Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie,l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 GLOBALCHANGEBIOLOGY A physiologically-based weather-driven geospatial modelling approach to global change biology: tackling a multifaceted problem with an interdisciplinary tool 2008 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
2 CANNELA Carbon nanotube networks for electronics applications 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
3 TYGRE High added value materials from waste tyre gasification residues 2009 4˙338˙854.00 3˙349˙992.00
4 MCFC-CONTEX MCFC catalyst and stack component degradation and lifetime: Fuel Gas CONTaminant effects and EXtraction strategies 2010 4˙132˙858.00 1˙841˙832.00
5 H2FC-LCA Development of Guidance Manual for LCA application to Fuel cells and Hydrogen technologies 2010 386˙862.00 311˙957.00
6 MATTER MATerials TEsting and Rules 2011 12˙180˙253.00 5˙993˙919.00
7 CLIM-RUN Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region: Responding to User Needs 2011 4˙680˙340.00 3˙489˙333.00
8 BONAS BOmb factory detection by Networks of Advanced Sensors 2011 4˙971˙631.00 3˙488˙360.00
9 ICARO In-field CFRP surfaces Contamination Assessment by aRtificial Olfaction tool 2011 237˙037.00 177˙777.00
10 MATS Multipurpose Applications by Thermodynamic Solar 2011 21˙960˙134.00 12˙515˙552.00
11 SILER Seismic-Initiated events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors 2011 4˙450˙851.00 2˙926˙133.00
12 SAHYOG Strengthening networking on BiomAss researcH and biowaste conversion – biotechnologY for EurOpe India inteGration 2011 1˙921˙875.00 996˙095.00
13 AMIGA Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems 2011 7˙779˙852.00 5˙997˙963.00
14 COMETHY Compact Multifuel-Energy To Hydrogen converter 2011 4˙933˙250.00 2˙484˙095.00
15 OPTS OPtimization of a Thermal energy Storage system with integrated Steam Generator 2011 13˙726˙033.00 8˙649˙499.00
16 CLIMITS Performance and usefulness of CLImate predictions: Beyond current liMITationS 2012 178˙760.00 178˙760.00
17 AFSIAL Advanced fuselage and wing structure based on innovative Al-Li alloys 2012 587˙900.00 339˙425.00
18 EERASE2 EERA SEcretariat 2 2013 2˙399˙993.00 1˙199˙996.00
19 HP-ACS Metal Hydride Heat Pump for Waste Heat Recovery in Vans Refrigeration Systems 2013 1˙255˙761.00 959˙829.00
20 ASCENT ASCENT - Advanced Solid Cycles with Efficient Novel Technologies 2014 9˙219˙967.00 7˙003˙803.00
21 NELLHI New all-European high-performance stack: design for mass production 2014 2˙858˙447.00 1˙633˙895.00

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L'Ente agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie,l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile partecipato anche in questi progetti.