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H2020 projects about "economics"

The page lists 337 projects related to the topic "economics".

# achronym  title  year 
1 FAIR-PARK-II Conservative iron chelation as a disease-modifying strategy in Parkinson’s disease: a multicentric, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial of deferiprone 2015
2 F.I.T. for Future F.I.T. for Future 2014
3 SHIPS Screening to improve Health In very Preterm infantS in Europe 2015
4 MOCHA Models of Child Health Appraised 2015
5 FORECEE Female cancer prediction using cervical omics to individualise screening and prevention 2015
6 ROBOX Expanding the industrial use of Robust Oxidative Biocatalysts for the conversion and production of alcohols (ROBOX) 2015
7 CORPNET Corporate Network Governance: Power, Ownership and Control in Contemporary Global Capitalism 2015
8 LEGALARCHITECTURES Legal Architectures: The Influence of New Environmental Governance Rules on Environmental Compliance 2015
9 Disasters Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters 2015
10 CloseWEEE Integrated solutions for pre-processing electronic equipment, closing the loop of post-consumer high-grade plastics, and advanced recovery of critical raw materials antimony and graphite 2014
11 Feel4Diabetes Developing and implementing a community-based intervention to create a more supportive social and physical environment for lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes in vulnerable families across Europe 2014
12 INCAS Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe 2015
13 DIGIWHIST The Digital Whistleblower. Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed 2015
14 P2P-SmarTest Peer to Peer Smart Energy Distribution Networks (P2P-SmartTest) 2015
16 ISIGrowth Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth 2015
17 IN-BEE Assessing the intangibles: the socioeconomic benefits of improving energy efficiency 2015
18 REVALUE Recognising Energy Efficiency Value in Residential Buildings 2015
19 Hennovation Practice-led innovation supported by science and market-driven actors in the laying hen and other livestock sectors 2015
20 EUP The implementation of the EU employment policies in Germany, Italy and Denmark 2015
21 SmartMass Behavioral and cognitive mechanisms promoting collective intelligence in human groups 2015
22 PEDIGREE Pluralistic Economics for Development in Green Economic Enhancement 2016
23 CONSCRISIS Households’ Consumption during the Great Recession: A structural analysis on the role of expectations 2015
24 SO-CMA Improving the safety of oral immunotherapy for cow's milk allergy in children 2016
25 PEERS Peer effects and endogenous network formation 2015
26 PREF LEARNHEUR Learning heuristics in preference elicitation tasks: insights from behavioural, computational and neurobiological investigations 2015
27 FRAMING_EFFECTS Experimental Analysis of Framing Effects via Observation of Decision-Making Processes to Improve the Real-World Applicability of Decision Research in Economics 2015
28 ENEFOR Forecasting oil prices, oil price volatility and economic policy uncertainty 2015
29 CODIR Cortical Dynamics of Decision Irrationality 2016
30 cRISys Innovation Systems in Financial Crisis: Technological Dynamics, Industrial Structure and Business Cycles 2015
31 CONTESSA COuNt data TimE SerieS Analysis: significance tests and sequencing data application 2015
32 AdoDigitFamX Adolescents, Parents and Digital Media: Looking for the pattern that dis/connects 2015
33 ALMP The Effect of Active Labour Market Policies on the Behaviour and Employability of Benefit Claimants 2016
34 INDLINK Growth and Diversification in the Presence of Industry Linkages 2015
35 IDEA Investigating Dishonesty with Experimental Applications: Evidence from the Lab and the Field 2015
36 MWK-Fellows Fellowships in Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the Max-Weber-Kolleg 2015
37 APEX Advanced Process Economics through Oxidoreductases 2015
38 ZEBCOM Zero Emission Robot-Boat for Coastal and Inland Water Monitoring 2015
39 ADD-ON A demonstration plant of enhanced biogas production with Add-On technology 2015
40 DecentLivingEnergy Energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards to all 2015
