The page lists 331 projects related to the topic "mitigation".
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1 | DiscardLess | DiscardLess – Strategies for the gradual elimination of discards in European fisheries | 2015 |
2 | ParaFishControl | Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish | 2015 |
3 | XCYCLE | Advanced measures to reduce cyclists' fatalities and increase comfort in the interaction with motorised vehicles | 2015 |
5 | FracRisk | Furthering the Knowledge Base For Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Shale Gas Development (FracRisk) | 2015 |
6 | MefCO2 | Synthesis of methanol from captured carbon dioxide using surplus electricity | 2014 |
7 | PROGRESS | Prediction of Geospace Radiation Environment and solar wind parameters | 2015 |
8 | EURO-LAB | Experiment to Unearth the Rheological Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary | 2016 |
9 | NEOShield-2 | Science and Technology for Near-Earth Object Impact Prevention | 2015 |
10 | M4ShaleGas | M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas | 2015 |
11 | COREGAL | Combined Positioning-Reflectometry Galileo Code Receiver for Forest Management | 2015 |
12 | CARISMA | Coordination and Assessment of Research and Innovation in Support of Climate Mitigation Actions | 2015 |
13 | WAKEUPCALL | Applied mathematics for risk measures in finance and insurance, in the wake of the crisis | 2015 |
14 | COMPARE | COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-)emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe | 2014 |
15 | SANSA | Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas | 2015 |
16 | GEO-RAMP | Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention | 2015 |
17 | C-FOOT-CTRL | Developing on line tools to monitor, control and mitigate GHG emissions in WWTPs | 2015 |
18 | Solar Bankability | Improving the Financeability and Attractiveness of Sustainable Energy Investments in Photovolatics: Quantifying and Managing the Technical Risk for Current and New Business Models | 2015 |
19 | MARIBE | Marine Investment for the Blue Economy | 2015 |
20 | IMPACT | Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport | 2015 |
21 | TYPES | Towards transparencY and Privacy in the onlinE advertising businesS | 2015 |
22 | DOGANA | aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework | 2015 |
23 | FLOWLASER | Manipulation of Flow Characteristics Using Laser Energy Deposition | 2015 |
24 | FireAndRiskPrevention | When the smoke clears: predicting and preventing catastrophic erosion and flooding after wildfires in volcanic terrains | 2015 |
25 | ECONOMY | Plant Ecology for Nitrous Oxide Mitigation and Sustainable Productivity | 2016 |
26 | FRAMAB | Flood Risk Assessment and mitigation for Masonry Arch Bridges | 2015 |
27 | HotPaNTS | Hot-spots of Phosphorus and Nitrogen delivery in Time and Space in agricultural catchments | 2016 |
28 | FreeMi | Using FREshwater organisms to MItigate the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis | 2015 |
29 | PneumoCompetence | Unravelling the mechanisms of competence induction by antibiotic stress in Streptococcus pneumoniae | 2015 |
30 | MAXWELL | Maximising wellbeing and minimising emissions: backcasting social visions for a low-carbon Europe. | 2015 |
31 | 2G BIOPIC | Second Generation BIoethanol sustainable production based on Organosolv Process at atmospherIc Conditions | 2015 |
32 | CRISIS | Coastal flood risk in Europe and the socio-economic impacts in a changing climate | 2016 |
33 | PEATmod | PEATland modelling for global carbon cycle and climate models | 2016 |
34 | ClimatCon | Climate-resilient pathways for the development of concrete infrastructure: adaptation, mitigation and sustainability | 2015 |
35 | Forests and CO | Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests | 2015 |
36 | DPaTh-To-Adapt | Rethinking climate change vulnerability: Drivers patterns of thermal tolerance adaptation in the ocean. | 2016 |
37 | EastAsiaAerosol | Sources and atmospheric processing of carbonaceous aerosol in East Asia | 2015 |
38 | HESFIRE | Drivers and projections of global fire activity and intensity under future climate and societal changes. | 2015 |
