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H2020 projects about "wealth"

The page lists 223 projects related to the topic "wealth".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MedBioinformatics Creating medically-driven integrative bioinformatics applications focused on oncology, CNS disorders and their comorbidities (MedBioinformatics) 2015
2 IN2RAIL Innovative Intelligent Rail 2015
3 STYLE Sustainability Toolkit for easY Life-cycle Evaluation 2015
4 EGSIEM European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Management 2015
5 PoLiChroM Superfluidity and ferromagnetism of unequal mass fermions with two- and three-body resonant interactions 2015
6 FunCatDesign Fundamental Studies in Catalysis – Reactivity Design with Experimental and Computational Tools 2015
7 CASTELLANY ACCOUNTS Record-keeping, fiscal reform, and the rise of institutional accountability in late-medieval Savoy: a source-oriented approach 2015
8 COEVOLUTION Black holes and their host galaxies: coevolution across cosmic time 2015
9 HERITAGE Cultural Heritage and Economic Development in International and European Law 2015
10 IMAGINE Imaging magnetic fields at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope 2015
11 EUSTACE EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth 2015
12 PHySIS Sparse Signal Processing Technologies for HyperSpectral Imaging Systems 2015
13 EDSA European Data Science Academy 2015
14 CHOReVOLUTION Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future internet 2015
15 BISON BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres 2015
16 DiasporaLink DiasporaLink 2015
17 TUSUPO Tubular Supramolecular Polymers: A new class of therapeutic polymers 2015
18 3DSPIN 3-Dimensional Maps of the Spinning Nucleon 2015
19 DISTRUCT Structure Theory for Directed Graphs 2015
20 QUTEMAG Quantum-Enhanced Optical Magnetometers 2016
21 GROUPCOG From individual cognition to collective intelligence 2016
22 OHPF Optimizing for Happiness in Personal Finance 2015
23 DIGIPHASE Development of Maximum Efficiency Phase Contrast Electron Microscopy 2015
24 EBUCAI European Banking Union and Current Account Imbalances 2016
25 SF-magnetic-stars The impact of superfluidity and superconductivity on the magneto-thermal evolution and X-ray observations of neutron stars. 2015
26 THISTLE Transformation and the management of HIStorical foresT. Landscapes of the Eugaean Hill (Padua, Italy). Fresh perspectives through spatial analyses and dendro-anthracology 2016
27 2DNano Beyond Graphene: Fundamental properties of 2D materials at the atomic scale 2015
28 CLEF Conserving the Legacy of Evolution into the Future 2015
29 Glial-Puberty The role of Glial cells in the control of puberty 2016
30 LoStPReCon Long-term structural performance of pre-stressed concrete bridges: A risk-based monitoring informed framework for life-cycle asset management 2015
31 GEOCA Geometry and Computational Anatomy 2015
32 SEEABLE An Innovative ICT Solution for Providing Bespoke Safety and Health Training to Workers in the Construction and Transportation Sectors. 2015
33 OBSERVE Observing Emergence 2015
34 VARMET Variational Metadynamics 2016
35 AdaptEconII Adaptation to a New Economic Reality 2015
36 STEMCARDIORISK Stem Cells for Cardiac Arrhythmia Risk Assessment 2015
37 CVI_ADAPT Unraveling the history of adaptation in an island model: Cape Verde Arabidopsis 2015
38 BRAINCOMPATH Mesoscale Brain Dynamics: Computing with Neuronal Pathways 2016
39 GGTMI Getting back to Growth through Technological and Managerial Innovation 2015
40 Q-Bot Fast and economic insulation of buildings using robotic systems 2015
41 AEROSOL Astrochemistry of old stars: direct probing of unique chemical laboratories 2016
42 BREAKBEN Breaking the Nonuniqueness Barrier in Electromagnetic Neuroimaging 2016
43 ACO The Proceedings of the Ecumenical Councils from Oral Utterance to Manuscript Edition as Evidence for Late Antique Persuasion and Self-Representation Techniques 2016
44 WD3D Evolution of white dwarfs with 3D model atmospheres 2016
45 HBMAP Decoding, Mapping and Designing the Structural Complexity of Hydrogen-Bond Networks: from Water to Proteins to Polymers 2016
