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H2020 projects about "represented"

The page lists 256 projects related to the topic "represented".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MadridERN2014-2015 European Researachers' Night in Madrid 2014-2015 2014
2 RoTalkScience RESEARCHERS' NIGHT in ROMANIA. Do you speak science? 2014
3 PASS Preparation for the establishment of a European SST Service provision function 2014
4 EcoPROLIVE Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products of added value 2015
5 sCorPiuS European Roadmap for Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing 2015
6 MEMAN Integral Material and Energy flow MANagement in MANufacturing metal mechanic sector 2015
7 PLATINUM Papyri and LAtin Texts: INsights and Updated Methodologies.Towards a philological, literary, and historical approach to Latin papyri 2015
8 BOREALIS Borealis – the 3A energy class Flexible Machine for the new Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing on next generation of complex 3D metal parts. 2015
9 flora robotica Flora Robotica: Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids as Social Architectural Artifacts 2015
10 UNMOVED Simultaneous three dimensional multiphoton microscopy without mechanical depth scanning 2015
11 CREEP Complex RhEologies in Earth dynamics and industrial Processes 2015
12 ENHANCE Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe 2015
13 E-Rare-3 ERA-NET rare disease research implementing IRDiRC objectives 2014
14 COCOHA Cognitive Control of a Hearing Aid 2015
15 BeFOre Bioresources For Oliviculture 2015
16 MATCH The Alliance for Materials way to the creation of the MATerials Common House - MATCH 2015
18 CULTURALBASE Social Platform on Cultural Heritage and European Identities 2015
19 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2014
20 EU-PolarNet Connecting Science with Society 2015
21 ESPRIT Easily diStributed Personal RapId Transit 2015
22 RESOLVE Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles 2015
23 UACSURF Understanding atmospheric circulation from a surface perspective 2015
24 EACISD Embodied and Abstract Concepts in Sensory-motor Deprivation 2015
25 HiDDaProTImA High-dimensional data processing: from theory to imaging applications 2016
26 MAIDEN-SPRUCE Tree growth, forest carbon storage and climate change in a Canadian boreal region using a model-data fusion approach 2015
27 PEATmod PEATland modelling for global carbon cycle and climate models 2016
28 DISHY Synergistic effects of DISpersant, oil and HYpoxia in a teleost fish: Investigating the impact of oil contamination in hypoxic areas and the use of dispersant as a response technique 2015
29 NEXTGENPDF Parton Distribution Function determinations for the future of particle physics phenomenology 2015
30 SMARTER A Scalable and Elastic Platform for Near-Realtime Analytics for The Graph of Everything 2016
31 METAPHOR People, Space and Time: Understanding metaphors in sustaining cultural landscapes 2015
32 GALiVMS Galileo based inshore-VMS for fisheries 2015
33 DWT-I4FEDW DWT- Impregnation for Fireproof Excellent Durability Wood 2015
34 DWAVE Designing waves for the people 2015
35 ICRI-BioM International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials 2015
36 Dementia DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics 2015
38 GENERA Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area 2015
39 EPN2020-RI EUROPLANET 2020 Research Infrastructure 2015
41 switchBoard In the eye of the observer: Visual processing at the heart of the retina 2015
42 ScienceSquared ERC = ScienceSquared 2015
43 SBSI Structure-based subwavelength imaging 2015
45 VINEYARD Versatile Integrated Accelerator-based Heterogeneous Data Centres 2016
46 Hyksos Enigma The Enigma of the Hyksos 2016
47 DESIREE Decision Support and Information Management System for Breast Cancer 2016
48 COURAGE Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries 2016
49 PREWArAs The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War 2016
50 UPWAVE Demonstration of a 1-MW wave energy converter integrated in an offshore wind turbine farm 2016
51 Jam Enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle maintenance and downtime costs, using real-time data from vehicle sensors (IoT) and a machine learning algorithm for big data analysis. 2016
52 ThruBlood Clinical validation of Trop-2 as a serum biomarker for monitoring of disease-course in patients affected by breast and colon cancer 2016
53 EIROS Erosion and Ice Resistant cOmposite for Severe operating conditions 2016
54 ZEP15 ZEP15 2015
55 Degrees of Belief The Nature of Degrees of Belief 2017