39 | QSIPP | Exploring bacterial Quorum Sensing Infochemicals and hydrolytic Proteins linked to marine Particle degradation | 0 |
41 | EPIC | Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness | 2014 |
42 | DecentLivingEnergy | Energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards to all | 2015 |
43 | ProPlantStress | Proteolytic processing in plant stress signal transduction and responses to abiotic stress and pathogen attack | 2015 |
44 | CRESCENDO | Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach | 2015 |
45 | GREEN-WIN | Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action | 2015 |
46 | CD-LINKS | Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing | 2015 |
47 | TRANSrisk | Transitions pathways and risk analysis for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies | 2015 |
48 | APESA | Advanced Pump Engineering for Severe Applications | 2015 |
49 | SMART GEMS | Smart Grids Energy management Staff | 2015 |
50 | HERACLES-CP | HERACLES-CP: Towards the Conversion of High Performance Research Reactors in Europe | 2015 |
51 | ECO - ENGAGE | GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation | 2015 |
52 | CleanTechBlock | CleanTechBlock | 2015 |
53 | DEMOSOFC | DEMOnstration of large SOFC system fed with biogas from WWTP | 2015 |
54 | ExaNeSt | European Exascale System Interconnect and Storage | 2015 |
55 | STEEPclim | Spatiotemporal evolution of the hydrological cycle throughout the European continent during past abrupt climate changes | 2015 |
56 | MITIGATE | Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic, collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs | 2015 |
57 | CEWET | Cost Effective Wireless Electrical Transportation | 2015 |
58 | its4land | Geospatial technology innovations for land tenure security in East Africa | 2016 |
59 | BIOWYSE | Biocontamination Integrated cOntrol of Wet sYstems for Space Exploration | 2016 |
60 | VIOTRAP | Elaboration of an Innovative Eco-Friendly Pest Control Method in European Agriculture | 2015 |
61 | METHID | Observation and Modelling of Radiocarbon in Atmospheric Methane for Methane Source Identification | 2016 |
62 | MIGRATE | Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices | 2016 |
63 | GALAXY | GALAXY: Gut-and-liver axis in alcoholic liver fibrosis | 2016 |
64 | EvoGenMed | Evolutionary genomics: new perspectives and novel medical applications | 2016 |
65 | VEGAS | Validation of European high capacity rad-hard FPGA and software tools | 2016 |
66 | Climateurope | European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 | 2015 |
68 | KEEPFISH | Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fishes in the Southern Hemisphere | 2016 |
69 | DESTRESS | Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs | 2016 |
70 | ReDSHIFT | Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies | 2016 |
72 | ERA-GAS | ERA-NET for Monitoring and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Agri- and Silvi-Culture | 2016 |
73 | EcoFunc4Cast | Forecasting Change in Vegetation Dependant Ecosystem Functions. | 2017 |
74 | GEMCLIME | Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy | 2016 |
75 | VIVALDI | Preventing and mitigating farmed bivalve diseases | 2016 |
76 | TeSeR | Technology for Self Removal of Spacecraft | 2016 |
77 | CERES | Climate change and European aquatic RESources | 2016 |
78 | BLADEOUT | CROR Blade-Out Impact Simulations and Sample Manufacturing | 2016 |
79 | N2OPNA | Understanding Nitrous Oxide Production from The Mainstream Partial Nitritation and Anammox Process | 2016 |
80 | STEMM-CCS | Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage | 2016 |
81 | ERA4CS | European Research Area for Climate Services | 2016 |
82 | INDRO | Remote sensing INdicators for DROught monitoring | 2017 |
83 | CH4ScarabDetect | Detecting and quantifying CH4 emissions from scarab larvae using stable carbon isotopes | 2016 |
84 | VOLTAIC | VOLcanic lighTning: a lAb and fIeld ApproaCh | 2016 |
85 | eLection | Evaluating the performance of local climate policies in Mexico (2009-2018) | 2017 |
