Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Ceske vysoke uceni technicke v praze"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 LEARNTEX Learning Texture Descriptors 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
2 SEMISOL Semi-supervised Structured Output Learning from Partially Labeled Data 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
3 CINCH Cooperation in education In Nuclear CHemistry 2010 1˙234˙752.00 804˙304.00
4 TOONPAINT Efficient Painting & Enhancement of Hand-drawn Cartoon Animations 2010 30˙000.00 30˙000.00
5 CINCH-II Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear CHemistry 2013 2˙150˙535.00 1˙164˙966.00
6 ARRAYCON Application of distributed control on smart structures 2013 464˙224.00 464˙224.00

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