41 GREEN-WIN Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action 2015
42 IBSEN Bridging the gap: from Individual Behaviour to the Socio-tEchnical MaN 2015
43 EPIC Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control 2015
44 smartpolis Budapest Smart City Centre of Excellence 2015
45 RG Reading Global. Constructions of World Literature and Latin America 2015
46 EcoMultiCloud Hierarchical Approach for Green Workload Management in Distributed Data Centers reducing energy bill and carbon footprint 2015
47 Multi-JOBINSEC Micro- and Macro-Level Determinants of Job Insecurity Perceptions: Individual, Organizational and Social Consequences. Multilevel Analysis and Comparisons among Countries 2015
48 NewBusFuel New Bus ReFuelling for European Hydrogen Bus Depots 2015
49 BayesianMarkets Bayesian markets for unverifiable truths 2016
50 CompSCHoice A Comprehensive Approach to School Choice and Education 2015
51 AdaptEconII Adaptation to a New Economic Reality 2015
52 MARmaED MARine MAnagement and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change 2015
53 CHESS Connected Health Early Stage Researcher Support System 2015
54 SOWELL Social Preferences, Well-Being and Policy 2015
55 KINSHIP How do humans recognise kin? 2015
56 WORKANDHOME Reshaping society and space: home-based self-employment and businesses 2015
57 ROMIA Research on Microeconometrics: Identification, Inference, and Applications 2016
58 RESSTORE REgenerative Stem cell therapy for STroke in Europe 2015
59 SmokeFreeBrain Multidisciplinary tools for improving the efficacy of public prevention measures against smoking 2015
60 CHPM2030 Combined Heat, Power and Metal extraction from ultra-deep ore bodies 2016
61 EdEN Education Economics Network 2016
62 PreventIT Early risk detection and prevention in ageing people by self-administered ICT-supported assessment and a behavioural change intervention delivered by use of smartphones and smartwatches 2016
63 ReTAPP Re-Think All Plastic Packaging 2015
64 ENHANCE Building an Excellency Network for Heightening Agricultural ecoNomic researCh and Education in Romania 2016
65 MACROPMF Macroeconomic Dynamics with Product Market Frictions 2016
66 MARKLIM Markets and their limits 2016
67 NormativeEconomics Reconstructing normative economics on a foundation of mutual advantage 2016
68 ISECO Information services: competition and externalities 2015
69 SmartEIZ Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy 2016
70 FEUTURE The Future of EU-Turkey Relations. Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios 2016
71 SMART Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade 2016
72 GEMCLIME Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy 2016
73 SDDM-TEA Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications 2016
74 SusAn European Research Area on Sustainable Animal Production Systems 2016
75 MDC CNG Fuels- Mother and Daughter CNG Station Concept 2016
76 ESA -ITN European Sepsis Academy: towards new biomarkers to improve sepsis management 2016
77 SMAC Smart Markets via Computation 2016
78 TIMBER Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation 2016
79 INATTENTION Behavioral and Policy Implications of Rational Inattention 2016
80 COMPLEXITY Understanding the Complexity of Modern Financial Systems 2016
81 CONSERVATION The Economics and Politics of Conservation 2016
82 EDGE Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics 2016
83 PEACH Parental Employment and Child Investments 2017
84 BEWITCHING BEyond Willpower: InterTemporal CHoice Improved through NudginG 2016
85 MYCLIMATE Methodologies Yielding CLimate IMpact Assessments Through Economics 2017
86 OPTBIOMAN Optimal Decision Making under Uncertainty in Biomanufacturing Operations 2016
87 SRR Sovereignty and the Right to Regulate 2017
88 SynBioGABA A new biosynthesis procedure for pharmaceutically active gamma-aminobutyric acids 2016
89 iBILD iBILD: Imaging Biomarker for Intelligent Lung Cancer Detection 2016
90 QDM Quantum Decision Making 2016
91 UrbanOccupationsOETR Industrialisation and Urban Growth from the mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Turkey in a Comparative Perspective, 1850-2000 2016