86 | COSMIC LENS | Delivering on the Promise of Measuring Dark Energy from Cosmic Lensing | 2016 |
87 | HAZE | Reducing the Burden of Smouldering Megafires: an Earth-Scale Challenge | 2016 |
88 | SISSDEN | Secure Information Sharing Sensor Delivery event Network | 2016 |
89 | STORM | Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management | 2016 |
90 | LIQUEFACT | Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters | 2016 |
91 | ReCETT | Remote Control of Electrical Transmission Tower | 2016 |
92 | AMBER | Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers | 2016 |
93 | SOLCRIMET | Solvometallurgy for critical metals | 2016 |
94 | HERACLES | HEritage Resilience Against CLimate Events on Site | 2016 |
95 | GRADIENT | Understanding fire, weather and land cover interactions from long-term terrestrial observations and satellite data in a north to south transect in Europe and North Africa | 2016 |
96 | COMPASS | Control for Orbit Manoeuvring through Perturbations for Application to Space Systems | 2016 |
97 | USECFrontiers | Frontiers of Usable Security – Principles and Methods for Administrator and Developer Usable Security Research | 2016 |
98 | SILCI | Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations | 2016 |
99 | REALISM | Reproducing EArthquakes in the Laboratory: Imaging, Speed and Mineralogy | 2016 |
100 | RAGTIME | Risk based approaches for Asset inteGrity multimodal Transport Infrastructure ManagEment | 2016 |
101 | FLOOD-serv | Public FLOOD Emergency and Awareness SERVice | 2016 |
102 | IGNIS | Reuse of Tyre Fibres for Fire-Spalling-Proof Concrete | 2016 |
103 | ZESMO | ZEolitic reactor hosting Subphthalocyanines and Metal Oxides as photocatalytic system for opto-electronic applications | 2016 |
104 | CLIMASLOW | Slowing Down Climate Change: Combining Climate Law and Climate Science to Identify the Best Options to Reduce Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Forcers in Developing Countries | 2017 |
105 | AQURI | Air Quality at the Urban-Rural Interface | 2017 |
106 | MEMO2 | MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling | 2017 |
107 | SmartAnswer | Smart mitigation of flow-induced acoustic radiation and transmission for reduced aircraft, surface transport, workplaces and wind energy noise | 2017 |
108 | SMaRT | Sand Mitigation around Railway Tracks | 2017 |
109 | FINE 1 | Future Improvement for Energy and Noise | 2016 |
110 | ROBUST POLICY | Developing a robust decision making framework for climate change policy under uncertainty | 2016 |
111 | FIThydro | Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower | 2016 |
112 | CYRail | Cybersecurity in the RAILway sector | 2016 |
113 | BE-OI | Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice | 2016 |
114 | MARCO | MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory | 2016 |
115 | SLIM | Sustainable Low Impact Mining solution for exploitation of small mineral deposits based on advanced rock blasting and environmental technologies | 2016 |
116 | mySMARTLife | Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy | 2016 |
117 | COP21 RIPPLES | COP21: Results and Implications for Pathways and Policies for Low Emissions European Societies | 2016 |
118 | DESTINATE | Decision supporting tools for implementation of cost-efficient railway noise abatement measures | 2016 |
119 | ACTIVAGE | ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well | 2017 |
120 | ALUFIX | Friction stir processing based local damage mitigation and healing in aluminium alloys | 2017 |
121 | PJ04 TAM | Total Airport Management | 2016 |
122 | PHONOMETA | Frontiers in Phononics: Parity-Time Symmetric Phononic Metamaterials | 2016 |
123 | HiFreq | Smart high-frequency environmental sensor networks for quantifying nonlinear hydrological process dynamics across spatial scales | 2016 |
124 | INSIGHT | ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime | 2017 |
125 | INUNDO | INUNDO - The European Flood Database | 2016 |
126 | TOOP | The Once Only Principle Project | 2017 |
127 | ENFOC | Exploiting the Nonlinear Fiber-Optical Channel | 2016 |