56 EARTHSCAPES From Landscapes to Earthscapes: Understanding Visual Cultures of Global Environmental Crisis and the Making of Global Environmental Images, 1945-present (EARTHSCAPES) 2017
57 SURVEIRON SURVEIRON: Advanced surveillance system for the protection of urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures 2016
58 SolardeSaLt A Renewable Approach for Industrial Water Desalination by using Hybrid Photovolt 2016
59 MODEM Multipoint Optical DEvices for Minimally invasive neural circuits interface 2016
60 RESCCUE RESCCUE - RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas - a multisectorial approach focusing on water 2016
61 Nano-PieZoelecTrics Novel Nanoporous PZT Materials for Efficient Utrasonic Biomedical Sensors 2016
62 WADI WADI 2016
63 URBANREC New approaches for the valorisation of URBAN bulky waste into high added value RECycled products 2016
64 DMD2CURE Correction of duplications in the DMD gene by a CRISPR/Cas9 approach 2017
65 MadridERN2016-2017 Researchers, moving Europe forward. Meet them, join them! 2016
66 COTCA Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia 2016
67 Persia and Babylonia Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire 2017
68 SEXHUM Sexual Humanitarianism: understanding agency and exploitation in the global sex industry 2016
69 ImpAncCit The Impact of the Ancient City 2016
70 MEDIATE Middlebrow Enlightenment: Disseminating Ideas, Authors, and Texts in 18th-century Europe 2016
72 OOCSOCS Socs3 gene in oocyte maturation and fertilisation - a novel link between inflammation and infertility 2017
73 ES-Cat Directed Protein Evolution for Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis 2017
74 TEMPERA Teaching Emerging Methods in Palaeoproteomics for the European Research Area 2017
75 WYRED netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society 2016
76 reLIVE Unraveling complex organ regeneration through live imaging and molecular profiling approaches 2017
77 JAM JAM: vehicle predictive maintenance through Artificial Intelligence 2016
78 MOR-PHON Resolving Morpho-Phonological Alternation: Historical, Neurolinguistic, and Computational Approaches 2016
79 TOPEX Philosophical Foundations of Topological Explanations 2016
80 CloudPerfect Enabling CLoud Orchestration, Performance and Cost Efficiency Tools for QoE Enhancement and Provider Ranking 2016
81 K-PLEX Knowledge Complexity 2017
82 LYT SONIC Smart Home security device based on infrasound detection technology 2016
83 INVADE Smart system of renewable energy storage based on INtegrated EVs and bAtteries to empower mobile, Distributed and centralised Energy storage in the distribution grid 2017
84 PLATYPUS PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions 2017
85 TraX Stability and Transitions in Physical Processes 2017
86 NOISYDECISIONS Neural decisions under uncertainty 2016
87 SOLUTION SOLUTION - Solid lubrication for emerging engineering applications 2017
88 CID Computing with Infinite Data 2017
89 FI-NEXT Bringing FIWARE to the NEXT step 2016
90 L.I.F.E. LIVING IN A FRINGE ENVIRONMENT - Investigating occupation and exploitation of desert frontier areas in the Late Roman Empire 2016
91 ChangeBehavNeuro Novel Mechanism of Behavioural Change 2017
92 RewardedPerception Functional circuits mediating the effects of reward value on perception within and across sensory modalities 2017
93 HIntNets Higher-order interactions and Laplacian dynamics in complex networks: structure, dynamics and control 2017
94 GART-PSYSPAC Psychiatric spaces in transition: discourse, dwelling, doing 2017
95 Vis4Weather Improved Communication of High Impact Weather Events 2017
96 MORA Muslim Antisemitism in Colonial Morocco 2017
97 DEXCORE The Digest and the Exploitation of the Countryside in the Western Roman Empire (2d cent. BC-3rd cent. AD). Evidence of the water control 2017
98 REPCAT The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Attitudes and Practices towards Immigrants in Catalan Institutions 2018
99 OCEANURB the unseen spaces of extended urbanization in the North Sea 2017
100 SHARE Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment 2017
101 QUAKE4PRELIMAT Quantum Kinetic Equations for Pre-thermal Light and Matter 2018
102 HIVGAYM Analysing the migration choices of HIV-positive gay men in England and France 2018
103 EwiSarc A novel in vivo platform to study and target undruggable Ewing onco-chimera. 2017
104 WORK-CHRIST The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) 2017
105 CuMiN Currents and Minimizing Networks 2017
106 MiLC Monotonicity in Logic and Complexity 2017
107 MoroccoMasculinities Masculinities, Youth and Violence in the Moroccan Underclass: Young Men and Their Future Selves. 2017
108 CODE4Vision Computational Dissection of Effective Circuitry and Encoding in the Retina for Normal and Restored Vision 2017
