# | ||||
1 | DEXMART DEXterous and autonomous dual-arm/hand robotic manipulationnwith sMART sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial cognition | 2008 | 8˙124˙253.00 | 6˙300˙000.00 |
2 | EUCLYD A European Consortium for Lysosomal Disorders | 2008 | 3˙907˙480.00 | 2˙958˙310.00 |
3 | HAMILTONIANPDES Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations: new connections between dynamical systems and PDEs with small divisors phenomena | 2008 | 400˙000.00 | 400˙000.00 |
4 | NANOFOODS Development of foods containing nanoencapsulated ingredient | 2008 | 1˙421˙667.00 | 726˙000.00 |
5 | ANTEGEFI Analytic Techniques for Geometric and Functional Inequalities | 2009 | 600˙000.00 | 600˙000.00 |
6 | NATPHARMA Reinforcement of research potential for the realisation of a complete drug development scheme from natural compounds | 2009 | 902˙300.00 | 809˙710.00 |
8 | MANEQUI Mathematical studies on critical non-equilibrium phenomena via mean field theories and theories of nonlinear partial differential equations | 2010 | 176˙400.00 | 176˙400.00 |
9 | TRACES Transformative Research Activities. Cultural diversities and Education in Science | 2010 | 1˙198˙000.00 | 996˙700.00 |
10 | SUPERPANELS Strengthening and Upholding the Performances of the new Engineered Research PANELS | 2010 | 81˙000.00 | 81˙000.00 |
11 | PHORBITECH A Toolbox for Photon Orbital Angular Momentum Technology | 2010 | 2˙954˙100.00 | 2˙242˙200.00 |
12 | HISTANTARTSI "Historical memory, Antiquarian Culture and Artistic Patronage: Social Identities in the Centres of Southern Italy between the Medieval and Early Modern Period" | 2011 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
13 | SAFES Service Assessment and Failure of Earth Structures | 2011 | 50˙000.00 | 50˙000.00 |
14 | FINLAB Finance and Labor | 2012 | 1˙873˙800.00 | 1˙873˙800.00 |
15 | BIOASSORT "Improvement of technologies and tools, e.g. biosystems and biocatalysts, for waste conversion to develop an assortment of high added value eco-friendly and cost-effective bio-products" | 2012 | 296˙100.00 | 296˙100.00 |
16 | CHECKMATE-TO-HUNGER Checking Melanoidins Satiating Efficiency Through Evaluation of Human Gut-Brain Response to Novel-Bread Ingestion | 2012 | 257˙874.00 | 257˙874.00 |
17 | FOXIDUET Functional OXides Interfaces charge Dynamics under Ultrafast Electric Transients | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
18 | OPTIBIOCAT Optimized esterase biocatalysts for cost-effective industrial production | 2013 | 9˙109˙854.00 | 6˙851˙846.00 |
L'Ente universita degli studi di napoli federico ii. partecipato anche in questi progetti.