128 | CCPaMe | Direct and indirect effects of Climate Change on biotic communities and exotic Pathogens in mixed Mediterranean forests | 2017 |
129 | MERCURY | Modeling the European power sector evolution: low-carbon generation technologies (renewables, CCS, nuclear), the electric infrastructure and their role in the EU leadership in climate policy | 2017 |
130 | TOPIOS | Tracking Of Plastic In Our Seas | 2017 |
131 | METLAKE | Predicting future methane fluxes from Northern lakes | 2017 |
132 | IoTEE | Internet of Things Everywhere on Earth: a satellite based M2M solution | 2017 |
133 | M2M | mapKITE to market | 2017 |
134 | COEXIST | Confined, Optically Enhanced, X-ray Imaging Source for Tomography | 2017 |
135 | BePreSysE | Beyond Precision Cosmology: dealing with Systematic Errors | 2017 |
136 | SEACRIFOG | Supporting EU-African Cooperation on Research Infrastructures for Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Observations | 2017 |
137 | SARCOM | Selection for antimicrobial resistance in a complex community context | 2017 |
138 | NanoGraphInk | Nano-Hybrid Graphene-Based Ink for Printable Flexible Transparent Applications | 2017 |
139 | QuPoPCoRN | Quantum Particles on Programmable Complex Reconfigurable Networks | 2017 |
140 | LARMAR | Land Use and Resource Management at the Agricultural - Forest Frontier | 2017 |
141 | FireCracker | Reuse of Waste Materials for Fire-Spalling-Proof and Crack-Resistant Sustainable Concrete | 2017 |
142 | AERIALIST | AdvancEd aicRaft-noIse-AlLeviation devIceS using meTamaterials | 2017 |
143 | INCEPTION | Incremental Nonlinear flight Control supplemented with Envelope ProtecTION techniques | 2017 |
144 | SusFRPRC | Sustainable Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Concrete (FRP-RC) Structures | 2017 |
145 | SAFE-10-T | Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network | 2017 |
146 | DatA ESPerT | Database Analysis for Evaluation of Seismic Performance Assessment Tools | 2017 |
147 | 4REFINERY | Scenarios for integration of bio-liquids in existing REFINERY processes | 2017 |
148 | FRAGCLIM | The Combined Effects of Climatic Warming and Habitat Fragmentation on Biodiversity, Community Dynamics and Ecosystem Functioning | 2017 |
149 | SAURON | Scalable multidimensionAl sitUation awaReness sOlution for protectiNg european ports | 2017 |
150 | HERMENEUT | Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks | 2017 |
151 | STOP-IT | Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats | 2017 |
152 | DEFENDER | Defending the European Energy Infrastructures | 2017 |
153 | NANOCHEM | Nanopores for New Molecular Nitrogen Chemistry | 2017 |
154 | WATERPROTECT | Innovative tools enabling drinking WATER PROTECTion in rural and urban environments | 2017 |
155 | URBAN GreenUP | New Strategy for Re-Naturing Cities through Nature-Based Solutions | 2017 |
156 | CLEANTECHBLOCK2 | Market maturation of CleanTechBlock technology | 2017 |
157 | A2CM | Deploying the novel, large-scale Ateknea Air City Monitoring Platform | 2017 |
159 | CIMNAS | Corrosion Initiation Mechanisms at the Nanometric/Atomic Scale | 2017 |
160 | LEU-FOREvER | Low Enriched Uranium Fuels fOR REsEarch Reactors | 2017 |
161 | TRANSAT | TRANSversal Actions for Tritium | 2017 |
162 | GEMMA | GEneration iv Materials MAturity | 2017 |
163 | CBRNE STNDS 2017 | ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487 | 2017 |
164 | STARS | Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS | 2017 |
166 | Autonomous | Autonomous – Novel Smart Home and facility management solution from embedded robots and indoor navigation | 2017 |
167 | COMPETE4SECAP | Energy management competition for local authorities for uptake and enhance of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans | 2017 |
168 | ANIMA | Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches | 2017 |
169 | CIRCASA | Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture | 2017 |
170 | TechTIDE | Warning and Mitigation Technologies for Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Effects | 2017 |
171 | Nunataryuk | Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation | 2017 |
