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H2020 projects about "random"

The page lists 199 projects related to the topic "random".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EXTPRO Quasi-Randomness in Extremal Combinatorics 2015
2 ULTRADIAN Dynamic hormone diagnostics 2015
3 ChromArch Single Molecule Mechanisms of Spatio-Temporal Chromatin Architecture 2015
4 RGGC Random Graph Geometry and Convergence 2015
5 CLC Cryptography with Low Complexity 2015
6 R2RAM Radiation Hard Resistive Random-Access Memory 2015
8 MIXMAX Development and Implementation of new generation of Pseudo Random Number Generators based on Kolmogorov-Anosov K-systems 2015
9 CWASI Coping with water scarcity in a globalized world 2015
10 InvGroGra Asymptotic invariants of discrete groups, sparse graphs and locally symmetric spaces 2015
11 TM Field Analyzer Developing a monitoring system for urban gas pipelines by utilizing state of the art accelerometers, advanced signal processing, and advanced intelligent algorithm based recognition 2014
12 LAST CHANCE New super-energy efficient non-volatile memory manufacturing – bringing Europe back on the semiconductor track 2014
14 NANOBIOENER NanoBio-inorganic generators for conversion of renewable chemical energy into electricity 2015
15 MODFIN Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures 2016
16 ETAB Entangled Twin Atom Beams 2015
17 USES Understanding Social-Ecological Systems: Coupling population and satellite remotely sensed environmental data to improve the evidence base for sustainable development 2015
18 CovDecRND Cover-decomposition of multiple coverings under conditions involving randomness 2015
19 ALMP The Effect of Active Labour Market Policies on the Behaviour and Employability of Benefit Claimants 2016
20 SpTheoryGraphLim Spectral Theory of Graph Limits 2015
21 EMOTION Electric-field driven magnetic domain wall motion for memory technologies 2015
22 EinsteinVRH Einstein Relation for the Variable Range Hopping model 2016
23 ComplEvol Evolutionary origins of complex ecological adaptations 2015
24 SPECTRUM Spectral theory of random operators 2015
25 NEWCARBOVAX New generation of carbohydrate-based vaccines via rational understanding of their immunological mechanism 2017
26 NEMF21 Noisy Electromagnetic Fields - A Technological Platform for Chip-to-Chip Communication in the 21st Century 2015
27 CONC-VIA-RIEMANN High-Dimensional Convexity, Isoperimetry and Concentration via a Riemannian Vantage Point 2015
28 MorePheno Collider Phenomenology and Event Generators 2015
29 SMART DESIGN Spin-orbit mechanism in adaptive magnetization-reversal techniques, for magnetic memory design 2015
30 SPIN-PORICS Merging Nanoporous Materials with Energy-Efficient Spintronics 2015
31 Allelic Regulation Revealing Allele-level Regulation and Dynamics using Single-cell Gene Expression Analyses 2015
32 INSULATRONICS Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets 2015
33 IntRanSt Integrable Random Structures 2015
34 ROBUSTNET Quantitative developmental genetic analysis of phenotypic buffering and cryptic variation 2015
35 DeFiNER Nucleotide Excision Repair: Decoding its Functional Role in Mammals 2016
36 RegEvolve Comparative analysis of planarian regeneration - why some worms regenerate while others don’t 2015
37 Nanonets2Sense Nanonets2Sense 2016
39 FluctEvol Fluctuating selection, evolution, and plasticity in random environments 2016
40 LocalOrder Localization and Ordering Phenomena in Statistical Physics, Probability Theory and Combinatorics 2016
41 RANDGEOM Random Geometry 2016
42 CODOVIREVOL Evolution of viral codon usage preferences:manipulation of translation accuracy and evasion of immune response 2016
43 DYNA-MIC Deep non-invasive imaging via scattered-light acoustically-mediated computational microscopy 2016
44 DYNAMICMARCH Dynamics of Multiple, Interacting and Concurrent Markov Chains 2016
45 SDDM-TEA Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications 2016
46 Standard EF The research of spin orbit torques in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy systems. 2016
47 HetScaleNet Analysis and control of large scale heterogeneous networks: scalability, robustness and fundamental limits 2016
48 LiKo From Liouville to Kolmogorov: 2d quantum gravity, noise sensitivity and turbulent flows 2016
