The page lists 108 projects related to the topic "plasmonic".
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1 | ULTRAPLACAD | ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis | 2015 |
2 | ENLIGHTMENT | Photonic Electrodes for Enhanced Light Management in Optoelectronic Devices | 2015 |
3 | Dynamic Nano | Dynamic Nanoplasmonics | 2015 |
4 | MIRAGE 20-15 | Mid Infra-Red near-field control by Adiabatic frequency Generation Enabling 20fs/15nm resolution | 2015 |
5 | PEDAL | Plasmonic Enhancement and Directionality of Emission for Advanced Luminescent Solar Devices | 2015 |
6 | CoExAN | Collective Excitations in Advanced Nanostructures | 2015 |
7 | MagIC | MagIC – Magnonics, Interactions and Complexity: a multifunctional aspects of spin wave dynamics | 2015 |
8 | POSEIDON | Plasmonic-based autOmated lab-on-chip SEnsor for the rapid In-situ Detection of LegiONella | 2015 |
9 | 3DNCPM | Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Chiral Plasmonic Metamaterials | 2015 |
10 | MeaSuRe | Following Protein Diffusion in Photosynthetic Membranes with Super Resolution | 2015 |
12 | HOTSPOT | Accessing hot-spots in plasmonic nanoantennas | 2015 |
13 | OSCAR | Operando study of the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles by Surface Differential Reflectivity Spectroscopy (SDRS): from plasmonic response to morphology | 2016 |
14 | N-SHEAD | Nanoarrays: Self-assembled Hotspots for Enhanced Analyte Detection | 2015 |
15 | PHELLINI | Plasmonic Heaters Linked to Lanthanide-Based Nanothermometers for Photodynamic Therapy in the Near-Infrared | 2015 |
16 | HyHeat | Profiling gene expression in Hydra vulgaris following Gold Nanoparticle-mediated hyperthermia | 2015 |
17 | LIVIN | Light-Vapour Interactions at the Nanoscale | 2015 |
18 | DYNAMO | Energy and charge transfer nonadiabatic dynamics in light-harvesting molecules and nanostructures | 2015 |
19 | NOVELNOBI | Novel Nanoengineered Optoelectronic Biointerfaces | 2015 |
20 | CapTherPV | Integration of Capacitor, Thermoelectric and PhotoVoltaic thin films for efficient energy conversion and storage | 2015 |
21 | SENEX | Table Top Device based on Nanostructured Sensors for the continuous ENvironmental monitoring of EXplosive substances in sensitive areas | 2015 |
22 | PLASILOR | Plasmonic-Silicon-Organic Hybrid – a Universal Platform for THz Communications | 2015 |
23 | PROSEQO | PROtein SEQuencing using Optical single molecule real-time detection | 2016 |
24 | TWINFUSYON | Twinning for Improving Capacity of Research in Multifunctional Nanosystems for Optronic Biosensing | 2016 |
25 | SINCAT | Single Nanoparticle Catalysis | 2016 |
26 | NanoPacks | NanoPacks: Assembling nanoparticles via evaporation-driven droplet collapse for ultrasensitive detection techniques | 2016 |
27 | PLASMOfab | A generic CMOS-compatible platform for co-integrated plasmonics/photonics/electronics PICs towards volume manufacturing of low energy, small size and high performance photonic devices | 2016 |
28 | NHQWAVE | Non-Hermitian Quantum Wave Engineering | 2016 |
29 | NanoIntra | Multitasking Nanoparticles for Intracellular Bioimaging and Biosensing | 2017 |
30 | PLASMIC | Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications | 2016 |
31 | Topological-Plasmonics | Robust light manipulation in plasmonic nanostructures assisted by topological protection | 2016 |
32 | Smart Colour | Remotely Adjustable Structural Plasmonic Colour | 2016 |
33 | QuP | Long Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons as an Alternative Information Carrier for Nanoscale Quantum Circuitry | 2016 |
34 | MOPTOPus | Metal oxide nanocrystals as optically driven dynamic manipulators of local (opto)electronic properties | 2016 |
