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H2020 projects about "away"

The page lists 206 projects related to the topic "away".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ToMax Toolless Manufacturing of Complex Structures 2015
2 BASTION Leveraging Binary Analysis to Secure the Internet of Things 2015
3 WAKEUPCALL Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis 2015
4 LORIX Large Organic Robust Imager for X-ray sensing 2015
5 TREDISEC Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information SEcurity in the Cloud. 2015
6 EUth EUth - Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe 2015
7 FUDOGE Will this fire burn out? The topos of lovers' separation in the Italian Renaissance 2015
8 SAFE LIB Electro-thermal modelling of lithium-ion battery packs from the safety perspective 2015
9 QuantumLaP Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions 2015
10 EcoDA Experimental co-Design Approaches: Investigating possibilities for creating networks of resilient citizens and civic actions of urban resilience through hybrid platforms 2015
11 FOODWASTE Food Waste In Denmark and Sweden - Understanding Household Consumption Practices to develop Sustainable Food Care 2016
12 EPIMAIZE Understading the Maize Epigenome and its Role in Development 2015
13 HEALTHYSYNAPSES Molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic maintenance and rejuvenation 2016
14 StentFEM Advanced Finite Element Modeling of Arterial Stent Placement Procedures 2015
15 ResClust Resonant clustering 2016
16 Tbet ILC JFN The role of innate lymphoid cells in regulating intestinal inflammation 2015
17 ECBStrainShift Identification and characterization of the sex pheromone sensitive response gene(s) in the European Corn Borer males 2015
18 St. Bernard St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients 2015
19 VR-Suit VR-Suit : MultiModal experiences in a Virtual World 2015
20 ScanZ Point of care medical device enabling patient self-assessment for acne diagnosis support. 2015
21 Multidyn Patented advanced low-cost multiwell cell-culture system for in-vitro physiologically relevant biomarker screening 2015
22 TRADECOM TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system 2015
23 HOMOVIS High-level Prior Models for Computer Vision 2015
24 IDH Digital Health Hub Europe 2015
25 MEDMICO Moving to Efficient Diabetes care: Multimode Integrated CO-morbidity diagnostics platform 2015
26 Calcivis CAIS Validation of clinical performance and pre-commercial development of a novel diagnostic for dental caries assessment 2015
27 GLOBAL INHERITANCES Global Inheritances: Personal Identification and Inheritance Rights in the Early Modern Spanish Empire 2015
28 FASTPRK-2 Enhanced on-street parking management system 2015
29 UTOUCH Universal mid-air haptic feedback 2015
30 RobustSynapses Maintaining synaptic function for a healthy brain: Membrane trafficking and autophagy in neurodegeneration 2016
31 AEROSOL Astrochemistry of old stars: direct probing of unique chemical laboratories 2016
32 HiPEAC High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation 2016
33 REDISH CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation 2016
34 DREAM Social Participation for improving emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing in independently living older adults 2016
35 Hidden Galleries Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: ‘hidden galleries’ in the secret police archives in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe 2016
36 DigitalDoctors Making Clinical Sense: A comparative study of how doctors learn in digital times 2016
37 Extinction Genomics Exploring and exploiting the potential of extinct genome sequencing 2016
38 Quaco QUAdrupoleCOrrector 2016
39 TRANSITION-FRICTION Transition Friction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Green Economy Ethnography 2017
40 ULKCOND Zero damage Ultra-Low-K etch using the precursor CONDensation technique 2016
41 FRESHRAP Feasibility study for an innovative “Regenerative Atmosphere Packaging” for fresh chicken 2016
42 MIRACLS Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides 2017
43 DECOR Decorative Principles in late Republican and early Imperial Italy 2016
44 DEGLUMINATE Light-Responsive Adhesives for Debond-on-Demand Solutions 2016
45 POSTCELL Post-Cellular Wireless Networks 2016
46 GUIDESIGINT Competitive assembly dynamics of the DCC receptor with its guidance cues integrates signals for cellular steering 2017
47 InjectCHA Local delivery of PTH(1-34) from an injectable collagen-hydroxyapatite scaffold for non-invasive treatment of bisphosphonate associated atypical femoral fractures 2016