92 Frontiers in Design Frontiers in Mechanism Design: Methodology and Applications 2016
93 MERCES Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas 2016
94 MAGIC Moving Towards Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing Nexus Security 2016
95 FLIPT FLow Induced Phase Transitions, A new low energy paradigm for polymer processing 2016
96 ROUFER Eighteenth-century republicanism and the critique of commercial society: the case of Rousseau and Ferguson 2017
97 NATCOOP How nature affects cooperation in common pool resource systems 2016
98 DEPP Designing Effective Public Policies 2016
99 Outgroup Consequences of out-group conflict 2016
100 VIREX Mumps VIRus EXploitation of the human adhesion receptor GPR125 2016
101 INFL New perspectives on inflation 2016
102 POnTE Pest Organisms Threatening Europe 2015
103 HOLOGRAM Holomorphic Dynamics connecting Geometry, Root-Finding, Algebra, and the Mandelbrot set 2016
104 EVERYDAYNIGHT Wielkopolska Researchers’ Night welcomes - Let the experience of the Night last every day! 2016
105 SPA4ROADS Sustainable polymers application for preventive maintenance and upgrading of resilient and secure roads 2016
106 AutoPilot-Dx Fast tracking market adoption of a novel immune-based diagnostic for improving antibiotic stewardship: automation, piloting and health economics 2016
107 ExSIDE Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics 2017
108 IQCE Improving Quality of Care in Europe 2017
110 EJDFoodSci Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility 2016
111 ETIP PV - SEC Support to all stakeholders from the Photovoltaic sector and related sectors to contribute to the SET-Plan 2016
112 NEWBITS NEW Business models for ITS 2016
113 IMAJINE Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe 2017
114 PEGASUS Renewable Power Generation by Solar Particle Receiver Driven Sulphur Storage Cycle 2016
115 SOCIALENERGY A Gaming and Social Network Platform for Evolving Energy Markets’ Operation and Educating Virtual Energy Communities 2017
116 MiMo Inference in Microeconometric Models 2017
117 RotorDEMO Norsepower Rotor Sail Solution demonstration project 2017
118 PaPaAlg Pareto-Optimal Parameterized Algorithms 2017
119 TBTF Addressing Too Big to Fail: Resolution, Organizational Structure, and Funding of Global Banks 2016
120 INFO-LEG Understanding information for legal protection of people against information-induced harms 2017
121 TRIPOD The transition to a renewable electricity system and its interactions with other policy aims 2017
122 OCTTIC Open-Centre Tidal Turbine Industrial Capability 2016
123 TESTBED Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling a smartEr griD 2017
124 IKID Institutions for Knowledge Intensive Development: Economic and Regulatory Aspects in South-East Asian Transition Economies 2017
125 NANOSEPSIS Rapid Magnetic Blood Filtration for the Treatment of Sepsis: a Feasibility Study 2017
126 SURG-Africa Scaling up Safe Surgery for District and Rural Populations in Africa 2017
127 CITIZINGLOBAL Citizens, Institutions and Globalization 2017
128 GRETPOL Greening the Poles: Science, the Environment, and the Creation of the Modern Arctic and Antarctic 2017
129 PROOF Penumbral Rescue by Normobaric O=O Administration in Patients With Ischaemic Stroke and Target Mismatch ProFile: A Phase II Proof-of-Concept Trial 2017
130 PINQ The psychology of inequality: Understanding the social, cognitive and motivational foundations of people's attitudes towards the distribution of power and resources in society. 2017
131 OUITAXI OUITAXI (or WETAXI) a taxi on demand and taxi sharing service 2017
132 EPP Econometrics for Public Policy: Sampling, Estimation, Decision, and Applications 2017
133 JUSTAM Justice, Morality, and the State in Amazonia 2017
134 EPICC Experimental Programme Investigating Cumulative Culture 2017
135 EPIC Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control 2017
136 FASDEM Failing and Successful Sequences of Democratization 2017
137 CONSUMEHealth Using consumer science to improve healthy eating habits 2017
138 CombLimit Limit Theory in Combinatorics 2017
139 SCOOTER Silicon-Organic Hybrid Transceivers for Terabit/s Data Network 2017
140 PEP An Empirical Foundation for Understanding Positive Emotions 2017