49 GrDyAp Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation 2016
50 NUTBIO-DIAB Nutritional biomarkers to advance understanding of association between diet and type 2 diabetes 2016
51 QUERWG Quantum Unique Ergodicity and Random Waves on Graphs 2016
52 MolecularEVOLUTION Molecular Evolution of the Primary Structure of Single Chain Polymer Nanoparticles via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry 2016
53 BMC Rendering Bayesian Monte Carlo for Global Illumination 2016
54 FasTER Development of Fast Timing tools for Event Reconstruction at the high luminosity frontier 2016
55 SPicEs Smart Pickering Emulsions 2016
56 CHROMATIX Role of epigenetic mechanisms in random X chromosome inactivation in vivo. 2016
57 RanDM Randomness and pseudorandomness in discrete mathematics 2016
58 HGTCODONUSE The evolutionary significance of synonymous variations: Can codon usage preferences drive the propagation of antibiotic resistance? 2016
59 OMNES Open Many-body Non-Equilibrium Systems 2016
60 SPRINT Ultra-Short Pulse laser Resonators IN the Terahertz 2016
61 SynthHotSpot Synthesizing Meiotic Crossover Hotspots in Arabidopsis 2016
62 RandomZeroSets Zero sets of random functions 2016
63 GoCADiSC Genomics of Chromosome Architecture and Dynamics in Single Cells 2017
64 DISPMIC Dispersal limitation and colonization of new land by symbiotic microorganisms 2016
65 CombiCompGeom Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Geometry 2016
66 LogCorrelatedFields Extremes in logarithmically correlated fields 2016
67 BAYNET Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations 2016
68 CloudRadioNet Cloud Wireless Networks: An Information Theoretic Framework 2016
69 C-SENSE Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing 2016
70 LipVerify Feasibility study on the development of LipVerify - a new viseme based user authentication service. 2016
71 EDWEL Empirical Demand and Welfare Analysis 2016
72 DYNURBAN Urban dynamics: learning from integrated models and big data 2016
73 PicoCB Exploring the Chemical Biology of Sequence Space via Picoliter Droplets 2016
74 CombiTop New Interactions of Combinatorics through Topological Expansions, at the crossroads of Probability, Graph theory, and Mathematical Physics 2017
75 FOL Fighting Over Land: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Colombia 2017
76 CONNECT Combinatorics of Networks and Computation 2017
77 ERIDIAN Ensured Randomness Integrity in Device-Independent Networks 2016
78 RandMat Spectral Statistics of Structured Random Matrices 2017
79 TRANSPIRE Terahertz RAdio communication using high ANistropy SPIn torque REsonators 2017
80 3D-REPAIR Spatial organization of DNA repair within the nucleus 2017
81 MDFT Mathematics of Density Functional Theory 2017
82 HIntNets Higher-order interactions and Laplacian dynamics in complex networks: structure, dynamics and control 2017
83 ComplexAssembly The birth of protein complexes 2018
84 RANPOFIL Science and applications of random polymer fiber lasers 2017
85 MICROGLIA-CIRCUIT Microglia action towards neuronal circuit formation and function in health and disease 2017
86 PEPCo Problems in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics 2017
87 ChroSoDSB Chromatin Study of DNA Double Strand Breaks 2017
89 GroIsRan Growth, Isoperimetry and Random walks on Groups 2017
90 GlycoPeptides Exploiting in vitro evolution of macrocyclic glycopeptides to explore selectin interactions 2017
91 MuRChap The mutation-buffering capacity of RNA chaperones 2017
92 QuPoPCoRN Quantum Particles on Programmable Complex Reconfigurable Networks 2017
93 HYPNOTIC Hybrid Indium Phosphide on Silicon nanophotonics for ultimate laser diodes, flip-flops and memories 2017
94 MULTICELLEXPEVO Reconstructing the origins of animal multicellularity using experimental evolution 2018
95 CHAOSPIN Chaos-based information processing using spintronic nano-oscillators 2018
96 FAST Fast electronics with Antiferromagnetic SpinTronics 2017
97 srpabsotcpfaaieps Selective ribosome profiling and biochemistry studies on the co-translational protein folding and assembly in eukaryotic protein synthesis 2018
98 UFICS-QRNG Development of an Ultra-Fast, Integrated, Certified Secure Quantum Random Number Generator for applications in Science and Information Technology 2017