172 | SINCERE | Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch | 2018 |
173 | COACCH | CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs | 2017 |
174 | SOCLIMPACT | DownScaling CLImate imPACTs and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeconomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe, for 2050 and beyond. | 2017 |
175 | SECLI-FIRM | The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasts for Integrated Risk Management Decisions | 2018 |
176 | PAPILA | Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America | 2018 |
177 | FUTURES | Forefront UAV Technology for Underpinning Rainforest Environmental Sustainability | 2018 |
178 | PRESLHY | Pre-normative REsearch for Safe use of Liquide HYdrogen | 2018 |
180 | EcoFeel | An all-in-one monitoring device for measuring the energy consumption of household appliances and providing real-time feedback to reduce environmental impact. | 2017 |
181 | PEGASUS | PEMFC based on platinum Group metAl free StrUctured cathodeS | 2018 |
182 | PentaHelix | Multi stakeholder and governance approach for SECAP development and implementation | 2018 |
183 | CRREM | Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor - Framework for science based decarbonisation pathways, toolkit to identify stranded assets and push sustainable investments | 2018 |
184 | NOXTEK | NOx-Mitigation Technology for Retrofitting Diesel Engines | 2018 |
185 | SINCERE | Spurring INnovations for Forest ECosystem SERvices in Europe | 2018 |
186 | VERIFY | Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases | 2018 |
187 | CHOPIN | Coatings with Hydrophobic and/or Omniphobic Properties against INsect contamination. | 2018 |
188 | DYNAVOLC | Transitions in Rheology and Volatile Dynamics of Magmas: Mapping the Window to Explosive Volcanism | 2018 |
189 | SURVIVOR | Historic response of a wide-ranging carnivore to climate change | 2018 |
190 | STAR | Safe, Transparent, Active and Reliable mineral sunscreen technology | 2018 |
191 | FINSEC | Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures | 2018 |
192 | RESISTO | RESIlience enhancement and risk control platform for communication infraSTructure Operators | 2018 |
193 | SAFECARE | SAFEguard of Critical heAlth infrastructure | 2018 |
194 | CabaKarst | Between degradation and conservation: The carbon balance of the Chinese karst ecosystem | 2018 |
195 | CASE-CO2 | Carbon Accumulation over Succession to Enhance mitigation of CO2 emissions | 2018 |
196 | CHANCE | Climate cHange mitigAtioN poliCies and Equality: distributional implications for different socio-economic groups | 2019 |
197 | ComplexSignal | Deciphering the combinatorial signalling patterns in brain development by structural studies of axon guidance receptors and adhesive GPCRs | 2018 |
198 | CONDENSATION | Aerosol-ClOud iNteractions anD Effects oN atmoSpheric rAdiaTIve fOrciNg | 2019 |
199 | DMSWet | Microbial Dimethylsulfide Degradation in Anoxic Wetland Sediments | 2019 |
200 | reFUEL | Going global? Renewable fuel trade and social land-use restrictions in a low-carbon energy system | 2018 |
201 | PIXEL | Port IoT for Environmental Leverage | 2018 |
202 | CYBERWISER.EU | Civil Cyber Range Platform for a novel approach to cybersecurity threats simulation and professional training | 2018 |
203 | CYBER-TRUST | Advanced Cyber-Threat Intelligence, Detection, and Mitigation Platform for a Trusted Internet of Things | 2018 |
204 | CONNEXIONs | InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services | 2018 |
205 | PERSONA | Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance | 2018 |
206 | INTREE | How and when does climate influence carbon sink activity? Multi-temporal analysis of wood formation in conifers | 2018 |
207 | RESPONSE 5G | Resilient and Secure Multi-controller Communication Platform for 5G Networks | 2018 |
208 | AMACONOE | Advanced modelling and control of nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment plants | 2018 |
209 | PHILOS | PHILOS: Real-time Detection and Automated Mitigation of BGP Prefix Hijacking Attacks | 2019 |
