach | High reach innovative mobility solutions to cope with transport poverty | 2017 |
110 | MAGISTER | Machine learning for Advanced Gas turbine Injection SysTems to Enhance combustoR performance. | 2017 |
111 | MixITiN | Bringing the paradigm for marine pelagic production into the 21st century: incorporating mixotrophy into mainstream marine research | 2017 |
112 | CLEANKER | CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process | 2017 |
113 | STEVE | Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases | 2017 |
114 | EDGE | European Direction in GEOSS Common Infrastructure Enhancements | 2017 |
115 | ADMIRE | A holographic microscope for the immersive exploration of augmented micro-reality | 2017 |
116 | openEO | openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications | 2017 |
117 | AIRPASS | Advanced Integrated RPAS Avionics Safety Suite | 2017 |
118 | RELaTED | REnewable Low TEmperature District | 2017 |
119 | DCS4COP | DataCube Service for Copernicus | 2017 |
120 | SOCRATCES | SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage | 2018 |
121 | FUN-NOTCH | Fundamentals of the Nonlinear Optical Channel | 2018 |
122 | EASIVIRAL | EASIVIRAL | 2017 |
123 | CO2EXIDE | CO2-based Electrosynthesis of ethylene oXIDE | 2018 |
124 | ERSAT GGC | ERTMS on SATELLITE Galileo Game Changer | 2017 |
125 | VERNE | Guided (Ultra)sonic Waves for High Performance Deepwater Pipeline Inspection | 2017 |
126 | GRASSHOPPER | GRid ASsiSting modular HydrOgen Pem PowER plant | 2018 |
127 | Haeolus | Hydrogen-Aeolic Energy with Optimised eLectrolysers Upstream of Substation | 2018 |
128 | ZEFER | Zero Emission Fleet vehicles For European Roll-out | 2017 |
129 | REFHYNE | Clean Refinery Hydrogen for Europe | 2018 |
130 | HySTOC | Hydrogen Supply and Transportation using liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers | 2018 |
131 | FANFAR | Reinforced cooperation to provide operational flood forecasting and alerts in West Africa | 2018 |
132 | MyLeg | Smart and intuitive osseointegrated transfemoral prostheses embodying advanced dynamic behaviors | 2018 |
133 | GrassrootWavelengths | Grassroot Wavelengths: Highly Networked Grassroots Community Radio through a scalable digital platform | 2018 |
134 | HyPump | Enabling Sustainable Irrigation through Hydro-Powered Pumps for Canals | 2017 |
135 | CoMoCo | Development of an Intelligent Controller for Electro-motors | 2017 |
136 | neuronSW | Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis | 2018 |
137 | COMPA 2GO | COMPA 2GO Composite Repairs for Ships - Service Demonstration, Certification and Market Entry | 2018 |
138 | RENShip | Hybrid Carbon-free electrically driven fishing longliner with low power methanol combustion enginefor propulsion back-up and auxiliary equipment | 2018 |
140 | Black Cinema-Going | Black Cinema-Going in New York of the Interwar Period | 2018 |
141 | NL2LPV | Nonlinear system modelling for linear parameter-varying control design | 2018 |
142 | H3PS | H3PS – High Power High Scalability Aircraft Hybrid Powertrain | 2018 |
143 | SpaceLaw | Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition | 2018 |
144 | Men of Value | How much is a man worth. Slavery and market of individual identities in early modern Naples andValencia | 2018 |
145 | NeuroMag | Magnonic Matrix-Vector-Multiplier for Neural Network Applications | 2018 |
146 | MIDAS | Microbial Degradation of Jellyfish-Derived Substrates | 2018 |
147 | GlycoPCs | How do Pharmacological Chaperones work? Molecular basis of the actions of glycomimetics on keyglycosidases involved in lysosomal storage disorders | 2018 |
148 | OSCILLOGEL | An enzyme-based self-oscillating gel | 2019 |
149 | ESCAPE-2 | Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather and climate Prediction at Exascale | 2018 |
150 | H-Reality | Mixed Haptic Feedback for Mid-Air Interactions in Virtual and Augmented Realities | 2018 |
151 | ONE-MIX | Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser | 2019 |
152 | InclusivePublicSpace | Inclusive Public Space: Law, Universality and Difference in the Accessibility of Streets | 2019 |
153 | ENPMUC | Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China (1830-1949). | 2018 |
154 | plasmaCare | A small, portable cold plasma device for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. | 2018 |
155 | CLEAN CABINET | A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems | 2018 |