109 GLOTRAINS Global Transitions and Innovation Systems 2017
110 PaVeCo Parametrised Verification and Control 2017
111 MultiCAMS Multi-level Model Calibration for the Assessment of Historical Masonry Structures 2017
112 GEOCOG Cognitive Geometry: Deciphering neural concept spaces and engineering knowledge to empower smart brains in a smart society 2017
113 RETVOLUTION Reticulate evolution: patterns and impacts of non-vertical inheritance in eukaryotic genomes. 2018
114 MedAID Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development 2017
115 MINDb4ACT Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism 2017
116 EMBRACED Establishing a Multi-purpose Biorefinery for the Recycling of the organic content of AHP waste in a Circular Economy Domain 2017
117 STYDS Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery 2017
118 MEET-CINCH A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and RadioCHemistry 2017
119 MARCONI Multimedia and Augmented Radio Creation: Online, iNteractive, Individual 2017
120 NATVIS Characterizing neural mechanisms underlying the efficiency of naturalistic human vision 2017
121 Repro-light Re-usable and re-configurable parts for sustainable LED-based lighting systems 2017
122 SeCtOR ENABleRs Standard Collagenous ORgans-on-chip ENvisaging Advanced Biological Researches 2017
123 TRANSVAC2 European Vaccine Research and Development Infrastructure 2017
124 FlexNanoOLED ITO-free multi-coloured nanoscale engineered OLEDs for large-area flexible lighting and full-colour active-matrix displays 2017
125 SUPREME Sustainable and flexible powder metallurgy processes optimization by a holistic reduction of raw material resources and energy consumption. 2017
126 MNEMOSYNE Brain computer interface to study and manipulate mamories of aversive experience during sleep 2017
127 SmartPhoneSmartAging Smartphones, Smart Ageing and mHealth 2017
128 EvoCELL Animal evolution from a cell type perspective: multidisciplinary training in single-cell genomics, evo-devo and in science outreach 2018
129 AIM Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem improvement 2017
130 PhonPred Constructing a theory of phonotactic processing during speaking 2018
131 CHANNELMAT Microchannels for controlling cellular mechanotransduction 2017
132 DYNAVERSITY DYNAmic seed networks for managing European diVERSITY 2017
133 MASTER Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis 2018
134 SOTUF SOot in TUrbulent Flames: a new look at soot production processes in turbulent flames leading to novel models for predictive large eddy simulations 2018
135 EN SGplusRegSys A European joint programming initiative to develop integrated, regional, smart energy systems enabling regions and local communities to realize their high sustainable energy ambitions 2018
136 SINCERE Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch 2018
137 HOLDON HgCdte APD Optimization for Lidar Detection Of greeNhouse gases 2018
138 PICKPLACE Flexible, safe and dependable robotic part handling in industrial environments 2018
139 YAKSHA Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application 2018
140 LiftMatch Lifting Methods for Global Matching Problems 2018
141 RSCmemory Network representations of contextual memory in a neocortical circuit 2018
142 Complementarity A unifying model: bulk chondrite complementarity by individual chondrule-matrix mentality 2018
143 EcoLabSS Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change 2018
144 THIRST Third Strategy in Tissue Engineering – Functional microfabricated multicellular spheroid carriers for tissue engineering and regeneration 2018
145 NovelExperiSENSE How experience shapes brain specializations 2018
146 IMMUNO-PEPTALK Regulation of plant receptor kinase-mediated immunity by endogenous peptides and their receptors 2018
147 AnNuVitE Animal and Human Nutrition Benefits of Nature Identical Vitamin E 2018
148 HMAM Healing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials 2018
149 Men of Value How much is a man worth. Slavery and market of individual identities in early modern Naples andValencia 2018
150 USPAIN Suffering America: Writing Pain in Nineteenth-Century United States Literature 2019
151 NEO Living in Europe in the late Neolithic: A trans-disciplinary temporal perspective on present-day Europeans 2018
152 EVOTOOLS EVOlutionary Trends in mOrphOLogical diverSity: new comparative tools for high-dimensional data 2018
153 Entrans Energy Efficient Transprecision Techniques for Linear Solver 2018
154 TECNIOspringINDUSTRY ACCIÓ programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer 2019
155 ReMAP Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning 2018