210 | Particle-bound ROS | Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in atmospheric aerosols: exploring formation, sources and dynamics of a new air pollution toxicity metric | 2018 |
212 | MIONIÑO | Resolving the debate on a permanent El Niño-like state in the late Miocene: establishing equatorial Pacific conditions, driving forces and global impacts. | 2019 |
213 | Target-N2O | Targeting N2O emission hot-spots in dairy pastures for mitigation action: microbes, stable isotope methods and modelling | 2018 |
214 | VARIO | The influence of natural pH VARIability on ecosystem response to Ocean acidification | 2019 |
215 | GRAINS | Gravitation of Rubble-pile Asteroid with Internal N-body Structure | 2018 |
216 | SpaceEye | Mission concepts for high-performance CubeSat platforms with propulsion system | 2019 |
217 | IntegraSea | Integrated offshore cultivation of high value seaweed and their potential use in controlling harmful algal blooms. | 2019 |
218 | SHui | Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems | 2018 |
219 | HOMED | HOlistic Management of Emerging forest pests and Diseases | 2018 |
220 | SECURe | Subsurface Evaluation of Carbon capture and storage and Unconventional Risk | 2018 |
221 | UHURA | Unsteady High-Lift Aerodynamics – Unsteady RANS Validation | 2018 |
223 | GYPWORLD | A global initiative to understand gypsum ecosystem ecology | 2018 |
224 | COPKIT | Technology, training and knowledge for Early-Warning / Early-Action led policing in fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism | 2018 |
225 | IMPRODOVA | Improving Frontline Responses to High Impact Domestic Violence | 2018 |
226 | BIO4A | Advanced sustainable BIOfuels for Aviation | 2018 |
227 | GAIN | Green Aquaculture Intensification in Europe | 2018 |
228 | ELHO | The Age of Hostility: Understanding the Nature, Dynamics, Determinants, and Consequences of Citizens' Electoral Hostility in 27 Democracies | 2019 |
229 | DDoS Analyser | Revolutionary Non-Disruptive DDoS Testing Technology that significantly strengthens resistance to DDoS attacks and provides ongoing visibility on identified DDoS mitigation vulnerabilities. | 2018 |
230 | NAVSCIN | High Accuracy Navigation under Scintillation Conditions | 2018 |
231 | STET CLEAN | Disinfecting the Stethoscope membrane through a hi-tech UV device | 2018 |
232 | ASM | Novel concept of cost-effective hybrid concrete/steel Auxiliary Shielding Module for enhancing the Radiological, Thermal and Structural behaviour of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage metallic casks | 2018 |
233 | URBASIS | New challenges for Urban Engineering Seismology | 2018 |
234 | EPISODE | Deciphering the tEmperature history of troPIcal oceanS: a cOccolith clumpeD isotopE approach | 2018 |
235 | CLARA | Chemical Looping gAsification foR sustainAble production of biofuels | 2018 |
236 | WASTE2ROAD | Biofuels from WASTE TO ROAD transport | 2018 |
237 | i4Offshore | Integrated Implementation of Industrial Innovations for Offshore Wind Cost Reduction | 2018 |
238 | SECONDO | a Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era | 2019 |
239 | OceaNice | Paleoceanography of the Ice-proximal Southern Ocean during Past Warm Climates | 2019 |
240 | ECORISK2050 | Effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems | 2018 |
241 | PROTEIN | PeRsOnalized nutriTion for hEalthy livINg | 2018 |
242 | GEORISK | Developing geothermal and renewable energy projects by mitigating their risks. | 2018 |
243 | MASTER | Microbiome Applications for Sustainable food systems through Technologies and EnteRprise | 2019 |
244 | DTEU | Decarbonising Transport in Europe | 2018 |
246 | HiSea | High Resolution Copernicus-Based Information Services at Sea for Ports and Aquaculture | 2019 |
247 | 3D-FIREFLUC | Taming the particle transport in magnetized plasmas via perturbative fields | 2019 |
248 | DNAFoil | Rapid DNA screening to secure the global food supply chains | 2018 |
249 | ECCO95 | The world’s fastest high definition 3D stereo laser scanner for highest quality in modern production environments | 2019 |
250 | PANACEA | Protection and privAcy of hospital and health iNfrastructures with smArt Cyber sEcurity and cyber threat toolkit for dAta and people | 2019 |