35 | SGPCM | Switching graphene-plasmon with phase-change materials | 2017 |
36 | PHOTOTUNE | Tunable Photonic Structures via Photomechanical Actuation | 2016 |
37 | MONACAT | Magnetism and Optics for Nanoparticle Catalysis | 2016 |
38 | NANOFACTORY | Building tomorrow’s nanofactory | 2016 |
39 | SCEON | Scanning Electron Optical Nanoscopy | 2016 |
40 | CINMAB | Chiral Plasmons in Protein-Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials for Application as Biosensors | 2016 |
41 | NonlinearMeta | Controlling optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metamaterials | 2017 |
42 | PLASMECS | NanoPlasmoMechanical Systems | 2016 |
43 | Chi2-Nano-Oxides | Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics | 2017 |
44 | SONAR | Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals | 2017 |
45 | FEMTOTERABYTE | Spinoptical nanoantenna-assisted magnetic storage at few nanometers on femtosecond timescale | 2017 |
46 | OUTNANO | Out-of-equilibrium nanophotonics | 2017 |
47 | EMPHASIS | Enabling Multifunctional Plasmonics on Hybrid Artificial Scale-Integrated Systems | 2018 |
48 | PhotoNanoBone | Photoresponsive Smart Nanocarriers for Tetherless Regeneration of Bone Tissue | 2018 |
49 | NANO-MIR | Novel 3D nano-antennas for optoelectronic applications in the mid-infrared | 2018 |
50 | hyControl | Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units | 2017 |
51 | FLUINEMS | Suspended Fluidic nanochannels as optomechanical sensors for single molecules | 2017 |
52 | PHOCONA | Photonics in Flatland: Band Structure Engineering of 2D Excitons in Fluorescent Colloidal Nanomaterials | 2017 |
53 | HOTFLOW | A Photothermal Lateral Flow Test for Visual Point of Care Detection | 2017 |
54 | AiPBAND | An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostic Techniques | 2018 |
55 | ELECTRIC | Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs | 2018 |
56 | Q-SORT | QUANTUM SORTER | 2017 |
57 | PETER | Plasmon Enhanced Terahertz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance | 2018 |
58 | ATMEN | Atomic precision materials engineering | 2017 |
59 | STARSTEM | NanoSTARS imaging for STEM cell therapy for arthritic joints | 2018 |
60 | CLIMB | Development of a Cavity Supported Lipid Membranes Biomimetic drug permeability models (CLIMB) | 2018 |
61 | NANOCARGO | Photo/magnetic stimulated nanocargos for superior cancer treatments | 2018 |
62 | PINNACLE | Perovskite Nanocrystal-Nanoreactors for Enhanced Light Emission | 2018 |
63 | ISCQuM | Imaging, Spectroscopy and Control of Quantum states in advanced Materials | 2019 |
64 | plaCMOS | Wafer-scale, CMOS integration of photonics, plasmonics and electronics devices for mass manufacturing 200Gb/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) transceivers towards low-cost Terabit connectivity in Data Centers | 2017 |
65 | HiPhore | High-temperature Thermophoresis using advanced optical microscopies | 2018 |
66 | SMART-DNA | Single Molecule Analytical Raman Tools based on DNA nanostructures | 2018 |
67 | LIMA | Controlling light-matter interactions by quantum designed 2D materials | 2018 |
68 | TeraSHAPE | Terahertz Waveform Synthesis and Analysis Using Hybrid Photonic-Electronic Circuits | 2018 |
69 | ATTOPIE | Attosecond plasmon imaging with electrons | 2018 |
70 | NaTOS | Nanoscale Thermo Optical Sensing | 2018 |
71 | Plasmonic Reactor | Super-resolution mapping of hot carriers on plasmonic nanoparticles for enhanced photochemistry. | 2018 |
72 | MFCPF | Multifunctional cellulose photonic films | 2018 |
73 | MOFUS | Metal Oxide Functionalized carbon nanostrUctures for photonic gas Sensors | 2018 |