156 The Blue Growth Farm Development and demonstration of an automated, modular and environmentally friendly multi-functional platform for open sea farm installations of the Blue Growth Industry 2018
157 SPACE-UP Assisting European SPACE Start-ups in scaling UP 2018
158 BroadWay Innovation activity to develop technologies to enable a pan-European interoperable broadband mobile system for PPDR, validated by sustainable testing facilities 2018
159 BioMet Selective Functionalization of Saturated Hydrocarbons 2018
160 SCIENTIA-FELLOWS II SCIENTIA-FELLOWS II: International Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2019
161 NanoTBTech Nanoparticles-based 2D thermal bioimaging technologies 2018
162 Families_Share Socializing and sharing time for work/ life balance through digital and social innovation 2018
163 Governmigration Governing irregular immigration through detention: discourses and practices from an interdisciplinary approach 2018
164 HyMethShip Hydrogen-Methanol Ship propulsion system using on-board pre-combustion carbon capture 2018
165 Klimator-RSI Connected cars for real time smart road maintenance and increased driving safety 2018
166 AST Automatic System Testing 2019
167 HSciRO Handle with Science 2018
168 ARTTOUCH Generating artificial touch: from the contribution of single tactile afferents to the encoding of complex percepts, and their implications for clinical innovation 2019
170 CLUSTER organisation of CLoUdS, and implications for Tropical cyclones and for the Energetics of the tropics, in current and in a waRming climate 2019
171 LINKS Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign 2019
172 Legumes Translated Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems. 2018
173 BANOS CSA Towards the joint Baltic Sea and the North Sea research and innovation programme 2018
174 MARIPOLDATA The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data: Global and National Policies and Practices of Monitoring the Oceans 2018
175 BioMedaqu Aquaculture meets Biomedicine: Innovation in Skeletal Health research. 2018
176 NEODYNE Decision making: from neurochemical mechanisms to network dynamics to behaviour 2018
177 EMBEDDIA Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media 2019
178 Mingei Representation and Preservation of Heritage Crafts 2018
179 PEGGASUS Pilot Eye Gaze and Gesture tracking for Avionics Systems using Unobtrusive Solutions 2019
180 SMARTSPEND More and better designed national public support for energy technology Research and Innovation 2018
181 ATM2BT Atomistic to Molecular to Bulk Turbulence 2019
182 PERDY Perceptually-Driven Optimizations of Graphics Content for Novel Displays 2019
183 GANGS Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography 2019
184 DIDONE The Sources of Absolute Music: Mapping Emotions in Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera 2019
185 MIAMi Refactoring monoterpenoid indole alkaloid production in microbial cell factories 2019
186 i-TRIBOMAT Intelligent Open Test Bed for Materials Tribological Characterisation Services 2019
187 BDE Beyond Distance Estimates: A New Theory of Heuristics for State-Space Search 2019
188 PaCE Populism And Civic Engagement – a fine-grained, dynamic, context-sensitive and forward-looking response to negative populist tendencies 2019
189 STARS Strengthening training of academia in regulatory sciences and supporting regulatory scientific advice (STARS) 2019
190 Polygreen The acrylamide free Superabsorbent Polymer for agriculture water footprint reduction 2018
191 MOSAICrOWN Multi-Owner data Sharing for Analytics and Integration respecting Confidentiality and Owner control 2019
192 ContentMAP Contentotopic mapping: the topographical organization of object knowledge in the brain 2019
193 RayVS1 A unique radar sensor system to monitor movement and vital signs for elderly people in care homes 2019
194 COQCOoN COntinuous variables Quantum COmplex Networks 2019
195 SPECTROPLAST Introducing silicone to the world of additive manufacturing 2019
196 iDAPT iDAPT: ice Dependent Adaptations for Plant Terrestrialization 2020
197 CIRICC Complicity: Individual Responsibility in Collective Contexts 2019
198 InProV An inventory of the prosimetra in vulgar tongue in the early centuries of Italian Literature (1250-1500) 2019
199 LeaRNN Principles of Learning in a Recurrent Neural Network 2019
200 TOPOCIRCUS Simulations of Topological Phases in Superconducting Circuits 2019
201 2019
202 ERMADA Illuminating Earth’s microbial diversity and origins from metagenomes with deep learning 2019
203 A-PREACH Asymmetric Photochemical Reactions in confined Chiral space 2019
204 MetAeAvIm The Role of the Metabolism in Mosquito Immunity against Dengue virus in Aedes aegypti 2019