251 | FOReSEE | Market replication of a cutting-edge FlOod Risk ScrEEning Tool | 2019 |
252 | RiskGONE | Risk Governance of Nanotechnology | 2019 |
253 | Car2TERA | Terahertz sensors and networks for next generation smart automotive electronic systems | 2019 |
254 | PRO-ACT | Planetary RObots Deployed for Assembly and Construction Tasks | 2019 |
255 | BrightnESS-2 | Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS (BrightnESS-2) | 2019 |
256 | PETER | Pan-European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Riskmanagement | 2019 |
257 | ECOFEED | Altered eco-evolutionary feedbacks in a future climate | 2019 |
258 | RISE_SMA | RISE Social Media Analytics | 2019 |
259 | DrivenByPollinators | Driven by mutualists: how declines in pollinators impact plant communities and ecosystemfunctioning | 2019 |
260 | TuneFork | Mobile technology that brings personalized audio into your life | 2018 |
261 | TeRRIFICA | Territorial RRI fostering Innovative Climate Action | 2019 |
262 | CIRICC | Complicity: Individual Responsibility in Collective Contexts | 2019 |
263 | 3D-FOGROD | Understanding forest growth dynamics using novel 3D measurements and modelling approaches | 2019 |
264 | CRAS | Climate change and Resilience of Agricultural System: an econometric and computational analysis | 2019 |
265 | HyTunnel-CS | PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces | 2019 |
266 | kelbus2 | Experimental and numerical study of long runout landslides | 2020 |
267 | GREEN-FRC | Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Recycled and Waste Materials Optimised for Improved Sustainability of Urban Projects | 2020 |
268 | WoodSpec | Rapid quality assessment of wood-based materials through spectroscopy | 2019 |
269 | INTERACTION | resIlieNT EneRgy systems for climAte Change and susTaInable develOpmeNt | 2019 |
270 | MImETIC INDiRECT | MIcrovascularizED Tumour-on-chip for Cellular ImagiNg of Drug Response and Cell moTility | 2019 |
271 | RUMIC | Prebiotic Functional Enhancement of Rumen Microbiomes | 2019 |
272 | GEOMED | Geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean: A multidisciplinary investigation of the Sicily Channel region | 2019 |
273 | COZMOS | Efficient CO2 conversion over multisite Zeolite-Metal nanocatalysts to fuels and OlefinS | 2019 |
274 | STARGATE | reSilienT fARminG by Adaptive microclimaTe managEment | 2019 |
275 | SATIE | Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe | 2019 |
276 | diFUME | Urban carbon dioxide Flux Monitoring using Eddy Covariance and Earth Observation | 2019 |
277 | RHODOCAR | Global and local impacts on Atlantic RHODOlith beds: Implications for estimates of blue CARbon ecosystem services | 2019 |
278 | LitRivus | Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment | 2020 |
279 | Beyond EPICA | Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core: 1,5 Myr of greenhouse gas – climate feedbacks | 2019 |
280 | EXHAUSTION | Exposure to heat and air pollution in EUrope – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation | 2019 |
281 | RECEIPT | REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade | 2019 |
282 | CONSTRAIN | Constraining uncertainty of multi decadal climate projections | 2019 |
283 | COMFORT | Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points | 2019 |
284 | HYPERION | Development of a Decision Support System for Improved Resilience & Sustainable Reconstruction of historic areas to cope with Climate Change & Extreme Events based on Novel Sensors and Modelling Tools | 2019 |
285 | ENGAGE | Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions | 2019 |
286 | C4IIoT | Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things | 2019 |
287 | FlexMod | A Flexible, Data-driven Model Framework to Predict Soil Responses to Land-use and Climate Change | 2020 |
288 | MALAGA | Applying Machine Learning to Cyber Risk Analysis and Mitigation | 2019 |
289 | Triple-A | Enhancing at an Early Stage the Investment Value Chain of Energy Efficiency Projects | 2019 |
290 | INNOVEAS | INNOVativing the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs | 2019 |