156 | SPRHOUT | SPRHOUT (Solar PoweRed Horticultural Off-grid UniT) – the first economically viable off-grid energy system to power horticultural projects, boosting the transition towards sustainable food provision | 2018 |
157 | BQ-Technology | BrainQ, non-invasive, very low intensity, BCI-based frequency dependent electromagnetic field tailored treatment for neuro recovery (BQ). | 2018 |
158 | BDVB Oil-Stick | “BDVB Oil Stick” – Key enabling technology for online monitoring of crucial electric grid infrastructure. Striving for global market leadership | 2018 |
159 | Olfactomics | Bringing Surgery to the 21st Century: Feasibility Verification of Real-time Tissue Analysis During Surgery | 2018 |
160 | EGgPLANT | Sustainable and carbon-efficient mono-Ethylene Glycol generation in demonstration PLANT | 2018 |
161 | BEATIK | Beatik- Collaborative Digital Scores Platform for Classical Music | 2018 |
162 | HemoScreen | Point-of-care hematology analyser based on visco-elastic focusing, digital imaging, image processing and machine learning | 2018 |
164 | ICRI 2018 | International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI) 2018 in Vienna | 2017 |
165 | Redwave | Redwave: the future of blood pressure measurement | 2018 |
166 | WINDMILL | Integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning | 2019 |
167 | i4Offshore | Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction | 2018 |
168 | TerAqua | Compact and powerful strong-field terahertz light source for exploring water in new regimes | 2019 |
169 | 5GENESIS | 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing | 2018 |
170 | 3D-FABRIC | 3D Flow Analysis in Bijels Reconfigured for Interfacial Catalysis | 2019 |
171 | Auger-Horizon | A large-scale radio detector for the Pierre Auger cosmic-ray Observatory – precision measurements of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays | 2018 |
172 | IMPRESSIVE | Integrated Marine Pollution Risk assessment and Emergency management Support Service In ports and coastal enVironmEnts | 2018 |
173 | vmRail | The on-board railway track & vehicle monitoring system | 2018 |
174 | 5GCroCo | Fifth Generation Cross-Border Control | 2018 |
175 | kW-flexiburst | Ultrashort pulsed kW-class laser with unprecedented flexible GHz burst operation for high precision high-throughput industrial manufacturing | 2019 |
176 | TELL | Towards a fast-uptake of mEdium/Low-voltage eLectric power trains | 2018 |
177 | Novel Jack | Automatic Hydraulic Jack with improved capacity, safety and efficiency for agricultural implements | 2018 |
178 | EurofleetsPlus | An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities. | 2019 |
179 | FLAGSHIPS | Clean waterborne transport in Europe | 2019 |
180 | HYDROSOL-beyond | Thermochemical HYDROgen production in a SOLar structured reactor:facing the challenges and beyond | 2019 |
181 | Finger Port | A non-invasive portable device that measures and tracks several physiological parameters in real-time to determine cardiovascular and health conditions | 2018 |
182 | ARCHIVER | Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments | 2019 |
183 | TORCH | ThermoacOustic instabilities contRol in sequential Combustion cHambers | 2019 |
184 | SHAPE-ID | Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe | 2019 |
185 | TeDiMo | Technology Diffusion Model | 2018 |
186 | CIRCUS | Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems | 2019 |
188 | Lazaero | One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases | 2019 |
189 | QUCUBE | 3D integration technology for silicon spin qubits | 2019 |
190 | AQUOLIVE | Improving Aquaculture production with bioactives from olive oil processing by-products. | 2019 |
191 | SIWI | Automatic Hitching for theTotal Safety of the Farmers when Coupling machinery | 2019 |
192 | Bitwala | Next generation banking tools for the blockchain economy | 2019 |
193 | CaLA | The Capillary Lock Actuator: A novel bistable microfluidic actuator for cost-effective high-density actuator arrays suitable for large-scale graphical tactile displays | 2019 |
194 | Olfactomics Surgery | BRINGING SURGERY TO THE 21ST CENTURY: REAL-TIME TISSUE ANALYSIS DURING CANCER SURGERY. Improving Patient Safety, Quality and Cost-Effectiveness | 2019 |
195 | ACCENTO | ACCENTO (Active Clearence Contol dEsigN and characTerizatiOn). Advanced investigations on different Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control (LPTACC) system by means of CFD and experiments. | 2019 |
196 | AIRWAVES | Automated high resolution water sampler for environmental monitoring | 2019 |
197 | AD ASTRA | HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms | 2019 |