141 NEUROMICRONICA Neuromicronica: Modular behavioural neuroscience 2017
142 LABOREP Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation 2018
143 BMC-SVAR Developing a Bayesian technique to evaluate the validity of economic models: two applications to the Euro Area 2017
144 PERIGROWTH States, firms and, sustainable economic growth: A view from the periphery 2018
145 BROAD Learning to bracket broadly 2017
146 EPISTEMEBEHAVIOUR Behaviour, knowledge, policy. The philosophy of science perspective on the applications of the behavioural sciences in policymaking. 2018
147 WAGETRANS Wage transparency in companies 2017
148 EUEaPRU Strategic U-Turns between the EU and Russia: Explanatory Prospects of Prospect Theory 2018
149 BEING Behavioural Economics in Network Games 2017
150 WILDCAT Wildcat Economics: Informal Mining and Gold from the Global Margins in Contemporary Latin America 2017
151 ATFM Articulating the free market: A cultural history of the economic transformation in Central Europe, 1989-1999 2018
152 AIR Aeroponic Inulin and Rubber 2018
153 RHAPSODY Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification - Sofia ref.: 115881 2016
154 RESCEU REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope - Sofia ref.: 116019 2017
155 ROADMAP Real world Outcomes across the AD spectrum for better care: Multimodal data Access Platform - Sofia ref.: 116020 2016
156 INFRACLIMATE Infrastructural path dependence and irreversible investment in the integrated assessment of energy and climate policies 2017
157 ECOCAT Improving the economic feasibility of the biorefinery through catalysis engineering: enhancing the catalyst performance and optimizing valuable product yields 2018
158 GLOBALMACRO Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence 2017
159 POLITRAITS Politicians’ traits and public policies: learning how personal features influence fiscal outcomes 2017
160 RURECO Institutions for Resilient Groundwater Dependent Rural Economies 2018
161 MeBeSafe Measures for behaving safely in traffic 2017
162 AgriLink AgriLink. Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation. 2017
164 CYBECO Supporting Cyberinsurance from a Behavioural Choice Perspective 2017
165 BIOSMART Bio-based smart packaging for enhanced preservation of food quality. 2017
166 GenTORE Genomic management Tools to Optimise Resilience and Efficiency 2017
167 Group Agency The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency 2017
168 HCG Honour in classical Greece: esteem, status, identity, and society in ancient Greek literature, life, and thought 2018
169 SidekickHealth Improving health the fun way… seriously 2017
170 ESFR-SMART European Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools 2017
171 RELATE Environmental Spaces and the Feel-Good Factor: Relating Subjective Wellbeing to Biodiversity 2017
172 FIRMNET Firms and Their Networks 2017
173 CAPABLE Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining 2017
174 QoLRO Measuring Quality of Life in the general population and Roma minority in Romania: implications for health policies and economic evaluations 2017
175 ITUL Information Theory with Uncertain Laws 2017
176 STARS Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS 2017
177 DIVERSE-EXPECON Discriminative preferences and fairness ideals in diverse societies: An ‘experimental economics’ approach 2018
178 BOSOWS Blue Ocean Secondary Oily Water Separator 2017
179 AiPBAND An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostic Techniques 2018
180 INVITE INnovative Verona university’s Inter-disciplinary, Inter-sectoral and International Training Experience 2017
181 OpenOceanFC The Open Ocean Fish Cage 2017
182 SALTGIANT Understanding the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis 2018
183 IneqPol Inequality - Public Policy and Political Economy 2018
184 ELBA European Liquid Biopsies Academy - Towards widespread clinical application of blood- based diagnostic tools 2018
185 EUROPOPULISM European Integration, Populism and European Cities 2017
186 ENERGYA ENERGY use for Adaptation 2018
187 BioCatPolymers Sustainable and efficient bio-chemical catalytic cascade conversion of residual biomass to high quality biopolymers 2018