46 Hyksos Enigma The Enigma of the Hyksos 2016
47 MARKLIM Markets and their limits 2016
48 SETA SETA: An open, sustainable, ubiquitous data and service ecosystem for efficient, effective, safe, resilient mobility in metropolitan areas 2016
50 ArCH4ives Unlocking the methane cycling archives from Arctic lakes: a biological fingerprint 2016
51 PEARRL Pharmaceutical Education And Research with Regulatory Links: Innovative drug development strategies and regulatory tools tailored to facilitate earlier access to medicines 2016
52 GRAPHCPX A graph complex valued field theory 2016
53 ProFoundNet Probabilistic Foundations for Networks 2016
54 DYNAMICSS Labour market dynamics and optimal policies 2016
55 PULSAR Pushing ultrafast laser material processing into a new regime of plasma-controlled ablation 2016
56 SF-QFT Fundamental physics with intense laser fields 2016
57 DINEQ Tracking discoursal shift in news media representation of economic inequality: developing and applying corpus linguistic and critical discourse analysis methods 2016
58 BEST Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training 2017
59 DECODE Allele-specific Deconvolution of Tumour DNA Methylation and Expression Data toReveal Underlying Cell Populations 2016
60 BIJOU Biomolecular Identification of Ornaments 2017
61 Virocellsphere Host-virus chemical arms race during algal bloom in the ocean at a single cell resolution 2016
62 NNLOforLHC2 New level of theoretical precision for LHC Run 2 and beyond 2016
63 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
64 ProPApp New PTFE Production Process for High Value Applications 2016
65 Antibodyomics Vaccine profiling and immunodiagnostic discovery by high-throughput antibody repertoire analysis 2016
66 IRENE Invitation to Researchers’ Night 2016-2017 HEllas 2016
67 ComparingCopperbelt Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa 2016
68 BIGSEA Biogeochemical and ecosystem interactions with socio-economic activity in the global ocean 2016
69 HRMEG HRMEG: High-resolution magnetoencephalography: Towards non-invasive corticography 2016
71 PETRIFYING WEALTH Petrifying Wealth. The Southern European Shift to Masonry as Collective Investment in Identity, c.1050-1300 2017
72 MoGEs Modelling of Generic Extreme mass-ratio inspirals 2017
73 QTOOL Commercialization of Single-Photon Light Sources 2016
74 Pectin The microbial degradation and utilization of complex pectins by Bacteroides in the human intestine 2016
75 OOCSOCS Socs3 gene in oocyte maturation and fertilisation - a novel link between inflammation and infertility 2017
76 INTERLEARN Individualised Interventions in Learning: Bridging Advanced Learning Science and 21st Century Technology 2016
77 FoodSmartphone Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety 2017
79 LoCoMaTech Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles 2016
80 ICN2020 ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation 2016
81 RADIAN Facilitating Collaboration in ReseArch and Development to Foster Further Innovation in European AeroNautics 2016
82 Eye-O-T Cyber security system with a high IoT network visibility and fast vulnerability detection for Smart Homes. 2016
83 CHROMIC effiCient mineral processing and Hydrometallurgical RecOvery of by-product Metals from low-grade metal contaIning seCondary raw materials 2016
84 4SBLOCK Pavement Building System based on Detachable and Embedded Blocks 2016
85 TechEvo Technology Evolution in Regional Economies 2017
86 CASe Combinatorics with an analytic structure 2016
87 OWANDBO Smart secure system to share resources between OWners AND BOrrowers in a peer-to-peer collaborative consumption market 2016
88 ZIKAction ZIKAction: Preparedness, research and action network on maternal-paediatric axis of ZIKV infection in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
89 ZikaPLAN Zika Preparedness Latin American Network 2016
90 LiveDeadFossil Life and death in Doñana National Park (Spain): palaeontological and ecological insights from the study of modern vertebrate death assemblages 2017
91 CoSaQ Cognitive Semantics and Quantities 2017
92 RECAP preterm RECAP preterm: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm 2017