99 LogCorRM Log Correlations and Random Matrices 2017
100 GROGandGIN Growth in Groups and Graph Isomorphism Now 2017
101 QFPROBA Quantum Fields and Probability 2017
102 EvoCellFate Evolution of cell fate decision during development 2017
103 ECM_INK Cells-self Extracellular Matrices-based Bioinks to create accurate 3D diseased skin tissue models 2017
104 GeoBrown Brownian geometry: at the interface between probability theory, combinatorics and mathematical physics. 2017
106 ACCURATE Aerospace Composite Components - Ultrasonic Robot Assisted Testing (ACCURATE) 2017
107 N2N European industrial doctorate for advanced, lightweight and silent, multifunctional composite structures 2018
108 CARTOFF Ultrasensitive Cartography of vectorial Force Fields at the nanoscale 2017
109 MaxiMem Improved Performance, Larger Memory, Longer Battery Smartphones 2017
110 SHARK Laser surface engineering for new and enhanced functional performance with digitally enabled knowledge base 2017
111 TransFold Molecular Biology of Nascent Chains: Co-translational folding and assembly of proteins in eukaryotes 2017
112 InterAccent Human interaction and the evolution of spoken accent 2017
113 BURSTREG Single-molecule visualization of transcription dynamics to understand regulatory mechanisms of transcriptional bursting and its effects on cellular fitness 2018
114 APES Accuracy and precision for molecular solids 2018
115 ModelGenomLand Modelling the genomic landscapes of selection and speciation 2018
116 CriBLaM Critical behavior of lattice models 2018
117 COMBINEPIC Elliptic Combinatorics: Solving famous models from combinatorics, probability and statistical mechanics, via a transversal approach of special functions 2018
118 MAGSPEC Spectra of Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields 2018
119 NoTape Measuring with no tape 2017
120 CombaTCancer Rational combination therapies for metastatic cancer 2018
121 NOISE Noise-Sensitivity Everywhere 2018
122 SPINMULTIFILM Physical principles of the creation of novel SPINtronic materials on the base of MULTIlayered metal-oxide FILMs for magnetic sensors and MRAM 2018
123 SIRI Serendipity in Research and Innovation 2018
124 PTRCSP Phase Transitions in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 2018
125 IMIC Inner models and infinite computations 2018
126 PVB-ASD The Predictive Visual Brain in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
127 EPNRL Electrically pumped network random lasers 2018
128 CABUM An investigation of the mechanisms at the interaction between cavitation bubbles and contaminants 2018
129 RMAST Random Models in Arithmetic and Spectral Theory 2019
130 NEMO Network Motion 2019
131 TimeAdapt Tracking Genetic Adaptation of Populations Using Time-Series Genomic Data 2019
132 STALDYS Statistical Learning for Dynamical Systems 2019
133 Radio-NP Computational characterisation of radiosensitising nanoparticles and their properties 2019
134 QuasiHyp Quasi-random hypergraphs 2018
135 QUANTUM-N Quantum Mechanics in the Negative Mass Reference Frame 2018
136 COCAN Complexity and Condition in Algebra and Numerics 2019
137 HARMoNIC HierARchical Multiscale NanoInterfaces for enhanced Condensation processes 2018
138 IPaDEGAN Integrable Partial Differential Equations: Geometry, Asymptotics, and Numerics. 2018
139 QUPIC Ultra-fast and Cost-effective Quantum Random Number Generator Photonic Integrated Chip 2018
140 SECOONDO Second Order nano-Oxide Nonlinear Disordered phOtonics 2018
141 AQUA-REUSE ReAl-time online QUality Assurance for REUSE of water 2018
142 SPRS Stochastic Processes on Random Surfaces 2019
143 EFMA Equidistribution, fractal measures and arithmetic 2018
144 PRESEISMIC Exploring the nucleation of large earthquakes: cascading and unpredictable or slowly driven and forecastable 2019
145 QRANGE Quantum Random Number Generators: cheaper, faster and more secure 2018
146 EcoBox Ecosystem in a box: Dissecting the dynamics of a defined microbial community in vitro 2019
147 MEGANTE MEasuring the Gravitational constant with Atom interferometry for Novel fundamental physics TEst 2019
148 VERICOMP Foundations of Verifiable Computing 2019
149 NARCISO NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications 2019