188 LTCSEI Learning through Categories in Social and Economic Interactions 2018
189 MANANDNATURE Man and Nature in Developing Countries 2017
190 MCDS-Therapy Repurposing of carbamazepine for treatment of skeletal dysplasia 2017
191 TRACE Transfer of multivirus-specific T-cells following transplantation 2018
192 BOOST Building social and emotional skills to BOOST mental health resilience in children and young people in Europe 2018
193 WorkOD Work on Demand: Contracting for Work in a Changing Economy 2018
194 Nunataryuk Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation 2017
195 CLIC CLIC - Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse 2017
196 COLLECTORS waste COLLECTiOn systems assessed and good pRacticeS identified 2017
197 REMOTE Remote area Energy supply with Multiple Options for integrated hydrogen-based TEchnologies 2018
198 REVIVE Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe 2018
199 ASUNDER Environmental subjects, conflicts and commodity frontiers 0
200 SECCOPA The socio-economic consequences of temporary employment: A comparative panel data analysis 2018
201 SUEE Strategic Uncertainty in Economic Environments 2018
202 ShellJeTTPlus Automated System for Total Fouling Removal of Heat Exchangers 2018
203 ECOMESH A hybrid solar panel that maximises heat capture and electricity generatio 2018
204 MISSINGMIDDLE The Causal Effect of Public Policy and Income on Child Health and Human Capital 2018
205 CIVICS Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions 2018
206 RD-ADVANCE Advancing Econometric Methods for Analyzing Data from Regression Discontinuity Designs 2018
207 ORIGINSOFTRUST The Psychological Origins of Trust-Based Cooperation 2018
208 PICS Prediction in Complex Systems 2018
209 BEHAVFRICTIONS Behavioral Implications of Information-Processing Frictions 2018
210 CANDELA Copernicus Access Platform Intermediate Layers Small Scale Demonstrator 2018
211 CLAMOR environmental Conflicts through the Lens of Artwork and Multimedia in waterscape transfORrmations 2018
212 COMPRESS NETS Compressed Sensing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks 2018
213 DESIGN Design Thinking in Defence Organisations: The Promises and Dangers of Intellectual Emancipation in the Management of Violence 2019
214 DSMFACIL Facilitating a digital single market in Europe through cross-border alliances 2018
215 ECOINTELS The Economics of the Intelligent Transportation Services 2018
216 ELECTRIC CHALLENGES Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets 2018
217 EmoPun How the expression of moral emotions affects third party punishment 2018
218 CARE4C Carbon smart forestry under climate change 2018
219 NEWSENs eNergy nEutral Wireless SEnsor Networks 2019
222 PosEnt Positive Entrepreneurship 2018
223 TENUMECA The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal 2019
224 HI_IM_NEUROSOCIETY HIstory and IMpact of NEUROimaging on SOCIETY 2019
225 MultiNetMetrics Multiplex Network Econometrics 2018
226 GlobaLISe Global Value Chains and Local Innovation Systems in Southern Europe:The Coevolution of Technology, Trade and Finance, and the Technological Divide 2018
227 GlobalP3HS SSPH+ Global PhD Programme in Public Health Sciences 2018
228 ESQ ESQ-FP: Erwin Schrödinger Quantum Science Programme 2018
229 CausalStats Statistics, Prediction and Causality for Large-Scale Data 2018
230 HealthcareLabour Empirical evidence on the impact of the labour market on the production of healthcare and health 2018
231 IN4ACT Industry 4.0 impact on management practices and economics 2018
232 GOLF EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security 2018
233 CowficieNcy Upgrading and implementing mathematical models to increase nitrogen use efficiency of lactating dairy cows. 2018
234 Topics in Behavioral Topics in Behavioral-Economics Theory 2018
235 FAIR Fairness and the Moral Mind 2018
236 VOLTCLOUD VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery 2018
237 PUPILOSCOPE Pupiloscope, a Neuro-Critical Care Device, Enabling Quantitative, Real-Time, Pupillary Monitoring and Assessment of Patients with Neurotrauma and Head Injuries. 2018
238 EMPCONSFIN Empirical Analyses of Markets for Consumer Financial Products and their Effects 2018