93 GENECLOCKS Reconstructing a dated tree of life using phylogenetic incongruence 2017
94 HETEROPOLIS The Design of Social Policy in a Heterogeneous World 2017
95 MECHANICS Mechanics of cells: the role of intermediate filaments 2017
96 Enerstor Introduction of an electric energy power storage levelling module in the machine tools industry to unleash the enormous energy savings potential and significantly relieve the European power grid 2017
97 NORIA Numerical Optimal tRansport for ImAging 2017
98 SalFluMa Saline Fluids in the Mantle - Experimental Investigation of Their Role in Diamond Formation and Kimberlite Magmatism 2018
99 NESTOR Next gEneration Sequence sTORage 2017
100 SUPERSPIN Superconducting Spintronics for Highly Energery Efficient Cryogenic Memory Applications 2017
101 Renaissance Idiocy Representing Idiocy and Intellectual Disability in Early Modern English Literature, 1500-1640 2017
102 VAIM Stereoregular Inorganic Polymer Analogues of Polyolefins 2017
103 WEALTHPOL The Politics of Wealth Inequality and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century 2017
104 RoyalCities The King’s City: A Comparative Study of Royal Patronage in Assur, Nineveh, and Babylon in the First Millennium BCE 2018
105 HousePoetics House Poetics. An 'assemblage' approach to the production and transmission of value in Bronze Age Crete. 2017
106 PlasmoCycle DNA dynamics in the unusual cell cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum 2017
107 SMITE Social Mobility and Inequality across Italy and Europe: 1300-1800 2017
108 VIRTUE Wealth, Virtue and Social Justice in Contemporary Tibet 2017
109 smartMELAMINE A fire-resistant, thermal and acoustic insulating lightweight fabric 2017
110 SMel Electric field imaging of single molecular charges by a quantum sensor 2017
111 COMBAT Clearance Of Microbial Biofilms by Advancing diagnostics and Therapy 2017
112 FUSION The effects of financial capital accumulation on employment and wealth distribution 2017
113 Wealth-Taxation Optimal Taxation of Wealth 2017
114 LiquidHouseCycle A Unified Framework of Business Cycles and Household Portfolios: Income Risks, Asset Liquidity, and Inequality 2017
115 PerformFISH Consumer driven Production: Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain 2017
116 AUTOCOMPLEMENT The role of complement in the induction of autoimmunity against post-translationally modified proteins 2017
117 NO-ESKAPE Addressing Antibiotic Resistance: New Strategies for Overcoming the ESKAPE Pathogens 2017
118 SCARABEE Scalable inference algorithms for Bayesian evolutionary epidemiology 2017
119 ArcheoDyn Globular clusters as living fossils of the past of galaxies 2017
120 B-Q MINDED Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance ImagiNg for improved DEtection of brain Diseases 2018
121 GendeResearchIreland Exploring gender equality in Irish higher education: Qualitative case-study research into the response to, and process of Athena SWAN 2018
122 MUMMERING MUltiscale, Multimodal and Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING 2018
123 IneqPol Inequality - Public Policy and Political Economy 2018
124 TRABIT Translational Brain Imaging Training Network 2017
125 transMed Educating the next generation of scientists in translational medicine: Focus on eye diseases 2017
126 PalM The Rise of Placental Mammals: Dissecting an Evolutionary Radiation 2018
127 GEO-4D Geodetic data assimilation: Forecasting Deformation with InSAR 2018
128 SWFsEUROPE Legitimacy, Financialization, and Varieties of Capitalism: Understanding Sovereign Wealth Funds in Europe 2018
129 ProteaseNter Disseminating N-terminomics to Advance Protease Research 2018
130 PRECONFIG Learning and PREdiction based on the PREnatal CONnectome FInGerprint 2018
131 INFACT Innovative, Non-invasive and Fully Acceptable Exploration Technologies 2017
132 CLIC CLIC - Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse 2017
133 CoreSat Dynamics of Earth’s core from multi-satellite observations 2018
134 GlueCore Mapping the 3-dimensional gluon structure of the proton 2018
135 PHOTOCAMSYN Photocatalytic Reductive Coupling of Imines: A New Platform for Chiral Amine Synthesis 2018