198 | PoliticalPrisoners | Political prisoners: a transnational question in 19th century Italy | 2019 |
199 | MOSTAPDE | MOde-localized mass Sensors with Thermal Actuation and Piezoresistive DEtection | 2020 |
200 | ElectroSAnMBR | Development of A Novel Submerged Anaerobic Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactor (e-SAnMBR) for bilge water treatment | 2020 |
201 | HomoJuridicus | Homo Juridicus: Correcting Law's Behavioural Illiteracy | 2019 |
202 | CURSOR | Coordinated Use of miniaturized Robotic equipment and advanced Sensors for search and rescue OpeRations | 2019 |
204 | TURNKEY RETROFIT | TURNKEY solution for home RETROFITting | 2019 |
205 | CATALYSTNH3SYNTHESIS | Synthetically Tuned Atomic Ordering and Electronic Properties of Nano-Intermetallic Compounds for the Ammonia Synthesis. | 2019 |
206 | Seabubbles | Delivering the future of urban water transportation with novel electric hydrofoil boats | 2019 |
207 | AIRCARRUS | AIRCARRUS - Autonomous Drone Delivery System | 2019 |
208 | RAPID | The first effective remedy for acute pancreatitis disease | 2019 |
209 | WATERSIGN | WATERSIGN: Smart Water Monitoring & Leakage Detection | 2019 |
210 | coldbihot | Cold Books in Hot Lands: Winning and Losing of Hearts and Minds in the Middle East | 2019 |
211 | RESPIRE4 | REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 4 | 2020 |
212 | MAFIn | Module for Aberration Correction and Fast Volumetric Imaging in a Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope | 2019 |
213 | GN4-3N | Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 Topic [b] Increase of Long-Term Backbone Capacity | 2019 |
214 | ENHAnCE | European training Network in intelligent prognostics and Health mAnagement in Composite structurEs | 2020 |
215 | CS3MESH4EOSC | Interactive and agile/responsive sharing mesh of storage, data and applications for EOSC | 2020 |
217 | Toolbot | High Accuracy, Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly Dredging Solution | 2019 |
218 | CoCi | Co-Evolving City Life | 2020 |
219 | QUANTUM E-LEAPS | Toward new era of quantum electrical measurements through phase slips | 2020 |
220 | BioCat | Investigating the electron uptake mechanisms of bacteria on bio-cathodes for microbial electrosynthesis | 2020 |
221 | ARCTRACK | Assessment of arc tracking hazards in high voltage aerospace systems | 2019 |
222 | PHOOTONICS | A Cost-Effective Photonics-based Device for Early Prediction, Monitoring and Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers | 2019 |
223 | ARIADNE | Artificial Intelligence Aided D-band Network for 5G Long Term Evolution | 2019 |
224 | RESSPICAC | Rational Engineering of Synthetic Systems for Propagation of Information via Catalytic Assembly of Copies | 2019 |
225 | MACBETH | Membranes And Catalysts Beyond Economic and Technological Hurdles | 2019 |
226 | Evolift | Evolift - Getting people out of harms way | 2019 |
227 | FEST | Future Experiments seek Smart Technologies | 2020 |
228 | Tolka Pro | Manual Assistant (hand for upper limb disability) – a new approach designed to restore user's manual capabilities. | 2019 |
229 | MedPhab | Photonics Solutions at Pilot Scale for Accelerated Medical Device Development | 2020 |
230 | ATLANTIS | The Atlantic Testing Platform for Maritime Robotics: New Frontiers for Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Energy Infrastructures. | 2020 |
231 | SEQUENCE | Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics | 2020 |
232 | ICRI 2020 | International Conference on Research Infrastructures | 2020 |
233 | InteSens | Innovative INTEgrated SENsor System for monitoring Infrastructural Assets | 2020 |
234 | ICEBERG | Scalable Optimization of Power Systems with Flexible Demand and Renewable Supply | 2020 |
235 | uNIQUE | NanophononIcs for QUantum information procEssing | 2020 |
236 | SIGMA | Investigating Internal Magnetic Field Sources on the Moon and Mars | 2021 |
237 | LiTechAe | Lithic Technology, Social Agency and Cultural Interaction in the Bronze Age Aegean. Percussive stone tools related to stone masonry techniques seen through experimentation and use-wear analysis. | 2020 |
238 | comfortA | A better understanding of thermal Alliesthesia and thermal Adaptation for correctly predicting dynamic thermal comfort | 2021 |
239 | ArCAN | An Archaeology of Exchange Networks in Central Africa. The Cases of the Copperbelt and Niari Basin Copper Deposits | 2020 |
240 | EnFoRCe | Effects of Electric Fields on tuRbulent Combustion | 2021 |