239 INSPiRE The Influence of Information Search on Preference Formation and Choice 2018
240 PECREGEN Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from H2S in a Regenerative Scrubber 2019
241 LINKS Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign 2019
242 APPFlow Active Pharmaceutical Production in Flow 2019
243 OPTNETSPACE Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium 2019
244 DISCE Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies 2019
245 CO3 Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens 2019
246 GROWINPRO Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity 2019
247 Norrdigi NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver 2018
248 POPREBEL Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism 2019
249 E-LAND Integrated multi-vector management system for Energy isLANDs 2018
250 MAIA Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting (MAIA) 2018
252 EvolvingEconomics Human motivation: evolutionary foundations and their implications for economics 2019
253 ACEPOL Agent-based Computational Economics for Policy Analysis 2019
254 BIZEOLCAT Bifunctional Zeolite based Catalysts and Innovative process for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Transformation 2019
255 LoGov Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay 2019
256 STAMFORD Statistical Methods For High Dimensional Diffusions 2019
258 MoonVision 2.0 Using AI Computer Vision 2.0 for Visual Inspection in the Industry 2019
259 BAnDIT Blockchain Attack and Defense Techniques 2019
260 FUMI Future Migration as Present Fact 2019
261 VALURED Value Judgments and Redistribution Policies 2019
262 NewMonEc Monetary Economics and Communication: New Data, New Tools, New and Old Questions 2019
263 T2DCP Development of Thiophene Based Conjugated Polymers in Two Dimensions 2019
264 DEVORHBIOSHIP The Developmental Origins of Health: Biology, Shocks, Investments, and Policies 2019
265 PANEDA High-Dimensional Inference for Panel and Network Data 2019
266 SUExp Strategic Uncertainty: An Experimental Investigation 2018
267 DreamApply EU Specialised international student recruitment management platform 2018
268 RECaPHOS Development of an innovative sustainable process for simultaneous sewage sludge fluidized bed combustion and REcovery of PHOsphorus in a Ca bed 2019
269 LIMEN Legal Liminality: An Inquiry Into the Cognitive Foundations of the Law 2019
270 HONORLOGIC The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison 2019
271 PoS The price of success: what is the impact of improving patients’ survival on utilisation of care? 2019
272 BigTime Big Time Series Analytics for Complex Economic Decisions 2019
273 STRICt Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change 2020
274 FORMSofLABOUR Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy 2019
275 ENGECON Engaged Economists. Politics, profession and economics in the left-wing commitment, 1930s-1960s. 2019
276 SOOCCESS SOciO-eConomiC failurE and aSpiration biaseS 2020
277 PROSPER Politics of Rulemaking, Orchestration of Standards, and Private Economic Regulations 2019
278 CRUZIVAX Vaccine for prevention and treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection 2019
279 B-GOOD Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making 2019
280 HomoJuridicus Homo Juridicus: Correcting Law's Behavioural Illiteracy 2019
281 EFFECT Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting 2019
282 TOPIS-BioCirc Integrating torrefaction of pulp and paper industry sludge with microbial conversion: A new approach to produce bioenergy carriers and biochemicals in a view of bio and circular economy. 2020
283 LTCpolicies Optimizing access to long-term care? Impact of long-term care policies on use, health and equity among the elderly 2020
284 ECO-DEKS External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria 2019
285 STOPTHEFRAUDINOLIVEO Fighting counterfeiting in Olive Oil with blockchain - a working product has arrived 2019
286 BESTMAP Behavioural, Ecological and Socio-economic Tools for Modelling Agricultural Policy 2019
287 MIND STEP Modelling INdividual Decisions to Support The European Policies related to agriculture 2019