48 YnotSing Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? 2016
49 BRIGHT Brilliant Researchers Impact on Growth Health and Trust in research. 2016
50 Persia and Babylonia Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire 2017
51 LEAPS Light effected autonomous molecular pumps: Towards active transporters and actuating materials 2016
52 DYNURBAN Urban dynamics: learning from integrated models and big data 2016
53 BIOTREM BIOTREM - processing wheat bran into packaging products 2016
54 1toStopVax RNA virus attenuation by altering mutational robustness 2016
55 ATTRACkTIVE Advanced Travel Companion and Tracking Services 2016
56 NET4IQ Network Techniques for Interaction Quenches 2016
57 COLIBRI Carrier-selective contacts for silicon photovoltaics based on broadband-transparent oxides 2016
58 Shape Evolution Investigation of shape evolution in neutron-rich nuclei using gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques 2016
59 McHAP Entrapment of Hypoxic Cancer by Macrophages Loaded with HAP 2017
60 bioPCET Functional Proton-Electron Transfer Elements in Biological Energy Conversion 2017
61 OPTINT OPTINT: Optimization-based Design of Interactive Technologies 2017
62 ABD A bioengineered, naturally-derived, sustainable biocide for breaking down organic biofilms formed by drug-resistant bacteria. 2016
63 Levitate Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions 2017
64 Spiders Fundamental Physics Using Black Widow, Redback and Transitional Pulsar Binaries 2017
65 GenGeoHol Non AdS holography and generalized geometric structures 2017
67 TownHall24 A 24/7 platform providing access to services for isolated communities and reduced mobility residents 2017
68 FRESHTRAY New corrugated cardboard for active packaging to extend shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables 2017
69 Waste Compactor Green Automatic Waste Compactor 2017
70 ConflictNET The Politics and Practice of Social Media in Conflict 2017
71 STREAM The spatio-temporal representational architecture of memory 2017
72 TEA Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry 2017
73 MYRiCE The church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople: the MYth and its Reception across the CEnturies 2017
74 ESSEVOL Adapting to Change: Experimental Evolution of Environmental Sensing Systems in Bacteria 2017
75 POLARGOV From an environmental to a resource regime? Institutional innovation for the management of Tourism and Marine Protected Areas within the Antarctic Treaty governance 2017
76 DNA ORIGAMI MOTORS Constructing and powering nanoscale DNA origami motors 2017
77 ISA-NPC-ASI In Situ structural Analysis of Nuclear Pore Complex ASsembly Intermediates by cryo-FIB-tomography 2018
78 Trust Radius The radius of Generalized Trust among different educational groups: Are those 'most people' out-groups? 2018
79 C-JOINTS Composite joints for improved mechanical and electrical performance 2017
80 ToSubC Towards Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences 2017
81 IAHP Intelligent Active Hearing Protection 2017
82 ENTOMICSBLUEGROWTH Investigating the commercial feasibility of a novel biological enhancement technology for creating a sustainable, high value, insect-derived protein supplement for the EU aquaculture market 2017
84 FloCoS Development and Manufacturing of a Smart AFC Drive and Control System 2017
85 SPEEDY-3D Plugin-free easy-to-use software for high-speed virtual reality in e-commerce 2017
86 SIMPLE FEAST HEALTHY TAKE-AWAY ON SUBSCRIPTION - delicious, organic, plant-based food in season whenever you need it. To promote good health of the European Union’s population. 2017
87 CLUNATRA Discovering new Catalysts in the Cluster-Nanoparticle Transition Regime 2017
88 ImAc Immersive Accessibility 2017
89 ECOLACTIFILM A Water-Soluble Packaging to Unlock New Markets 2017
90 OCEAN Oxalic acid from CO2 using Eletrochemistry At demonstratioN scale 2017
91 ROCKY Forests and Trees: the Formal Semantics of Collective Categorization 2017
92 SOMBOT Soft Micro Robotics 2017
93 AutoPro An adaptive system for modular automotive production to boost efficiency and reduce manufacturing cost. 2017
94 BioMeTRe Biophysical mechanisms of long-range transcriptional regulation 2018
95 COUPLED Operationalising telecouplings for solving sustainability challenges related to land use 2018
97 ExoAI Deciphering super-Earths using Artificial Intelligence 2018
98 GLUCOSTAT Automatic Control of Blood Glucose Concentration for Intensive Care patients 2017