136 GaiaSpectroSynergy Exploiting the synergies between Gaia and spectroscopic stellar surveys to constrain next-generation Milky-Way models 2019
137 LiLa Linking Latin. Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin 2018
138 CANDELA Copernicus Access Platform Intermediate Layers Small Scale Demonstrator 2018
139 CHNIEQ Wealth Acumination and Inequality in China and its Neighboring Emerging Countries: Trends, Drivers and Policy Implications 2018
140 DOMES Exhumation mechanisms of deep crust and formation of metamorphic domes in orogens: a Synergybetween naturalistic and numerical approaches 2019
141 ICON-BIO Integrated Connectedness for a New Representation of Biology 2018
142 HydroSocialExtremes Uncovering the Mutual Shaping of Hydrological Extremes and Society 2018
143 SafeHouse Housing, Finance and the Macroeconomy, 1870-2015 2018
144 URMAC Ultra Right Media And Communication 2018
146 MAGIC Magnification of Asthma by human memory Group 2 Innate lymphoid Cells 2018
147 SQoL School for Quality of Life. Policy, practice and theory for a quality of life approach in Europeanschool systems. 2018
148 TOPOREF The Effect of DNA Topology on Eukaryotic Replication 2018
149 Farmers Pride Networking, partnerships and tools to enhance in situ conservation of European plant genetic resources 2017
150 NewsEye NewsEye: A Digital Investigator for Historical Newspapers 2018
151 TROMPA Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives 2018
152 DEBATE Debate: Innovation as Performance in Late-Medieval Universities 2018
153 EdiCitNet Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities 2018
154 SHADOKS Active nanofluidics towards ionic machines 2018
155 DeCRyPT Deciphering Cis-Regulatory Principles of Transcriptional regulation: Combining large-scale genetics and genomics to dissect functional principles of genome regulation during embryonic development 2019
156 APMPAL-HET Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous 2018
157 QuantCom Ubiquitous Quantum Communications 2018
158 CyGenTiG Cypergenetic Tissue Engineering 2018
159 MS SPIDOC Mass Spectrometry for Single Particle Imaging of Dipole Oriented protein Complexes 2018
160 ReCaP Regeneration of Articular Cartilage using Advanced Biomaterials and Printing Technology 2018
162 Perlis ElderCare Perlis ElderCare System for active independent ageing 2018
163 FeCHACT Catalytic Csp3-H functionalization via carbene insertion meets sustainability: Developing an unprecedented Iron methodology 2019
164 PLEVOCON Pleiotropy and Evolutionary Constraint 2018
165 FlowShield Securing Web Applications by Information Flow Tracking 2018
166 GLOWING Spatio-temporal measurement and plasma-based control of crossflow instabilities for drag reduction 2019
167 FUNGRAPH A New Foundation for Computer Graphics with Inherent Uncertainty 2018
168 URBASIS New challenges for Urban Engineering Seismology 2018
169 ICC Institutions in Consumer Credit 2018
170 TInnGO Transport Innovation Gender Observatory 2018
171 ORTIKA Toward sustainable fashion: nettle and blueberry garments to promote sustainable development of mountain areas and to boost young talents 2018
172 LEDGER decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet 2018
173 MacroEntrepreneurs Entrepreneurs, Firms and the Macroeconomy 2018
174 SHIKIFACTORY100 Modular cell factories for the production of 100 compounds from the shikimate pathway 2019
175 Liquid2DM Two-dimensional liquid cell dielectric microscopy 2019
176 CENNS Probing new physics with Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering and a tabletop experiment 2019
177 CEAD Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. 2019
178 AGENSI A Genetic View into Past Sea Ice Variability in the Arctic 2019
179 CIRCUS Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems 2019
180 CASSANDRA Accelerating mass loss of Greenland: firn and the shifting runoff limit 2019
181 Sibiu HCEV Sibiu HCEV: an Intelligent Hybrid High Capacity Electric Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle 2019
182 OrganoPlate Graft Organ-on-a-Chip technology for in vitro grafting and vascularisation of 3D tissues 2019
