Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Universite pierre et marie curie - paris 6"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 ECOTRI Ecophysiological Aspects of Tree Ring Isotopes 2008 173˙301.00 173˙301.00
2 COSIRIS Investigating the terrestrial carbon and water cycles with a multi-tracer approach 2008 1˙822˙000.00 1˙822˙000.00
3 ESCOR Environmnental stresses in a scleractinian coral-dinoflagellate symbiosis: a genomics approach 2008 230˙256.00 230˙256.00
4 OneLab2 OneLab2 : An Open Federated Laboratory Supporting Network Research for the Future Internet 2008 8˙852˙508.00 6˙298˙153.00
5 HANDLE Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation 2009 8˙189˙858.00 6˙350˙000.00
6 RP11MOUSE Validation of the disease model and therapy for retinitis pigmentosa 11 2009 45˙000.00 45˙000.00
7 CUT'HIVAC Cutaneous and Mucosal HIV Vaccination 2010 15˙439˙854.00 11˙929˙250.00
8 ENDOSTEM Activation of vasculature associated stem cells and muscle stem cells for the repair and maintenance of muscle tissue 2010 16˙340˙569.00 11˙997˙580.00
9 FRECQUAM Frequency Combs Quantum Metrology 2010 1˙126˙000.00 1˙126˙000.00
10 TREATRUSH "Fighting blindness of Usher syndrome: diagnosis, pathogenesis and retinal treatment (TreatRetUsher)" 2010 8˙181˙653.00 6˙000˙000.00
11 SLG Stochastic Laplacian Growth 2010 227˙984.00 227˙984.00
12 NMNAG New Methods in Non Archimedean Geometry 2010 1˙541˙800.00 1˙541˙800.00
13 PATCH Computational Theory of Haptic Perception 2010 2˙302˙000.00 2˙302˙000.00
14 EUSOL Real-time experimental study of pattern selection dynamics in eutectic solidification 2010 50˙000.00 50˙000.00
15 EDPAH Mechanisms of Exertional Dyspnea in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 2010 50˙000.00 50˙000.00
16 SUPRANANO From metal nanocrystal to supracrystal: crystallinity at nanometer and micrometer scales 2011 2˙133˙990.00 2˙133˙990.00
17 GENEPHYSCHEM Spatio-temporal control of gene expression by physico-chemical means: from in vitro photocontrol to smart drug delivery 2011 1˙450˙320.00 1˙450˙320.00
18 ACCESS "Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society" 2011 14˙848˙399.00 10˙978˙468.00
19 CPDENL Control of partial differential equations and nonlinearity 2011 1˙403˙100.00 1˙403˙100.00
20 APPROCEM The Approximation Problem in Computational ElectroMagnetics 2011 179˙548.00 179˙548.00
21 SecFuNet Security for Future Networks 2011 1˙470˙076.00 1˙099˙350.00
22 MAD-ESEC Magmas at Depth: an Experimental Study at Extreme Conditions 2011 1˙332˙160.00 1˙332˙160.00
23 DARK Dark Matters 2011 2˙499˙990.00 2˙499˙990.00
24 OpenLab OpenLab: extending FIRE testbeds and tools 2011 7˙227˙527.00 5˙000˙000.00
25 MUSICC Multi-proxy approach of marine Silicon and Carbon biogeochemical Cycles 2011 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
26 GROOM "Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management" 2011 4˙938˙338.00 3˙500˙000.00
27 FPTOPT First-passage times and optimization of target search strategies 2011 1˙242˙800.00 1˙242˙800.00
28 TARDIS Training young Adult's Regulation of emotions and Development of social Interaction Skills 2011 2˙864˙560.00 2˙139˙696.00
29 VISTO Visualizing tolerance induction: behavior and function of regulatory T cells during the establishment of materno/fetal tolerance 2012 201˙932.00 201˙932.00
30 FESUSTCAT Redox Ligands and Iron Complexes for Sustainable Catalysis 2012 201˙932.00 201˙932.00
31 AUTOMICS Pragmatic solution for parasitic-immune design of electronics ICs for automotive 2012 5˙748˙892.00 3˙547˙917.00
32 FLOWMACHINES Flow Machines: Interacting with Style 2012 2˙240˙120.00 2˙240˙120.00
33 FLUOSYNES New nanosized metal oxy-FLUOrides: tailored SYNthesis and Energy Storage 2012 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
34 HYBRIDNET Hybrid Quantum Networks 2012 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
35 QOCO Quantum Optical Control 2013 194˙046.00 194˙046.00
36 NOSMOD Novel Strategies for the Modulation of Immunity to AAV vectors 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
37 RETINAL-GENE-THERAPY Overcoming translational barriers to gene therapy by novel vector design 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
38 MATRIXRESILIENCE Role of hevin in the neuroplasticity of stress-related disorders and addiction 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00
39 HEALS Health and Environment-wide Associations based on Large population Surveys 2013 14˙886˙012.00 11˙514˙483.00
40 ZIP Zooming In between Plates: deciphering the nature of the plate interface in subduction zones 2013 3˙735˙441.00 3˙735˙441.00
41 BREAD Breaking the curse of dimensionality: numerical challenges in high dimensional analysis and simulation 2014 1˙848˙000.00 1˙848˙000.00
42 BIOSHARE Bacterial interaction in the oceans: Synergy among heterotrophic bacteria involved in the cycling of one-carbon compounds and its impact on the marine carbon cycle 2014 268˙329.00 268˙329.00
43 IRON-IC Implications of the mesopelagic Remineralization for the OceaN Iron Cycle 2014 279˙172.00 279˙172.00
44 EVOLUNET Sequence similarity networks: a promising complement to the phylogenetic framework to study evolutionary biology 2014 1˙284˙240.00 1˙284˙240.00
45 MOMAAV Molecular signatures and Modulation of immunity to Adeno-Associated Virus vectors 2014 2˙730˙800.00 2˙730˙800.00

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L'Ente universite pierre et marie curie - paris 6 partecipato anche in questi progetti.