99 Propelair The refinement, miniaturisation and demonstration of an ultra low flush toilet capable of saving 2.8 billion litres of clean, potable water being unnecessarily wasted in Europe every day. 2017
101 OK-Net EcoFeed Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed 2018
102 HumanTrafficking Human Trafficking: A Labor Perspective 2018
103 STROMATA Micro-pyrites associated with organic material in ancient stromatolites: a new proxy attesting for their biogenicity 2018
104 VHIALab Vision and Hearing In Action Laboratory 2018
105 DARE Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures 2018
106 HiPEAC High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation 2017
108 CAPE Ghosts from the past: Consequences of Adolescent Peer Experiences across social contexts and generations 2018
109 SUEE Strategic Uncertainty in Economic Environments 2018
110 ShellJeTTPlus Automated System for Total Fouling Removal of Heat Exchangers 2018
111 SME LOYALISER SME LOYALISER: fostering SME retailers through LOYALty Integrated SERvices 2018
112 READCHINA The Politics of Reading in the People’s Republic of China 2018
113 Stringlandscape Deconstructing the string landscape 2018
114 ThermOutOfEq Thermalization of out-of-equilibrium quantum matter 2018
115 DUSTDEVILS The Dust Devils in Galaxy Centres 2018
116 FLEXSEM Graded constraints in semantic cognition: How do we retrieve knowledge in a flexible way? 2018
117 JUSTINT Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups 2018
118 FMSystem The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870 2018
119 HEIREC HEI10-mediated elevations in bread wheat recombination 2018
120 FANC A Faster Approach to Network Control 2019
121 SOCELL Self-organized biomolecular gradients for controlling cellular behaviour in cell culture 2018
122 SINDIA Sulphide INclusions in DIAmonds: A Window into The Earth’s Interior Through Time 2019
123 SMARCOS Smart Modular Actuator for Robotic Compliant Systems 2018
124 MUSIC-haic 3D MUltidisciplinary tools for the Simulation of In-flight iCing due to High Altitude Ice Crystals 2018
125 PALGLAC Palaeoglaciological advances to understand Earth’s ice sheets by landform analysis 2018
126 ProgrES Programmable Enzymatic Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds 2018
127 ENPMUC Elites, networks, and power in modern urban China (1830-1949). 2018
128 ISLAM-OPHOB-ISM Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe 2019
129 MolMacIP Molecular Machines with Integrated Parts 2019
130 POWDER POWDER: DeveloPment and Optimisation of 3D Printing with neW Certified PowDER Material. 2018
131 RE-WATER REvitalising tap WATER for reduced consumption of plastic water bottles 2018
132 TAPP X The world's first Sensor-Based Water Filter to Purify and Analyse Tap Water 2018
133 Wonderlogix STUDIO End-to-end web platform for the design and implementation of Industrial Control Systems 2018
134 SPOTT Pioneering ICT-platform setting the new standard on advertising and how consumers shop 2018
135 Rosalind Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis 2018
136 ImmAzing Data Intelligence for Accurate and Transparent Expert Real Estate Valuation 2018
137 MSCA 2018 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Beyond 2020 2018
138 POWERSPIN Low-power spin-wave-based computing 2018
139 ADDITAC Innovative virtual Real-Time Quality Control System to create a new line of business, accelerating and broadening growth of the market for the additive manufacturing of metals. 2018
140 ICC Institutions in Consumer Credit 2018
142 IGNITE High performance generation channel Integration and Testing 2018
144 3D-FNPWriting Unprecedented spatial control of porosity and functionality in nanoporous membranes through 3D printing and microscopy for polymer writing 2019
145 FreshIndex Trust and Transparency for The Food Supply Chain 2018
146 ColorSensing A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste 2018
147 Modules New Technology for High Resistant and Flexible Fabric Structures 2018
148 EventRights Addressing inequality, enhancing diversity and facilitating greater dialogue in the hosting of sporting mega events. 2018
149 INTERSECT Interoperable Material-to-Device simulation box for disruptive electronics 2019
150 BDE Beyond Distance Estimates: A New Theory of Heuristics for State-Space Search 2019
151 MaMiLabor Macro- and Microeconomic Analyses of Heterogeneous Labor Market Outcomes 2019
152 WEIRD WITNESSES Beyond WEIRD Witnesses: Eyewitness Memory in Cross-Cultural Contexts 2019
153 ActionContraThreat Action selection under threat: the complex control of human defense 2019
154 Branbox Biodegradable and waterproof take-away containers made of wheat bran 2019