291 | EMB3Rs | User-driven Energy-Matching & Business prospection tool for industrial Excess heat/cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution | 2019 |
292 | HERC | HERC Chip for More Efficient Natural Gas Based Industrial Heating Systems | 2019 |
293 | SmartGasGrid | Enabling large-scale injection of biomethane in the European gas distribution | 2019 |
294 | VERTIGO | VERy high Throughput Satellite-Ground Optical Link | 2019 |
296 | PantEOn | A Multi-Scale Earth Observation Indicator System for Land Degradation Assessment of Transitional Mediterranean Climates | 2020 |
297 | DIGIACT | Digital Authoritarian Practices: Internet Surveillance and Repression against Transnational Activist Networks | 2019 |
298 | EnergyShield | Integrated Cybersecurity Solution for the Vulnerability Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures | 2019 |
299 | CROWDTHERMAL | Community-based development schemes for geothermal energy | 2019 |
300 | PsoraxPlan | A feasibility study on the development of Psorax35 as the first and only oral treatment for mild-to-moderate psoriasis with positive effects on co-morbidities. | 2019 |
301 | Sampols | A noise pollution measurement and monitoring solution for smart cities | 2019 |
302 | LimnoPlast | Microplastics in Europe's freshwater ecosystems: From sources to solutions | 2019 |
303 | DT4BIOMASS | Digital twin for biomass boilers | 2019 |
304 | ASCenSIon | Advancing Space Access Capabilities - Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection | 2020 |
305 | S2IGI | Integrated Fire Management System | 2019 |
306 | De-RISC | De-RISC: Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer | 2019 |
307 | CMBLENS | CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics | 2020 |
308 | TAMING CORROSION | Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments | 2020 |
309 | FOSC | Food System and Climate (FOSC): Assessing the impact of climate change on food and nutrition security and designing more sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe and beyond | 2019 |
310 | MAGIC | Architectured Soft Magnetoactive Materials: Beyond Instabilities | 2020 |
311 | RAVEN | Routing Attack Vulnerability Evaluation for Networks | 2020 |
312 | CURE | Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe | 2020 |
313 | EUHFORIA_2.0 | EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset 2.0 | 2019 |
314 | GEOCEP | Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies | 2020 |
315 | CoastCarb | Coastal ecosystem carbon balance in times of rapid glacier melt | 2020 |
316 | YADES | Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazards based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools | 2020 |
317 | THyGA | Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Applications | 2020 |
319 | GPRV | Overcoming stellar activity in radial velocity planet searches | 2020 |
320 | NEO-MAPP | Near Earth Object Modelling and Payloads for Protection | 2020 |
321 | COLLABS | A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems | 2020 |
322 | EJP SOIL | Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils | 2020 |
323 | GLOBAL | Tropical rain forest diversification: a GLOBAL approach | 2020 |
324 | BeePath | Impact of vector-mediated transmission on the evolution and ecology of a bee virus | 2020 |
325 | NSTree | Understanding substrate delivery for cell wall biosynthesis in plants | 2020 |
326 | CHICC | Culture, Heritage and Identities: Impacts of Climate Change in North West Europe | 2020 |
327 | MulHaRes | A probabilistic decision framework for MULti-HAzard RESilience of residential building portfolios subjected to floods and landslides | 2020 |
328 | NEMO | Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation | 2020 |
329 | DJINN | Decrease Jet-Installation Noise | 2020 |
330 | SilentProp | Development of computational and experimental noise assessment and suppression methodologies for the next generation of silent distributed propulsion configurations | 2020 |
331 | VENUS | inVestigation of distributEd propulsion Noise and its mitigation through wind tUnnel experiments and numerical Simulations | 2020 |