288 NONTOX Removing hazardous substances to increase recycling rates of WEEE, ELV and CDW plastics 2019
289 ENGAGE Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions 2019
290 MCLPS The Migration Challenge: Labour Markets, Policy Reforms, and Social Cohesion 2019
291 eCOCO2 Direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers in a co-ionic membrane reactor 2019
292 PEMB The Political Economy of Media Bias 2019
293 HIPPJ High-performance Independent Platform for low-cost big data ProJects 2019
294 BrainPatch BrainPatch – Breakthrough non-invasive brain stimulation using AI 2019
295 PUNISH Punishment as Communication: Transgressors’ Interpretation and Understanding of Punishment 2019
296 TRASC Trade Agreements and Supply Chains 2019
297 G20LAP G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking 2019
298 CLIMEX Climate Exposure Tool for Financial Risk Analysis 2019
299 STUDIOTEC Film Studios: Infrastructure, Culture, Innovation in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1930-60. 2019
300 SPIDER a cyberSecurity Platform for vIrtualiseD 5G cybEr Range services 2019
301 SInnoPSis ERA-Chair in Science and Innovation Policy and Studies 2019
302 ECePS ERA Chair in E-Governance and Digital Public Services 2019
303 FRAME FRAME - tumor genome-based personalized anti-cancer vaccines off-the-shelf 2019
304 EuroSheep European Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the sheep industry actors and stakeholders 2020
305 LNETN Legitimation of Newness and Its Impact on EU Agenda for Change 2020
306 KnowGraphs Knowledge Graphs at Scale 2019
307 VETEX Deep Vein Thrombosis; A Paradigm Change in Treatment through Drug-Free Clot Removal 2019
308 AgRefine A Disruptive Innovative Cooperative Entrepreneurial (DICE) education, training and skills development programme rolling out the next generation of Agri Biorefinery and Valorisation Bioeconomy leaders 2019
309 DISTRACT The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark 2020
310 MEImpact The Consequences of Mismeasuring Economic Activity 2019
311 ACTION Assessing Climate TransItion OptioNs: policy vs impacts 2020
312 EUROSHIP Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe 2020
313 EUSOCIALCIT The Future of European Social Citizenship 2020
314 CTSM Competition, time pressure, public speaking and multitasking: The role of willingness and ability to cope with pressure in explaining individual differences and inequality in career outcomes 2019
315 inDICEs Measuring the impact of DIgital CulturE 2020
316 N-EXTLAW Law as Vehicle for Social Change: Mainstreaming Non-Extractive Economic Practices 2020
317 FORCEDMIGDEV Forced Migration and Development 2020
318 GEOCEP Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies 2020
319 SPACEX Spatial Practices in Art and ArChitecture for Empathetic EXchange (SPACEX) 2020
320 AutoCRAT Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis 2020
321 IMPACT DIABETES B2B Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes 2020
322 REFLECT Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction 2020
323 CoroPrevention Personalized Prevention for Coronary Heart Disease 2020
324 POPULIZATION Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization 2020
325 TRUSTPATH Responsible sharing: Paving the path for transparent trust 2020
326 LOSS Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas 2020
327 EQUIPRICE Equilibrium methods for Resource Allocations and Dynamic Pricing 2020
328 SIND The Social INdividual’s Decisions: how are they shaped by group affiliation during collective decisions? 2021
329 BV Building Vienna 2020
330 SoBigData-PlusPlus SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics 2020
331 PostGro Towards a postgrowth economics: A viable postgrowth economy without increasing inequality 2020
332 SOJUFOW Social Justice and the Future of Work 2020
333 Valvax Evaluating the Long-Run Socioeconomic Effects of Childhood Vaccination 2020
334 ArcticRisk Risk and Business continuity management in the Arctic 2020
335 WIRE 2020 WEEK OF INNOVATIVE REGIONS IN EUROPE 2020 : Place-sensitive Governance for Open and Resilient Regions 2019
336 NEMESIS NEgotiation and MEdiation Sensible Issues' Solutions 2020
337 GENCARGAP Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition 2020