183 BOTSANDUS BotsAndUs - First Assistant Robot for Retail, Hospitality, Aiports and Real Estate Buildings 2019
184 COH-LAB Bridging the digitizing financial world to the changing attitudes and preferences of investors 2018
185 HyPPOCRATES Medical Hyperspectral Image and Video Processing and Interpretation via Constrained Matrix and Tensor Factorization 2019
186 PICModForPCa Personalised Image-based Computational Modelling Framework to Forecast Prostate Cancer 2020
187 DAMAGE seismic off-fault Deformation: A multi-scale iMAGing to constrain Earthquake energy budget 2020
188 SWEETHEART Shaping fruit morphogenesis of floWEring plants by ElucidaTing HEART-shaped fruit development in Capsella rubella 2019
189 EMPOWER EMpowering transatlantic PlatfOrms for advanced WirEless Research 2018
190 ION4RAW Ionometallurgy of primary sources for an enhanced raw materials recovery 2019
191 FORCeS Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections 2019
192 ArtIST Pre-clinical evaluation and feasibility study for Artificial Inteligence-based Strain Typing and Bacterial Resistance analysis software 2019
193 HOTHSPOH Homotopy theory of spaces of homomorphisms 2019
194 P2Med IMIBIC Fellowship Programme for Personalised and Precision Medicine 2019
195 CO2Fokus CO2 utilisation focused on market relevant dimethyl ether production, via 3D printed reactor- and solid oxide cell based technologies 2019
196 Mars through time Modeling the past climates of planet Mars to understand its geology, its habitability and its evolution 2019
197 CMMI – MaRITeC-X Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation, Technology Centre of Excellence 2019
198 LASTJOURNEY The End of the Journey: The Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Colonisation of South America 2019
199 W2W Waste to Wealth (W2W): A total solution for municipal solid waste incinerated ash in geopolymer concrete 2020
200 Let-it-Bi Bismuth Redox Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis 2020
201 NIRD Nanoelectromechanical Infrared Detector 2019
202 EuroSea Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans 2019
203 RRUSHES-5 Commodity & land rushes and regimes: Reshaping five spheres of global social life 2019
204 MAMEMS Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society: Contextualizing the History of a Monastic Republic (ca. 850-1550) 2020
205 ATLANTIS Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment 2020
206 PANGAIA Pan-genome Graph Algorithms and Data Integration 2020
207 ChromoSOMe Canonical and Non-canonical modes of Chromosome Segregation in Oocyte Meiosis 2020
208 BD4QoL Big Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitorinBig Data Models and Intelligent tools for Quality of Life monitoring and participatory empowerment of head and neck cancer survivors 2020
209 SnapEarth Fostering Earth Observation market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies 2019
210 G3P Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product 2020
212 CHUbVi Ubiquitin Chains in Viral Infections 2020
213 BRAV3 Computational biomechanics and bioengineering 3D printing to develop a personalized regenerative biological ventricular assist device to provide lasting functional support to damaged hearts 2020
214 FUTPRINT50 Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid-electric 50-seat regional aircraft 2020
215 SEE_QPT Imaging phase transitions in quantum materials 2020
216 GyroSCoPe Geomorphic and Sedimentary responses to Climate Periodicity 2020
217 DisMaLS Distributional Macroeconomics in the Long and Short Run 2020
218 CHANGINGELITES Changing elites: how social and institutional change has altered the processes of elite formation over time? 2020
219 Proteomes-in-3D Three-dimensional dynamic views of proteomes as a novel readout for physiological and pathological alterations 2020
220 DINA Towards a System of Distributional National Accounts 2020
221 Hemstem Targeting leukaemia by modulating hematopoietic stem cell competitiveness 2020
222 PLanTra Plain language for financial content: Assessing the impact of training on students' revisions and readers' comprehension 2020
223 REWA Resource wars in an unequal world: international law and beyond 2020