150 ReNewQuantum Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory 2019
151 COQCOoN COntinuous variables Quantum COmplex Networks 2019
152 NBEB-SSP Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes for species sampling problems: classical questions, new directions and related issues 2019
153 SonicScan Innovative quality inspection methods for CFRP primary structural parts 2019
154 PGErepro How to break Mendel’s laws? The role of sexual conflict in the evolution of unusual transmission genetics 2019
155 RTFT Random Tensors and Field Theory 2019
156 ONTOP On-demand Non-hermitian TOPology 2019
157 QSHvar Quantitative stochastic homogenization of variational problems 2019
158 MinSol-PDEs Minimal solutions to nonlinear systems of PDEs 2019
159 THERAPROBES Biodegradable fluorescent nanoprobes for early detection of (pre)malignant lesions of the gastrointestinal tract 2019
160 SO-ReCoDi Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms 2019
161 QuantGMC Quantum Field Theory with Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos 2020
162 ReSOLeS New Reconfigurable Spectrum Optical Fibre Laser Sources 2019
163 JBinBA Joint Bodies in Bilateral Agreements 2019
164 CRITICAL-CHAINS IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector 2019
165 Division Division of Labour and the Evolution of Complexity 2020
166 QUAMAP Quasiconformal Methods in Analysis and Applications 2019
167 CERQUTE Certification of quantum technologies 2020
168 Q-Skyrmions Engineering the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions using non-equilibrium protocols 2019
169 RegADyn In vivo characterization of novel actin dynamic regulators during cell migration 2020
170 BrownianReactivation Neural stochasticity and criticality in memory replay 2019
171 SPECMON The spectrum of infinite monster groups 2020
172 PrISMoID Photonic Structural Materials with Controlled Disorder 2019
173 UniMind SaaS platform applying Artificial Intelligence and collaborative learning to the automation of Machine Vision-based manufacturing processes 2019
174 GWFP Geometric study of Wasserstein spaces and free probability 2019
175 MASMA Magnetic measurement with Absolute Single digit Micron Accuracy 2019
176 MaxiMem Dramatic hardware and energy savings in computer servers by doubling memory capacity and bandwidth using novel general-purpose compression 2019
177 ARGO The Quest of the Argonautes - from Myth to Reality 2019
178 PEGASOS Photon Emitting Gated Arrays for Scalable On-chip quantum Systems 2019
179 ICARUS Information Content of locAlisation: fRom classical to qUantum Systems 2020
180 NoMaMemo Non-Markovian Memory-Based Modelling of Near- and Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamical Systems 2019
181 WordMeasures Word Measures in Groups and Random Cayley Graphs 2020
182 SPINRG Renormalisation, dynamics, and hyperbolic symmetry 2020
183 DynAMic Dynamic adaptive microscopy for label-free multi-parametric imaging in biology and medicine 2020
184 CLARA The first superbot to audit calls 2019
185 CriSP Critical and supercritical percolation 2020
186 3DScavengers Three-dimensional nanoscale design for the all-in-one solution to environmental multisource energy scavenging 2020
187 BIGPROD Addressing productivity paradox with big data: implications to policy making 2019
188 SingStocDispDyn Singular Stochastic Dispersive Dynamics 2020
189 RandomMultiScales Computational Random Multiscale Problems 2020
190 InfoNet Informational properties of networks under communication constraints 2020
191 CORAL COntrolling network RAndom Lasers on chip 2020
192 DYNOME Barcoding gene expression dynamics at single-molecule resolution 2020
193 REPLAY The Function of Hippocampal and Cortical Memory Replay in Humans 2020
194 FACEDIFF Individual differences in facial expressivity: Social function, facial anatomy and evolutionary origins 2020
195 COR-RAND Corrector equations and random operators 2020
196 STOPATT Stochastic pattern formation in biochemical systems 2020
197 RanMatRanGraCircEl Random Matrices, Random Graphs and Circular Elements 2020
198 DEMED Directed Evolution of Metalloenzymes through Electrochemical Droplet Microarrays 2020
199 UTPE PEB Ultrahigh-throughput protein evolution for polyethylene biodegradation 2020