74 | HYPTEMPCELL | Local hyperthermia cancer treatment studies using a new temperature-imaging-hyperthermia-microscopy instrument | 2018 |
75 | TWODPS | TWO-Dimensional nanomaterial-based metasurfaces for enhanced Plasmonic Sensing | 2018 |
76 | PLaTONE | PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs | 2018 |
77 | NANOBIOME | Gradient NANOcluster Screening Arrays for SERS Analytics of Wound MicroBIOMEs | 2018 |
78 | EDIT | Novel precision technological platforms to promote non-invasive early diagnosis, eradication and prevention of cancer relapse: proof of concept in the bladder carcinoma. | 2018 |
79 | SPECs | Sustainable plasmon-enhanced catalysis | 2019 |
80 | CATALIGHT | Exploiting Energy Flow in Plasmonic-Catalytic Colloids | 2019 |
81 | LIGHTMATT-EXPLORER | Experimental determination of the paraxial-vectorial limit of light-matter interactions | 2019 |
82 | PAIDEIA | PlAsmon InduceD hot Electron extraction with doped semiconductors for Infrared solAr energy | 2019 |
83 | NanoBRIGHT | BRInGing nano-pHoTonics into the brain | 2019 |
84 | THOR | TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics | 2019 |
85 | GEMS | General Embedding Models for Spectroscopy | 2019 |
86 | QTONE | Quantum Plasmomechanics with THz Phonons and Molecular Nano-junctions | 2019 |
87 | RealNanoPlasmon | Towards nanoscale reality in plasmonic hot-carrier generation | 2019 |
88 | PLASMIONICO | Plasmon-resonance driven thermionic emitters for improved solar energy harvesting | 2019 |
89 | PoSHGOAT | Potential-dependent Second-Harmonic Generation in Optical Antennas measured Time-resolved | 2020 |
90 | TOPLASMON | Experimental study of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators and Weyl Semi-Metals. | 2019 |
91 | CONTROL | Laser control over crystal nucleation | 2019 |
92 | NanoProt-ID | Proteome profiling using plasmonic nanopore sensors | 2019 |
93 | SUPERBRAIN | Magneto-Plasmonic, Raman active Nanocapsules for Superior Pediatric Brain Cancer Therapy | 2020 |
94 | atoGRAPH | Near-Infrared Optoelectronic Devices with Atomically Controlled Graphene Nanostructures | 2020 |
95 | PEAR | Plasmonic Electronically Addressable super-Resolution: Accelerating the in-depth understanding of biomedical processes at the nanoscale via a novel real-time, optical limit-breaking imaging technology | 2019 |
96 | NP-SPAD | Uncooled Nanopillar Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (NP-SPADs) at Telecommunication Wavelengths | 2020 |
97 | Kolibri | Kolibri – Ultra-Small Plasmonic Modulators for Terabit Communications | 2019 |
98 | InAir | An Air Quality Monitoring Station in a Chip | 2019 |
99 | WiPTherm | Innovative Wireless Power Devices Using micro-Thermoelectric Generators arrays | 2019 |
100 | NanoGraphy | Plasmon Enhanced Photocatalytic Nano Lithography | 2020 |
101 | NEBULA | Neuro-augmented 112Gbaud CMOS plasmonic transceiver platform for Intra- and Inter-DCI applications | 2020 |
102 | PlasmoniAC | Energy- and Size-efficient Ultra-fast Plasmonic Circuits for Neuromorphic Computing Architectures | 2020 |
103 | MultiSense | Nanoplasmonic sensing of multi-molecular protein interactions at physiological conditions | 2020 |
104 | NanoLight-QD | Novel molecular spectroscopies by nanoconfined light shaping and ab initio quantum dynamics | 2020 |
105 | MXTRONICS | MXene Nanosheets For Future Optoelectronic Devices | 2020 |
106 | CHALLENGES | Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS | 2020 |
107 | MaP | Material properties in the strong light-matter coupling regime | 2021 |
108 | SHINE | Chemical Approach to Scalable Fabrication of Hybrid Plasmonic Materials in the Strong-Coupling Regime | 2020 |