# | ||||
1 | SMOOTH Smoothness of the invariant Hilbert scheme of affine spherical varieties for the existence of wonderful varieties | 2008 | 82˙568.00 | 82˙568.00 |
2 | GAMMARAYBINARIES "Exploring the gamma-ray sky: binaries, microquasars and their impact on understanding particle acceleration, relativistic winds and accretion/ejection phenomena in cosmic sources." | 2008 | 794˙752.00 | 794˙752.00 |
3 | CONTACT MANIFOLDS Complex Projective Contact Manifolds | 2008 | 239˙138.00 | 239˙138.00 |
5 | TWILIGHTZONE Into the twillight zone: testing jet launching and collimation engines with near-infrared and (sub-)mm interferometry | 2009 | 0.00 | 153˙690.00 |
6 | TOUCHSTONES Towards Understanding the Launching of Protostellar Outflows: An Adaptive Optics Assisted Spectroscopic Invesitgation of Classical T Tauri Stars | 2009 | 0.00 | 157˙279.00 |
7 | WHISPER Towards continuous monitoring of the continuously changing Earth | 2009 | 1˙700˙736.00 | 1˙700˙736.00 |
8 | SEISMOLOS Ground-motion modelling for seismic hazard assessment in regions with moderate to low seismic activity | 2009 | 30˙000.00 | 30˙000.00 |
9 | ANTHRAPLUS Doxorubicin-induced impairment of metabolic and stress signaling: a culprit of cardiotoxic action of the drug? | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
10 | SEAR Site Effects Assessment for seismic Regulations by developing and validating physically based methods | 2010 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
11 | PRESS Precipitate Elastic Stress States | 2010 | 116˙373.00 | 116˙373.00 |
12 | LODIHYBRIDS Correlations and Proximity Effect in Low-Dimensional and Hybrid Structures | 2011 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
13 | ACCRETION/EJECTION Interferometry in the near-infrared: a very high angular resolution insight into the accretion/ejection process in young stars | 2011 | 158˙945.00 | 158˙945.00 |
14 | GLASSDEF Driven Glasses: from statistical physics to materials properties | 2012 | 1˙763˙858.00 | 1˙763˙858.00 |
15 | METALK Development of a novel tandem ring closing metathesis process as a general route to the first syntheses of various lycorine type alkaloids | 2012 | 193˙594.00 | 193˙594.00 |
16 | ICEDISC Ice Dynamic Investigations with Seismological Components | 2012 | 193˙594.00 | 193˙594.00 |
17 | NANOPDT Efficient Tumor Targeting and Therapy Using Near-Infrared Nanoparticles | 2012 | 268˙555.00 | 268˙555.00 |
18 | STATOR STATic analysis with ORiginal methods | 2013 | 1˙472˙495.00 | 1˙472˙495.00 |
19 | FREQUJOC Frequency-to-current conversion with coherent Josephson crystals | 2013 | 1˙466˙109.00 | 1˙466˙109.00 |
20 | GETOM Geometry and Topology of Open Manifolds | 2013 | 998˙276.00 | 998˙276.00 |
21 | CHESS Challenges in Extraction and Separation of Sources | 2013 | 2˙499˙390.00 | 2˙499˙390.00 |
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