155 REBICOM New innovative REcyclable and BIo-COMpostable film for flexible packaging 2019
156 ULTIMATE ULtra-ThIck Multi-mAterial baTtery Electrodes 2019
157 CLEAN Well-Confined Mucosal LasEr Ablation with a Negative Pressure Based Endoscopy Capsule 2019
158 High Risk Leadership High Risk Leadership in Latin America: Women's Pursuit of Gender Justice in Violent Contexts 2020
159 MEDIATOR MEdiating between Driver and Intelligent Automated Transport systems on Our Roads 2019
160 Trustonomy Building Acceptance and Trust in Autonomous Mobility 2019
161 ANYONIC Statistics of Exotic Fractional Hall States 2019
162 kelbus2 Experimental and numerical study of long runout landslides 2020
163 CULTUS Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD 2019
164 TRANSLATIO 'Translatio.’ The art of (re)moving relics and reforming holiness in Europe’s borderlands. 2020
165 SHOR Social History of Riding in Late Medieval Spain and the Early Modern Americas (13th-16th c.) 2020
166 Language Use Languages and Language Use 2019
167 STOPTHEFRAUDINOLIVEO Fighting counterfeiting in Olive Oil with blockchain - a working product has arrived 2019
168 ROBIRD A truly and unique robotic bird of prey for a long-term effective and safe bird control management of airports 2019
170 RV by RE Rabbit-View by Rabbit-Eyes 2019
171 EAR Audio-based Mobile Health Diagnostics 2019
172 STREPUNLOCKED Unlocking the antibiotic production potential in soil bacteria Streptomyces coelicolor 2019
173 OXIFLOW Next Generation Flow Diverter for the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms Delivering Improved Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Cost Savings 2019
174 THE GREEN FACTORY Avant-garde R&D platform and demonstration plant towards efficient industrial biotechnologies 2019
175 Fluidly Intelligent cashflow management and forecasting platform providing insights for financial decision making of SMEs 2019
176 TruePower Making wind and solar renewables attractive for investors by boosting operational predictability and ROI 2019
177 HELoS Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative 2019
178 Perfuze A simple, repeatable way to completely remove a clot from the brain in one pass 2019
179 PCBIS Printed Circuit Board Innovative Solution 2019
180 VETEX Deep Vein Thrombosis; A Paradigm Change in Treatment through Drug-Free Clot Removal 2019
181 TRANSFORM Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks 2020
183 LEGO-3D Learning Generative 3D Scene Models for Training and Validating Intelligent Systems 2020
184 HiPEAC High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilation 2019
185 Reuse as a service Reusable packaging as a service for e-commerce 2019
186 Memorix Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques 2019
187 BD4QoL Big Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitorinBig Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitoring and participatory empowerment of head and neck cancer survivors 2020
188 FIDA Scale-up of our disruptive antibody analytical platform based in flow-induced dispersion analysis (FIDA) to increase efficiency in the research of new antibodies and vaccines 2019
190 Mashcream Launching the Mashcream Lifestyle With the In-Home Cool Plate Ice Cream Maker 2019
191 TIMAN262O A new generation of dry & quiet street sweepers 2019
192 LT LaserTrain 2019
193 AVIAZE The social network for pilots, to make flying safer and cheaper 2020
194 EvoBias Sex-specific demography and the evolution of gender-biased harmful cultural practices 2020
195 AdjustNet Self-Adjusting Networks 2020
196 Hot Milk Flows of hot plasma connecting the Milky Way centre to the corona, halo and beyond 2020
197 Ports Between Sea and City: Ethnographic explorations of infrastructure, work, and place around leading urban container ports 2020
198 QCAUX Optimised auxiliary electronics system for quantum computing research 2020
199 CYCLOTUBES Artificial microtubules based on switchable cyclic peptides 2020
200 SOLVE Stratospheric Ozone Loss from Volcanic Eruptions 2021
201 FuelVesicles Commercialization of open vesicles to fuel downstream reaction networks 2020
202 SWEET The sweetest gender: feminine subjectivities and the gendering of sweets in Barcelona (1650-1800) 2020
203 RoCCAA Roman Coin Circulation in Ancient Armenia 2020
205 DiverseNile Cultural diversity in the Middle Nile Valley. Reconstructing biographies in the periphery of urban centres in northern Sudan during the Bronze Age 2020
206 REPTARQ Ecstatic Utopias: Reorienting audiovisual Evocations of Place Towards A Relational Queer future 2021