205 DAMAGE seismic off-fault Deformation: A multi-scale iMAGing to constrain Earthquake energy budget 2020
206 BOIL-MODE-ON unraveling nucleate BOILing: MODEling, mesoscale simulatiONs and experiments 2019
207 2DMAGICS Two-dimensional magnetism in correlated systems 2020
208 ENSMOV Enhancing the Implementation and Monitoring and Verification practices of Energy Saving Policies under Article 7 of the EED 2019
209 TRR Exploring Tribal Representation across American Indian-produced radio in US Reservation and Urban Contexts 2019
210 LEPVORS Identification and characterization of new drug resistance and host adaptation mechanisms in Mycobacterium leprae 2019
211 NAIADES A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector 2019
212 BIORECOVER Development of an innovative sustainable strategy for selective biorecover of critical raw materials from Primary and Secondary sources 2019
213 ENGAGE Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions 2019
214 EIPOD4 EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme 4 2019
216 RESPONSE RESPONSE - to society and policy needs through plant, food and energy sciences 2020
217 SAPPHIRE South American population history revisited: multidisciplinary perspectives on the Upper Amazon 2019
218 MESSIAH Authoritarianism and Messianic Conceptions of Politics in Turkey 1850-2015 2019
219 RESPIRE4 REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 4 2020
220 ENLIGHTEN ENhanced PhD Fellowship Programme in the Sciences of LIGHT 2020
221 AGLYC The First In Vitro Diagnostic Device for the Early Detection of Cardiac Ischemia 2019
222 CreditStretcher The fastest, easiest and cheapest way to achieve 90 days of credit based on your invoice 2019
223 EarWay EarWay: a simple, safe and efficient medical device for earwax removal 2019
224 GATHERS Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk 2019
225 OSHub Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling 2019
226 InterConnect Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids 2019
227 PMCOST Sources and Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter in Poland and their Control Strategies 2019
228 VISION Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers 2019
229 FLEXIGRID Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID 2019
230 ETIQMEDIA Counterfeiting and Piracy will not affect to our firms in the EU any longer. 2019
231 Blue Cloud Blue-Cloud: Piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy 2019
232 BioICEP Bio Innovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics 2020
233 TeNDER affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life 2019
234 AQUASERS The European first generation of aquaculture SERS-based Biosensor 2019
235 FAMWAR The Family at War in French Culture, 1870-1914 2020
236 UNICOM Up-scaling the global univocal identification of medicines 2019
237 ECOWEC Erosion Control Oscillating Wave Energy Converter 2019
238 FACTLOG Energy-aware Factory Analytics for Process Industries 2019
239 Evolift Evolift - Getting people out of harms way 2019
240 LAWHA Lebanon's Art World at Home and Abroad: Trajectories of artists and artworks in/from Lebanon since 1943 2020
241 OPT-PCC Optimized Dynamic Point Cloud Compression 2020
243 PJ19-W2 CI PJ.19 W2 Content Integration, Performance Management and Business Case Development 2019
244 GAF The First non-cancerogenic Glyoxal Acid-Free fixative for a Formalin-free hospital 2020
245 IPERION HS Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science 2020
246 EXCITE Scalable excitonic devices 2020
247 RNAVirFitness The dark side of evolution: the deleterious mutational landscape of RNA viruses 2020
248 EPN-2024-RI Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure 2020
249 ISICD Exploring the identity construction of IS members through linguistic markers in online discourse 2020
250 RE-NUP Spousal Reunification and Integration Laws in Europe 2020
251 MicroILCs "MicroILCs: Deciphering how the gut Microbiota influences Innate Lymphoid Cells in obesity""" 2021
252 InProSMod Cholinergic and NMDAR-dependent recruitment of Layer 1 Interneuron shapes cortical motor Processing through network States Modulation 2021
253 WIRED Women In Research and higher EDucation 2020
254 HypoCyclo Multifunctional Polymeric Cyclodextrin Nanocarriers As Novel Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment: A Versatile Photo-Chemotherapy Bypassing Hypoxic Conditions 2020
255 FRA-PET Fully Recyclable A-PET (FRA-PET): a sustainable and cost-effective oxygen barrier food packaging 2020
256 PRODIGI Digital Lemmatized Edition of Prose 2 (Franco-Italian prosification of Benoît de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie) 2020